World Capital Institute (WCI)
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The World Capital Institute (WCI) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
- Knowledge Cities World Summit (KCWS)*
The Knowledge Cities World Summit (KCWS), formerly the Knowledge Cities Summit (KCS or KC Summit) is the annual conference of the World Capital Institute, aka the WCI Annual Conference. KCWS is held in conjunction with the annual Most Admired Knowledge City (MAKCi) Award Ceremony.
- International Conference on Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital (ICKMIC), 26-27 February 2009, IMT Ghaziabad, Ghaziabad, India
(Organizer: Institute of Management Technology Ghaziabad; Co-organizer: Centre for Knowledge Systems, Tecnológico de Monterrey, Mexico; World Capital Institute)-
The International Conference on Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital will aim at providing an overview of the current trends in these fields through conference papers, research findings, case studies and innovative practices shared by academicians, industry professionals, knowledge management professionals in development agencies and research scholars.
- Global Knowledge-Based Development Week, 15-21 October 2007, Monterrey, México
(Co-orgainizer: World Knowledge-based Development Consortium (WKBDC); Forum Foundation)-
The Global Knowledge-Based Development Week is an unprecedented constellation of events aiming at gathering practitioners, government officers, academicians, policy-makers, NGO´s, financing institutions, consultants, students and public in general interested in knowledge as the most distinctive development factor of our time. It aims at sharing state-of-the-art frameworks, methods, techniques and experiences for the understanding, management and evaluation of Knowledge Based Development (KBD) and Knowledge Cities (KCs), thus contributing to set a global agenda in these fields. By bringing together the global specialists on KBD-related areas such as Knowledge Management, Economics, Urbanism, Policy-Studies, Geography and other fields, a transdisciplinary, cross-regional, interinstitutional dialogue on this powerful but still scarcely understood phenomenon is inaugurated.
Program Components:
The Universal Forum of Cultures and Knowledge Monterrey 2007 (Umbrella event), Sep 20 – Nov 18
1st Knowledge Cities Summit, Sep 17-20 w. Most Admired Knowledge Cities (MAKCi) Awards 2007, Sep 20
30+ Forum Dialogues on Knowledge Based Development, Sep 16-20
Civil Society Square
Ibero-American Community for Knowledge Systems General Assembly, Sep 15
Cultural and social evenings
- Comunidad Iberoamericana de Sistemas de Conocimiento (CISC) / Ibero-American Community of Knowledge Systems (ICKS) 1)
- Most Admired Knowledge City (MAKCi) Awards
(in conjunction with the Knowledge Cities World Summit)