Bite-sized Taxonomy Boot Camp Online*
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The Bite-sized Taxonomy Boot Camp Online, formerly the Bite-sized Taxonomy Boot Camp London (TBCL) and the Taxonomy Boot Camp London (TBCL), organized by Information Today, presents taxonomy use cases, tips, tools & techniques for taxonomists, knowledge managers & info pros around the world. In the past it was organized in London as a two-days conference with pre-conference workshops.
Since 2018 the boot camp is hosting the “Taxonomy Boot Camp London Awards”.
Related Boot Camps:
- Taxonomy Boot Camp @ KMWorld – Knowledge Management & Enterprise Solutions Conference (Washington DC, USA)
Boot Camp History:
Taxonomy Boot Camp Online 2025, 12 March | 18 June | 8 October 2025, Virtual venue
Conference theme: Techniques, tips & tools for taxonomists & knowledge managers
(Partners: CILIP Knowledge & Information Management Special Interest Group; ISKO UK Chapter)
Bite-sized TBCL Tutorials, 8 October 2025
Taking stock – taxonomies and semantics then and now:
– The past, present and future of taxonomies
– Building a content graphEnterprise taxonomies:
– No conspiracies here! Clear and transparent taxonomy foundations
– How to influence digital product teams towards intentional taxonomy selection and adoption best practice
Bite-sized TBCL Tutorials, 18 June 2025
Welcome to the SME Workshop Support Group – how taxonomists can get the best out of working with subject matter experts
Facets and SharePoint – two key skills areas for every taxonomist:
– Tips for designing taxonomy facets
– SharePoint tagging and classificationUse cases: taxonomies in action
– From chaos to clarity: Building a unified taxonomy for healthcare knowledge
– A game like … : A deep dive on improved video game classification
Bite-sized TBCL Tutorials, 12 March 2025
From wild west to organised chaos: Creating the first product taxonomy in 50 years at a global software company
Use cases: taxonomies in action
– From spreadsheet to strategy: insights from the Vilans taxonomy journey
– First steps with the four elements of findabilitySemantics:
– The O Word: Ontologies in the spotlight – what do taxonomists need to know?
– Wait – you have HOW many taxonomies? Mapping the semantic layer
Taxonomy Boot Camp London 2024, 20 March | 1 May | 19 June | 9 October 2024, London, United Kingdom Virtual venue
Conference theme: Techniques, tips & tools for taxonomists & knowledge managers
(Partners: CILIP Knowledge & Information Management Special Interest Group; ISKO UK Chapter)
Bite-sized TBCL Tutorials, 9 October 2024
Taxonomies and ontologies I have loved and lost
Taxonomies in action
– Leveraging multilingual corporate reference data and AI for enhanced taxonomy management in large organisations- Balancing sustainable semantic practices with enterprise delivery
– Balancing sustainable semantic practices with enterprise delivery
– Tips for taxonomy hierarchies
– Making the most of SKOS relationships for mappingTaxonomy Boot Camp London Awards
Bite-sized TBCL Tutorials, 19 June 2024
What autocategorisation can teach you about your enterprise content and taxonomies
Taxonomies in action
– Taxonomy for e-commerce customer experience
– What I’ve learned from content migration developing taxonomy, IA and site search
– The role of the taxonomist in an agile team
– Incorporating AI in a hybrid approach to information management
Bite-sized TBCL BASICS Tutorials, 1 May 2024
What are taxonomies and why are they useful?
Taxonomy project basics
‘Ask us Anything’ Taxonomy Question Time
Bite-sized TBCL Tutorials, 20 March 2024
LLMs vs knowledge graphs: alien vs predator?
Taxonomies in action
– The journey from a Minimal Viable Taxonomy to a full taxonomy
– Using micro-genres to target the long tail
SKOS: What is it and why do I need to know?
Taxonomy Boot Camp London 2023, 22 March | 26 April | 21 June | 11 October 2023, London, United Kingdom Virtual venue
Conference theme: Techniques, tips & tools for taxonomists & knowledge managers
(Partners: CILIP Knowledge & Information Management Special Interest Group; Network for Information and Knowledge Exchange; Special Libraries Association, Taxonomy Division)
Bite-sized TBCL Tutorials, 11 October 2023
Taxonomies in SharePoint: challenges and opportunities
Taxonomies in action
– Taxonomy governance in tourism (CANCELLED)
– To cut or unravel – taxonomy’s Gordian Knot?
