International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS)*
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The annual International Conference on Information Systems (ICIS), formerly the Conference on Information Systems (CIS), organized by the Association for Information Systems (AIS), is a gathering of academics and research-oriented practitioners in the field of Information Systems. It provides access to scholarship in the Information Systems discipline, including IT leadership, systems development, enterprise resource planning, cross-cultural issues and social and economic impacts of information technology.
Founded in 1980 as CIS at the University of California, Los Angeles, ICIS amalgamated with AIS in December 1998. CIS became ICIS in 1986.
Tracks of interest:
- 2010-present: Social Media and Digital Collaboration (2019: Crowds, Social Media and Digital Collaborations; 2012: Digital and Social Networks; 2011: Online Communities and Digital Collaborations; 2010: Online Community and Group Collaborations)
- 2010-2013: Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence
- 2005-2007: Knowledge Management
Sister conferences:
- Americas Conference on Information Systems (AMCIS)
- European Conference on Information Systems (ECIS)
- Pacific Asia Conference on Information Systems (PACIS)
Conference History:
48th ICIS 2027, December 12-15, 2027, Orlando, FL, USA
Conference Theme: tbd
(Host: Florida International University, College of Business, Department of Information Systems and Business Analytics)
47th ICIS 2026, December 13-16, 2026, Lisbon, Portugal
Conference Theme: tbd
(Host: University of Minho, Department of Information Systems)
46th ICIS 2025, December 14-17, 2025, Nashville, TN, USA
Conference Theme: tbd
(Host: Louisiana Tech University, Department of Computer Information Systems)
Conference Tracks:
45th ICIS 2024, December 15-18, 2024, Bangkok, Thailand
Conference Theme: Digital Platforms for Emerging Societies
(Host: Chulalongkorn Business School, Department of Statistics)
Conference Tracks:
Social Media and Digital Collaboration
44th ICIS 2023, December 10-13, 2023, Hyderabad, India
Conference Theme: Rising like a Phoenix: Emerging from the Pandemic and Reshaping Human Endeavors with Digital Technologies
(Host: Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, Information Systems area)
Conference Tracks:
Social Media and Digital Collaboration
43rd ICIS 2022, December 9-14, 2022, Copenhagen, Denmark
Conference Theme: Digitization for the Next Generation
(Host: Copenhagen Business School, Department of Digitalization)
Conference Tracks:
Social Media and Digital Collaboration
42nd ICIS 2021, December 12-15, 2021, Austin, TX, USA / Virtual venue
Conference Theme: Building Sustainability and Resilience with Information Systems
(Host: University of Texas at Austin, School of Business, Department of information, Risk and Operations Management)
Conference Tracks:
Social Media and Digital Collaboration
41st ICIS 2020, December 13-16, 2020, Hyderabad, India Virtual venue
Conference Theme: Making Digital Inclusive: Blending the Local and the Global
(Host: Indian Institute of Management Bangalore, Information Systems Department)
Conference Tracks:
Social Media and Digital Collaboration
40th ICIS 2019, December 15-18, 2019, Munich, Germany
Conference Theme: Information Systems – The Heart of Innovation Ecosystems
(Host: Munich Technical University, Information Systems)
Conference Tracks:
Crowds, Social Media and Digital Collaborations
39th ICIS 2018, December 13-16, 2018, San Francisco, CA, USA
Conference Theme: Bridging the Internet of People, Data, and Things
(Host: San Francisco State University)
Conference Tracks:
Social Media and Digital Collaboration
38th ICIS 2017, December 10-13, 2017, Seoul, South Korea
Conference Theme: Transformation Society with Digital Innovation
(Host: Sogang University)
Conference Tracks:
Social Media and Digital Collaboration
37th ICIS 2016, December 11-14, 2016, Dublin, Ireland
Conference Theme: Digital Innovation at the Corossroads
(Host: University of Limerick)
Conference Tracks:
Social Media and Digital Collaboration
36th ICIS 2015, December 13-16, 2015, Fort Worth, TX, USA
Conference Theme: Exploring the Information Frontier
(Host: Baylor University)
Conference Tracks:
Social Media and Digital Collaboration
35th ICIS 2014, December 14-17, 2014, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand
Conference Theme: Building a Better World through Information Systems
(Host: University of Auckland Business School)
Conference Tracks:
Social Media and Digital Collaborations
34th ICIS 2013, December 15-18, 2013, Unversita Bocconi, Milan, Italy
Conference Theme: Reshaping Society Through Information Systems Design
(Host: Unversita Bocconi)
Conference Tracks:
Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence
33rd ICIS 2012, December 16-19, 2012, Orlando, FL, USA
Conference Theme: Digital Innovation in the Service Economy
(Host: Iowa State University)
Conference Tracks:
Digital and Social Networks; Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence
