The Learning Ideas Conference (TLIC)*
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The Learning Ideas Conference (TLIC), formerly the International Conference on E-learning in the Workplace (ICELW), brings together researchers and practitioners from around the world, welcoming anyone interested in the uses of technology to improve education and workplace learning. It has been designed to encourage collaboration among people from around the world with a variety of backgrounds, from academic and professional areas including education, computer science, cognitive science, game design, user experience design, VR/AR/XR, management, the arts and humanities, and more!
Since 2023: TLIC winter event in February
Since 2011: International E-Learning Awards – Business Division (awarded by the International E-Learning Association)
Learning Ideas Conference is hosted by the Institute for Learning Technologies (ILT), Teachers College, Columbia University, organized by The Learning Ideas Network, and sponsored by Kaleidoscope Learning and the International E-Learning Association (IELA).
The International Conference on E-learning in the Workplace (ICELW) is an international conference focused on e-learning in the workplace. With researchers and practitioners coming from around the globe–and from university and business settings–ICELW works to improve online learning so that it makes a measurable difference in workplace performance and morale. By uniting the corporate and academic worlds, ICELW is creating a new synergy–one with the unique capability to realize the vast potential of e-learning in business and industry.
Conference History:
18th Learning Ideas Conference 2025, June 11-13, 2025, New York, Columbia University, New York, USA / Virtual venue
Sub-title: Innovations in Learning and Technology for the Workplace and Higher Education (TBC)
- Conference program TBD
Post-conference Events:
Online-only conference days, May 28-29, 2025
17th Learning Ideas Conference 2024, June 12-14, 2024, New York, Columbia University, New York, USA / Virtual venue
Sub-title: Innovations in Learning and Technology for the Workplace and Higher Education
- Keynotes:
Complementing Human Minds with Digital Brains: The Role of GenAI in Learning
Connecting Learners to Their Internal Motivations for Success
Building Digital-first Assessments in the Age of Artificial Intelligence
Panel Discussions:
Education, Work, and Society: Exploring Potential Futures
Special Tracks:
Adaptive Learning via Interactive, Collaborative and Emotional Approaches (ALICE, formerly the ALICE workshop)
Announcement of the Winners: International E-Learning Awards (IELA), Business Division
Pre-conference Events: TLIC winter event
Artificial Intelligence in Learning, February 15, 2024, online
Presentations: (w. Q&A)
From Traditional AI to LLMs: A Shift to AI-Supported Dialogue?
JeepyTA and Qualitative Coding: Recent Work with Large Language Models in Education at the Penn Center for Learning Analytics
What Happens When You Blend AI and Neuroscience?
Navigating the Future of Academic Learning and Teaching: Opportunities and Challenges of GenAI Integration in Higher Education
AI Is Joining the Workforce: Are You Ready?
Navigating AI’s Imperfections in EdTech: Developing Literacy for Educators
Using Artificial Intelligence to Create Meaningful Learning Experiences
Developing AI Literacy for Learning ProfessionalsPanel Discussions:
The Future of AI in Higher Education and Workplace Learning: Revolution, Evolution, or Neither?Pre-recorded Interviews:
Unlocking the potential of learning engagement analytics in higher education and its future with AI
The Learning HIVE, an approach to improve L&D initiatives, resources, and communities
Opportunities and risks when implementing generative AI in higher education
The key roles of digital tools in intercultural collaborative learning
How artificial intelligence has entered the realm of early childhood learning how that affects learning & development through elementary, secondary, and higher education, and workplace learning
An AI avatar created with Synthesia
16th Learning Ideas Conference 2023, June 14-16, 2023, New York, Columbia University, New York, USA / Virtual venue
Sub-title: Innovations in Learning and Technology for the Workplace and Higher Education
- Keynotes:
Power Skills: Unlocking Potential for the Future of Work
Learning in Context: How Emerging Technologies will Change the Game in Generative Learning
Museum Education for Professional Development: How to Use Heritage to Create Training Experiences for both Hard and Soft Skills
Higher Education & Transitions to Careers
Panel Discussions:
Artificial Intelligence and the Future of Higher Education and Workplace Learning
Special Tracks:
Adaptive Learning via Interactive, Collaborative and Emotional Approaches (ALICE, formerly the ALICE workshop)
Pre-conference Events: TLIC winter event
Creativity in Learning Design, February 16, 2023, online
Presentations: (w. Q&A)
Designing Learning Experiences with Humanoid Robots as Teaching Assistants
Artificially Creative: Generating Media via Artificial Intelligence for Use in Creative Work
Using Neuroscientific Insights Drawn from Movie-Making to Improve Online Teaching and Help Students Make Motivational Shifts in Their Identity
Immersive Learning Environments: Finally Hitting the Plateau of Productivity?
Creating Meaningful and Memorable Experiences through Augmented Reality
Situated Creativity
Creative Uses of Video in Learning Experiences
Facilitation With Ease: How We Create Confident Trainers that Engage Learners
The Intersection (A talk about balancing creativity and technology in the Metaverse)
Closing Session: What Could the Future of Learning Look Like?Panel Discussions:
The Future of LearningPre-recorded Interviews:
Game-based learning and other topics
Project-based approach to teaching data science
Virtual reality, augmented reality, simulations, along with other related topics
Potential uses of artificial intelligence in higher education for learning and assessment
Communities of practice, creativity, and other topics
Designing educational games at a leading game company
Generative AI, creativity, and other topics
15th Learning Ideas Conference 2022, June 15-17, 2022, Columbia University, New York, USA / Virtual venue
Sub-title: Innovations in Learning and Technology for the Workplace and Higher Education
- Keynotes:
Algorithmic Bias in Education
How to Learn Playfully
Creating Cultural Assets to Foster Social Inclusion and Development
Emotional Intelligence: A Journey Inside the Emotional Life within an Immersive Interactive Setting
Effective Extended Reality: A Mixed-Reality Simulation Demonstration with Digitized and Holographic Tools and Intelligent Avatars
Visual Storytelling and Interactive Iconography for the Museum of Zoology in Rome
Panel Discussions:
Learning, Technology, and Society: The Present and the Future
Approaches to Workplace Learning and Performance in Today’s Hybrid World
Special Tracks:
Adaptive Learning via Interactive, Collaborative and Emotional Approaches (ALICE, formerly the ALICE workshop); Inclusive Learning and Technology
Announcement of the Winners: International E-Learning Awards (IELA), Business Division
14th Learning Ideas Conference 2021, June 14-18, 2021, Columbia University, New York, USA Virtual venue
Sub-title: Innovations in Learning and Technology for the Workplace and Higher Education
Note: The conference was announced as ICELW with no online mode option. It was originally scheduled for June 16-18, 2021.
Wearable Enhanced Learning (WELL): Trends, Opportunities, and Challenges
Museums as Catalysts for Digital Learning
Artificial Intelligence: Reaching the End of the Rainbow
A Look Ahead: The Now and the Next of Learning and Technology within Organizations
Learning on the Seam: The Intersection between Learning Science and User-Centered Design
Session Topics:
Project-based learning, coaching, simulation, learning communities, critical thinking skills, MOOCs, chatbots, games, remote learning during the pandemic, artificial intelligence, escape rooms, performance support, simulations, virtual reality, game-based learning, etc.
