British Academy of Management Conference (BAM Conference)*

British Academy of Management Conference (BAM Conference)*

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The British Academy of Management Conference (BAM Conference) is an international event for business and management scholars. It provides a friendly, supportive environment to receive feedback, share ideas and find inspiration.

Tracks of interest:

  • 2000-present: Knowledge and Learning (Special Interest Group)

Themes of interest:

  • 2003: Knowledge into Practice
  • 2006: Building International Communities Through Collaboration

Conference History:

39th BAM 2025 Conference, 1-5 September 2025, University of Kent, Kent, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: On the Border: Management Challenges, Business Opportunities and Disrupted Institutional Contexts
(Host: Kent Business School)


    Conference tracks:
    Knowledge and Learning

38th BAM 2024 Conference, 2–6 September 2024, Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, United Kingdom / Virtual venue

Conference Theme: Achieving transformation for greater good: Societal, organisational and personal barriers and enablers
(Host: Nottingham Business School)

    2nd September (virtual day)

    Knowledge and Learning SIG Sessions:
    Paper Session Titles n.a.

    Workshop: CaseGPT – A hackathon designed to minimise threats and maximise opportunities from the intersection of case method and Generative AI Apps

37th BAM 2023 Conference, 1–6 September 2023, University of Sussex, Brighton, United Kingdom / Virtual venue

Conference Theme: Towards Disruptive Sustainability: New Business Opportunities and Challenges
(Host: Sussex Business School)

    The BAM 2023 Conference will take place on the 1st September (virtual day) & 5th-6th September in-person (with SIG networking activities and fringe events starting in the afternoon of 4th September)

    Conference program n.a.

    Conference tracks:
    Knowledge and Learning

36th BAM 2022 Conference, 31 August – 2 September 2022, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom / Virtual venue

Conference Theme: Reimagining business and management as a force for good
(Host: Alliance Manchester Business School)

    Note: First day virtual by default – can present papers live virtually and attend live streamed plenaries with Q&A. Please note that PDW attendance is for in-person attendees only

    Knowledge and Learning SIG Sessions:
    Paper Session Titles n.a.

    Knowledge and Learning SIG Annual Meeting

35th BAM 2021 Conference, 31 August – 3 September 2021, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom Virtual venue

Conference Theme: Recovering from Covid: Responsible Management and Reshaping the Economy
(Host: Alliance Manchester Business School)

    Note: The conference was originally scheduled for Sep 1-3, 2021; It is promoted as the 2nd “BAM 2021 Conference In The Cloud”

    Conference program n.a.

    Conference tracks:
    Knowledge and Learning

    Professional Development Workshops:
    A two-way street: Stimulating the flow of knowledge between HE and workplace in a work-based postgraduate Master’s programme for senior leaders

34th BAM 2020 Conference, 2-4 September 2020, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom Virtual venue

Conference Theme: Innovating for a Sustainable Future
(Host: Alliance Manchester Business School)

    Note: The conference is promoted as “BAM 2020 Conference In The Cloud”

    Conference Tracks:
    Knowledge and Learning (CANCELLED)

33rd BAM 2019 Conference, 3-5 September, 2019, Aston University, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Building and Sustaining High Performance Organisations in Uncertain Times: Challenges and Opportunities
(Host: Aston Business School)

    Knowledge and Learning (SIG) sessions:
    Paper Session Titles n.a.

    Knowledge and Learning SIG Annual Meeting

32nd BAM 2018 Conference, 4-6 September 2018, University of the West of England, Bristol, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Driving productivity in uncertain and challenging times
(Host: Bristol Business School)

    Conference program n.a.

    Conference Tracks:
    Knowledge and Learning (SIG)

31st BAM 2017 Conference, 5-7 September 2017, University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Re-connecting management research with the disciplines: Shaping the research with the social sciences
(Host: Warwick Business School)

    Conference program n.a.

