International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (KSEM)*
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The International Conference on Knowledge Science, Engineering and Management (KSEM) is an international conference for research on knowledge science, engineering and management, which attracts high quality, state-of-the-art research papers from all over the world. The conference will bring together researchers, practitioners, developers, and academic and industry leaders who are active and interested in KSEM-related research areas and their practices. The conference is specifically focused on becoming a premier forum for prototype and deployed knowledge engineering and knowledge-based systems. The conference offers an exceptional opportunity for presenting original work, the latest scientific and technological advances on knowledge-related systems, and discussing and debating practical problems and concerns of the research community.
Conference History:
18th KSEM 2025, 4-6 August, 2025, Macau, China
(Co-organizer: City University of Macau, Faculty of Data Science)
Conference Program TBD
Conference Topics:
Knowledge representation & reasoning
Knowledge complexity & metrics
Uncertainty in knowledge
Knowledge fusion for decision making
Knowledge and cyber security
Formal ontologies
Cognitive foundations of knowledge
Integration of machine learning and knowledge representation
Knowledge-driven learning
Knowledge-based attack and defense
Knowledge for cognitive robotics
Knowledge for cognitive analytics
Knowledge in complex systems
Game-theoretical knowledge
Knowledge in multi-agent systems
Knowledge modeling
Knowledge acquisition
Knowledge extraction from resources
Knowledge discovery from databases
Knowledge integration
Knowledge-based software engineering
Knowledge-based systems conceptual modeling in knowledge-based systems
Semantic database systems
Semantic web and knowledge
Knowledge engineering applications
Knowledge modeling for digital twins
Knowledge-based system for Chatbot
Knowledge-based system and Large Language Models (LLMs)
Knowledge management best practices and applications
Knowledge verification and validation
Knowledge protection and attack detection
Knowledge-based systems in cybersecurity
Smart knowledge and resource optimization
Knowledge dissemination
Knowledge management systems
Knowledge and data integration
Knowledge adaptation
Knowledge management and Large Language Models (LLMs)
Knowledge graph storage and management
Probabilistic knowledge graphs
Knowledge graph construction
Knowledge graph query
Learning on knowledge graphs
Knowledge graph embedding
Knowledge graph completion
Multi-modal knowledge graphs
Knowledge graph applications
Deep graph neural networks
17th KSEM 2024, August 16-18, 2024, Birmingham City University, Birmingham, United Kingdom
(Co-organizer: Birmingham City University, School of Computing and Digital Technology)
Conference Topics:
Knowledge Science; Knowledge Engineering; Knowledge Management; Knowledge Graphs
Conference Sessions:
Session titles n.a.
Special Sessions: (TBC)
Knowledge-based systems for CO2 reduction
Knowledge-based systems for smart energy
Knowledge-based systems for cybersecurity
Achievements and Open Challenges in Fairness-aware Machine Learning (TBC)
Machine Learning and Cybersecurity: A Tale of Two Buzzwords
16th KSEM 2023, August 16-18, 2023, South China Normal University, Guangzhou, China
(Co-organizer: South China Normal University, School of Computer Science)
Conference Sessions:
Graph Representation Learning
Collaborative Filtering Approaches for Recommendation Systems
Misc Learning Systems / Misc Knowledge Learning Technologies
Misc Learning Methods / Misc Knowledge Learning Technologies
Applications of LLM
Recommendation Systems
Feature Learning Methods
Graph-based Deep Learning Methods
Applications of Knowledge Mining
Deep Learning-based Applications
Misc Learning Systems
Knowledge Graph Learning
Knowledge Learning via Reinforcement Learning
Deep Learning Approaches for Knowledge Systems
Hybrid Learning Approaches
Misc Knowledge Learning Applications
Misc Knowledge Learning Technologies
Credibility of Machine Learning Through Information Granularity
A new paradigm to leverage formalized knowledge and machine learning
Recent Advances in Assessing Time Series Similarity Through Dynamic Time Warping
ChatGLM: Run your own “ChatGPT” on a laptop
15th KSEM 2022, August 6-8, 2022, Singapore / Virtual venue
(Co-organizer: Nanyang Technological University, School of Computer Science and Engineering)
Conference Sessions:
n.a. (Proceedings: Knowledge Science with Learning and AI (KSLA); Knowledge Engineering Research and Applications (KERA); Knowledge Management with Optimization and Security (KMOS))
Special Sessions: (CANCELLED?)
