International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE)*
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The International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation (ICE) also known as International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation / IEEE International Technology Management Conference (ICE/IEEE ITMC), formerly the International Conference on Concurrent Enterprising (ICE) and the International Conference on Concurrent Engineering (ICE),1) is a place where research, science and innovation is called for original ideas, papers, debates, initiatives and projects. Authors, workshop / tutorial organizers, and participants are invited to contribute to the shaping of the prospective on engineering, technology and innovation solutions for industry and societal challenges.
The conference was originally organized by the European Society of Concurrent Enterprising Network (ESoCE-NET), formerly the European Society for Concurrent Engineering (ESoCE or ESoCE-NET). Since 2010 it runs with the support of the IEEE Technology and Engineering Management Society (TEMS), formerly the IEEE Technology Management Council (TMC), and since 2015 it is part of the IEEE TEMS. ESoCE-NET seems to be dissolved.
Since 2014 the conference is held in conjunction with the NITIM-Doctoral School, a three-day doctoral school of the European graduate school on Networks, Information, Technology and Innovation Management (NITIM).
Special sessions of interest:
- 2017: Knowledge Management & Engineering (Strategic Knowledge Management Theories, Policies and Practices and Special; Systems Approach to Knowledge Engineering – People, Culture and Techonolgy Challenges and Opportunities)
- 2014: Innovation Tools & Methods (Knowledge Management)
- 1999-2003-?, 2007: Knowledge Management
Workshops of special interest:
- 2014: Knowledge-based Lifecycle Innovation Living Lab
- 2003: Sharing of Practices in Collaborative Work; ROCKET – Communicating Knowledge Essential for the Industrial Environment; COCONET – Context Aware Knowledge Supported Work and Business Environments; VISION – Next Generation Knowledge Management
- 2002: Knowledge Management for Engineering, Maintenance, Service and Enterprise Networks; Virtual Professional Networking / Communities of Practice
- 2001: Strategic Thinking and Performance Management from a Knowledge Perspective
SIG sessions of special interest
- 2002: SIG7 – The Active Knowledge Modeling (AKM) approach to Enterprise Engineering and Solutions Generation
Conference History:
31st IEEE ICE/ITMC 2025, June 16-19, 2025, Valencia, Spain
Conference Theme: How artificial intelligence is reshaping industries by revolutionising traditional processes and enabling smarter, faster decision-making (tentative)
(Host: Research Center on Production Management and Engineering, Polytechnic University of Valencia)
- Conference program TBD
NITIM 2025 European Graduate School
30th IEEE ICE/ITMC 2024, June 24-28 2024, Funchal (Madeira), Portugal
Conference Theme: Digital Transformation on Engineering, Technology and Innovation
(Host: Instituto de Desenvolvimento de Novas Tecnologias; Universidade Minho; Part of the Madeira Digital Transformation Week (MDTWeek), Jun 20-28)
- Topics:
Knowledge Management and Information Systems Interoperability
NITIM 2024 European Graduate School (Jun 20-22)
CyberSecPro Summer School (Jun 21-23)
Co-located Events:
2nd Digital Transformation Summit (Jun 24-28)
29th IEEE ICE/ITMC 2023, June 19–22, 2023, University of Edinburgh, Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Conference Theme: Shaping the future: Data-driven Engineering, Innovation and Entrepreneurship
(Host: Institute for the Study of Science, Technology and Innovation, School of Engineering, University of Edinburgh)
- Topics:
NITIM 2023 Doctoral School (15-17 June)
Conference Sessions:
Boeing and Industry 4.0 : The data-driven future
Building Innovation Ecosystems – Control, conquer or collaborate?
