Canadian Learning and Collaborative Knowledge Network (K-Net)

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Canadian Learning and Collaborative Knowledge Network (K-Net)Custom logo

The Canadian Learning and Collaborative Knowledge Network (K-Net), successor of Knowledge Management – Gestion des Connaissaces Montréal (KM-GC-Montréal), formerly the Knowledge Management Consortium International Montréal Chapter (KMCI Montréal),1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:


K-NET Knowledge-Labs (Online Café-LAB des Connaissances)

List of Knowledge-Labs
Note: The K-NET Knowledge-Lab, K-Lab, or COLLAB is the successor of the KM-GC Montreal Knowledge KCafé (KCafé des Connaissances), originally an onsite event in Montreal which continued as online event from 5/2010 onwards. The K-NET Knowledge-Lab used to be an English language event series which complemented the French language KM-GC Montreal Knowledge Café from 2010-2020. Both used to be monthly events. Currently, K-Labs are held in French, English, and Spanish language.

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