El bienal Congreso Internacional Gestión del Conocimiento (IKMS or KM Summit), the International Knowledge Management Summit, de 2009-2015 conocido como el Congreso Internacional sobre Gestión del Conocimiento y Aprendizaje Organizacional (KMOLS or KMOL Summit), the International Knowledge Management & Organizational Learning Summit, es una Propuesta Experiencial, de Aprendizaje e Innovación, que incorpora las metodologías Design
Knowledge Management South Africa Imbizo (KMSA Imbizo)*
The Knowledge Management South Africa Imbizo (KMSA Imbizo), formerly the Knowledge Management South Africa Convention (KMSA Convention), successor of the Southern African Knowledge Management Summit (SAKMS), is the annual conference or meeting of the Knowledge Management South Africa (KMSA) society. The meeting provides a platform to showcase and interrogate the strategic
European Group for Organisational Studies Colloquium (EGOS)*
- Sub-themes: Organizational Knowledge and the Exercise of Judgment in Organizations: Enactivist Approaches; Creativity, Innovation, and Digital Transformation in the Public Sector: A Crossroads between Internal Human Resource Management and External Sources of Knowledge; Expertise and Professional Expert Knowledge in the Context of Grand Challenges