    Conference Tracks:
    Knowledge and Learning (SIG)

30th BAM 2016 Conference, 6-8 September 2016, Newcastle University, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Thriving in Turbulent Times
(Host: Newcastle University Business School)

    Knowledge and Learning (SIG) Sessions:
    Knowledge Acquisition & Absorption
    Student Experience
    New work directions
    Curriculum Design in Management Education
    Lessons for Complexity & Safety
    Knowledge and Practice
    Knowledge and Learning in Turbulent Times
    Online Learning
    Management Education
    Knowledge Management

    Knowledge and Learning SIG Annual General Meeting

    Professional Development Workshops:
    Quantification, measurement and management of Organizational Climate for Organizational learning and development

29th BAM 2015 Conference, 8-10 September 2015, University of Portsmouth, Portsmouth, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: The Value of Pluralism in Advancing Management Research, Education and Practice
(Host: Department of Strategy, Enterprise and Innovation, Faculty of Business and Law)

    Knowledge and Learning (SIG) Sessions:
    Management Learning
    Pluralism in Knowledge and Learning
    Academic Achievement
    Online Education
    Individual Knowledge and Learning
    Group Learning
    Student Engagement and Experience
    Knowledge Management
    Work-based Learning?
    …Titles n.a.

    Symposium: Developing Reviewing Skills for Early Career Academics and Doctoral Students
    Symposium: Practices, Routines, Communities & Identities: Exploring Organizational & Individual Learning

    Knowledge and Learning SIG Annual General Meeting

    Innovation (SIG) Sessions:
    Innovation Networks and Knowledge Sources
    Innovation, Knowledge and Creativity
    Knowledge Integration and Innovation

28th BAM 2014 Conference, 9–11 September 2014, Ulster University, Belfast, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: The Role of the Business School in Supporting Economic and Social Development
(Host: Ulster Business School)

    Knowledge and Learning (SIG) Sessions:
    Critical Management Learning
    Knowledge Management
    Management Learning
    Impact of Business School Knowledge
    Impact of Business School Knowledge: an international perspective
    Knowledge Transfer
    Management Development
    Knowledge and Learning in Practice
    Challenges in Knowledge and Learning
    The Tacit Dimension
    Hard and Soft Aspects of Knowledge Sharing
    Theorising about Knowledge and Learning

    Workshop: The ‘Slogan Tee-shirt’ as organizing principle in the design of a creative approach to teaching consumerism (w. Marketing and Retail SIG)

    Knowledge and Learning SIG Meeting

    Innovation (SIG) Sessions:
    Knowledge and Innovation
    Knowledge linkages

    Professional Development Workshops:
    Developing Knowledge Elicitation Skills for Organizational Development Practitioners (PDW 07: 912)

27th BAM 2013 Conference, 10-12 September 2013, University of Liverpool, Liverpool, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Managing to make a Difference
(Host: Liverpool University Management School)

    Knowledge and Learning (SIG) sessions:
    Paper Session Titles n.a.

    Professional Development Workshop (PWD): Big Data, the Cloud, Data Security, Surveillance – and You

    Knowledge and Learning SIG Meeting

26th BAM 2012 Conference, 11-13 September 2012, University of Cardiff, Cardiff, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Management Research Revisited: Prospects for Theory and Practice
(Host: Cardiff Business School)

    Knowledge and Learning (SIG) sessions:
    Paper Session Titles n.a.

    Knowledge and Learning SIG Meeting

25th BAM 2011 Conference, 12-15 September 2011, Aston University, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Building and Sustaining High Performance Organisations in a Challenging Environment
(Host: Aston Business School)

    Conference program n.a.

    Conference Tracks:
    Knowledge and Learning (SIG)

24th BAM 2010 Conference, 14-16 September 2010, University of Sheffield, Sheffield, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Management Research in a Changing Climate
(Host: Management School)

    Knowledge and Learning (SIG) sessions:
    Paper Session Titles n.a.

    Research Methodology Workshop: Reflexivity: a building block of management learning and inquiry?

