Strategic Management Society Conference (SMS Conference)*
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The Strategic Management Society Conference (SMS Conference) is organized at various sites around the world, typically alternating between North America and Europe. Each conference addresses a current theme, with specific tracks addressing sub-themes, and presents multiple sessions by thought leaders in the field of strategic management from around the world.
Themes of interest:
- 2008: How Does Knowledge Matter?
Tracks of interest:
- 2002-present: Knowledge and Innovation
- 2001: Building and Leveraging Intangible Capital
- 1999-2000: Managing Knowledge: Learning, Technology, and Innovation (The Strategic Importance of Knowledge Management)
- 1998: Knowledge, Intelligence and Learning Technologies
Conference History:
45th SMS Conference 2025, October 11-14, 2025, San Francisco, CA, USA
Conference Theme: Strategy in a World of Trillion-Dollar companies: Implications for Startups, High-growth Firms, and Established Corporations
(Host: Sonoma State University, School of Business and Economics; University of California – Davis, Graduate School of Management; BCG (Boston Consulting Group) Henderson Institute)
- Conference Tracks:
Knowledge & Innovation SIG Track
44th SMS Conference 2024, October 19-22, 2024, Istanbul, Turkey
Conference Theme: Strategic Management of Fault Lines, Contradictions, and Divergences
(Host: Koc University, College of Administrative Sciences and Economics)
- Conference Tracks:
Knowledge & Innovation SIG Track
Common Ground Tracks:
Innovation, Networks, and Knowledge Exchanges
… n.a.
Paper Tracks:
Learning and Knowledge Structures
New Challenges in Capabilities, Knowledge Intensity, and Transformational Learning
… n.a.
Knowledge and Innovation IG Social
43rd SMS Conference 2023, September 30 – October 3, 2023, Toronto, Canada
Conference Theme: Aligning Strategy, Corporate Governance, and Resource Allocation in Turbulent Environments
(Host: University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management)
- Conference Tracks & Sessions:
Knowledge & Innovation SIG:
Innovation Strategies, Especially for Incumbents
Innovation Management
Topics in Human Capital & Board Governance
Ecosystem Strategies
New Views on Exploration & Exploitation in Innovation
Knowledge Spillovers, Transfers, & Diffusion
Technological Design & Change
Organizing and Organizational Considerations for Innovation
Social Responsibility & Ethics in Innovation
Digital Transformation & Digital Innovation
Organizational Learning & Experimentation for Innovation
Autonomous Vehicles and Innovation
Patents and Patenting in Innovation Research
Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Innovation
Platform Governance & Organizing for Innovation
Complementors’ Relationships with Platforms & Ecosystems
Geography & Location in Innovation
AI, Algorithms, Ethics, and Gender Diversity
Scientific Research and Productivity
Open Source Software & Collaborative Innovation
42nd SMS Conference 2022, September 17-20, 2022, London, United Kingdom
Conference Theme: Innovative Strategies for an Open World
(Host: Imperial College London, Department of Management and Entrepreneurship)
- Conference Tracks & Sessions:
Knowledge & Innovation:
Disruptions, Shocks and Failures in Science and Technology
Innovative Strategies to Build Competitive Strength in an Open and Dynamic World
Fostering Innovation and Learning: Competitive Dynamics and Other Peer Effects
Resources, Constraints and Innovation Trajectories
Teams, Ties and Innovation
Secrecy and the Effects of Knowledge Disclosure
Digitalization, Knowledge and Innovation
Firms’ Strategies and IPRs
Artificial Intelligence, Firm Strategy and Innovation
Managing Crowds
Artificial Intelligence – Adoption and Consequences
Science: Incentives, Investments and Outcomes
Beyond Hierarchy: Designing Digital Organizations
Evaluation of Ideas
Organizational Boundaries and (Open) Science and Innovation
Human Capital Mobility and Innovation
Environmental Innovation and Entrepreneurship
Search, Differentiation and Repurposing in Innovation Strategies
Knowledge, Information and Decision Making Under Uncertainty
Entrepreneurship and Strategy:
Entrepreneurial Learning and Experimentation
Cooperative Strategies:
Knowledge flows in interfirm collaboration
Strategy Practice:
Strategy as Storytelling: The Role of Storytelling in Strategic Management
Teaching Community:
Experiential Learning, Exercises and Simulations in Teaching Strategic Management
Behavioral Strategy:
Organizational Learning
Dynamics of Collaborative Process
41st SMS Conference 2021, September 18-21, 2021, Toronto, Canada Virtual venue
Conference Theme: Imagination and Inspiration: Creating Strategy Breakthroughs in a Discordant World
(Host: University of Toronto, Rotman School of Management; Western University, Ivey Business School; Boston Consulting Group)
- Pre-conference Workshops (Sep 25-26):
18th Annual Doctoral Workshop
Interest Group & Community Sessions:
Foundations Scholar Interview; The Post-Chandlerian Digital Firm and New Forms of Economic Organizing (Knowledge & Innovation SIG)
Conference Tracks (Sessions):
Knowledge & Innovation SIG (The Benefits and Costs of Openness; Regulatory Environment and Innovation; Search and Interdependencies; Knowledge Recombination; Governance, Ownership and Innovation Strategy; (Innovation) Failure; Knowledge Exploration; Organizational Structure and Innovation; Knowledge, Innovation and Artificial Intelligence; Science, Universities and Innovation; Decision-Making and Innovation; New Perspectives on Innovation Management; Property Rights and Appropriability; Intellectual Property and Firm Performance)
Strategic Human Capital SIG (Social Network Perspective of Strategic Human Capital); Entrepreneurship and Strategy SIG (Entrepreneurial Experience and Knowledge); Cross-border Flows of Products, Services, and People (Cross-border Flows of Knowledge)
40th SMS Conference 2020, October 26-30, 2020, London, United Kingdom Virtual venue
Conference Theme: Strategy in a Disruptive World
(Host: London Business School, Strategy and Entrepreneurship subject area)
Note: The conference was scheduled for October 24-27, 2020
Pre-conference Workshops (Oct 17-18):
17th Annual Doctoral Workshop
