Malaysia: Local Knowledge Management Certification!!

In the Knowledge Management Malaysia Yahoo! Group of the Knowledge Management Association of Malaysia (KMAM) Naguib C. asks:

Dear All,
Hope all of you are doing good.
Last few weeks, I have spoken to some new KMers in Malaysia who showed some interest to get KM certification, as certification carrys values here (personally I believe no KM cert can certify a person as a good KMer). The only KM cert provider they can find in Malaysia is the CKM by KMI, USA ( the cert provided by Douglas Weidner). Douglas has joined MIM ( Malaysian Institute of Management) and now conducting his RM7,000 CKM certification for 4 days in Malaysia.
Some of us here in this group already know, this CKM cert is not legally acceptable in the US itself (you can refer to this link). So I am wondering, how MIM is allowing Douglas to provide such cert for Malaysians?
Due to the high demand for such KM certification/course in Malaysia- I feel that the local KMers should come forward and conduct such courses. We have researchers like Dr. Rahinah, Dr. Murali as well as practitioners like KK Aw, Cheryl, Arief, Hayati in this group. Why not we come together and design a local KM certification for Malaysians and provide them with a cheaper and more acceptable package? We can also invite experienced KM consultant like Patrick (from Singapore) to give us a training package (provided Patrick does not charge high). So, what do you all think?- Please share your thoughts.
Thanks & regards,

Naguib C.: Malaysia: Local KM Certification !! ‘Knowledge Management Malaysia’ Yahoo! Group, Mar 15, 2007.

Note: 41 member comments so far (4/2007)

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