Filed in: South African Journal of Information Management (SAJIM)

Industry 4.0 soft skills for information and knowledge management practitioners

Abstract: Background: Many technology jurisdictions have peddled the narrative that the key determinant for an innovative and sustainable fourth industrial revolution (4IR) environment is possessing hard technical skills. Hard technical skills are important to design the actual 4IR-based applications. Postmodernity demands that appropriate soft skills complement the hard skills to effectively integrate technology into

Knowledge leader role

Abstract: According to Amidon (2000) modern leaders do not fear the speed of change; rather they embrace an agenda of learning. They know that effective management is not a matter of having the most knowledge; but knowing how to use it. It is not enough to know modern management concepts, but how they get implemented

Chief knowledge officer in South Africa

Abstract: The knowledge economy has become a reality for many enterprises. In the knowledge economy, it is not products and services that give enterprises a competitive advantage, but how well they manage their knowledge, in other words, what they know and whether they know how to do new things quickly. Bontis (2002:1) states that knowledge

Rules for leaders of knowledge citizens

Abstract: In 1909, Sam Walter Foss, a librarian at the Somerville Public Library in Massachusetts, wrote a paper entitled ‘Some cardinal principals of librarian’s work’. Interestingly, Foss emphasized and encouraged the role of the librarian to be a fundamentally social and people-oriented character as opposed to a shy and retiring ‘book lover’. This