Shaping the future: Nurturing a reliable research ecosystem for trustworthy data-driven innovation
28th IEEE ICE/ITMC – IAMOT 2022, June 19-23, 2022, Université de Lorraine, Nancy, France / Virtual venue
Conference Theme: Technology, Engineering, and Innovation Management Communities as Enablers for Social-Ecological Transitions
(Host: Ecole nationale supérieure en génie des systèmes et de l’innovation, Université de Lorraine)
- Topics:
NITIM European Graduate Summer School
Co-located Conferences:
31st International Association for Management of Technology (IAMOT) Conference
27th ICE/IEEE ITMC 2021, 21-23 June 2021, Cardiff University, Cardiff, United Kingdom Virtual venue
Conference Theme: Digitalization through Digital Twins – Innovation in the analysis and management of environmental and physical engineered complex systems
(Host: Building Research Establishment (BRE) Trust Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Engineering, School of Engineering, Cardiff University)
- Conference Sessions:
Digitalisation; Service Design and Engineering; Industry 4.0; Sustainability; Innovators and Wellbeing; Digitalisation of the Built Environment; Open Innovation; Digitisation of Industry; Corporate Venturing & Digital Entrepreneurship
Digitalisation in the Built Environment
Open Innovation and NPD
Applications of Artificial Intelligence
Digital Innovation Management
Data Management and Use of Artificial Intelligence in Manufacturing; Industry 4.0
NITIM-Doctoral School (Jun 17-18)
26th ICE/IEEE ITMC 2020, 15-17 June 2020, Cardiff, United Kingdom Virtual venue
Conference Theme: Digitalization through Digital Twins – Innovation in the Analysis and Management of Environmental and Physical Engineered Complex Systems
(Host: Building Research Establishment (BRE) Trust Centre of Excellence in Sustainable Engineering (School of Engineering at Cardiff University))
- Conference Sessions:
Digital Twins; Digital Innovation; Project Management; Services & Agile Methods; Innovation Management; ICT4 Health; Internet of Things & Cyber Physical Systems; COVID-19; AI & Big Data; Industry 4.0; Innovation; Digitalisation; Future Transport; AI, Big Data & Blockchain; Living Labs; Digitising Sustainability; Innovation & Entrepreneurship;
NITIM-Doctoral School (Jun 11-12)
25th ICE/IEEE ITMC 2019, 17-19 June 2019, Sophia Antipolis, France
Conference Theme: Co-creating our Future: Scaling-up Innovation Capacities through the Design and Engineering of Immersive, Collaborative, Empathic and Cognitive Systems
(Host: Presence & Innovation Team, École nationale supérieure d’Arts et Métiers, Paris Tech)
- Topics:
Conference Sessions:
NITIM-Doctoral School (Jun 13–15, Nice)
24th ICE/IEEE ITMC 2018, 17-20 June 2018, Stuttgart, Germany
Conference Theme: Era of connectedness: The futue of Technology, Engineering & Innovation in a digital society
(Host: Baden-Württemberg Connected; Institute for Strategic Innovation and Technology Management, HTWG Konstanz – University of Applied Sciences)
- Topics:
Conference Sessions:
NITIM-Doctoral School (Jun 20–23, Konstanz)
23rd ICE/IEEE ITMC 2017, 27-29 June 2017, Madeira Island, Portugal
Conference Theme: Engineering, Technology & Innovation Management Beyond 2020: New Challenges, New Approaches
(Host: Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia, Universidade NOVA de Lisboa; Universidade do Minho)
- Topics:
Technology & Knowledge Transfer Offices
Knowledge Management & Engineering
– Models for Strategic Knowledge Management
– Strategic Knowledge Management in Organizations
– Role of ITC in Knowledge Management
– Knowledge Management Benchmarking Systems
– Knowledge Capture
– Knowledge Modelling & Models
– Knowledge Bases
– Linked Data and Semantic Web
– Domain Ontologies (architecture, engineering, construction, operation, medicine, pharmacy, manufacturing, public sector, etc.)