Now it’s a tree, now it’s a web: the strange duality of SKOS (Simple Knowledge Organisation System) taxonomiesTaxonomy Boot Camp London Awards
Bite-sized TBCL Tutorials, 21 June 2023
Recruitment taxonomies and the power of similarity search
Taxonomies in Action
– The different types of product taxonomies
– Semantic technologies for historical collections: A case study from the Sloane Lab Knowledge Base
Using Airtable for taxonomy management, tagging & mappings
Bite-sized TBCL BASICS Tutorials, 26 April 2023
Techniques, tips & tools for entry-level taxonomists
Sessions: (by Semantic Web Company)
What are taxonomies and why are they useful?
Taxonomy project basics
‘Ask us Anything’ Taxonomy Question Time
Bite-sized TBCL Tutorials, 22 March 2023
I don’t know what you mean! Introducing taxonomies and ontologies to people who have never worked with semantics
Taxonomies in Action
– Are we even allowed to say that? Normalising Diversity, Equity, Inclusion and Accessibility metadata to meet tomorrow’s governance needs
– Moving towards interorganisational taxonomy governance: The start of a climate change taxonomy
Putting taxonomy and UX best practice into action: A complete overhaul of the design team’s own knowledge space
Taxonomy Boot Camp London 2022, 23 March | 8 June | 12 October, 2022, London, United Kingdom Virtual venue
Conference theme: Your taxonomy Challenges Resolved, Right Here
Bite-sized TBCL Tutorials, 12 October 2022
Practical tips for setting up taxonomy governance
Taxonomies in action: Case Studies
– The value and challenges of developing a 50-year-old subject-specific taxonomy in a constantly changing scientific field
– Linguists and knowledge management professionals at a crossroad
Lessons learned architecting the livable world ontologyTaxonomy Boot Camp London Awards
Bite-sized TBCL Tutorials, 8 June 2022
Five problems a taxonomy can’t solve but might get blamed for
Taxonomies in action: Case Studies
– Taxonomies in Knowledge Management Platforms
– Collecting Metadata in Context to Enhance Search and Discovery – A Case Study in Building Knowledge Hub on SharePoint for a Regulatory Agency
Taxonomies as reference data: governance and management
Bite-sized TBCL Tutorials, 23 March 2022
Structuring a multi-faceted taxonomy
Taxonomies in action: Case Studies
– Adapt, adopt & improve: Lessons from an evolving taxonomy of remote work (Indeed)
– Managing a taxonomy in a DAM system (Cancer Research UK)
A taxonomy of taxonomies
“Begin at the beginning”: LSE’s adventures in Wikidata-land – Tears and triumphs down the rabbit hole
Taxonomy Boot Camp London 2021, 2 March | 9 June | 10 November, 2021, London, United Kingdom Virtual venue
Conference theme: Your taxonomy Challenges Resolved, Right Here
Note: The bootcamp was originally scheduled for 2-3 March 2021. It is now branded as the first Bite-sized Taxonomy Boot Camp London – A half-day conference
Bite-sized TBCL Tutorials, 10 November 2021
Make do & mend: preparing enterprise taxonomies for the future
User centred taxonomies for kickass search results
An incremental approach to knowledge graph building using taxonomies, ontologies & APIs
Bite-sized TBCL Tutorials, 9 June 2021
Everything that will go wrong with your search, metadata or taxonomy project
Ontology as the backbone of content discovery; Presenting and hiding taxonomic choices
Bite-sized TBCL Tutorials, 2 March 2021
What’s Up Doc? Using a taxonomy to turn health news into cartoons
Content management in the time of Coronavirus: Using taxonomies to navigate rapidly changing content for healthcare workers
How many truths can you handle? Recognising and handling vagueness in taxonomies and ontologies
Pre-conference workshops (Mar 1):
Co-located Conferences:
Internet Librarian International (ILI) – The Library Innovation Conference (CANCELLED)
Taxonomy Boot Camp London 2020, 14 October 2020, London, United Kingdom Virtual venue
Note: The Bootcamp was originally scheduled for October 13-14, 2020
Discussion Panels:
Taxonomies & Ontologies: where are we now and where are we heading?
