Knowledge Management Education Forum (KMEF)*
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The Knowledge Management Education Forum (KMEF)1) was supposed to be an on-going, annual dialog hosted by Kent State University (Information Architecture and Knowledge Management Program) and George Washington University (Institute for Knowledge and Innovation) in order to identify and grow consensus on the knowledge management body of knowledge, competencies, roles and educational curriculum.
The Knowledge Management Education Forum (KMEF) was engaged in the following activities:
2012 Communities of Practice (CoP)
- Knowledge Management Functions and Competencies
- Knowledge Management Model Education and Curricula
- Knowledge Management Model Credentialing and Certification
2011 Communities of Practice (CoP)
- Knowledge Management Functions, Roles and Responsibilities (KM Functions CoP)
- Knowledge Management Competencies (KM Competencies CoP)
- Knowledge Management Model Curricula and Courses (KM Curriculum CoP)
- Knowledge Management Credentialing and Certification (KM Accreditation CoP)
Knowledge Management Governance (KM Governance CoP)
Knowledge Management Education Forum Summit (KMEF Summit)**
The Knowledge Management Education Forum Summit brings together educators in the field of knowledge management to share their thoughts about how Knowledge Management is taught and how students learn Knowledge Management.
- KM Education Forum, Second Annual Summit, July 26-27, 2012, George Washington University, Washington, DC
- Talks:
Knowledge Management in Academic Institutions – Raising Awareness of the Challenges
Proposal for a Knowledge Management Center of ExcellenceReports on Progress:
“Functions and Competencies” Community of Practice
“Curriculum” Community of Practice
“Credentialing and Certification” Community of PracticeCommunity of Practice Working Sessions
(incl. Brief Reports, Wrap Up, Report Out Preparations, Reports on Progress and Next Steps)EKMF Communique and Strategic Plan
9 Pre-/Post-summit Webinars (Mar-Jul 2012; Sep-Oct 2012)
- KM Education Forum, First Annual Summit, May 5-6, 2011, George Washington University, Washington, DC (Videos)
- Presentations w. Panel Discussion:
What strategic roles and responsibilities do Knowledge Professionals play in organizations today – across all sectors of the economy? (Webinar Summary of Question 1)
What competencies do today’s Knowledge Professionals need to lead knowledge organizations in the 21st century? (Webinar Summary of Question 2)
What are the core and elective elements of a knowledge management curriculum for the 21st century? (Webinar Summary of Question 3)
How can we support these competencies in professional training, at the certificate level, at the master’s and PhD. levels? (Webinar Summary of Question 4)Open Forum Discussions
Forum Wrap Up and KMEF Communiqué Review7 Pre-summit Webinars (Mar-Apr 2011)
- (POSTPONED) Knowledge Management Education Forum, November 29-30, 2010, Washington DC, USA
Agenda TBD
6 Pre-summit Webinars (Start: Sep 2010)
KMEF Webinar Series 2011 & 2012 (Pre- and post-summit webinars)
- Careers in Federal Knowledge Management Workshop, Annual Conference of the American Library Association (2010 ALA Annual), National Transportation Library, Washington, D.C., USA, June 28th 2010
(KM Career Development Workshop part of the ALA Federal & Armed Forces Libraries Round Table (FAFLRT) Meeting) - Knowledge Management Faculty Retreat, May 7, 2010, Kent State University, Columbus, Ohio, USA
Theme: Renew the good Knowledge Management foundation that has been built to meet the needs of 21st century Knowledge Organizations-
Future of the KM Concentration at KSU
Discovering Opportunities for Collaboration
Aligning SLIS Areas of Expertise with KM Competencies
Breakout groups
Synthesis and Next Steps
(cc) BY Knowledge Management Education Forum 2011 and 2012.