– Ontology Engineering
– Ontology Alignment
– Fuzzy Ontologies
– Ontology-based Representation and Reasoning
– Big Data and Semantic Data Management
– Reinforced Learning
Conference Sessions:
Smart-Cities, Living-Labs and Open Innovation Ecosystems; Knowledge Management & Engineering (Strategic Knowledge Management Theories, Policies and Practices and Special; Systems Approach to Knowledge Engineering – People, Culture and Techonolgy Challenges and Opportunities); Big Data Applications & Future Trends
Societal and Ethical Challenges in the Era of Big Data; Smart Data Systems and Applications
NITIM-Doctoral School (Jun 23–26)
22nd ICE/IEEE ITMC 2016, 13-15 June 2016, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Trondheim, Norway
Conference Theme: Bringing Forward the International Agendas for Entrepreneurship, Innovation, Technology & Engineering Management: Women & STEM Leadership, User-Driven & Frugal Innovations and Tech Startups
(Host: Department of Computer and Information Science, Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
- Topics:
Technology & Knowledge Transfer Offices
Conference Tracks:
Women and STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering andMathematics); User Driven and Frugal Innovation; Entrepreneurship and Tech Startups; Factories of the Future: Advances in Engineering Management and Technologies; Sustainable Technology Management
NITIM-International Graduate Summer School (Jun 15-17)
21th ICE/IEEE ITMC 2015, 22-24 June 2015, Ulster University, Belfast, Northern Ireland
Conference Theme: Engineering Solutions for Societal Challenges
(Host: Business School, Ulster University)
- Topics:
Conference Tracks:
Societal Challenges; Entrepreneurship & Innovation; Technology Management; Innovation Tools & Methods (Innovation Tools & Methods; Knowledge Management); Collaborative Innovation & Living Labs (Models for Collaborative Innovation; Open Innovation; Session 3)
Innovation Campus
Using K-briefs and the Virtual Obeya for demonstrating Knowledge Acquisition for Implementation of automation in design (KBE)
NITIM-International Graduate Summer School (Jun 24-26)
20th ICE Conference – IEEE TMC Europe Conference 2014, 23-25 June 2014, Bergamo, Italy
Conference Theme: Engineering Responsible Innovation in Products and Services
(Host: School of Management, University of Bergamo)
- Topics:
Conference Sessions:
Knowledge-based Lifecycle Innovation Living Lab: The experience of the KHIRA (Knowledge based Holistic Integrated Research Approach) research project and the KLIO Lab (Knowledge-based Lifecycle InnOvation living Lab)
NITIM-International Graduate Summer School
Knowledge and Intellectual Property within the Product Development Process / Product Lifecycle; Educate to Innovate: What we have learned; Is it possible to know customer’s needs? Ontology, epistemology and Lean organization
19th ICE Conference & IEEE-ITMC 2013, 24-26 June 2013, Leiden University, The Hague, The Netherlands
Conference Theme: Responsible Innovation and Entrepreneurship
(Host: Centre for Innovation, Leiden University)
- Topics:
Conference Sessions:
Co-located Conferences:
IEEE International Technology Management Conference (IEEE-ITMC 2013)
18th ICE Conference 2012, 18-20 June 2012, Munich University of Applied Sciences, Munich, Germany
Conference Theme: Innovation by collaboration and entrepreneurial partnerships
(Host: Strascheg Center for Entrepreneurship, Munich University of Applied Sciences)
Note: ICE is renamed to International Conference on Engineering, Technology and Innovation
Knowledge Workers Productivity and Creativity
Knowledge Management, Representation, and Visualisation
Conference Tracks:
Collaborative Innovation; Collaborative Entrepreneurship; Concurrent Engineering; Product Development; Virtual Collaborative Organisations
17th ICE Conference 2011, 20-22 June 2011, RWTH Aachen University, Aachen, Germany
Conference Theme: Innovating Products and Services for Collaborative Networks
(Host: FIR – Research Institute for Rationalization, RWTH Aachen University)
- Conference program n.a.