32nd ICIS 2011, December 4-7, 2011, Shanghai, China
Conference Theme: East Meets West: Connectivity and Collaboration through Effective Information Systems
(Host: National Cheng-Chi University)
Conference Tracks:
Online Communities and Digital Collaborations; Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence
31st ICIS 2010, December 15-18, 2010, St. Louis, MO, USA
Conference Theme: Information Technology: Gateway to the Future
(Host: University of Missouri – St. Louis)
Conference Tracks:
Online Community and Group Collaborations; Knowledge Management and Business Intelligence
30th ICIS 2009, December 15-18, 2009, Phoenix, AZ, USA
Conference Theme: Doing IT Research That Matters
(Host: University of Arizona)
Conference Tracks:
Knowledge Management; Economics and Information Systems/Knowledge Management; Human Computer Interaction/Knowledge Management
29th ICIS 2008, December 14-17, 2008, Paris, France
Conference Theme: Ethics, Design and Consequences of IT
(Host: University of Nantes)
Conference Tracks:
28th ICIS 2007, December 9-12, 2007, Montreal, QC, Canada
Conference Theme: Diversity in IS Research and Practice
(Host: McGill University, Desautels Faculty of Management)
Conference Tracks:
Knowledge Management
27th ICIS 2006, December 10-13, 2006, Milwaukee, WI, USA
Conference Theme: IT for Under-Served Communities
(Host: University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, School of Business Administration)
Conference Tracks:
Knowledge Management
26th ICIS 2005, December 11-14, 2005, Las Vegas, NV, USA
Conference Theme: Forever New Frontiers
(Host: University of Nevada)
Conference Tracks (Sessions):
Knowledge Management (Knowledge Sharing, Theorizing, Acquisition; Challenging Assumptions (panel))
25th ICIS 2004, December 12-15, 2004, Washington, DC, USA
Conference Theme: Capital Exchange: Crossing Boundaries and Transforming Institutions through Information Systems
(Host: Michigan State University and University of Georgia)
Conference Tracks:
24th ICIS 2003, December 14-17, 2003, Seattle, WA, USA
Conference Theme: IT is Everywhere: Impacts on Life, Work, and Learning
(Host: Washington State University)
Conference Track-Sesssions:
Knowing Before Leaping: IT Knowledge and IT Adoption; Social Issues in Online Communities; Knowledge Boundaries: Partition or Integrate?; Mechanisms that Impact Group Learning and Work; Exploratory Studies in Knowledge and Process; The Impact of Online Communities on Participant Usage and Attitude
23rd ICIS 2002, December 15-18, 2002, Barcelona, Spain
Conference Theme: Meeting the Chanllenges of a Global Networked Economy
(Host: IESE Business School and ESADE Law & Business School)
Conference Tracks-Sessions:
Leveraging Distributed Knowledge; Spinning the Semantic Web
22nd ICIS 2001, December 16-19, 2001, New Orleans, LA, USA
Conference Theme: A Digital Odyssey: Exploring How Information Technology is Transforming our Lives and Our Organizations
(Host: University of Houston and Florida State University)
Conference Track-Sessions:
IT Strategy and Use in the Context of Organizational Learning; Virtual Communities; Database and Knowledge-Based Systems; Electronic Repositories and Effectiveness in Knowledge Management; Information and Knowledge Sharing
21st ICIS 2000, December 10-13, 2000, Brisbane, Australia
Conference Theme: Fundamental Concepts for the New Millennium
(Host: University of Queensland)
Conference Track-Sessions:
The Role of IT in the Creation of Sustainable Communities; Data Modeling and Knowledge Discovery; Managing in the Knowledge Economy; Agents and Knowledge Management; Shared Systems, Shared Knowledge; Knowledge and Multimedia
20th ICIS 1999, December 12-15, 1999, Charlotte, NC, USA
Conference Theme: An IT Vision for the 21st Century
(Host: University of North Carolina at Charlotte, The Belk College of Business Administration, Department of Information and Operations Management)
Conference Sessions:
Information Retrieval and Knowledge Management
Panel Discussions:
Aligning Knowledge Management Research and Practice
Research Opportunities in Knowledge Networking
19th ICIS 1998, December 13-16, 1998, Helsinki, Finlan
(Host: University of Jyvaskyla)
Conference Theme: Crossing Boundaries – Managing Virtual Enterprises
Conference Sessions:
Problems, Knowledge, Solutions
11th ICIS 1990, December 16-19, 1990, Copenhagen, Denmark
Note: The first conference outside the North America
Conference program n.a.
7th ICIS 1986, San Diego, CA, USA
Conference program n.a.
1st CIS 1980, University of Pennsylvania , Philadelphia, PA, USA
Conference program n.a.
may I know if there is provision for submission of papers for this conference. I want to make submission for paper presentation and later on register for attendance.
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Apr 12, 2022 – Boris)
may I know if there is provision for submission of papers for this conference. I want to make submission for paper presentation and later on register for attendance.
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Aug 3, 2019 – Boris)