(Status) TUES 2/28 SEMINAR– Susan Murray, PhD, @MissouriSandT “Improving the NHA Knowledge Management System: Usability Analysis & Gamification Proj” pic.twitter.com/s9CxoTOdyw (Status) #knowledgemanagement #training #Brussels 9-12th May 17. Recognise the value of sharing beyond organisational silos! http://www.imainternational.com/training/factsheet/Knowledge+Management … (Status) All about KM. PCAARRD and representatives from the regional
KMedu tweets
Weekly (formerly daily) digest from the KMedu Hub’s microblogging account on twitter – @KMeducation; hashtag: #KMedu
#KMedu tweets of week 07/2017
(Status) Bill Kaplan and Zach Wahl :Knowledge Management professionals coming to Canberra and Melbourne http://www.arkgroupaustralia.com.au/events/the-wheels-of-knowledge-management/ … #km #kmers pic.twitter.com/qlJuroreKA (Status) Delighted to introduce @ozbenamram Chief Knowledge Officer @WhiteCase as #KM Forum Chair #TRKM17 @TRLegalUKI #KMers http://gag.gl/aBBwXX pic.twitter.com/IYkqp0RAaa (Status) Café des
#KMedu tweets of week 06/2017
(Status) IFLA Knowledge Management Satellite Conference Deadline Extended to 28 February 2017 http://ift.tt/2lCsyj1 #IFLA #Libraries #Librarians (Status) Doing something different today. My father has asked me to proof his #PhD chapter on #knowledgemanagement in the #VCS. Very interesting (Status) Attended good #govpdc workshop on
#KMedu tweets of week 05/2017
(Status) #KMers #Wissenstransfer https://twitter.com/GfWM_KnowCamp/status/827178327630704640 … (Status) @VMaryAbraham @IknowLLC Thanks Mary! And excellent session that you led today on scenario planning for #legalkm. #kmers (Status) IMHO a “gatekeeper” can be used for much more than #KnowledgeManagement or transfer but also to help spur #innovation in
#KMedu tweets of week 04/2017
(Status) KEYNOTE (1) “The True Value of Knowledge Management: Today & Tomorrow” Paul Corney, #EnrichingInternetContent #Sudan #اثراء_المحتوي_الرقمي pic.twitter.com/2z4zxxAyTZ (Status) Just registered for @APQC Knowledge Management Conference. Can’t wait to nerd out. (Status) Yes, fabulous to be working with a leading figure in Knowledge Management – I [MM]