Knowledge-based systems for CO2 reduction
Knowledge-based systems for smart energy
Knowledge-based systems for cybersecurity
Weakly Supervised Machine Learning for Knowledge Discovery from Unstructured Text
Random Fuzzy Sets and Belief Functions: Application to Machine Learning
14th KSEM 2021, August 14-16, 2021, Tokyo, Japan / Virtual venue
(Co-organizer: Waseda University, Global Information and Telecommunication Institute)
Conference Sessions:
n.a. (Proceedings: Knowledge Science with Learning and AI (KSLA); Knowledge Engineering Research and Applications (KERA); Knowledge Management with Optimization and Security (KMOS))
X-Learning: Bootstrapping BP (Back-Propagation) with BB (Back-Broadcast) for Joint Parameter/Structural Learning of Deep Networks; Solving the Data-silo and User-privacy Challenges via Federated Learning
13th KSEM 2020, 28-30 August 2020, Hangzhou, China Virtual venue
(Co-organizer: Zhejiang Gongshang University, School of Computer Science and Information Engineering)
Note: The conference was originally scheduled for 20-22 August 2020
Conference Sessions:
Knowledge Analysis and Management; Data Processing and Data Mining; Knowledge Graph; Knowledge Representation; Knowledge Management for Education; Knowledge-base Systems; Machine Learning; Recommendation Algorithms and Systems; Social Knowledge Analysis and Management; Text Mining and Document Analysis; Knowledge Engineering Applications
12th KSEM 2019, August 28-30, 2019, Athens, Greece
(Co-organizer: University of Piraeus, Department of Informatics)
Conference Sessions:
Formal Reasoning and Ontologies; Recommendation Algorithms and Systems; Social Knowledge Analysis and Management; Data Processing and Data Mining; Image and Video Data Analysis; Deep Learning; Knowledge Graph and Knowledge Management; Machine Learning; Knowledge Engineering Applications; Probabilistic Models and Applications; Text Mining and Document Analysis; Knowledge Theories & Models; Network Knowledge Representation and Learning
On the combination of knowledge and learning; Unleash the power of label space: label enhancement for label distribution learning
11th KSEM 2018, August 17-19, 2018, Jilin University, Changchun, China
(Co-organizer: Jilin University, College of Computer Science and Technology)
Conference Sessions:
Formal Reasoning and Ontologies; Recommendation Algorithms and Systems; Social Knowledge Analysis and Management; Probabilistic Models and Applications; Image and Video Data Analysis; Deep Learning; Knowledge Graph and Knowledge Management; Data Processing and Data Mining; Constraints and Satisfiability; Text Mining and Document Analysis; Network Knowledge Representation and Learning; Knowledge Engineering Applications
Transfer Learning for Sentiment Analysis
10th KSEM 2017, August 19-20, 2017, RMIT University, Melbourne, Australia
(Co-organizer: University of Technology Sydney & Victoria University; Co-located with the International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), Aug 19-25)
Conference Sessions:
Text Mining and Document Analysis; Knowledge Engineering; Knowledge Management; Knowledge Representation and Reasoning; Formal Semantics and Fuzzy Logic; Knowledge Integration; Recommendation Systems; Knowledge Retrieval
Some Progress and Perspectives of Machine Learning
9th KSEM 2016, October 5-7, 2016, University of Passau, Passau, Germany
(Co-organizer: University of Passau, Information Systems Department)
Conference Sessions:
Clustering and Classification; Text Mining and Lexical Analysis; Content and Document Analysis; Enterprise Knowledge; Formal Semantics and Fuzzy Logic; Knowledge Engineering; Knowledge Enrichment and Visualization; Knowledge Management; Knowledge Retrieval; Knowledge Systems and Security; Neural Networks and Artificial Intelligence; Ontologies; Recommendation Algorithms and Systems
Generic Ontology Design Patterns: Qualitatively Graded Configuration; Re-wiring our brain in the Cloud: Opportunities and Challenges in the Big Data era