Pre-conference Interest Group & Community Sessions (Oct 19-25):
Knowledge and Innovation IG (Knowledge, Innovation and the Crisis; Foundations Interview: A Conversation with Prof. Anita McGahan; Firm Boundaries and Organizing in the Digital Age)
Interest Group & Community Workshops:
Creating and Sustaining Competitive Advantage in a Disruptive World: Paper Development Workshop (…, and Knowledge & Innovation IG)
Conference Tracks (Sessions):
Knowledge and Innovation (Organizing for Innovation; New Perspectives on Platform Innovation; Managers and Boards; Inventors, Innovators and Teams; Innovation and the Role of Diversity, Inclusion and Networks; Industry Perspectives on (Co-)Innovation; Open Innovation and Crowds; Finance, Innovation, and Financial Innovation; Financing Entrepreneurial Firms; Employee Mobility; Big Data equals Big Knowledge? Data-driven Approaches to Innovation; Innovation and Geography; Information, Signals and IP)
Entrepreneurship and Strategy (Entrepreneurial Learning and Decision Making); Cooperative Strategies (Knowledge Flows and Learning in Alliances); Behavioral Strategy (Diversity, Learning and Performance); Global Strategy (Knowledge Search, Sourcing, and Transfer); New Ways of Working in the Digital Age (How do Organizations Adapt in a Time of Machine Learning?); Teaching Community (The Fun and Challenges of Collaborative Teaching and Learning)
39th SMS Conference 2019, October 19-22, 2019, Minneapolis, MN, USA
Conference Theme: “Out of the Spotlight” Strategies
(Host: University of Minnesota, Carlson School of Management)
- Pre-conference Workshops (Oct 19):
16th Annual Doctoral Workshop; Junior Faculty Professional Development Workshop (…, Knowledge & Innovation IG); Big Data: Theoretical and Methodological Implications for Strategy Research (Behavioral Strategy IG)
Pre-conference Interest Group & Community Sessions (Oct 20):
Knowledge and Innovation IG (AI, Firm Strategy, and Organization: Cognitive Technologies Beyond the Hype; Learning from Failure – Taking Stock and Looking Forward; Foundations Interview: A Conversation with Prof. Ashish Arora; Business Meeting)
Entrepreneurship and Strategy IG (Organizational Learning in Entrepreneurial Ventures)
Conference Tracks:
Knowledge and Innovation (Intra- and Inter-Organizational Learning; Digitization and Strategy; Platforms and Ecosystems; Innovation Management; Inventors and Collaboration; Institutions and Innovation; Secrecy and Innovation; Networks and Innovation; Knowledge Search, Production and Sharing; Innovation and Behavioral Theory; Technological Evolution and Change; Acquisitions and Firm Knowledge; Technology Commercialization; Patenting Strategy; Economic Implications of Digitization; Collaboration and Innovation; Knowledge in the Digital World; Exploration, Exploitation and Innovation)
Competitive Strategy (Managers, Individual Knowledge, and Capabilities); Global Strategy (Knowledge and Organizational Learning in Global Strategy); Entrepreneurship and Strategy (Entrepreneurial Learning and Opportunity Identification); Behavioral Strategy (The Social Context of Learning; Learning in Strategy)
38th SMS Conference 2018, September 22-25, 2018, Paris, France
Conference Theme: Strategies in the Era of De-Globalization
(Host: HEC-Paris, Society and Organizations Center; ESSEC Business School, Management Department; INSEAD, John H Loudon Chair of International Management)
- Pre-conference Workshops (Sep 22):
15th Annual Doctoral Workshop; Professional Development Workshop (…, Knowledge and Innovation IG) A Practical Machine Learning Workshop ( Research Methods Community)
Pre-conference Interest Group & Community Sessions (Sep 23):
Knowledge and Innovation IG (Research on Technological Discontinuities: Current State & Future Directions; Teaching Industry Analysis: Incorporating Research Insights from Industry Evolution and Ecosystems; New Platform Creation in Digital Ecosystems: Processes, Dilemmas, and Implications on Corporate Strategy; Foundations Interview: A Conversation with Professor Constance Helfat)
Competitive Strategy IG (Latest and Greatest in Emprical Method: Opportunities and Advances in Machine Learning in the Context of Strategic Management); Corporate Strategy IG (Toward Big Data: A Modern Workflow for Data Management)
Conference Tracks (Sessions):
Knowledge and Innovation (Cognitive Perspectives on Innovation; Breakthrough Innovations and Wicked Problems; Mobility, Skills, and Innovation; Inter- and Intra-Organizational Knowledge Transfer and Innovation; Innovation in Emerging Markets and the Western MNC Response; Innovation and Interfirm R&D Collaboration; Technological Change and Innovation; Innovation and Industry Evolution; Organizational Learning in the Innovation and Commercialization Process; The Paradoxes of the Exploration Exploitation Tradeoff; Innovation and Usual and Unusual Network Structures; Market Effects on Innovation; Sourcing Innovation; Behavioral Understandings of Innovation)
Entrepreneurship and Strategy (Learning, Capabilities, and Resource Mobilization); Behavior (Knowledge & Innovation and Corporate Strategy); Global Strategy (Organizational Learning, Capability Development, and Performance)
37th SMS Conference 2017, October 28-31, 2017, Huston, Texas, USA
Conference Theme: Unconventional Strategies for Emerging Complexity and Intensifying Diversity
(Hosts: University of Houston, C.T. Bauer College of Business; Rice University, Graduate School of Business)
- Pre-conference Workshops (Oct 28):
14th Doctoral Workshop; The Nature and Impact of Design Thinking in Innovation Strategy; Lessons from Practice and to the Future of Learning (Strategy Practice IG); Junior Faculty Paper Development Workshop (…, Knowledge and Innovation IG)
Pre-conference Interest Group & Community Sessions (Oct 29):
Knowledge and Innovation IG (Technological Change and Firm Strategy; Foundations Interview: A Conversation with Prof. Morten T. Hansen; Business Meeting)
Competitive Strategy IG (The Latest and Greatest in Empirical Methods for Strategy Scholars: Bringing Machine Learning into Strategic Management Research)
Conference Tracks (Sessions):