Special Tracks:
Adaptive Learning via Interactive, Collaborative and Emotional Approaches (ALICE, formerly the ALICE workshop); Building a University of Tomorrow – Xi’an Jiaotong-Liverpool University (XJTLU)
Panel Discussions:
Game-Based Learning in Remote Teaching; The Future of Learning: Reimagining Education and its Impact on Society; Digital Autobiographical Reflexivity: A Collaborative and Social Learning Design Strategy in UK Higher Education
Announcement of the Winners: International E-Learning Awards, Business Division
13th ICELW 2020, June 10-12, 2020, Columbia University, New York, USA Virtual venue
- Keynotes:
Learning Analytics: Potential Opportunities for e-Learning in the Workplace
Designing eLearning to Deliver Results (invited talk)
Learning Analytics: How to Define, Assess and Develop Critical Thinking in Professional Development Contexts – Reflections and Empirical Evidence
Applying Gamification to a Professional Development MOOC: The Case of the Learn2Analyze MOOC
Leadership 4.0: An Agile Mindset for a Digital Future
openSAP: Learner Behavior and Activity in Self-Paced Enterprise MOOCs
Streamlining the Process of E-Learning Content Design by Applying Lean/Agile Methods and Online Collaboration
The Performance-Learning Continuum – Because Learning Is Not a One-Time Thing
Pedagogical Architecture: The Development of Digital Fluency through M-Learning
Adult Learners as Media Makers: Create-to-Learn Pedagogies in Online Learning
Podcasts as a Means of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
Self-Directed Adult Learners and the Paradox of Choice
Enriching Mobile Learning Settings with Learning Diaries in Software Engineering Education
How to Design a Localisation-Friendly E-Learning
New Technologies, New Learning Experiences
Tips and Best Practices for Working with Professional Voice Actors to Bring Your eLearning Modules to Life
How Instructors Learn to Teach Online: What HRD Administrators Need to Know
Rapid eLearning Development in the Midst of Covid
Online Learning Before, During, and After COVID-19: Observations Over 20 Years
How Do Mixed Teaching Teams Influence Learning in Programming MOOCs?
A Blended Learning Concept: Integrating an App in a Traditional Classroom Setting
Voice- and Touch-Controlled Medical Checklists: Experiments in Medical Simulation
Developing 21st Century Skills in Engineering Studies with E-Learning
The Impact of STEM-based Mobile Apps on Learners’ Self-efficacy for Computational Thinking Dimensions
Balancing the Role of Machine Learning and Teacher in Adaptive Learning Guidance Systems (ALGS)
Crisis Resource Management in Aviation and in Healthcare
Digital Twins for Online Training of Automation Techniques
2020: A Case Odyssey – Training for a Data Governance Software Technology Company
TeamTalk: Understanding Your Teams and 5 Steps to Creating Synergy and Increasing Productivity
Survey Results: Mobilizing Talent after Disruption
Learning Experience Design: (1) Concepts, (2) Mini-Demos
Panel Discussions:
Reimagining Learning during a Critical Time
Topics include: Teaching critical thinking skills; Virtual reality performances in a theatre course; Virtual reality, artificial intelligence, and academic/business partnerships; Virtual and mixed reality simulations for training and education, Learning analytics; Performance support and simple ways to improve job performance; The use of robots in education; Return on investment and how to design a learning experience with ROI in mind; Virtual learning environments and using data to analyze, and improve, learner engagement
The Role of Artificial Intelligence in Education: Mini-Talk
Announcement of the Winners: International E-Learning Awards, Business Division
12th ICELW 2019, June 12-14, 2019, Columbia University, New York, USA
- Keynotes:
Artificial Unintelligence
The New Science of Self-Actualization
New Technologies, New Learning Experiences
Learning and Performing in the Context of Digital Transformation
Virtual Reality: A Real-World Hilton + SweetRush Case Study
Automatic Assessment of University Teachers’ Levels of Critical Thinking
Designing a Complex Problem-Solving Course for Engineering Students
Strengths & Opportunities Associated with a Technology-Driven and Dependent Education Program: Competency Based Education (CBE)
In Search of Quality Standards: A Monitor for APEL (Assessment of Prior Experiential Learning)
Teamwork and Crisis Resource Management for Labor and Delivery Clinicians: Interactive Visualization to Enhance Teamwork, Situational Awareness, Contextual Intelligence and Cognitive Retention in Medical Simulation
Capturing and Deploying Experience through Engaging and Developmental Computer-based Simulations
A Language Learning App: A Blended Learning Approach
Brain-Centric Design Transforms a Learning Community Immediately and Forever
eLearning in Developing Countries: Opportunities, Challenges, and Success Stories
Computer-Based Technology (CBT) Assessment Implementation in a Nigerian Higher Institution and a Lecturer’s Work Stories: Implications for E-Counseling
The Just-in-time Flipped Classroom: A New Way to Learn English in a Teacher Education Setting
Design and Assessment of the DARPA Digital Tutor for Information Technology
Deconstructing Paper-lined Cubicles: Digital Literacy and Information Technology Resources in the Workplace
Simplifying the Creation and Delivery of eLearning
Recommendations for Mobile Learning-Supported Internet of Things Courses
Emerging Technologies: Transforming India’s Education Sector
Using a Recommender System to Suggest Educational Resources and Drawing a Semi-Automated Concept Map to Enhance the Learning Progress
The Inverted Classroom in Workplace Learning: Digital Transformation and the Connection of New Learning-spaces
The Gamification of Education: Examples of Collaborative Training Projects between Corporate and Higher Education Institutions
openSAP: Why are Enterprise MOOCs Working?
Work, Family and School: Balanced Post-Graduate Programs for Full-Time Workers in Finland
Learn2Analyze: An Academia-Industry Knowledge Alliance for Enhancing Online Training Professionals’ Competences in Educational Data Analytics
mHealth Learning and App Development with No Coding Required
Scaffolding Successful Mobile Experiences for Frontline ESL Workers: An Exploratory Study
A Humanoid Robot Tutor In An Escape Room Activity: Insights From A Pilot Study
Using Online Learning to Teach Science: A Case Study of New Graduate Teachers
Internationalization and Intercultural Competence Among Undergraduate and Graduate Students in School-Based Professions through e-Learning
Electronic Learning in the Faculty of Education, Babcock University, Nigeria
Courseless Learning: A 5-step approach for bypassing the limitations of formal training
A Supportive Information Assistant on Mobile Devices for Non-Technical Students Learning Programming
A Contemporary Educational Network for Professional Development
Panel Discussions:
New Technologies in Learning: A Worldwide Perspective
Announcement of the Winners:
2019 International E-Learning Awards, Business Division
11th ICELW 2018, June 13-15, 2018, Columbia University, New York, USA
- Keynotes:
Learning How to Learn: A Behind-the-Scenes Look at the World’s Most Popular MOOC
The New Virtual Reality (VR) – From Entertainment to Education
Re-Imagining Education and Training: A Potential Future
Gamification 2018 – Engagement all over the place? A snapshot analysis of the best-practice solutions so far
Building a Transmedia Story for Corporate Training
Are You Ready for the Digital Learning Age?
BNY Mellon Case Study: How Data-Driven Learning Creates Business Value
Teaching Technology Usage in the ENT Medical Subdomain via a Flipped Classroom Approach
Net Generation Learning Terrace (NGLT) for Sparking Adult Learners’ Onsite and Off-site Learning: A Case Study
Distance Learning in the Musical Field in Romania through European-Funded Projects
Virtual Labs, Augmented Reality and Interactive Classes for a New Distance Teaching-Learning Model
HoloLens, Augmented Reality, and Teamwork: Merging Virtual and Real Workplaces
Virtual Workplace Training in Mixed Reality for the Norwegian Labor and Welfare Administration
Level Up Employee Learning Using Competency-Based Applied Learning
A Threefold Gamification Approach for Software Engineering Education
Elements of a Prototype to Implement Distance Education
Fulfilling the Organizational Mission through Professional Development: A Holistic E-Learning Framework
Enabling Day-One Performance with a “Workflow GPS”
Working in increasing isolation? How an international MOOC for career professionals supports peer learning across distance
Corporate Training – Calculating the Economic Viability, Cost/Benefit Analysis and ROI
Fostering Relevant New Competencies in the Times of Industry 4.0 with E-learning in the Workplace
Sustainable Software Development Education via Mobile E-learning
Understanding Users of Adaptable E-Learning as Heterogeneous Groups of Work-Integrated Learners
How Much Does Data Science Need an Engineer?