Pre-conference workshops (Oct 12):
Taxonomy Boot Camp London Awards
Co-located Conferences:
Internet Librarian International (ILI) – The Library Innovation Conference (POSTPONED)
Taxonomy Boot Camp London 2019, 15-16 October 2019, London, United Kingdom
Conference theme: Anything is Possible
Pre-conference workshops (Oct 14):
Taxonomy and metadata design – getting to grips with the basics
Text analytics for taxonomists
Defining and pitching the business case for a taxonomy
From Ontologies to Knowledge Graphs
That word you keep using? I don’t think you know what it means (keynote)
The ethics of structured information (keynote)
The hype around knowledge graphs (sponsor presentation)
Parallel Sessions:
Managing taxonomies for success
Search – enhancing relevance
How to sell the value of taxonomies
Blockchain – cutting through the hype
Validating a taxonomy with stakeholders
Structured content
Automatic tagging
Strategies for maintaining complex taxonomies at scale
Semantic data – two healthcare case studies
Setting up a taxonomy project to succeed
Taxonomy and ontology-powered applications
Improving your core skills as a taxonomist
Knowledge graphs
Governance and quality management
Taxonomy interoperability, linked data and VocBench
Public sector taxonomy and data management
Applying machine learning approaches to content
Taxonomy Boot Camp London Awards
Side events:
ISKO, SLA Europe & SLA Taxonomy chill-out; AIIP drinks & networking (Oct 15, evening)
Co-located Conferences:
Internet Librarian International (ILI) – The Library Innovation Conference
Taxonomy Boot Camp London 2018, 16-17 October 2018, London, United Kingdom
Conference theme: The growing use of taxonomies to drive data, content, information processes and more
Pre-conference workshops (Oct 15):
Taxonomy Fundamentals
Introduction to text analytics
Implementing taxonomies in SharePoint
This is the Bad Place: 13 rules for designing better information environments (keynote)
Selling the benefits of taxonomy: numbers and stories (keynote)
Being special – how to be the only taxonomist in your organisation (panel discussion)
Catching the wave – what tools do taxonomists need to do their job (sponsor presentation)
Parallel Sessions:
Taxonomy development and user validation
Cutting-edge applications for taxonomies
Why words matter in taxonomy development
Taxonomies and search
Tools and resources for taxonomy practitioners
Taxonomies and SharePoint
Innovative approaches to developing taxonomies
Beyond taxonomy – ontologies, semantics and Linked Data
Information architecture
State-of-the-art taxonomies for information retrieval
Enterprise information management
Managing digital information at scale
Linked Data and knowledge discovery
Taxonomy standards and architecture
Getting more out of enterprise search
Taxonomy Boot Camp London Awards (inaugural)
Side events:
ISKO chill-out (Oct 16, evening)
Co-located Conferences:
Internet Librarian International (ILI) – The Library Innovation Conference
Taxonomy Boot Camp London 2017, 17-18 October 2017, London, United Kingdom
Conference theme: The growing use of taxonomies to drive data, content, information processes and more
Pre-conference workshops (Oct 16):
Taxonomy fundamentals
Scoping your taxonomy project for success
Search manager’s boot camp
Kick the beehive: new approaches to building taxonomies for the real world (keynote)
AI vs. automation: the newest technologies for automatic tagging (keynote)
A brief introduction to the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO)
Language is rarely neutral: why the ethics of taxonomies matter (panel discussion)
Jump-starting your taxonomy project (sponsor presentation)
Parallel Sessions:
Doing taxonomy right: advice from two experts
Making sense of unstructured and large data sets
Creating global taxonomies in the media and publishing sectors
Fresh approaches to metadata and taxonomy
Building up taxonomies to maximise their effectiveness
Working with large multi-faceted and multi-lingual taxonomies
Applications for semantics
Machine learning and NLP
Developing your career as a taxonomist
Collaborative working for website navigation projects
Taxonomy-driven applications
Semantic models in action
Taxonomy evaluation and maintenance
Cutting-edge taxonomy applications for content systems
Governance and stakeholder engagement
Knowledge graphs and ontologies
Side events:
#ISKO UK get-together – Taxonomy chill-out (Oct 17, evening)
Co-located conference:
Internet Librarian International (ILI) – The Library Innovation Conference
Taxonomy Boot Camp London 2016, 18-19 October 2016, London, United Kingdom
Conference theme: Discover new applications and develop new skillsets
Pre-conference workshops (Oct 17):
Taxonomy Fundamentals
Designing future-friendly content (keynote)
Gathering evidence for a taxonomy – knowledge mapping or content modelling (keynote)
A brief introduction to the International Society for Knowledge Organization (ISKO)
Making taxonomies visible and useful in the business (panel discussion)
Parallel Sessions:
Case studies for complex information spaces
Innovative approaches to maintaining large knowledge organisation systems
Applying tags
Taxonomies for information retrieval
The nuts and bolts of taxonomies
Tools and platforms for semantics
Strategy and governance
Linked data
Taxonomy development
Search applications
Taxonomies for structured content
Tagging at the cutting edge
Software for taxonomies and tagging
Side events:
ISKO UK ‘Get-together’ (Oct 18, evening)
Co-located conference:
Internet Librarian International (ILI) – The Library Innovation Conference
I am very interested. Please how can I participate in the bootcamp from Sierra Leone, West Africa?
Kindly send a guide.
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Jan 19, 2022 – Boris)