Knowledge and Innovation (New Perspectives and Emerging Concepts in Knowledge and Innovation Management; Micro-Foundations in Knowledge and Innovation Management; Exploration, Exploitation, and Organizational Ambidexterity; Patent Strategy in Knowledge and Innovation Management; Managing Technological Change; Network Dynamics in Knowledge and Innovation Management; Macro-Level Trends in Knowledge and Innovation; Mergers, Acquisitions, and Alliances in Knowledge and Innovation Management; Organizational Learning in Pharma/Biotech; Project Management in Research and Development; Change and Adaptation in Knowledge and Innovation Management; Managing Open Innovation and Firm Transformation; Knowledge and Human Capital
Cooperative Strategies (Bridging Knowledge Boundaries: New Organizational Forms); Global Strategy (Knowledge Flows and Innovation); Entrepreneurship and Strategy (Knowledge and Entrepreneurship; Entrepreneurial Learning)
Complementarities Across the Value Chain: 30 Years After Teece’s Seminal Paper (Knowledge and Innovation Showcase Panel)
36th SMS Conference 2016, September 17-20, 2016, Berlin, Germany
Conference Theme: Strategies That Move the World
(Host: Technische Universität Berlin, Strategic Leadership and Global Management)
- Pre-conference Workshops (Sep 17):
13th Doctoral Workshop; Paper Development and Future Research Directions Workshop (…, Knowledge and Innovation IG)
Pre-conference Interest Group Sessions (Sep 18):
Knowledge and Innovation IG (China’s Innovation Capacity and the Implications for Strategy; Foundations Interview: A Conversation with Prof. Gautam Ahuja; Strategic and Organizational Challenges in a World of Colliding Ecosystems; Business Meeting)
Conference Tracks (Sessions):
Knowledge and Innovation (Industry Evolution from Emergence to Upheaval; Capabilities for Design and Innovation; Structure, Coordination, and Innovation; Modularity in Firm and Industry Architecture; Evaluating Patents; Search and Knowledge Sourcing; Learning and Innovation in International Contexts; Messing with the Model: Design, Renewal, and Reconfiguration of Business Models; Analytics and Data Driven Decision-Making; Replication, Knowledge Transfer, and Knowledge Sharing; Learning from Feedback; Market Dynamics in Technology Markets; Exploration and Exploitation through Alliances; Opportunity Discovery through Corporate Venturing; Bridging Public and Private Sectors for Innovation; Interpersonal Collaboration in Technical and Creative Settings; Building Reliable Processes for Innovation)
Global Strategy (Knowledge Sourcing and Flows); Behavioral Strategy (Learning Behaviors; Organizational Learning and Adverse Shocks); Cooperative Strategies (Alliance Management Function, Capabilities, and Learning; Organizational Learning in Acquisitions)
35th SMS Conference 2015, October 3-6, 2015, Denver, Colorado, USA
Conference Theme: Strategy Expanding: Making Sense of Shifting Field and Firm Boundaries
(Host: University of Denver, Daniels College of Business)
- Pre-conference Workshops (Oct 3):
12th Annual Doctoral Workshop
Pre-conference Interest Group Sessions (Oct 4):
Knowledge and Innovation IG (Panel: Big Data & Analytics in Strategy; Foundations Session: A Conversation with Dan Levinthal; Panel: Knowledge and Innovation in Models of Business Models; Knowledge and Innovation Business Meeting)
Conference Tracks: Knowledge and Innovation
Knowledge and Innovation (Resource Allocation and Innovation; Knowledge Creation and Sharing in Virtual Communities; Multi-level perspectives on capability development; Sourcing Strategies for Knowledge; Innovation and the Strategy-Performance Relationship; Post Acquisition Learning; Acquiring Human Capital: Process and Outcomes; Evolving Industries, Evolving Products; Knowledge Recombination and Interdependencies; Innovation Management in Networks, Ecosystems, and Innovation Hubs; Strategic Leadership, Learning, and Exploration; Innovating and Learning in Collaborative Alliances; Processes for Innovation and Ideation; Strategic Patenting; Entrepreneurial Experience and Cognition: Implications for Venture Performance; Emerging Market Strategies; Knowledge Replication, Transfer and Absorption; Human Capital and Entrepreneurship; Open Innovation: Antecedents and Performance Effects; Pioneering Knowledge; Blurring the Boundaries of Strategy Work; Team Dynamics and Creativity; Spinouts)
Entrepreneurship and Strategy (Creativity, knowledge spill overs and a venture’s legitimacy); Competitive Strategy (Exploration, Exploitation, and Competition)
New Frontiers in Technologies, Fields, and Business Models: Implications for Academic and Practice Knowledge Creation (Knowledge and Innovation Showcase Panel)
34th SMS Conference 2014, September 20-23, 2014, Madrid, Spain
Conference Theme: Strategies in a World of Networks
(Host: University of Navarra, IESE Business School)
- Pre-conference Workshops (Sep 20):
11th Doctoral Workshop; Paper Development Workshop (Knowledge and Innovation IG, Cooperative Strategies IG)
Pre-conference Interest Group Sessions (Sep 21):
Knowledge and Innovation IG (Routines: Theoretical and Empirical Advancements and Avenues for Future Research; Big Data: Revolutionizing Innovation and Competition; Foundations Session: A conversation with Michael Tushman on Leadership, Innovation and Strategic Change; Business Meeting)
Excellence in Teaching IG (Lifelong Learning: Finding New Collaborative Models to Groom the Next Generation of Leaders)
Conference Tracks (Sessions):
Knowledge and Innovation (Innovation in MNCs and Global Networks; Open Innovation: Outcomes and Antecedents; IPRs, Appropriability and Innovation; Incumbents, Radical Innovations and Disruptive Technologies; Organizational Learning; Learning From Others; The Challenges of Global Operations: Managing R&D and Complexity; Alliances and Innovation Performance; Learning, Search, Slack: The Behavioral Theory Revisited; Knowledge Flows: Transfer, sharing and Replication; Conversations about Knowledge; Spin offs, Venture Capital and Entrepreneurship; Institutionalizing Innovation: Norms, status and legitimacy issues; From Internal Resources to Customer Needs; Globalization of R&D: Implications for Learning and Innovation; The Role of Individuals in Innovation; Research and Development: Antecedents and outcomes; Creativity and Innovation; M&As and Innovation; Networks of Innovators; Innovation Models in Emerging Economies; Exploration and Exploitation; Organizing for Open Innovation; Practices and Processes for Innovation