Turning Subject Matter Expertise into an Interactive Learning Experience
TRACE-ER: Learning and Assessing Advanced Life Support Competencies in the Emergency Room
Co-construction of Knowledge in Work-Integrated E-learning Courses in Joint Industry-University Collaboration
Workplace Learning: Looking for the Perfect Blend
The Bank of Georgia Learning Hub
Equatorial Marathon in VRunners, an Alternate Reality Game
Measuring Digital Literacy and Readiness in the Workplace
The Social Learning Marketplace: A Data-Driven, Measurable and Sustainable Approach to Corporate Learning & Development
Understanding How Australian Industry Reports the “Problem” of Literacy and Learning for Future Workforces
Improving the Creation, Curation and Discovery of Open Educational Resources for Work-Integrated and Lifelong Learning
Design and Implementation of Blended Synchronous Learning: The Instructor’s Perspective
Entwine and Embed: Using Game-Based Learning to Engage First-Year Students in Information Literacy
Design Science Research for Work-Integrated e-Learning
Building a Culture of Online Learning Through Digital Assets
Implementation of Blended Learning for Staff Midwives and Nurses working in Three Dublin Maternity Hospitals
Career Professional Development through VR
Obstacles to using E-learning in an Advanced Way
The Design and Development of a Mobile Phone Application for STEM based on a Novel Engineering Approach
A Brazilian Entrepreneurial Group That Believes There Are No Time or Space Limits for Learning
Panel Discussions:
Workplace Learning and Professional Development: Perspectives from around the World
Announcement of the Winners:
2018 International E-Learning Awards, Business Division
10th ICELW 2017, June 14-16, 2017, Columbia University, New York, USA
- Keynotes:
Games for Today, Tomorrow, and the Day after That
Learning Today: Why Nothing and Everything Has Changed
The Role of Emotion in Online Learning
Workplace Learning with eduBeacons
Learning Ecosystem: Shifting from Create to Curate
Driving Home the Point: Using Problem-Based Learning Principles for Routine Training
An Evaluation of Online Delivery Methods to the Success of Technology Programs: A Case Study
Data Envelopment Analysis (DEA) as an Approach to Defining an Efficient Assessment Methodology in Distance Education
Bloody Good! The Impact of Elearning on Medical and Nursing Practice
SIEducation – How to somehow immerse your teaching
Build a Performance Support Coaching App to Extend Training into the Workplace: A Mini-Workshop
An Overview of Competency Management for Learning and Performance Support: Workplace Learning and Beyond
3.5 Aspects to Keep in Mind When Designing Training for a Global Audience
A Pedagogical Architecture for Designing Digital Musical Instruments’
A University for Refugees: Education without Boundaries
Designing and Creating Meaningful, Realistic Videos for Learning
Reimagining STEM Education and Training: 3D and Holographic Visualization, Immersive and Interactive Learning for Effective Flipped Teaching
Taiwanese In-Service Pharmacists’ Attitudes toward Online Professional Development and their Internet Self-efficacy
Applying Advanced Dramatic Techniques to Ensure eLearning Video Outcomes
Providing Meaningful Live-Virtual Interactions that Scale
Institutional Culture and Faculty Perceptions of Online Learning in Healthcare Higher Education
Bridging Digital Divides in Workplace Training by Offering Workers Personalized Micro-learning over any Mobile Phone
Once Upon a Time in eLearning: Engage Learners, Demonstrate Relevance & Increase Retention
A Blended Learning Model Combining MOOCs, Face-to-Face Teaching, and Practice in Professional Training
Best Practice Focused Occupationally-Directed Education, Training and Development Practice Prospects Linked to Workplace e-Learning
Redefining Compliance Training using Simulations and Big Data
Studies of e-learning in Practice
Cultivating Connected Communities for Workforce Learning and Development Success within a MOOC
Lessons Learned with a Neuroscience-based Platform Focused on Students’ Motivation
Micro-Learning: Why We Like It, Who It Works For, and How To Get Started
A Best-Practice Mobile E-Learning Approach for Application Prototyping
An Innovative Managerial Model for the Digital Culture
Panel Discussions:
The Future of Online Learning: Upcoming Trends and Passing Fads
Announcement of the Winners
2017 International E-Learning Awards, Business Division
9th ICELW 2016, June 15-17, 2016, Columbia University, New York, USA
- Keynotes:
Serious Shoestrings: Deep eLearning within Pragmatic Constraints
Full-Bodied Learning: Applying Grounded Embodied Cognition to Improve Learning
What’s Next for Learning, Technology, and Our Profession
Creating a Basic, Low-Cost Platform to Deliver Performance Support and Micro-Learning to the Workspace
PMAn Insider’s View of Choosing a Localization Vendor: When One Size Does Not Fit All
The Importance of e-learning as a Teaching and Learning Approach in Emerging Markets
Single-sourcing Complicated Content for Multiple Output Types: Mobile, HTML5, and PDF
A Web-Based Tool for Collaboration and Transdisciplinary Learning Design in Communities of Practice
Erik Vestergaard, Helle Storm, and Gitte Riis Hansen, University College Zealand, Roskilde, Denmark
The Good, the Bad and the Ugly: A Case Study for Implementing Digital Learning
Bloomberg: 10 Surprising E-Learning Lessons Learned the Hard Way
Work-embedded Learning for Employees who Work for Child Allowance Agencies
4 Key Benefits of Converting a Virtual ILT Program to a Simulation with BNY Mellon
Using Simulation-Based Education to Increase the Retention Rates of Female Engineering Students
Lessons Learned: First steps with a new product – supported by eLearning in ten languages!
xAPI and Privacy: How the Personal Data Locker Can Solve this Issue
A as in Audio: Facilitating the Automatic Generation of Audio Lectures
The Performance of Mobile Devices Running HTML5-designed Learning Objects
Modeling Complex Skill with Educational Data Mining
eLQe: A Cool Tool for Simply Evaluating Your eLearning Course Development
The Design of MOOCs for Health Education
openSAP: Evaluating xMOOC Usage and Challenges for Scalable and Open Enterprise Education
Effects of Feedback by Multiple Peers on Students’ Task Revision in a Collaborative Online Environment
The Creative Process: Developing Innovative E-Learning in a World of Templates
Bridging Academic and Workplace Environments: Preparing Business School Students for eLearning in the Workplace
The Role of Story and Emotion in Online Learning
Interactive Tutorials and Live Holograms in Continuing Medical Education: Case Studies from the e-REAL Experience
The State of Virtual Meeting Spaces at Stanford University
E-Mentoring: The Key to a Lasting and Cost-Efficient Tool for Support and Knowledge Management?
Empowering Emerging HR Professionals to Create Innovative e-Learning Modules: Challenges, Opportunities and Reflections
Creating a Culture of Learning Innovation
Innovation Capability, Knowledge Management and Emergent Data Analytics Technology
From eLearning to Digital Business Transformation: What are the Implications for the Learning Function?
In Search of Elements to Organize Assessments in Distance Learning More Efficiently
A Practical Guide to Nano-Learning
Virtual Environments in Higher Education – Immersion as a Key Construct for Learning 4.0
Innovation in Education through Competency Based Education (CBE): The relationship between online development skills and CBE development
Innovative Applications of Blended Learning at a Children’s Advocacy Center: CornerHouse Advanced Forensic Interview Training
Using Semantic Technologies in E-Learning Platforms: A Case Study
Modern Tools for Creating Skills: How to Create Professional Employees in the Scandinavian Financial Industry
An Authoring Platform for the Design, Authoring, and Efficient Production and Supply of Interactive Educational Products
Too Old to Learn? The Specific Needs of Senior Learners
Panel Discussions:
New Technologies and the Future of Learning Experiences
Announcement of the Winners
2016 International E-Learning Awards, Business Division
8th ICELW 2015, June 10-12, 2015, Columbia University, New York, USA
- Keynotes:
Gamification vs. Game Design: What’s the Difference?