    Knowledge and Learning SIG Meeting

23rd BAM 2009 Conference, 15-17 September 2009, Brighton, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: The End of the Pier? Competing perspectives on the challenges facing business and management
(Host: University of Brighton)

    Conference program n.a.

    Conference Tracks:
    Knowledge and Learning (SIG)

22nd BAM 2008 Conference, Harrogate, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: The Academy goes Relevant
(Host: Leeds Business School, University of Leeds)

    Conference program n.a.

    Conference Tracks:
    Knowledge and Learning (SIG)

21st BAM 2007 Conference, 11-13 September 2007, University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Management Research, Education and Business Success: Is the future as clear as the past
(Host: Warwick Business School)

    SIG Annual General Meetings, Workshops and Symposia n.a.

    Knowledge and Learning (SIG) sessions:
    Paper Session Titles n.a.

    Innovation (SIG) Sessions:
    Symposium: Wealth from Knowledge

20th BAM 2006 Conference, 12-14 September 2006, Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Building International Communities Through Collaboration
(Hosts: Queen’s University Belfast, University of Ulster)

    SIG Annual General Meetings, Workshops and Symposia n.a.

    Knowledge and Learning (SIG) Sessions:
    Communities of Practice and Collaboration
    Knowledge Management: International Perspectives
    Learning and Education
    Developing Entrepreneurial Leadership Learning
    Learning, Innovation and Change
    Perspectives on Organisational Learning
    Management Education
    Knowledge, Learning and Wisdom
    Perspectives on Knowledge
    Evolution of Business Knowledge
    Collaboration and Communication

    Continuing Professional Development (CPD): Exploring the State of the Field

    Entrepreneurship and Innovation (SIG) Sessions:

19th BAM 2005 Conference, 13-15 September 2005, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Challenges of Organizations in Global Markets
(Host: Saïd Business School)

    Knowledge and Learning (SIG) Sessions:
    Issues for Learning in Higher Education
    Knowledge Sharing Across Boundaries
    International Perspectives on Knowledge Management
    Knowledge Workers & Strategy
    Learning & Cognition
    Education and Learning
    Case Studies in Knowledge and Learning
    Knowledge, Learning, Codification and Capabilities
    Learning & the Smaller Firm
    Knowledge Creation and Development
    Perspectives on the Learning Processes in Organizations
    Knowledge and Learning: Improvement and Innovation
    Theoretical Perspectives on Learning in Organizations
    Learning – Complexity & Practice
    Networks for Knowledge and Learning

    Symposium: Publishing your paper in Management Learning

18th BAM 2004 Conference, 30 August – 1 September 2004, University of St Andrews, St Andrews, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Management Futures
(Host: Department of Management)

    Conference program n.a.

    Conference Tracks:
    Knowledge and Learning
    Interorganizational Relations

    Leadership (SIG) Sessions:
    Workshop: What has Action Learning learned to become?

17th BAM 2003 Conference, September 15-17, 2003, Harrogate, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Knowledge into Practice
(Host: Leeds Business School, Leeds University)

    Knowledge and Learning (SIG) Sessions:
    Management Research and Management Development – Co production of Knowledge
    Groups and Communities (1): Knowledge Sharing and Virtual Teams
    Groups and Communities (2): Communities, Narratives and Human Capital
    Contrasting Locations and Perspectives
    SME Learning, SME Knowledge
    Management Development
    Knowledge, Learning and Power

    Workshop: How does methodological research inform our organizational debates?