Global Strategy (Inter and Intra Organizational Learning Across Borders: A Knowledge Management Perspective); Strategy Process (Knowledge Transfer and Learning); Behavioral Strategy (Learning Processes); Cooperative Strategies (Cognition and Learning in Alliances)
How Social Networks Create Competitive Advantage: The Microfoundations Reputation
33th SMS Conference 2013, September 28 – October 1, 2013, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Conference Theme: Strategy and Sustainability
(Host: Georgia State University, J. Mack Robinson College of Business; Georgia Institute of Technology)
- Pre-conference Workshops (Sep 28):
10th Annual Doctoral Workshop; Paper Development Workshop (Knowledge and Innovation IG, Cooperative Strategies IG)
Pre-conference Interest Group Sessions (Sep 29):
Knowledge and Innovation IG (Transforming Business Decisions with Big Data; Ethics, Innovation and Responsibility; Foundations Session: A conversation with Linda Argote about Organizational Learning; Business Meeting)
Strategy Practice IG (Strategic Dynamics: Beyond Practice, Process, People in Fostering Impactful Learning and Teaching in Strategic Action)
Conference Tracks (Sessions):
Knowledge and Innovation (Environmental Capabilities and Performance; Exploitation versus Exploration; External Knowledge Sourcing and Innovation; The Interplay between Exploration and Exploitation; Alliances and Innovation; Resources Allocation and Innovation; Antecedents and Outcomes of Exploration-Exploitation; Networks and Organizational Learning; Business Models and Innovation; Knowledge and Networks for Global Strategy; Knowledge Recombination and Innovation; Individuals, Decision-Making, and Innovation; Exploration-Exploitation and Cooperation; Knowledge Transfer and Replication; Technical Change and Industrial Dynamics; Adoption and Diffusion; Patents and IPR; Team Dynamics and Innovative Performance; Capability Development; Geography, Institutions, and Innovation; Human Capital and Innovation; Intellectual Property Rights; Innovation Process Studies; The Role of Knowledge Sources in Open Innovation; Networks at Different Levels and Innovation; Human Capital and Learning)
Cooperative Strategies (Learning and Cooperation; Networks and Organizational Learning); Global Strategy (Knowledge, Learning, and Resources in International Strategy; Knowledge and Networks for Global Strategy); Strategy Process (Organizational Learning Processes); Excellence in Teaching (How Executives Learn); Cooperative Strategies (Institutions and Cooperative Communities)
32th SMS Conference 2012, October 6-9, 2012, Prague, Czech Republic
Conference Theme: Strategy in Transition
(Host: Inventa Group)
- Pre-conference Workshops (Oct 6):
9th Annual Doctoral Workshop
Pre-conference Interest Group Sessions (Oct 7):
Knowledge and Innovation IG (Knowledge Foundations: A Conversation with Robert Grant about the Knowledge Based View; Big Data, Knowledge and Innovation; The Changing Nature of Innovation in Emerging Economies; Business Meeting)
Conference Tracks (Sessions):
Knowledge and Innovation (Intellectual Property Rights; Structure and Innovation; Individuals, Teams and Innovation; R&D; Knowledge Management & Knowledge Structures: Who knows?; Technology; Learning; Integrating Knowledge about Knowledge Integration; Knowledge Transfer and Replication; Absorptive Capacity; Innovation and Performance; Ties, Networks, and Innovation; Open Innovation; Exploration; Alliance and Transfer; Incumbent Response to Foreign Entry and to Disruptive Innovation; Capabilities; Structure and Transfer; Entrepreneurs, Ventures, and Innovation; Innovation and Transfer; Ambidexterity / Exploration and Exploitation; Knowledge Management)
Entrepreneurship and Strategy (Exploration, Exploitation, and Ambidexterity); Excellence in Teaching (Innovations in Blended Learning); Understanding Transitions in Business Models (Organizational Learning and Business Model Transitions); Global Strategy (Knowledge, Innovation and Global Strategy); Cooperative Strategies (Organizational Learning and Alliances)
Extensions (co-located workshops):
Tapping into Pockets of Knowledge: Global Knowledge Acquisition, Ambidexterity and Organizational Transitions, October 4-5, 2012, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Linz, Austria
Global Knowledge Acquisition: How to Source, Scout, Locate
Ambidexterity – How to Manage Exploration and Exploitation in Turbulent Times
Organization Transition – How to Support Organizational ChangePaper Sessions:
Knowledge Acquisition; Ambidexterity
31th SMS Conference 2011, November 6-9, 2011, Miami, Florida, USA
Conference Theme: Strategies for a Multi-Polar World
(Host: Florida International University, Chapman Graduate School of Business)
- Pre-conference Workshops (Nov 5):
8th Annual Doctoral Workshop
Pre-conference Interest Group Sessions (Nov 6):
Knowledge and Innovation IG (Knowledge Foundations: The Ideas of Sidney Winter; Open Innovation: How CERN Bridges Global Institutions; The Architecture of Openness: What the Changing Face of Mobile Telco can Teach Us about Knowledge, Innovation and Strategy; Business Meeting)
Conference Tracks (Sessions):
Knowledge and Innovation (The Social Construction of Social Approval Assets: Who is in Control?; Open and Radical Innovation; Leadership, Knowledge Sharing and Power; Knowledge Management; Innovation and Technology; Role and Impact of Collaboration; Innovation; Innovation Management; Research, Development and Investment; Knowledge and Performance; Knowledge Creation; Imitation and Knowledge Sharing Strategies; Dynamic Capabilities; Building Dynamic Capabilities; Strategic Thinking and Decision Making; Innovation Networks and Alliances; Organizational and Management Innovation; Acquisitions; Enabling Collaboration; Product Development and Management; Organizational Learning; Research and Development; Learning: Networks and Architectures; Collaborative Innovation; Innovation and Enterprise; Collaborative Networks; Innovation and Collaboration Interaction; Impact of Dynamic Capabilities; Innovation Performance)
Competitive Strategy (Knowledge & Industry Evolution); Entrepreneurship And Strategy (The Role Of Learning For Entrepreneurship In Uncertain And Dynamic Environments)