Knowledge Management and Learning Environments
– Knowledge management, knowledge representation, and visualisation
– Knowledge worker productivity and creativity
– Simulation and games for Concurrent Engineering, collaboration & learning
– Living Labs and user centric engineering
Sections: (proceedings)
Collaborative Innovation; Open Innovation; Intelligent Non-Hierarchical Networks;…
16th ICE Conference 2010, 21-23 June 2010, Lugano, Switzerland
Conference Theme: Collaborative Environments for Sustainable Innovation
(Host: Institute of Systems and Technologies for Sustainable Production, University of Applied Sciences of Southern Switzerland)
- Conference program n.a.
Sections: (proceedings)
User Driven Innovation; Collaborative Innovation; Open Innovation; LivingLabs; Collaborative Processes & Systems; Networked Organisations; Advances in Concurrent Engineering; CE and Education; Interoperability and IT Applications; DIFAC – Digital Factory
15th ICE Conference 2009, Noordwijk (near Leiden), The Netherlands
Conference Theme: Collaborative Innovation: Emerging Technologies, Environments and Communities
(Host: Center for Technology Innovation Management)
- Conference Sessions:
Collaborative Innovation; LivingLabs; Collaborative Processes and Systems; Network Communities and Organisations; Collaborative Decision Making; Advances in Concurrent Engineering; Enterprise Interoperability
Living Labs and SME Innovation (Co-LLabs)
Entrepreneurial Open Innovation: From Invention to Innovation; Open Innovation – Do or Die, Dare to share
Commercial Formalization of Open Innovation
End User Driven Open Innovations
CE for Complex System – Collaborative Technologies for Supporting Distributed Organisations – Collaboration Models and Case Studies – CoSpaces Technology for Supporting Collaboration
CE in Space – Collaborative Innovation in Space – Technology Transfer & Collaborative Enterprising; Collaborative Innovation in Practice (AMI@WORK)
Collaborative Web Environments
Co-located Conferences:
Joint conference with: IEEE TMC Europe 2009; Living Lab ENOLL Conference; Dutch Living Lab Conference; IFIP/IFAC ICEIMT 2009 Conference Series; IMS
14th ICE Conference 2008, 23-24 June 2008, Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Lisbon, Portugal
Conference Theme: A new wave of innovation in collaborative networks
(Host: Faculty of Sciences and Technology, New University of Lisbon)
- Conference program n.a.
13th ICE Conference 2007, 4-6 June 2007, Sophia Antipolis, France
Conference Theme: Concurrent (Collaborative) Innovation: An emerging paradigm for collaboration & competitiveness in the extended enterprise
(Host: n.a.)
- Topics:
Knowledge Management, Representation and Visualisation
Knowledge Workers Productivity and Creativity
Conference Sessions:
Collaborative Innovation; AITPL Cluster Session; Collaborative Systems; Product Data & Life Cycle Management; Collaborative Innovation; Virtual Enterprises; Product and Service Development; Knowledge Management (1); Concurrent Engineering
12th ICE Conference 2006, 26-28 June 2006, Milan, Italy
Conference Theme: Innovative Products and Services through Collaborative Networks
(Host: School of Management, Politecnico di Milano)
- Conference Program n.a.
Knowledge Management, Representation & Visualisation
Legal Issues in Collaborative Networks
Collaborative Network Environments
Product Development and Life-Cycle Management
11th ICE Conference 2005, 20-22 June 2005, University of the Bundeswehr Munich, Germany
Conference Theme: Integrated Engineering of Products, Services and Organisations
(Host: Center for Technology and Innovation Management, University of the Bundeswehr Munich)
- Conference program n.a.
Knowledge Management
10th ICE Conference 2004, 14-16 June 2004, University of Seville, Sevilla, Spain
Conference Theme: Adaptive Engineering for Sustainable Value Creation
(Host: Escuela Superior de Ingenieros, University of Seville)
- Conference program n.a.