    Knowledge and Learning SIG Annual General Meeting

    Strategic Management (SIG) Sessions:
    Strategy as Orchestrating Knowledge

    Production and Operations Management (SIG) Sessions:
    IT and Knowledge Management

    Critical Management/Philosophy of Management (SIG) Sessions:
    Knowledge and Transference

16th BAM 2002 Conference, 9-11 September 2002, London, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Fast-Tracking Performance Through Partnerships
(Host: Middlesex Business School, Middlesex University)

    Knowledge and Learning (SIG) Sessions:
    Organisational Learning and Communities of Practice
    Innovation, Creativity and Learning
    Knowledge and Competitive Advantage
    Management Learning
    Knowledge Representations and Mapping

    Workshop: Communities of Scholarship: A Dialogue Event for PhD Students and Supervisors
    Workshop: How Does Methodological Research Inform our Organisational Debates

    Ebusiness and Technology Management (SIG) Sessions:
    CRM in E-business and Managing Knowledge

    Organisational Behaviour (SIG) Sessions:
    Managing Change and Organisational Development, Organisational Learning

    Inter-Organisational Relations (SIG) Sessions:
    Workshop: Boundary-Spanning Roles in Inter-Organisational Learning

15th BAM 2001 Conference, 5-7 September 2001, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom

(Host: Cardiff Business School)

    Conference program n.a.

    Conference Tracks:
    Knowledge and Learning (SIG)

14th BAM 2000 Conference, 13-15 September 2000, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Managing Across Boundaries
(Host: University of Edinburgh Management School)

    Knowledge and Learning (SIG) Sessions:
    Knowledge Management
    Organisational Learning
    Management Teaching and Learning

    Workshop: Developing Courses in ‘Knowledge and Learning’ (aka … ‘Organisational Learning’)

13th BAM 1999 Conference, 1-3 September 1999, Manchester Metropolitan University, Manchester, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Managing Diversity
(Host: Manchester Metropolitan University Business School)

    Conference program n.a.

12th BAM 1998 Conference, 14-16 September 1998, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Corporate Transformation
(Host: Business School)

    Conference program n.a.

11th BAM 1997 Conference, 8-10 September 1997, London Business School, London, United Kingdom

(Host: )

    Conference program n.a.

10th BAM 1996 Conference, Aston University, Aston, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: 30 Years on; What Have We Learned?
(Host: )

    Conference program n.a.

9th BAM 1995 Conference, Sheffield University, Sheffield, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Revitalising Organizations – the Academic Contribution
(Host: )

    Conference program n.a.

8th BAM 1994 Conference, Lancaster University, Lancaster, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: The Impact of Management Research: A Critical Approach
(Host: )

    Conference program n.a.

7th BAM 1993 Conference, Cranfield University, Milton Keynes, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: The Crafting of Management Research
(Host: )

    Conference program n.a.

6th BAM 1992 Conference, University of Bradford, Bradford, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Management into the 21st Century
(Host: )

    Conference program n.a.

5th BAM 1991 Conference, University of Bath, Bath, United Kingdom

(Host: )

    Conference program n.a.

4th BAM 1990 Conference, University of Glasgow, Glasgow, United Kingdom

(Host: Glasgow Business School)

    Conference program n.a.

3rd BAM 1989, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom

(Host: Manchester Business School)

    Conference program n.a.

2nd BAM 1988 Conference, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom

(Host: Cardiff Business School)

    Conference program n.a.

1st BAM 1987 Conference, University of Warwick, Coventry, United Kingdom

(Host: Warwick Business School)

    Conference program n.a.
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4 Replies to “ British Academy of Management Conference (BAM Conference)*”

  1. How much is the conference fee, the requirement to be eligible to attend and deadline for registration.

    (KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Feb 17, 2020 – Boris)

    1. Hi thanks for your interest in this conference. I only found this site today.
      This year’s online conference had a low fee of £ 100, however, it is sold out.

      I am Chair of the Strategy Research Special Interest group and for this reason, would be happy to have a chat if you are interested.

  2. I am trying to track down what used to be an annual conference on Multi-organizational Partnerships, Alliances and Networks (MOPAN). The last mentions I can find are 2012 and 2013 and then the default appears to be to a BAM conference track. Has this conference been subsumed into your annual conference or is it still operating independently?

    (KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Oct 27, 2019 – Boris)

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