30th SMS Conference 2010, September 12-15, 2010, Rome, Italy
Conference Theme: Strategic Management at the Crossroads
(Host: University of Catania, Department of Business Economics and Management)
- Pre-conference Workshops (Sep 11):
7th Annual Doctoral Workshop
Pre-conference Interest Group Sessions (Sep 12):
Knowledge and Innovation IG (Innovation in Collaborative Ecosystems; Sustainability and Strategy; Town Hall Meeting; Business Meeting)
Global Strategy IG (Globalizing “Global Strategy” Classroom: Exploring Innovative Ways to Enhance Student Learning and Experience)
Conference Tracks (Sessions):
Knowledge and Innovation (Open Innovation; Knowledge Sharing and Integration; Intraorganizational Knowledge Flows; Alliances and Innovation; Network Structure and Innovation; New Directions in Absorptive Capacity Research; Network Characteristics and Innovation; Knowledge and Innovation Research at a Crossroads: Multi-level Perspectives; A Strategic Perspective on Network Anchors; Innovation Adoption and Outcomes; Capability Development; Strategy and Leadership Influences for Innovation; Institutional Influences on Knowledge and Innovation; Measures of Innovation; Cognitive Perspectives on Knowledge and Innovation; Corporate Venture Capital and Investor Influences on Innovation; The Role of the Inventor; Technology Markets; Knowledge and Innovation Process and Routines Insights; Knowledge Stocks and Performance; Lessons from Failure and Predicting Knowledge Declines; Corporate Strategic View of Organizational Knowledge and Learning; External Knowledge Sourcing; Innovation and Capability Antecedents; Knowledge Spillovers; Knowledge Search; Exploration and Exploitation)
Strategy Process (Knowledge and Goals in Decision Making); Micro-Foundations of Strategy (Routines, Capabilities, and Learning); Competitive Strategy (Signaling, Media, and Learning Within and Across Markets; Learning, Imitation, and Innovation); The Practice Of Strategy (Impactful Learning and Knowing); Strategic Human Capital (Managing Human Capital Knowledge); Entrepreneurship And Strategy (Knowledge Capture and Entrepreneurial Outcomes); Global Strategy (Innovation and Knowledge Acquisition in a Global Context)
Extensions (co-located workshops):
Knowledge & Capabilities Research: The Road Ahead, September 9, 2010, Bocconi University, Milan, Italy
Knowledge and Capabilities: the “Inner” Perspectives
Knowledge and Capabilities: The “Outer” Perspectives
Intangible Assets, Governance & Competitive Advantage, September 16, 2010, Federico II University, Napoli, Italy
Plenary Panels:
3 Keynotes
Research issues
29th SMS Conference 2009, October 11-14, 2009, Washington, D.C., USA
Conference Theme: Strategies in an Uncertain World
(Host: Indiana University, Kelley School of Business; University of Colorado Boulder, Leeds School of Business)
- Pre-conference Workshops (Oct 10):
6th Annual Doctoral Workshop
Pre-conference Interest Group Sessions (Oct 11):
Knowledge and Innovation IG (Strategy in an Uncertain World: “Black Swan” Implications for K&I Scholars; The Changing Governance Landscape: Implications for Knowledge and Innovation Scholars; Integrating Theories of Problem Formation; Business Meeting; Officers Meeting)
Entrepreneurship And Strategy IG (Knowledge Spillovers and Strategic Entrepreneurship); Global Strategy (Location, Knowledge, and Competitive Dynamics: New Research Directions)
Conference Tracks (Sessions):
Knowledge and Innovation (50th Anniversary of Penrose’s (1959) The Theory of the Growth of the Firm; Technological Innovation; Let the Knowledge Flow…; Exploration and Novelty; Learning and Collaboration; Innovation and Management Practice; Microfoundations of Knowledge and Learning; Regulating the Market for Ideas: The Role of Communities, Norms, and Networks; Dynamic Capabilities; Governing Knowledge; How Do Capabilities Develop?; The Complex Roles of Experience; Knowledge Transfer; Knowledge-Based Strategic Interaction; The Human Factor in Knowledge and Innovation; Ambidexterity)
Strategy Process (Innovation and Learning in Strategy Processes); Global Strategy (Global Knowledge Search); External Relationships in an Uncertain World (Alliances, Knowledge Transfer, and Performance)
28th SMS Conference 2008, October 12-15, 2008, Cologne, Germany
Conference Theme: How Does Knowledge Matter?
(Host: Boston Consulting Group; Freie Universität Berlin, Department of Management)
- Pre-conference Workshops (Oct 11):
5th Doctoral Workshop
Pre-conference Interest Group Sessions (Oct 12):
Knowledge and Innovation IG (Innovation, Learning and Corporate Responsibility; Towards the Micro-Foundations Of Organizational Learning; Business Meeting)
Conference Tracks (Sessions):
Managing Knowledge (Knowledge and Learning; Knowledge, Collaboration, and Performance; Inter-Organizational Knowledge Transfer; Knowledge Transfer and Diffusion; Capabilities, Value Creation, and Performance; Strategic Dynamics in Industry Architectures: The Challenges of Knowledge Integration; Governing Knowledge in Interorganizational Relationships; Knowledge and Governance; Capabilities and Governance; Discussing Approaches on How Knowledge Matters in Organizations; Knowledge and Networks; Knowledge as a Driver of Innovation, Learning and Competence-Building; Technology and Performance; Knowledge Across Boundaries; Knowledge Strategies: Collaboration and Governance)
Measuring Knowledge (How to Measure Knowledge — Refining Old, Suggesting New Approaches; Measuring Knowledge in Organizations)
Evaluating Knowledge (What is the Value Added of Ideas, Intelligence and Innovation?)
Knowledge And Innovation (Using Alliance Networks to Enhance Innovation; Developing New Technologies and Products; Linking Organizational Factors to Innovation Orientation and Outcomes; The Role of Top Management in Learning and Innovation; The Influence of “Outsiders” on Innovation; The Influence of Learning and Absorptive Capacity on Innovation; Influences on Innovation Strategies and Outcomes; Building on the Past: The Effect of Experience and Relatedness; Creating Ambidextrous Organizations;
Working with Others: Collaboration and Knowledge Development; Knowledge Innovation: Creating New Knowledge and Capabilities; When Does Geographic Proximity Pay?)