Out of the Fragmentation, Innovation: From Hidden Know-How to Collective Learning
Establishing Best Practices for Mentorships Between Employees and Students Participating in a Capstone e-Learning Course
Scaling Learning in the Retail World: The Success of Mattress Firm
Build it – and they will come???? Increasing the Viewership of Your eLearning Courses
Going Global? The ABC of Localization-Friendly Content
E-Portfolios as a Means to Achieving Career-Long Outcomes: A Critical View
Alliances for Knowledge: MOOCs to Create New Professional Skills in a New Model of University (Positive and Negative Aspects)
Training in a Truck – Tech Talk
Transdisciplinary Science: Working Cooperatively
A Case Study of Online-based Collaborative Lesson Planning
Merging Mobile Learning into Traditional Education
Growing India’s Enrollment Ratio by 100%: Online Education to the Rescue of Indian Universities in Formal Education
ClassX: A Video Lecture Repository at Stanford University
Generation I – How to Meet Learners’ Expectations of Tomorrow – Take 2
Scenario-Based Online Assessment Center: A Best Practice Example at Vodafone
Examining Students’ Perceptions of E-learning in a Women-Only Environment
The Use of Serious Games as a Successful Educational Tool
An e-REAL Lab in Dubai: Boosting Growth, Development and Social Progress at Etisalat Academy
Move Your Avatar! Improvisational Theatre Methods in Virtual Teams
Exploring Design Patterns of Shared Interfaces for Web Collaboration
Designing and Evaluating Collaborative Projects in Learning Communities: Innovative Practices and Strategies
Serious Games as an Approach for Work Process Oriented Learning: Didactical Concepts and Objectives for Competency Development
The Impact of Approach and Methodology on Teachers’ Ability to Reach a Critical Level in Their Reflections
iMOOCs: A New Class of Interactive MOOCs
User Generated Content and the Shrinking Learning Department
Evaluation of Training Programs Offered Online in India
Design for the Mind: Visual, UI, and Graphic Design for a New Generation of eLearning
Using Smartphones and Digital Technology to Calculate Volumes of Geological Structures with Civil Engineering Students
Preparing for Industry 4.0 – Collaborative Virtual Learning Environments in Engineering Education
E-Learning in University Physics Courses at UNIST in Korea
A Knowledge Management Platform for Online Training
Cut the “Scrap”: Streamline Training to Enable Day-One Competence
Experience Design for E-Learning
Inventing the Steam Engine to Educate a Global Workforce
Engaging in Social Collaborative Learning: The Journey of MasterCard and CorpU
Integrative Knowledge Management in Interdisciplinary Research Clusters
Applying Predictive Analytics: From Online Classrooms to the Workplace
Incorporating E-Learning to Enhance Post-Training Transfer and Mastery, and Increase Collaboration and Trust Among Teams
E-Learning Degree Programs: A Better Way to Balance Work and Education?
Creating E-learning Possibilities for and with First Nations
An Augmented Reality Gamebook for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders
MOCODIS (MObile COllection and DIssemination of Seniors’ Skills)
DSign4Practice: Improving Management Education
Advancements in Educating Executives Online
Destructional Design: Balancing Tradition and Innovation
Cost-Effective Simulations in the Classroom
E-learning Indicators to Improve the Effectiveness of the Learning Process
Simulated Learning Environments for Training Teachers
Pedagogical Evaluation Criteria for Virtual Courses: A Case Study from a Bachelor’s Degree Program
Integrating English Learning Activities into Campus Culture
The Story of the Columbia Regional Learning Center: Lessons Learned
From E-learning to Distance Learning: The Case of the University of Ferrara
The Interactive Voice: How the Mobile Web is the Connected Worker’s Best Classroom
The Effect of E-Learning on Secondary School Students’ Interest in Basic Statistics
Using Storytelling in Digital Learning
The Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge (TPACK) Framework: An Analysis of Teachers’ Self-Efficacy in Asian Countries
A Blended-Learning Setting in English for Medical Purposes Course Incorporating Competencies
Barriers to Using E-learning Systems: The Case of Faculty of Education in Jordan
Panel Discussions:
Exploring Cultural Differences: E-Learning Design for Audiences around the World
Announcement of the Winners
2015 International E-Learning Awards, Business Division
7th ICELW 2014, June 11-13, 2014, Columbia University, New York, USA
- Keynotes:
Digital Learning in the Workplace: The future is social, mobile, personal…
Online Learning: Connecting Global Talent across Time and Space
The Development of Virtual World Tools to Enhance Learning and Real World Decision Making in the Australian Sugar Farming Industry
After the Course is Over: Ensuring Competent, On-the-Job Performance with Role-Based Playbooks
The Serious E-Learning Manifesto
Generation I: How to Meet Learners’ Expectations of Tomorrow
An Exploratory Study into Virtual Learning Environments as a Training Platform in the Workplace
Technology Driven Emancipatory Education in the Workplace using Online Blended Leaning
Is e-learning for Me? Experiences of an Intern Program in a Centre for Educational Technology
Customized E-Learning for B2B Companies: A Round Table Discussion moderated by
Designing eLearning Content for Localization
Mobile Strategy and Development on a Shoestring Budget
The Future of Distance Learning: Technology vs. Learning
Journal-Based Learning in an Online Environment
Co-work between University Teachers from Different Fields: Is it Possible to Build a Common Language?
Enhancing Scientific Cooperation of an Interdisciplinary Cluster of Excellence via a Scientific Cooperation Portal
Connecting Industry and Academia e-learning through a Novel Capstone Project and Software Implementation
Aetna General Managers and P&L; Leaders Navigate Health Insurance Future Using an Online, Connected Learning Technology Platform
Individual, Collaborative, and Organizational Serious Games and e-learning Gamification in the Workplace
Implementation of an Expert-Finding Tool to Improve Informal Learning at the Workplace
Using What We Learn – Does Organizational Context Influence Knowledge Translation to Practice?
Scientific Communication and the Rise of Video Publications
Alternative Management in the Workplace: The CNAM Initiative
Evaluating the Impact of Blended Learning on Performance and Engagement of Second Language Learners
The Jazz Ensemble: A Training Model for Social Creativity in the Workplace
Online “Sheltered Instruction” Training for Online Teachers: A Professional Development Evaluation
Assessing Job Performance of Video e-learning Content Authors and System Providers
Emotional Experiences: The Underrated Key to Successful Online Learning
E-enabled Performance Support: The Secret of L&D; Success?
Applying and Promoting Critical Thinking in Online Education
Digital Media as Support for Technical Vocational Training: Expectations and Research Results of the Use of Web 2.0
Bring Your Presentations Back to Life With Prezi!
Online Essay Writing Services – Compatibility with E-Learning and Career Progression
Electronic Mentoring: What is it and how can it be used to support teachers?
Quality Process Improvements for Graduate E-Learning Programs: A Framework Implementation Guide
Training the 21st Century Workforce of Early Childhood Teachers in STEM Education through an eLearning Environment
Capacity Building and Technology: Developing Schools and Kindergartens through Evidence-Informed Practice
Exploring the Relationships between Pharmacists’ Internet Self-Efficacy and their Motivations toward Web-based Continuing Learning
Design Models and Patterns for Creating Better eLearning
How to Use e-Learning Activities to Connect with the Introvert Corporate Language Learner
Easily Creating Interactive Self-Learning Media of High Quality without Programming
Serious Games: What Do Users Think?
Introducing Learning Innovation in Public Employment Services: What Role Can Facilitation Play?
Leveraging Social Learning in Management Education
Just-in-time Learning: Can Online Courses Significantly Support Face to Face Teaching?
Development Time – How long will it take to develop my eLearning?
Pharmacists’ Abilities of Self-Regulation in Web-based Continuing Learning and the Role of their Self-Efficacy
Social Collaboration Technology: Driving Organizational Change and Maximizing Business Performance!
e-REAL: Enhancing Intelligence by Visual Thinking
Interactive Learning Spaces: Creating Virtual Walkthroughs for Corporate Training
Creating a Virtual Community of Practice
From E-learning to Virtual Communities: A New Approach for Developing Collaborative Software Platforms
Organizational E-learning Readiness for Technology-Enhanced Competence Initiatives in the Manufacturing Industry
Achieving Business Results with Corporate MOOCs
Mobile Learning in a Mobile Workplace: An Innovative Blended Approach to On-the-Job Training
Vital Signs: How e-learning for Midwives and Sonographers in Developing Countries Can Help to Save Lives
Creating e- and m-learning Foundations to Engage Young Adults in a Workforce Development Program
Competency Development in the Financial Services Industry: Six Case Studies
Profiling Preservice Teachers’ Readiness for Web-based 21st century Teaching
In-service Science Teachers’ Perceptions and Self-efficacy of Technological Pedagogical and Content Knowledge
The CPOE Mobile Support: A Mobile Application Training Tool to Enhance Physicians’ Learning of CPOE
A New, Adaptive Model to Improve Learning via Mobile Devices
Wanna LLAMA? Let’s get started with the (Lot Like) Agile Management Approach!
Maturity in Large Scale Corporate e-Learning
Integrating Project Work into Distance Education Courses
Challenges and Strategies of Implementing Blended Learning in Universities
Exploring Adult Learners’ Readiness for E-Learning: A Case Study
The Changing Workplace: Connecting Teaching and Learning with Neuroscience
Assessment of Availability and Utilization of ICT Resources in Teaching in F.C.E.
