University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC)
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The University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC or University of Illinois), formerly the University of Illinois and the Illinois Industrial University, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
School of Information Sciences (iSchool)1)
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- Master of Science in Information Management (on-campus; Specialization pathway: Knowledge Management and Information Consulting)
- Master of Science in Library and Information Science (on-campus/online; Specialization pathway: Knowledge Management and Competitive Intelligence2))
- PhD in Information Sciences (research areas: Scientific data and knowledge practices; Organization of knowledge and information)
- Distributed Knowledge Research Collaborative (DKRC)*2)
Distributed Knowledge Research Collaborative (DKRC)
- Distributed Knowledge Workshop, February 1, 2001
- LIS 450 DK Distributed Knowledge Course/Graduate Seminar
- Participatory Action Research (PAR) Class
Distributed Knowledge Research Collaborative (DKRC)
- Workshop on Inquiry-Based Learning
– August 26, 2003
– January 16, 2004 - DKRC Workshop, July 17-18, 2003
- Inquiry Teaching and Learning, February 21, 2001
- The Inquiry Page, October 25, 2000
Distributed Knowledge Research Collaborative (DKRC)
- Weekly Inquiry (Page), Technical, and iLabs Meetings