General Track (Knowledge Proximity and Knowledge Diffusion; Strategy Tools in the Knowledge-Based Economy; The Role of Decision-Making for Knowledge Management; Learning Within and Across Organizational Boundaries); Competitive Strategy (Learning and Competitive Dynamics; The Knowledge-Based View in New Arenas); Global Strategy (Knowledge Flows in MNCs; International Knowledge Diffusion); Entrepreneurship And Strategy (Learning and Performace in New Ventures)
Panel: The Future of Knowledge Management
Panel I+II: The Future of Knowledge-Intensive Industries
Dynamic Capabilities and Enterprise Performance in a Knowledge Based Economy (Opening)
Knowledge Management Enables the Execution of E.ON’s Strategy
27th SMS Conference 2007, October 14-17, 2007, San Diego, California, USA
Conference Theme: The Challenges of Non-Market Influences on Market Strategies
(Host: Loyola Marymount University, College of Business Administration)
- Pre-conference Workshops:
4th Annual Doctoral Workshop
Pre-conference Interest Group Sessions:
Knowledge and Innovation IG (Key Issues and Emerging Questions for Knowledge and Innovation Research in Strategic Management (panel); Identifying Critical Challenges (and Potential Solutions) Associated with Conducting Knowledge and Innovation Research (panel); View from the Field: Knowledge and Innovation Challenges Confronting Organizations Today (panel); Business Meeting; Officers Meeting)
Conference Tracks (Sessions):
Knowledge and Innovation (Knowledge Development and Diversity in a Multinational Context; Intra- and Interorganizational Learning; Knowledge Development/Sharing in Science; Knowledge Transfer and Communities of Practice; Organizational Learning in Strategic Alliances; Assessing and Creating Knowledge; Strategic Management of Knowledge Networks; Development of Dynamic Capabilities; Firm Collaboration and Innovation; Learning, Innovation, Interfirm Collaboration; Management of Knowledge and Innovation (Interorganizational); Product Development, Customer Knowledge, Organizational Forms; Innovation, Growth, Spin-Offs, and Intellectual Capital; Innovation Equals Integration: Beyond Either Invention or Openess, Towards an Integrated Model; Knowledge Flows and Multinational Corporations (MNCs); Knowledge Impact; Strategic Value of Patents; Absorptive Capacity; Creation of Knowledge in Organizations)
Competitive Strategy (Employees and Managers as Carriers of Knowledge and Resources)
Etrepreneurship & Strategy (Sourches of Entrepreneurial Knowledge)
26th SMS Conference 2006, October 29 – November 1, 2006, Vienna, Austria
Conference Theme: Strategy And Govenance In A World Of institutional Change
(Host: Booz Allen Hamilton)
- Pre-conference Workshops (Oct 28/29):
3rd Annual Doctoral Workshop; Dialogues On Learning From Practice Cases: Building Concepts, Tools, And Knowledge From Practical Engagements
Pre-conference Interest Group Sessions (Oct 29):
Knowledge and Innovation IG (Value Creation and Appropriation: Competitive Strategy and Knowledge Perspectives; Getting (Or Not Getting?) Research On Knowledge And Innovation Published)
Entreprenuership and Strategy (Geography And Knowledge Diffusion In Entrepreneurship Research)
Conference Tracks (Sessions):
Knowledge and Innovation (Managing Innovation: The Role Of Social Interactions And Informal Processes; Corporate Venture Capital; Strategic Positioning In Innovation Ecosystems; Managing Innovation: Balancing Multiple Antecedents At Multiple Levels; Effect Of Acquisitions On Acquirer’s Innovation; Organizational Learning From Own And Peer Experience; Creating Value Through Mergers And Acquisitions: Target Selection And Integration Capabilities; The Effect Of Alliance Networks On Firm Performance; Strategies For Structuturing Networks Of Partners And Customers; Competing On Capabilities: Stu dies Of Innovative Business Practices; Managing Effective Global R&D Teams; Absorptive Capacity And Inter-Organizational Learning; Coordinating Knowledge Flows Within Multinational Enterprises; Appropriating The Economic Retu rns To Innovation; Accessing Knowledge And Innovation From Geographical Clusters And Networks; Developing Alliance Management Capabilities; Technology Strategy: Technological Discontinuities And IP Diffusion; Developing Innovation: The Role Of Management Structutures And Capabilities; Knowledge Bridges: The Role Universities And Scientific Organizations In Generating And Transferring Knowledge; Understanding Knowledge Processes Within Organizations; Developing A Network Advantage: Structuture And Governance In Inter-Organizational Networks; Effect Of Leadership Style On Firm Innovation; Governance Practices To Facilitate Knowledge Accumulation And Sharing; Innovative Capabilities And R&D Productivity; The Effect Of Inter-Firm Networks On Innovation; Modeling Knowledge Processes: Creation, Replication, Protection; Knowledge Creation And Knowledge Sourcing In Foreign Sub sidiaries)
Entreprenuership and Strategy (Knowledge Sources Of Entrepreneurship; Innovation Communities And Regional Clusters: Emergence, Governance, And Competition)
Competitive Strategy (Sustaining Innovation Advantage: Secrecy, Disclosure, And The Imitation Of Intangible Assets)
25th SMS Conference 2005, October 23-26, 2005, Orlando, Florida, USA
Conference Theme: Strategic Management: Achievements and Opportunities
(Host: Boston Consulting Group)
- Pre-conference Workshops:
2nd Annual Doctoral Workshop
Pre-conference Interest Group Sessions (Oct 23):
Knowledge and Innovation IG (Linked Macro And Micro Firm Data: New Opportunities For Research In Strategic Management (workshop); Linking Knowledge Across Boundaries And Silos: Developing Different Types Of Research Partnerships (panel); Business Meeting)
Conference Tracks:
Knowledge and Innovation (Knowledge Management for Competitive Advantage; The Process of Building Organizational Capabilities: A Practitioner-Academic Dialogue; Networks, Alliances, and Knowledge Transfer; An Eclectic View on Innovation and Value; Enhancing Absorptive Capacity Capabilities; Strategically Sourcing and Mobilizing Knowledge in Organizations; Innovation and Product Development; Creativity, Innovation, and Learning; Strategic Management of Technology; Generation and Evolution of Knowledge Capabilities; Knowledge and Innovation Networks; Collaboration with External Partners in Knowledge Development (CANCELLED); R&D and Knowledge Sharing; Open and Team Innovation; Knowledge in and Around Organizations; Technology Networks and Capabilities; Customer and Market Inputs to Innovation; Start-Ups, Knowledge, and Innovation)
Developing a Theory of Strategic Management (Knowing More About Knowing: Expanding Understanding About Knowledge Development); Managing Strategy (Exploring Knowledge and Capabilities for Transfer); Global Strategy (Strategy, Subsidiaries, and Knowledge; Internationalizing R&D and Knowledge Flows); The Practice of Strategy (Knowledge and Systems for Strategic Intelligence)
24th SMS Conference 2004, October 31 – November 3, 2004, San Juan, Puerto Rico, USA
Conference Theme: Strategic Balance: Driving Innovation and Maintaining Performance
(Host: )
- Pre-conference Workshops:
1st Annual Doctoral Workshop
Pre-conference Iterest Group Sessions (Oct 31):
Knowledge and Innovation IG (Linking Knowledge Management to Strategy)
Conference Tracks (Sessions):
Knowledge and Innovation (Knowledge Arbitrage and Brokerage; How Do Firms Learn What they Know? Competence Development in Vertical and Horizontal Relationships; The Sociology of Learning: Gender, Social Capital, and Organizational Structure; Leadership and Organizational Learning Learning in Alliances; Organization for Knowledge Transformation; Acquisition of External Knowledge and Firm Performance; Intellectual Property Rights and Knowledge Management; Innovating, Innovation, and Learning in Companies The Role of Knowledge in M&As and Corporate Venture Capital Contexts; Knowledge Integration and Communialization; Knowledge Search and Knowledge Spillovers; Organization Learning; Innovation and Learning Strategies; Knowledge and Innovation in Service Organizations)
Resources and Competitive Advantage (Gaining a Competitive Edge by Learning Through Options, Alliances, and Acquisitions; Dynamic Capabilities: Achieving Balance by Learning to Do New Things; The Role of Reputation and Learning in Strategic Balance); The Practical Professor (Making Better Strategies: New Technologies and Management Learning); General Track (Knowledge in Organizations); Global Strategy (Knowledge, Evolution, and Chenge in Multinationals); The Practice of Strategy (Learning for Change); Entrepreneurship and Strategy (Knowledge Transfer)
23rd SMS Conference 2003, November 9-12, 2003, Baltimore, Maryland, USA
Conference Theme: Intersections: Strategy Across Conventional Bounderies
(Host: Booz Allen Hamilton and ?)