Panel Discussions:
The Role of MOOCs in Corporate Training and Professional Development
Announcement of the Winners
2014 International E-Learning Awards, Business Division
ICELW mini-expo, Jun 12
6th ICELW 2013, June 12-14, 2013, Columbia University, New York, USA
- Keynotes:
Social Learning: The Changing Face of Workplace Learning
From a Research Insight to a Practical Learning Innovation
Transitioning to a 70-20-10 Learning Structure
Consumable Content for Employee Brand Training
Caring for Persons with Spinal Cord Injury: An Online Resource for Family Physicians
Teaching Communication Skills in a Virtual World: An evidence-based research study
Multi-User Virtual Environments and Serious Games for Team Building in Organizations
Combining Individual and Social Aspects of Learning in a Serious Game Context: Some Reflections from the TARGET Project
Microlearning with Interactive Training Cards
Quickly Create Effective, Engaging eLearning Lessons with Adobe Captivate
Your Systems Need to Talk: What’s Tin Can API and How Does It Affect Workplace Learning?
Maximizing the Blended Learning Curriculum by Using the “Flipped Classroom” Approach in the Workplace
Improving Student Writing Skills through Embedded Writing Coaches in Courses
A Virtual Collaboration Platform to Enhance Scientific Performance within Transdisciplinary Research Networks
Validating the Instructional Design Process: A Correlational Analysis of Learning Outcomes Across Learning Models
Meta-Cognition and Self-Regulation Via Analog Learning and E-Learning
Computer Supported Collaborative Learning in a Clerkship: An Exploratory Study on the Relation of Discussion Activity and Revision of Critical Appraisal Papers
Think Big – Start Small: Three Models for Creating and Implementing Low-Cost, High-Impact Performance Support Solutions
Using Simulations to Integrate Technology into Health Care Aides’ Workflow
Do Students in a Distance Learning Program Use E-Tools and Digital Devices?
Supporting Tools for Blended Animators in Complex Learning Communities
Video in Learning: The New Rules
Virtual Guided Learning Journeys Improve Online Learning Completion Rates for Supply Chain Leaders at Coca-Cola
Lessons Learned from 12 Years’ Delivery of an Online Collaborative Business Technology Program
Open Badges for Open Learning
Virtual on-the-job Training for Cashiers
What Does “E-Learning Design” Really Mean? Thoughts on Creating Engaging Online Experiences
Gamify Your Teaching – Using Location-Based Games for Educational Purposes
A Comparative Study of Emerging Technologies for Online Courses
Web 2.0 in Education: Developing Teachers’ Digital Competencies through Blended Learning
Learning Experiences: UX-based Instructional Design
Qualified Healthcare: e-Learning for Compliance of Nurses
A Collaborative E-learning Application for Electric Field Distribution in Biological Tissues for Electroporation-Based Biomedical Applications
Knowledge and Learning Management for Enhancing Academic Staff Online Training Methodologies for Quality Graduates
Competency-Based Self-Directed Learning and Assessment: A Model for Vocational and Continuing Education?
Free Tools for Project Management: An Organizational Learning Approach for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Mobile, Personalized Informal Learning for Corporate Learners
Creating an Electronic Performance Support System with Commercial Off-the-Shelf Authoring Software
Engineering a Powerful Solution: Developing Immersive Experiential Learning for Power Station Engineers in South Africa
Moving into a Multi-Device World: Five New Ways to Reach Learners Anywhere at any Time
How to Infuse Quality in Online Training Programs
An Innovative Concept for Distance Training of Professionals in the Electro-Mechanical Industry
Getting on the Same Page with Blended Learning/Hybrids – Training to the Masses
From E-learning to Blended Learning: Redesigning Content and Frame in a Capacity Building Project
Adapting Open Source LMS Software for Business Training
Instant Video Replay Techniques & Technologies: Implications and Opportunities for E-Training Community
Global e-learning: What’s Going On?
Achieving Strategic Energy Management Goals through Blended Learning in New York City
Communities of Practice as a Paradigm
Online Language Learning in the Workplace: Maximizing Efficiency, Effectiveness, and Time-on-Task
Any Ware, Any Where: Breaking the Limitations of Traditional Online Learning
Rapid Development and Dynamic Delivery of Role Play Simulation
The Art of Interactive Conversation in E-Learning and Blended Learning
The Effect of E-learning on Learners’ Motivation: A Case Study on Evaluating E-Learning
Exploiting Motivation and Self-Efficacy through the Implementation of a Self-Regulated Oriented ePortfolio
iPads in the Hands of Teachers: Navigating the Collision of Staff Development and Organizational Policy
A Comprehensive Look into the Role of E-learning Strategy in Higher Education
The Effective Use of Learning Technologies in Bank Examiner Training and Development
Knowledge Sharing Cultures in Finance and Insurance Companies – Needs to Improve Informal Collaborative e-Learning
Working in the Cloud: Training our College-Level Business Students to Get Ready to Work on Virtual Teams and Projects
Designing a Specific Tool for Measuring Students’ and Tutors’ Mutual Expectations from Each Other in an E-Learning Platform
Assessing the Value of Web 2.0 on Organizational Knowledge Management
New Strategies for Cultivating a Learning Organization
Learners’ Perceptions of Online Collaborative Argumentation in Business Writing
Organization of Students’ Self-Study to Build Competences in the Workplace
Sentiment Analysis Use in the Satisfaction Evaluation for Marine Education
Panel Discussions:
Informal Learning
Announcement of the Winners
2013 International E-Learning Awards, Business Division
ICELW mini-expo, June 13 (1st)
5th ICELW 2012, June 13-15, 2012, Columbia University, New York, USA
- Keynotes:
Applying the Science of Instruction: Evidence-based Guidelines for e-Learning
What the Research Says about Informal Learning (and Implications for Practicing Professionals)
Turning Knowledge into Action: Experiential Learning and Natural Assessment
The Global CE Revolution: How Pfizer, Cornell University, and Texas A&M University are changing the face of continuing education for veterinary professionals
Training Virtually Virtual: Workplace e-learning for Automotive Assembly Operators
E-training Behavioral Health Professionals to Meet the Needs of Veterans and their Families
Capturing Teachable Moments on Video and Creating E-Learning Deliverables on the Spot
Distance Learning Program in Population Issues (DLPI): Opportunities for Continuing Education
Can Course Design in an Online MAT Program Promote Personalized Learning through e-Teaching and e-Learning Practices?
Systematic Usability and User Experience Evaluation as a Basis for the Redesign of an e-learning Platform
E-Learning and Comprehensive School and Kindergarten Development
Harnessing Social, Cultural and Self-Efficacy Issues for Designing E-Learning in Corporations
Measuring E-Learning Effectiveness: Teaching, Learning, and Technology
Responding to Workplace Needs: Assessing the Value of e-learning in Graduate Educational Technology Program
Staying Relevant and Current with Online Learning in an Increasingly Global and Competitive Environment
E-assessment in Portuguese Higher Education
Field-Based Performance Support: Creating On-Demand Support for Developing Sales People at Hess Corp
Lessons Learned Developing E-Learning for NASA’s Space Shuttle and Deep Space Launch System Engine Programs
Using Communities of Practice for the Learning of Students with Poor Vision
Transatlantic Online Community of Practice
An eLearning Self-Assessment Model (e-LSA)
Demonstration: The e-LSA System for Self-Assessment of an e-learning Services Organization
A Recommender System for Learning Resources Suggestions Based on Learner Characteristics
Flash or HTML5 – Which one will you choose?
From Cherry Picking to Convergence – Migrating E-Learning Delivery to an LMS (Learning Management System): The COLeLIO Experience
Serious Games and 3D Virtual Worlds for Training Cultural Awareness in a Workplace and University Context: Some Experiences
Knowledge-based Authoring of Learning and Teaching Media
Learning Portal and Social Media – Better Together Like Chocolate and Peanut Butter
The Gamification of E-Learning
User, User: Who Art Thou?: The Seamless Experience
Globalization and the New Challenges in Engineering Education
An Experience in Distance Training To Promote Innovation: The e-Nova Project in Brazil
Will E-Learning Become the Predominant Method of Teaching at Universities? Experiences with Different Forms of Teaching
Equipping (Future) Teachers with 2.0 Skills; The Workplace-Based Implementation of the ICT Assessment Portfolio in Dutch Teacher Education
E-Learning Use Patterns in the Workplace: Web Logs from Interactions with a Web-based Lecture
Social Learning Organizations: Using Social Media to Enhance Learning in Organizations
Compare This! Designing for knowledge transfer in online learning environments through analogical encoding
How to Build Great Mobile Learning Apps…in less than 20 minutes!