Knowledge Management
9th ICE Conference 2003, 16-18 June 2003, Espoo, Finland
Conference Theme: Enterprise Engineering in the Networked Economy
(Host: VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland)
- Topics:
Knowledge Management
Conference Sessions:
CE Methods and Tools; Virtual Organisations: (1) Modelling, (2) Management; (3) Knowledge Management; (4) Innovation and Project Management; Technologies for B2B Networks; CE Industrial Cases
Sharing of Practices in Collaborative Work
Roadmap Workshops:
ROCKET – Communicating Knowledge Essential for the Industrial Environment
COCONET – Context Aware Knowledge Supported Work and Business Environments
VISION – Next Generation Knowledge Management
8th ICE Conference 2002, 17-19 June 2002, Rome, Italy
Conference Theme: Ubiquitous Engineering in the Collaborative Economy
(Host: CE Consulting)
- Topics:
Knowledge Management
Conference Sessions:
Business to Business Networks; Applying Concurrent Engineering; Enterprise Modelling; Knowledge Management (2); eWork and eBusiness; Smart, Dynamic Organizations; Mobile Engineering; Product Data Management; Training and Education; Project Management in Networked Organisations;
Virtual Professional Networking / Communities of Practice
Mobile Collaboration
Knowledge Management for Engineering, Maintenance, Service and Enterprise Networks
Collaborative Work
SIG meetings:
SIG7 – The Active Knowledge Modeling (AKM) approach to Enterprise Engineering and Solutions Generation
7th ICE Conference 2001, 27-29 June 2001, Bremen, Germany
Conference Theme: Engineering the Knowledge Economy through Co-operation
(Host: Bremer Institut für Produktion und Logistik, University of Bremen)
- Topics:
Knowledge Management
Conference Sessions:
Best Practice; Product Data Management; B2B Networks and Infrastructures; Knowledge Management (2); Project Management; Legal Issues; Applying Methods and Tools; Life Cycle Management and Extended Products; Smart, dynamic Organisations
Strategic Thinking and Performance Management from a Knowledge Perspective
6th ICE Conference 2000, 28-30 June 2000, Toulouse, France
Conference Theme: Enhancing Business Competitiveness through Sharing Experiences between Research and Industry
(Host: Association de Défense et d’Etude des Personnes Amputés)
- Conference program n.a.
Knowledge Management
5th ICE Conference 1999, 15-17 March 1999, The Hague, The Netherlands
Conference Theme: The Concurrent Enterprise in Operation
(Host: n.a.)
- Conference program n.a.
Knowledge Management
International Symposium On Concurrent Enterprise (ISOCE’98 Workshop), 4-5 June 1998, Romania
Workshop Theme: Cooperation towards Competitiveness
(Host: Human Resource Training Center, Politehnica University of Bucharest)Conference Sessions:
Change Management; Virtual Enterprise; Virtual Shared Spaces for Collaborative Work; Technology Transfer towards SMEs; Integrated Design; Industrial Applications of CEKeynotes:
—Pre-conference Workshops:
2nd CE-NET Workshop (Jun 2-3)
4th ICE Conference 1997, 8-10 October 1997, University of Nottingham, Nottingham, UK
Conference Theme: Concurrency for competitiveness: towards the concurrent enterprise in the age of electronic commerce
(Host: Centre for Concurrent Enterprising, Business School, University of Nottingham)
- Conference program n.a.
3rd ICE Conference 1996, Milan, Italy
Conference Theme: A Guided Tour to the Concurrent Enterprise
(Host: n.a.)
Note: ICE is renamed to International Conference on “Concurrent Enterprising”, previously “Concurrent Engineering”
Conference program n.a.
2nd ICE Conference 1995, Stockholm, Sweden
Conference Theme: Collaborative Working in the Virtual Enterprise – How to apply CE between trading partners
(Host: n.a.)
- Conference program n.a.
1st ICE Conference 1994, Sophia Antipolis, France
Conference Theme: Building the Concurrent Engineering Community
(Host: n.a.)
- Conference program n.a.
Dear Sir,
Good Morning!
I am interested to submit a research paper on the topic Innovation. Kindly inform me the last date of submission.
with warm regards
Dr.B.N.Lahiri, Visiting Professor
Mumbai, India
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Nov 13, 2019 – Boris)