Access Systems*
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This site will be updated with no ads and linked to its KMedu opportunities
as soon as the provider subscribes to this service!
(sample pages: training, university, community, conference)

Access Systems, formerly also branded as AccessKM, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
On-site Workshops
- “Knowledge at Your Fingertips” Seminar Series
- A one day seminar with a Keynote, a Knowledge Management Strategy & Case Studies track or an Information Management track, and a Technology Showcase to feature tools & technologies to enable Knowledge Management.
Knowledge Nets & Communities: What Works, What Doesn’t (Hint: It’s People not Technology)Strategy & Case Studies track:
Practical Approach to Knowledge Management: From Strategies to Required Components
Case Study: Making Knowledge Sharing Work for Xerox Sales People
Knowledge Management Case Study: Eureka Project
Using Knowledge Management to Enhance the Application and Business Impact of Competitive Intelligence
Panel Discussion: Roles within a Knowledge Management InitiativeInformation Management track:
C-Business: The New Mandate for the New Economy
Data Capture Portals – Bringing Paper, Data & Online Forms into the Knowledge Management Enterprise
Enhancing Customer Relationships with Enterprise Work Management
Benchmarking Strategies & Tools you Need to Build an Enterprise Information Portal
Web Enabling Imaging & Document ManagementTechnology & Vendor Showcase Area
- “Practicing Knowledge Management in your Business” Seminar Series (with Intelligent Imaging)
- A one day executive briefing on how to capture and leverage the knowledge assets with your company.
Online Workshops
- …on topics in Knowledge Management – for practitioners only (TBD)
Course Material
- Practical Knowledge Management Seminar Series CD-ROMs
– Volume One: Knowledge Strategy and Value
– Volume Two: Knowledge Management: Implementation Steps and Issues
– Volume Three: Methods and Tools to Enable Knowledge Management
– Volume Four: Building and Maintaining our Knowledge Management Community