What We Used to Know: Traditional ID Concepts & Techniques That Can Make eLearning Better
Transforming Subject Matter Experts into eLearning Champions: A Case Study from NYU Langone Medical Center
It was a 3rd grade teacher who started me on virtual collaboration…
Creativity in Collaborative Learning — An On-Line Experience
ELabMate: A Tool for Delivering Programming Courses Effectively
Taking Your Training to Tahiti (or Tel Aviv)
Capturing Online Learner Behaviors in Real Time for Analysis and Evaluation
The Acceptance of Wikis as Collaborative Authoring Tools within Corporate Settings
Empowerment of Trainee Teachers: Students and Teachers Discuss and Explore Workplace Dilemmas by Means of an International Virtual COP
Collaboration and Social Learning of the IMPACT WITHOUT AUTHORITY Course via Skype
The Travails and Opportunities of Training on The Road
Manage Projects Smarter: Picking Tools for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises
Training and Economic Performance of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises: Does E-Learning Make a Difference?
Adding Social Media to e-Learning in the Workplace: How to Instill an Interactive Learning Culture
The Role of e-Learning in Education Should Mirror Industry Standards
School Administrators Turning Dystopia into Utopias: Stories about ICT Integration
The Impact of e-sources on e-learning among Library and Information Sciences Professionals in Universities: A Case from Pakistan
Workplace-Oriented Learning with Digital Media — Consequences for Competency Development
Choosing a Virtual World Platform for Teaching: “VICERO”- A Scoring Model Aiding the Right Choice
Digital Storytelling as a Methodology to Support the Reflection Process
E-learning in Practice: An Empirical Study of the Impact of Web 2.0 Technologies and e-learning on Companies’ Business Performance
E-Learning in the Workplace at Avantha Group: A Case Study
Towards Supporting New Professional Skills in Computer-Mediated Interaction
E-Learning in Kazakhstan: Stages of Formation and Prospects for Development
Internet Addiction in the Workplace
Emotion Evaluation of Simulation Systems in Educational Practice
Surveying In-service Preschool Teachers’ Technological Pedagogical Content Knowledge
The Development of a Pedagogy Framework in Social Network-Based Learning: Support for Special Educational Needs
Live Virtual Classrooms: A Complement or a Replacement for Traditional Training?
Social Media to Foster Self-Organized Learning for Dropouts
E-Learning as an Important Component in “Blended Learning” in School Development Projects in Norway
Demonstration Session and Panel Discussion:
Innovative E-Learning Methods from Around the World
Announcement of the Winners
2012 International E-Learning Awards, Business Division
4th ICELW 2011, June 8-10, 2011, Columbia University, New York, USA
- Keynotes:
Why eLearning Is No Longer Enough in Today’s Workplace
Knowledge Management and E-Learning: Putting Theory into Practice
Businesses Don’t Stand Still, Why Should Their Learning? Elearning/Eworking Solutions Must Be ‘Just-in-Time’/Just Enough/Just-for-Me’
Up And Running With E: A No-Fuss Model for Implementing E-Learning in Smaller Organizations
Collaborative and Social Learning using Virtual Worlds: Preparing Students for “Virtually” Anything
A Case Study on Mobile Multimedia Learning and Basketball Coaching
TARGET: An Innovative Technology Enhanced Learning Platform for Teaching and Learning Complex Concepts
Industry-Academia Partnerships Through Collaborative Projects Conducted in an Online Environment
The Correlation between Blended Learning Techniques Awareness and Participation Rates in E-Learning: A Case Study
Virtual Internships for Trainee Teachers
A Usability and User-Centered Approach to The Design of E-Learning Environments for Full-Time Employees in the Silesia Region – Poland
E-Learning and School Development: Strengths and Challenges of Capacity Building in School Development Projects
How Can Socratic Methods Facilitate E-Learning in a Business Environment?
e-Learning Solutions for Healthcare: INFECTIOUS DISEASE
World Cup 2014 A Professional Training Program for Brazilian Hotels
Serious Games: A Different Way to Train
Taking a Bite out of e-learning: a Workplace Education Model for Trainee Dentists
Quality Practices and Validity in Workplace eLearning
E-Learning: Is it also for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises or only for Larger Organizations?
The Use of Wikis And Synchronous Online Classrooms to Promote Deeper Learning for Work-Based Learning
The Usage of a Hybrid Course to Enhance Student Engagement and Success
The Usage of the Internet for Knowledge Sharing among Personnel at Ramkhamhaeng University Thailand
A Flexible Methodology Based on Multimedia Training Systems
Exploiting 3D Virtual Worlds in Teachers’ Continuing Professional Development
Down & Dirty Video: Practical Strategies for Producing Engaging E-Learning Video on a Budget
The New Learning Strategy of the Dutch Vehicle Authority
Making Virtual Environments Work for Distance Education
Distance Training of Mechatronics and Alternative Technologies in European Industry
MySchoolsNetwork: Fostering Professional Discourse by Means of Peer Consultation “Anytime Anywhere” for Trainee Teachers
Technology Strategies for Teaching and Learning in Education and the Workplace
Professional Partnerships: Supporting the Preparation of Pre-Service Teachers Through a Tiered Online Mentoring System
Learning in an Online Environment: What Motivates Graduate Students?
The E-Learner in the Making: Rethinking Flexible and Inclusive Education in the University
Using the Moodle Book Feature for Collaboration in Resource Creation
Implementing E-learning on a Global Level
Training the Reluctant Learner
Virtual Labs As Educational Tool in E-Learning for Educational Institutions, Schools and Companies
How to Survive the eLearning Jungle: Elements of Creative Marketing
Web-Based Mentoring: A replicable and Scalable Model
Measuring the Effectiveness of an Online School-to-Work Transition Module
Life Long Learning within Health and Social Services: An Italian Community of Practice
E-Learning as a Key for Regional Integration through Countries of Mercosur
Benchmarking Staff Preparedness for E-Learning and Distance Learning at a UK Higher Education Institution
Supporting Effective Interaction on a Web Forum: Towards a Constructivist Approach
Using Natural Frequencies to Teach Bayes’ Theorem Applications in Decision Analysis
The Numerical Knowledge of Reference in eLearning: The Example of the Students in a Master of Documentation Course
Knowledge Creation in Different Stages of Organizational Growth
The Evolution of E-Learning in Greek Universities and Technological Education Institutes: The Government Intervention
Improving Collaborative Learning and Global Project Management in Small and Medium Enterprises
Ode to Mobile Performance Support
The Future of Work, Education and Society: Technological Transformations
Constructing Pedagogical Models for E-learning
Accelerated Learning: Maximizing the Blend of Adult Development Strategies
The Impact of Pre-recorded Lectures in Distance Learning
The Perceived Service Quality of Virtual Learning Environments in China
Coaching Within a Context: Using Simulations to Deliver High-Touch Leadership Development at a Distance
Using Virtual Worlds to Support Interprofessional Health Science Collaboration
Practice Makes Perfect: Replicating Legal Vocational Practice in an Immersive Learning Environment
Building Effective Interactions in Online Courses
Mood Inference Machine: A Framework to Infer Affective Phenomena in the ROODA Virtual Learning Environment
E-learning Management Systems: Multidimensional Perspectives for Foreign Language Acquisition
Using Green Screen Techniques for Effective Visual Storytelling in e-Learning
The Capitalization of Enterprises’ Business in an E-learning Context
You Built a Learning Management System, Why Won’t People Use It?