- Pre-conference Iterest Group Sessions (Nov 9):
Knowledge and Innovation IG (Experiments in Instigating Regional Learning Networks; Experiences in Managing and Sustaining Regional Learning Networks, Business Meeting)
Conference Tracks (Sessions):
Knowledge and Innovation (Routines and Knowledge Transfer; Corporate Venture Capital and High-Tech Ventures; Knowledge Flows within and Across Boundaries; Strategic Use of Organizational Learning; Exploitation versus Exploration Strategies and Innovative Performance; Innovation Process and Industry Structure; Knowledge-Based View Ventures; Knowledge Transfer: Strategies and Tools; Managing Inter-Firm Alliances; Science-Based Innovation; Managing Inter-Firm Knowledge; Knowledge Management: Systems, Models, and Mechanisms; Innovation Strategy and Performance; Managing Knowledge Diversity and Mobility)
The Practical Professor (Creating a Dynamic Learning Environment); The Intersection Between Financial Markets and Strategy (Knowledge, Merger, and Finance); The Organizational Consequences of Competing in Intersections (Creating Value Through Knowledge and Resource Flows); Strategy Process (Cognition and Learning in Strategy Process)
22nd SMS Conference 2002, September 22-25, 2002, Paris, France
Conference Theme: Old Barriers Crumbling, New Barriers Rising
(Host: Boston Consulting Group)
- Conference Tracks (Sessions):
Knowledge, Learning (Knowledge Evolution and Product Development; Co-Evolution: Exploration, Exploitation, Learning, and Dynamic Capabilities; Can Knowledge be Managed? New Perspectives from Theory and Practice; Managing Human Capital; Knowledge Creation and Transfer; Knowledge and Performance; External Sources of Knowledge and Absorptive Capacity; Knowledge Development in Alliances; Knowledge Transfer; Knowledge and Learning: Cases and Lessons; Perspectives on Knowledge Creation; New Perspectives on Dynamic Capabilities)
Competitive Strategy (Sharing Knowledge in Alliances); Global Strategy (Knowledge and the Search for Organizational Transformation)
Interest Group Meetings:
Managing Knowledge IG
Pre-conference Events (Sep 22):
The Role of Knowledge and Learning in Strategic Management @ Ecole Centrale Paris, France
(SMS Mini-Conference/Workshop organized by the newly created SMS Interest Group on “Managing Knowledge”)
Strategy and Knowledge
What exactly is Organizational Knowledge?
Dilemmas in implementing Knowledge Management
Co-evolution of Knowledge in social networks
Corporate Universities as strategic learning centers
Reconsidering Organizational KnowledgePresentations
Knowledge Management in practice at SiemensOpen Discussion | What have we learnt? | Next steps
21st SMS Conference 2001, October 21-24, 2001, San Francisco, California USA
Conference Theme: Reinventing Strategic Management – Old Truths and New Insights
(Host: McKinsey & Company)
- Conference Tracks (Sessions):
Building and Leveraging Intangible Capital (Intra-Firm Knowledge Learning and Transfer; Patents as Valuable Resources (CANCELLED); Inter-Firm Knowledge Learning and Transfer; Managing Knowledge Webs; Building and Nuturing Dynamic Capabilities; Social Capital and Relational Advantages; Acquiring and Absorbing Knowledge; Value of Brand, Reputation, and Employee Know-How; Linking and Leveraging Knowledge Within the Firm; Intangible Resources for Competitive Advantage)
Internet Business Revolution and Strategy (The Role of Intangible Assets in the New Economy); Corporate Strategy (Knowledge Transfer in Inter-Firm Collaboration); Business Strategy and Competitive Rivalry (The Role of Innovation and Knowledge Dynamics on Industry Evolution); Organizational Structure, Leadership, and Change (Using and Transferring Knowledge Across and Within Firms); Strategic Thinking (Implications of a Learning Perspective for Innovation and Intuition); Strategic Management in the Global Economy (Knowledge Integration and the Dynamics of Competition in the Global Economy)
Interest Group Meetings (new):
Managing Knowledge IG
20th SMS Conference 2000, October 15-18, 2000, Vancouver, British Columbia, Canada
Conference Theme: Strategy in the Entrepreneurial Millennium: New Winners, New Business Models, New Voices
(Host: Booz Allen Hamilton)
- Conference Tracks (Sessions):
Managing Knowledge: Learning, Technology, and Innovation – The Strategic Importance of Knowledge Management (Building Capabilities: Individual and Institutional; New Product Search and Introduction; Knowledge Flows Within Organizations; People and other Soft Assets; Learning and Cooperation; Collaborative Learning in Operations; Learning: History and Context; Knowledge and Innovation; Knowledge in Social Networks; Technology, Alliances, and Performance; Capabilities into Results; Sources of Organizational Learning; Leadein Learning; Interorganizational Knowledge Diffusion)
Entrepreneurial Leadership (Distributed Knowledge)
19th SMS Conference 1999, October 3-6, 1999, Berlin, Germany
Conference Theme: Winning Strategies in a Deconstructing World
(Host: Boston Consulting Group; Freie Universität Berlin)
- Conference Tracks (Sessions):
Managing Knowledge: Learning, Technology, and Innovation – The Strategic Importance of Knowledge Management(Knowledge Issues in Strategic Alliances; Knowledge and innovation: The Role of Leadership, Culture, and Individual Characteristics; Inter-Knowledge and Best Practice Transfer Entity; Knowledge Sharing and Transferring; Alternative Modes of Acquiring Knowledge; Knowledge Creation and Management as a Basis for Competitive Advantage; Knowledge Resources and Strategy as Drivers of Resources; Tensions Between Internal and External Technology Acquisition; Protecting and Managing Knowledge; Knowledge Management in an Increasingly Borderless World; Management of Knowledge; Organizational Trajectories and Technological Competence; Cooperative R&D and Alliances for Innovations; Knowledge Management; Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Self-Renewal; Managing Knowledge Generation and Organizational Learning; Exploring the Link Between Resource-Based Theories of the Firm and Theories of Strategic Adaption and Change (Panel); Knowledge Transfers; New Light on Geographic Clusters)