8th KSEM 2015, October 28-30, 2015, Chongqing, China
(Co-organizer: Southwest University, College of Computer and Information Science)
Conference Sessions:
Formal Reasoning and Ontologies; Knowledge Management and Concept Analysis; Knowledge Discovery and Recognition Methods; Text Mining and Analysis; Recommendation Algorithms and Systems; Machine Learning Algorithms; Detection Methods and Analysis; Classification and Clustering; Mobile Data Analytics and Knowledge Management; Bioinformatics and Computational Biology; Evidence Theory and Its Application
Industrial Big Data – When Big Data Meets Big Business; Separating the Reality from the Hypes of Big Data; Big Data Knowledge Engineering: Essence and Applications; Representing Knowledge about Continuous Time; Big Data in Knowledge Management for Innovation
7th KSEM 2014, October 16-18, 2014, Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu, Sibiu, Romania
(Co-organizer: Lucian Blaga University of Sibiu)
Conference Sessions:
Formal Semantics; Content and Document Analysis; Concept and Lexical Analysis; Clustering and Classification; Metamodelling and Conceptual Modelling; Enterprise Knowledge; Knowledge Discovery and Retrieval; Formal Knowledge Processing; Ontology Engineering and Management; Knowledge Management and Knowledge Systems
Enterprise Knowledge Modelling: Facilitating Flexible Dynamically Changing Systems
6th KSEM 2013, July 31 – August 2, 2013, Dalian University of Technology, Dalian, China
(Co-organizer: Dalian University of Technology, School of Management Science and Engineering, Institute of Systems Engineering)
Conference Topics:
Knowledge Science; Knowledge Engineering; Knowledge Management
Conference Sessions:
5th KSEM 2011, December 12-14, 2011, University of Carlifornia at Irvine, Irvine, USA
(Co-organizer: University of Carlifornia at Irvine, California Institute for Telecommunications and Information Technology)
Conference Sessions:
Recommender Systems; Computing; Knowledge Discovery; Logic and Reasoning; Data Mining Applications; Ontology; Knowledge Management; Knowledge Engineering
Co-located workshops:
International Workshop on Knowledge and Service Technology for Life, Environment, and Sustainability (KASTLES), Dec 12-13
4th KSEM 2010, September 1-3, 2010, Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom
(Co-organizer: University of Ulster, Computer Science Research Institute)
Conference Tracks:
Knowledge Science; Knowledge Engineering; Knowledge Management; Theory and Practice of Ontology for the Semantic Web (Special Session Track)
Ontology Languages and Engineering; Theory of belief functions for data analysis and machine learning applications
3rd KSEM 2009, November 25-27, 2009, University of Vienna, Vienna, Austria
(Co-organizer: University of Vienna, Institute for Knowledge and Business Engineering)
Conference Tracks:
Knowledge Science; Knowledge Engineering; Knowledge Management
Models in Knowledge Management
2nd KSEM 2007, November 28-30, 2007, Melbourne, Australia
(Co-organizer: Deakin University, School of Engineering and Information Technology)
Conference Tracks:
Knowledge Science; Knowledge Engineering; Knowledge Management
Knowledge Technologies for the Social Semantic Desktop; Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems in Defence and Security; Auditing and Mapping the Knowledge Assets of Business Processes – An Empirical Study
1st KSEM 2006, August 5-8, 2006, Guilin, China
(Co-organizer: Guangxi Normal University; Co-located with Pacific Rim International Conference on Artificial Intelligence (PRICAI), Aug 7-116)
Conference Sessions:
Knowledge Science; Knowledge Management; Ontology; Learning; Knowledge Engineering
Towards a Software/Knowware Co-engineering; Knowledge Management Systems (KMS) Continuance in Organizations: A Social Relational Perspective
Action Programming Languages; Ontology Learning from Text