How to Prepare Advanced Business Learning Content in an LMS Platform
Panel Discussions:
Beyond the Great Recession: Possibilities and Predictions
Announcement of the Winners
2011 International E-Learning Awards, Business Division
3rd ICELW 2010, June 9-11, 2010, Columbia University, New York, USA
- Keynotes:
A Game-Changing Corporate Strategy: Transcending the University Model with eWorking
How Web 2.0 and the Immersive Internet are Changing the Game for Learning
Strategies for Successful Global E-Learning Programs with Technical Content
Benchmarking e-learning – What Australian Employers Are Saying
Gaining Cultural Intelligence Through Second Life Learning Interventions
Fostering Intrinsic Performance Support through Embedded Learning Resources
Real-Time, Real-World Training Environments for Geographically Dispersed Learners
Pain War Game – How Executives Can Achieve Excellence in Marketing
Productivity and Economic Performance: Does e-Learning Make a Difference for Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises?
Improving Learner Engagement via SMS
Electronic Education and its Utilization at Czech Technical University in Prague
E-learning for Teachers: Best Practices for Modeling E-teaching Practices for E-learners Who Will Become Teachers
Teaching Hybrid Undergraduate Classes with Online Students
A Comparative Evaluation of Internet-Based Distance Education in Greek Higher Technological Education during the Period 2007-2010
Using Audio and Video as Learning Technologies to Aid Reflection, Assessment and Feedback in Workplace Learning
Starting at the Beginning: Content on the Internet
An Application of ‘Deschooled’ Learning as a Panacea for Unemployment in a Global Economic Meltdown
The Future of Virtual Worlds & Learning
The Formation of an E-based Interactive Digital System in Architectural Education: The ADA Platform
The Impact of Open Source Software on an Educational Business Model
The Internet-Based, Performance-Centered Learning Environment for Curriculum Support (IPLECS)
The e-Adult Learner: The Definitive Classic in e-workplace Development
Lifelong Learning in Virtual Environments: Collaborative Learning
$1 Billion Bank Conversion: The Implementation of a Comprehensive E- Learning Strategy
RELOAD – A Semantic-based Learning and Knowledge Platform for Employees of the Do-It-Yourself Industry
Living On The Edge: The Nexus Between Developers and Academics Working in Virtual Worlds
The Hungarian Network of Open Learning Centres
Participatory Methods and Their Implications in Collaborative Workplace Learning
GEAR: A Game based on E-learning and Augmented Reality Concepts
The Highs and Lows of Introducing E-learning to National Air Traffic Services (NATS)
Countdown to Implementation: An Advertising Industry Case Study with a Creative Marketing Campaign
Using Second Life for Just-in-Time Training: Building Teaching Frameworks in Virtual Worlds
Reaching Distance Learners’ Future Needs in E-learning
Professional Mentoring Program through Virtual Media: Challenges and Impact
An Object-Oriented Package to be Included in Content Management Systems
Invited Session: Incorporating Interactive Media into Workplace Learning Environments
The Use of Serious Games in the Development of Behavior Skills
Models for Strengthening Digital Competences at the Workplace
I Always Wondered What That Was: SCORM in Plain English for the Rest of Us
“Don’t Make Me Think” – In-house User Testing to Create Effective E-learning
Project ELoQ – Integrating Universal Accessible e-learning in Vocational Education of Handicapped and Disabled Adolescents
An Analysis of the Use of Blogging to Solicit Feedback in an Education Research Unit
Improving Medical Calculating Skills for Graduated Nurses with e-learning in Hospitals
Designing e-learning in Virtual Worlds for Apprenticeship Students in Canada
E-learning Support for Accredited Work-Based Learning
eLearning Case Studies on Domain Competency Training
Evaluating an Online Self-Learning Portal Supporting the Implementation of Stroke Care Clinical Practice Guidelines
Learning in the Laboratory: Online CPD Courses in Quality Management and Training for Biomedical Scientists
An Interactive Studio: E-learning in Design Firms in Ankara and Istanbul
A Case Study: Implementing Training at Multiple Decentralized Locations
Finance Training: How to Leverage Innovation and New Media to Enhance Learning Experience
e-Learner Satisfaction in the Workplace: An Investigation
The Challenges & Rewards of Teaching Business Writing Via Synchronous Distance Learning Using Adobe Connect Pro
Project Usability: Schmoosability…What Does it Matter?
E-Learning for the Corporate Workforce: The Viruses of Tradition in Action
Employing Stories to Teach: Storytorials as a Framework for Learning
Get Out of Your Learners’ Way: An Intro to Collaborative Learning
Chamilo 2.0: A Second Generation Open Source E-learning and Collaboration Platform
Development and Implementation of An Adaptive, Interactive Distance Learning Complex
How to Make Learning More Interesting
Pedagogical Pillars for Elearning Design in Vocational and Educational Training
An E-Learning Approach for Workplaces in the Industrial Firms of Eskisehir
Widening the Experience of Participation
Distance Education in the Form of e-learning: Training Human Capital for the 21st Century
Web 2.0 in Corporate Training: New Possibilities for Implementing E-Learning within Organizations
Learning Theory Argues for Cultural Adaptation of Online Training for Global Companies
SpreeLand: An Expert Avatar Solution for Virtual World E-Learning Environments
Designing Motivating Online Games for the Ne(x)t Generation of Workers
Introducing Learning 2.0 into a Traditional 1.0 Corporation. How Bechtel Employees Introduced Collaborative and Social Learnin
Using Basic Digital Media Tools for Training Employees
Mixing Video, Audio and Still Photography for Topics in E-Learning Design
Specifying Training and Instruction Requirements using Computer-Aided Morphological Analysis
Management, Complexity and Perdurability: An Experience at a Laboratory for Modeling and Simulation in Colombia
Topic-Specific Learning Management Systems through Self-Contained Applets
An E-learning Experience through the Global Seminar at the Faculty of Agriculture (University of Firenze)
The Design and Development of an Expert System Prototype for Enhancing Exam Quality
The Use of Open Source Tools in Virtual Content Development, “Tecnologica de Bolivar” University’s Case
Re-Thinking Workplace E-Learning and Increasing its ROI
A Platform for Social Networking
Investigation of Performance-Oriented Workplace E-Learning for Human Capital Development
Mobile Communities in ihe Learning Context: A Possible Approach
A Case Study of the Use of Wikis in a Higher Education Research Unit
Evaluation of the Usability of M-Learning Applications by Means of Mobile Gaze-tracking
Mobile Learning in Engineering Education: The Jordan Example
Use of Information and Communication Technology in the Management of Educational Institutions
Current State of E-learning at Some Universities in the Czech Republic
The Effects of Interactive Learning Strategies in Creative Writing
Adaptation of Learning Objects to the Context of Digital Television: A Discussion on International Research
TalkShop: Social- and Community-Driven Language Learning
An Application Model for Digital Television in Communities of Practice
Virtual Communications: What is it? Who’s it for? What’s its future?
New Approach to Storyboarding
Effective Interaction in e-Learning
Nurses’ Internet Self-Efficacy and Attitudes toward Web-based Continuing Learning
Panel Discussion:
Who Moved My Teachable Moment: Redefining Learning’s Value in a World Gone Web
2nd ICELW 2009, June 10-12, 2009, Columbia University, New York, USA
- Keynotes:
E-Learning is What? (w. Open Discussion)
Making E-Learning Succeed: The Cultural Dimension
Contextual Mobile Learning Strongly Related to Industrial Activities: Principles and Case Study
From Training to Performance Support: When Where and When Become Here and Now
A First Step Towards the Implementation of an E-Learning Environment Using Interactive Technology
Enhancing Asynchronous Online Learning Tools with Effective Formative Assessment
Enhancing Workplace Engagement with Podcasting at a Higher Education Institution within the UK
WebLabs as a Vehicle for Distance Engineering Education in Jordan
Students’ Attitudes Toward the Use of Innovative Information Technology for Learning Based on the TPB Theory
Educational Collaborative and Emerging Technologies
Potential Pedagogical Benefits of Using Multimedia Integrated Desktop Videoconferencing Tools for Synchronous Learning
Learning Wiki – Digital Ways of Learning in the Training of Apprentices
Designing E-learning Services
Exploring the Factors Affecting the Effectiveness of Online Intercultural Communication
Innovative Use of Mobile Wireless Technology to Improve Teaching and Learning Environment in Higher Education
Music and Arts E-Learning
Exploring the On-line Learning Means to Music Education: The “Prelude” Platform Case Study
From E-Learning to E-Teaching: How Does It Feel to Work in Online Workplaces?