Industry Structure (Dynamics and Knowledge Issues in Industry and Process Models); Organization (Managing Knowledge for Competitive Advantage); Managing for Value (Managing Intangibles: The Soft Side of Value Creation); Implications of Deconstruction for the Working Environmen (Balancing Power, Knowledge, and Skills in a Deconstructing World)
18th SMS Conference 1998, November 1-4, 1998, Orlando, Florida
(Host: McKinsey & Company)
Conference Theme: Tailoring Strategy – One Size Does Not Fit All
- Conference Tracks:
Managing Knowledge: Learning, Technology and Innovation (Gaining Advantage through Buyer-Supplier Relationships; Knowledge Management in Learning Organizations; The Value and Limits of Organizational Learning; Reconfigurations from Acquisitions; Technology Adoption Strategy; Transferring Knowledge in the New Economy; Product Development Processes and Outcomes; Creating an Environment for Innovation; Driving Innovation Performance Forward; Learning from Success, Failure, and Dead Ends; Organizing for Breakthrough Innovations; Alliances and Innovation; Seeing Innovations as Opportunities: Theory into Practice (Panel); Organizing People for Competitive Advantage; Knowlegde, Competencies, and the Unknown; The Strategic Management Knowledge as Regional System: The Case of the Basque Country (Panel); Strategy and Knowledge; The Knowledge Transfe Environment: Tacit Knowledge and Trust)
Industry Structure (Role of Alliances in Knowledge Creation); Business Strategy and Competitive Rivalry (Learning in and about Alliances; Knowledge and Competition); Managing Global Organizations (Knowledge Flows and Learning in the Global Firm); Strategic Thinking (Knowledge, Intelligence, and Learning Technologies)
17th SMS Conference 1997, October 5-8, 1997, Barcelona, Spain
Conference Theme: Managing in an Interconnected World
(Host: International Graduate School of Management (IESE), University of Navarra)
- Conference Tracks (Sessions):
Track 4 (Convergence, Migration and Industry Evolution: Competing in Knowledge-Intensive Industries (Panel));
Track 5 (The ABC’s of Knowledge Management and Learning: Creating a Learning Organization Through Strategic Management of Knowledge Flow (Panel); Tacit Knowledge and Competencies; Intellectual Capital: Navigating in the Knowledge Economy (Panel))
Track 7 (Renewing Organizations: Managing Knowledge, Competencies/ Capabilities)
Track 8 (Knowledge Integration: The Impact of New Hybrid Organizational Forms; Knowledge Appropriation and Spillovers: Learning Across Boundaries; Technology Sourcing, Learning, and Organization)
Track 9 (Organizational Knowledge Creation in a Pan-European Context: The Experience of Three Multinational Organizations (Panel); Shifting Boundaries through Knowledge Management)
Track 10 (Transferring Knowledge; Knowledge Creation and Shared Understanding)
16th SMS Conference 1996, November 10–13, 1996, Phoenix, USA
Conference Theme: Competing in the New Economy: Managing Out of Bounds
- Conference program n.a.
15th SMS Conference 1995, October 15-18, 1995, Mexico City, Mexico
Conference Theme: Strategic Discovery: Opening New Worlds
- Conference program n.a.
14th SMS Conference 1994, September 20-23, 1994, Paris, France
Conference Theme: Strategy Styles: Management Systems, Types and Paradigms
- Conference program n.a.
13th SMS Conference 1993, September 12-15, 1993, Chicago, USA
Conference Theme: Integrating Strategy: The Power of Synthesis
- Conference program n.a.
12th SMS Conference 1992, October 14-17, 1992, London, UK
Conference Theme: Strategic Renaissance: The Transformation of Economic Enterprise
- Conference program n.a.
11th SMS Conference 1991, October 23-26, 1991, Toronto, Canada
Conference Theme: The Greening of Strategy – Sustaining Performance
- Conference program n.a.
10th SMS Conference 1990, 1990, Stockholm, Sweden
Conference Theme: Strategic Bridging: To Meet the Challenges of the Nineties
- Conference program n.a.
9th SMS Conference 1989, October 1989, San Francisco, USA
Conference Theme: Strategies for Innovation
- Conference program n.a.
8th SMS Conference 1988, 1988, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Conference Theme: Winning Strategies for the 1990’s
- Conference program n.a.
7th SMS Conference 1987, October 14–17, 1987, Boston, USA
Conference Theme: Strategy: Prospect & Retrospect
- Conference program n.a.
6th SMS Conference 1986, October 14-17, 1986, Singapore
Conference Theme: Cultures and Competitive Strategies
- Conference program n.a.
5th SMS Conference 1985, 1985, Barcelona, Spain
Conference Theme: The Essence of Strategic Management
- Conference program n.a.
4th SMS Conference 1984, 1984, Philadelphia, USA
Conference Theme: Targeting Strategies
- Conference program n.a.
3rd SMS Conference 1983, November 1983, Paris, France
Conference Theme: Making Strategy Work
- Conference program n.a.
2nd SMS Conference 1982, October 7-8, 1982, Montreal, Canada
Conference Theme: Exploring the Strategy-Making Process
- Conference program n.a.
1st SMS Conference 1981, October 1-2, 1981, London, UK
Conference Theme: Global Strategic Management in the 1980’s
- Conference program n.a.
I am interested in the 24 – 27 October 2020 Conference. what are the attendance fees
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Feb 27, 2020 – Boris)
Can I have the details of this conference, including key date and fees, etc?
Can I attend without submitting a paper?
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Feb 11, 2020 – Boris)
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Jul 17, 2019 – Boris)
Can I have the details of this conference, including paper submission deadline, fees, etc?
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Apr 26, 2019 – Boris)