Knowledge Management Education & Training Opportunities Worldwide
Events, Conferences & Job Board
Latest Entries
- AI x KM (Artificial Intelligence x Knowledge Management) Forum*2025-04-29 - New York, USA
- Knowledge and Innovation Management Practices and Collaborative Transformation Forum (KIMPACT Forum)2025-03-13 - 2025-03-14 - Bangkok, Thailand
- Global Forum of Intellectual Capital (GFIC)*2025-11-27 - 2025-11-28 - Lisbon, Portugal
- Corporate Learning Camp (CLC)*2025-03-13 - 2025-03-14 - Hamburg, Deutschland / Virtueller Tagungsort
On this page you can access the various Knowledge Management education and training opportunities worldwide via the Knowledge Management Education Event Schedules (KMedu Schedules), the World Map of Knowledge Management Conferences (KM Conferences WorldMap), and the Knowledge Management Education Job Board (KMedu Job Board).
- The KMedu Schedules are event schedules of upcoming Knowledge Management education & training opportunities.
- The KM Conferences WorldMap contains Knowledge Management conferences, conferences related to Knowledge Management, and conferences with a Knowledge Management track, stream, topic, or theme. It is categorized by the UN World Macro Regions and updated annually.
- On the KMedu Job Board internships, student trainee openings, thesis offers, and PhD studentships relevant to Knowledge Management are offered.