Implementation of E-Learning in a Large Organization: The Critical Role of ‘Relevance To Work’
The Usability of eLearning: Designing for Effective Performance or Not
Participatory Design Methods for Learning and Knowledge Sharing Activities in Networked Organizations
eLearning, mLearning & sLearning: Deloitte’s Leading Edge Virtual Training
An Educational Model for Asynchronous E-learning: A Case Study in Higher Technology Education
Enhancing Teaching & Learning Through Digital Technologies
Corporate Globalization, Workplace Diversity and the Promise of Learning Languages Online
Training Process in SMEs: Where E-Learning Makes a Difference
Audio Files for Mobile Devices – a Valuable Method for Teaching?
Design and Usability Considerations for a Mobile EPSS in the Workplace
Mobile Learning, Expert-Led Communities, and the Low Barrier of Entry
Teacher Perspectives on Learning with Mobile Technologies
Interactive, Dynamic Video-Based Training in Corporate Learning
Intelligent Simulation Technology for Training Humanitarian Practitioners
From Tabletop to Desktop: Converting a Simulation from the Classroom to the Web
E-learning: Moving up the Corporate Value Chain
The Multimedia Language Courses of Università Telematica Guglielmo Marconi
Development of a Web-based Learning System for Writing Honorific Forms in Japanese
TalkShop™ – Language Learning on the Debate
E-learning as Part of a Successful Blended-Learning Program Across Time Zones & Cultures
Demonstrating the E-learning Component of Training Magazine’s Blended Learning & Performance Project of the Year
Adaptive Learning Environments: A Requirements Analysis in Business Settings
Contextualized Visualization at the Workplace
Cloud Computing and Adult Learning: Crisis or a Dangerous Opportunity?
The Challenge of Providing Continuous Training to a Worldwide Audience on Fast-Changing Finance Regulation
InterAct: Internet-Based Problem Solving Role-Play in Working Life
Lifelong Learning and Virtual Communities in Public Administration: A Case Study
Quality Matters: Online Roleplay for Scottish Further Education Staff
On-Line Learning Communities – Motivational Factors For Success
Mechanisms to Support Informal Learning at the Workplace
Motivation in ICT-Teaching in Adult Education: Is Motivation a Crucial Factor in Successful ICT-Teaching of Adults?
Simulation of Complex Phase Systems and Metallurgical Processes for Educational Training and Research
Business Process meets eLearning: Real-World Success with Knowledge Maps
A Case Study of Blended Learning in a Nordic Insurance Company: Three Issues for E-learning
Virtual Worlds for Managers’ Peer-to-Peer Learning: What We’re Doing at IBM
Ne(x)t Generation Skills and E-learning: Using Virtual Learning Environments to Enhance Self-Regulation
On the Job Informal Learning by an Activity Based Approach
Online Instructional Design Approaches Utilizing a Tablet PC
Web Lectures for Authentic Workplace e-learning
E-learning Competencies for Trainers at the Workplace
And This Just In…Documentary and Other Video Styles for Online Learning
A Learner-Centered Design, Implementation, and Evaluation Approach of Learning Environments to Foster Acceptance
Developing Intercultural and Global Communication Competences: Third Place Learning Environment
The Internet as a Natural Environment for Online Training: Understanding Online Management and Social Media in the Workplace
E-Problem Based Learning: An Application Designed for the Transformation of Healthcare Education
Physician Health: Designing, Delivering and Evaluating an Online Program to Meet Physician Needs
Problem-Based Learning Online for Interprofessional Health Science Students
Virtual Learning on buildingsites – Didactical and Technological Experiences and Implications
Concept and Design of a Mobile Learning Support System for Mentally Disabled People at Work
The Role of the New Technologies in Work-Based Learning: UK Context
Adult Education and Lifelong Learning. The Case of GSAE (General Secretary for Adult Education) in Greece
How to Author an Adaptive Course
Concept and Design of a Productive Co-working System Based on Email Messaging
Facilitating E-mentoring using Information Technology Tools
Integrating Learning Games into Your Programs – Understanding and Overcoming Barriers to Success
A Globally Collaborative Environmental Peace Gaming Project with the Global University System
Learning without Interrupting
Usage of ICT to Make an Interactive Learning Program (Case Study about Intel Learn)
The Design of a Gender Inclusive Educational Massively Multiplayer Online Role Playing Game (MMORPG) – Ed-Wonderland
Panel Discussion:
Corporate E-learning in a Time of Economic Crisis: Disaster or Opportunity?
1st ICELW 2008, June 12-13, 2008, Columbia University, New York, USA
- Keynotes:
Achieving Competency at the Speed of Work
Online Business Games in the Insurance Industries — An Attempt to Prepare Attendees for their Later Working Life as Self-employed
Learning at the Workplace for Garage Mechanics and Technicians
Learning in Healthcare by Means of Games and Simulations
Implementing e-learning in a Large Organization: The Critical Role of Information Sharing
Approaches and Strategies for Choice of Actions in Self-Paced E-Learning in the Workplace
Boosted Blended Learning in Extra-Occupational Training and Locally Dispersed Environments
Contextual Learning On-Demand at the Workplace — Strategy, Model and Practice
Teaching Inventory Management Simulation Using E-Learning Software: Blackboard, Elluminate Live!, and Jing
The Management Challenge Online: e-Learning in Practice
Advanced Web 2.0 Based Interactive Technology to Support Informal Learning for Enhancing the Quality of Business Management
On Beyond Training: Creating Job Toolkits to Support Performance and Learning
Integrating E-learning with Performance Support: Workplace Learning as Extension of Work
Concept and Design of an Electronic Performance Support System in Industrial Maintenance Work
Strategic E-Learning in the Workplace
What Use Do Multi-Touch Mobile Devices Have in Corporate Learning?
Matching Performance Objectives to E-Learning: Interactive Exercises
Examining an Online Self-Paced Learning Module using Usability Testing: What Did Learners Say?
Special Session – Student Project Demonstrations from Teachers College, Columbia University
Identifying and Lowering the Barriers to E-learning for SMEs
Corporate eLearning Acceptance: The Role of Context and Communication
How to Engage SMEs through a Development Programme Based on Virtual Action Learning —A Cross-Country Case Study
Developing Telecommunications eLearning modules: Field Work Force Performance Support
Simulation Demonstrations from Università Telematica Guglielmo Marconi
The Science of Intelligence for Big, Complex Work
Design Concepts for Semi-Formal Learning in Network Organizations
Technology in the Classroom: the Columbia Center for New Media Teaching and Learning
Evaluation of a Virtual Learning Environment for Professional Training in Public Administration
On Resource Acquisition in Adaptive Workplace-Embedded E-Learning Environments
Develop a Workplace E-learning Environment by Using Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)
Contextual Mobile Learning for Repairing Industrial Machines: System Architecture and Development Process
E-Teaching as a Form of Creating Personal Dispositions that Increase Work Efficiency
The UTGM Italian Language Course: New Possibilities for Language Teaching and Learning
Interactive Phrasebook, Language and Culture Training
Detecting and Preventing Plagiarism in a Foreign Language E-learning Course
Designing Collaborative Learning Environments Using Educational Scenarios Based on Self-Regulation
Taking the Work out of Workforce Training
Developing Blended Solutions at ADP
e-ESCOLA: A Learning Community Model in the Workplace>
E-learning in the Non-Profit Health & Human Services Sector: Opportunities & Challenges in an Untapped Market
Understanding Differences Between Learning with the Case Study Method and Learning with Simulation: An Experiment with International Marketing Students
Integrating Active Components into an E-Learning System
From Knowledge Management to Technology-Enhanced Workplace Learning: Survey, Trends, and Case
Designing e-learning cognitively: TSOI Hybrid Learning Model
Evaluation of Different eLearning Techniques used in Vocational Training within Leonardo da Vinci European Program: The Romanian Case Study
New Journeys and New Destinations: Developing a New Employer-Led National Programme for the UK Travel Sector
Participatory Workshop:
Individual vs. Collective Learning
Panel Discussions:
Performance Support in the Workplace
Key Strategies for Effective Use of E-Learning
I will love to attend the e-learning conference to improve my skills as an HR trainer in my workplace.
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Oct 20, 2020 – Boris)