Learning – The Learning Leaders Conference*

Learning – The Learning Leaders Conference*

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Learning – The Learning Leaders Conference, formerly Elliott Masie’s Learning, the Masie Center’s TechLearn Conference & Expo, and the Computer Training & Support Conference, is an event where learning and development leaders come together to shape the future of their organizations. Sessions are focused on enhancing the impact of L&D initiatives, demonstrating measurable business value, and building a thriving workplace culture. Learning aims to hone your leadership skills, develop future leaders, and refine your organizational learning strategy to stay ahead in today’s fast-evolving landscape. An opportunity to elevate your L&D efforts and make lasting change in your organization.

  • 2005-2018: Elliott Masie’s Learning
    Elliott Masie’s Learning is a global event that brings together learning professionals as they focus on the changing nature of workplace education and development.
  • 1997-2004: TechLearn Conference & Expo
    The TechLearn Conference & Expo aims to explore the intersection of learning and technology – honestly and without hype. It is focused on business and government leaders engaged in using learning, training and technology to develop workforce skills, engage customers and provide educational programs in their organization.
  • 1990-1995: Computer Training & Support Conference

Until 2017 Elliott Masie’s Learning was organized by the Masie Center, co-hosted by the center’s Learning Consortium and the Association for Talent Development (ATD), formerly known as the American Society for Training & Development (ASTD). In 2018 and 2019 is was organized by CSM Learning, a joint venture between the Masie Center and CloserStill Media. Since 2020 it is co-organized by CSM Learning and The Learning Guild, both sibsidiaries of CloserStill Media.

Since 2010: Thirty Under 30 Program (for 30 learning professionals under the age of 30), aimed at developing and spotlighting the next generation of Learning Leadership in our field! This year, we will provide a special scholarship and program.

Associated Conferences:

  • 2004-2017: Elliott Masie’s Learning Systems
    Elliott Masie’s Learning Systems, formerly the Learning Management Systems Forum (LMS), brings together a collaborative group of senior learning leaders, learning systems designers, learning innovators and global colleagues. This forum took sharp look at current and future roles for today’s and tomorrow’s Learning Systems.
  • 1996-2004: Busine$$ of Learning Conference (BizLearn)
    The Busine$$ of Learning Conference, formerly the Business of e-Learning Summit & Conference, the Busine$$ of Online-Learning Conference, and the On-Line Learning & Training Conference, Symposium and multi-format executive Briefing (1996-1998), is totally focused on the business issues of on-line learning. It is designed for organizations that are developing on-line learning products and services as well as corporate managers interested in the business side of the field.

Conference History:

35th Learning 2025, October 1-3, 2025, 2025, Orlando, FL, USA

The Learning Leaders Conference – Ready to Ignite Your Learning Leadership Journey?
(Producer: CSM Learning, The Learning Guild)

    Conference program TBD

34th Learning 2024, December 4-6, 2024, Orlando, FL, USA

The Learning Leaders Conference – Elevate Your Leadership, Innovate Your Learning
(Producer: CSM Learning, The Learning Guild)

    Thriving Through Change
    Evolution of Learning Leadership
    Leading Hybrid and Remote Teams
    Upskilling, Reskilling, Revolution
    AI + Learning
    Research Data Trends
    Social and Collaborative Learning
    Learning in the Workflow
    Learning and Business Alignment
    Inclusive Leadership
    Developing Soft Skills
    Elevate Future Leaders

    Learning Innovation Labs: (Dec 3)
    3 Pillars of Learning Leadership
    A Learning Leader’s Guide to Artificial Intelligence

    Leading with Brilliance: Transformative Leadership for Learning Professionals

    Leadership Insights Sessions: (New!)
    Inclusive Learning & Culture Start at the Top
    Leveraging Data

    Beyond Knowledge: Real-World Skills Practice with AI-Powered Learning

33rd Learning 2023, December 5-7, 2023, Orlando, FL, USA

The Learning Leaders Conference
(Producer: CloserStill Media/ The Learning Guild)

    Conference Themes:
    Evolution of Learning Leadership
    Upskilling Reskilling Revolution
    AI + Learning
    Learning Immersion
    Research Data Trends
    Human-Centered Learning Design
    Empowered Self-Directed Learning
    Social & Collaborative Learning
    Data Analytics Competency
    Learning in the Workflow
    Learning and Business Alignment

    Co-located Events: (Nov 4)
    3 Pillars of Learning Leadership: A 1-Day Intensive Guide

    Inspiring Impact: Maximizing Potential through Learning
    The Magic of Innovation & Imagination

    Learning Leader Panel: Our Role in Building & Skilling a Diverse Leadership Pipeline
    Maximize Your Growth as a Learning Leader

    Micro Master Classes:
    How to Use Action Learning to Develop Leadership Skills
    Use Touchpoint Mapping to Create Equitable Learning Experiences (CANCELLED)
    Build an Effective Learning Strategy: 5 Key Components

    Cultivating Communities of Practice

32nd Learning 2022, November 6–9, 2022, Orlando, FL, USA

The Learning Leaders Conference
(Producer: CSM Learning, The Learning Guild)

    Pre-conference Workshops: (Nov 6)
    Lead the Change: Advancing DEIB & Transforming Culture Through Learning
    Power Up Performance Through Workflow Learning
    L&D as a Business Enabler: Aligning Learning Strategy with Business Goals

    Artificial Intelligence and Learning: A Robot’s Point of View
    Whose Learning Is It Anyway?
    Long Life Learning: Preparing for Jobs that Don’t Even Exist Yet
    Think Different

    Conference Sessions:
    What Makes a Great Chief Learning Officer?
    Transform Your Strategy: Become a Data-Driven Learning Organization
    Question Everything! Hone Your Leadership & Transform Your Learning Organization
    Lead a Paradigm Shift: From Corporate Training to Organizational Learning

    Learning 2022 Book Club:
    Millennials, Goldfish & Other Training Misconceptions: Debunking Learning Myths and Superstitions

    Lunch and Learn:
    It Time for Learning Organizations to Give Way to Performance Organizations?
    The Changing Nature of Working and Learning
    Designing Learning for the Hybrid Workforce

31st Learning 2021, November 15–19, 2021, Orlando, FL, USA Virtual venue

The Learning Leaders Conference
(Producer: CSM Learning, The Learning Guild)

    Note: The conference was originally scheduled for November 7–10, 2021 in Orlando, FL, USA

    General Sessions: (Panels)
    The Learning Leadership Mindset
    The Future of Work
    View from the C-Suite
    Technology and Learning
    Where Do We Go from Here?

    Effective Knowledge Sharing: 3 Proven Methods

    Pre-conference Events:
    Learning Leaders Forum, Nov 7 (CANCELLED?)

30th Learning 2020, November 16-18, 2020, Orlando, FL, USA Virtual venue

The Learning Leaders Conference
(Producer: CSM Learning, The Learning Guild)

    Note: The conference was scheduled for November 15-18, 2020 in Orlando, FL, USA

    Panel Discussions:
    What Is Learning Leadership?
    Preparing for the New Normal
    The Learning 2020 CLO Panel: Navigating the Pandemic


29th Learning 2019, October 27-30, 2019, Orlando, FL, USA

Conference Theme: Business Changes Drive Learning Changes!
(Producer: CSM Learning)

    Conference Themes:
    Trends & Analysts
    Learning Stories/Case Studies
    Let’s Talk About
    Action Sessions; Brain Science; Author Sessions; Supplier Showcases; Benchmarking Sessions

    Panel Discussions:
    All Learning Counts: Connecting Work-Based Learning to College Credit
    Learning is Global: A Panel of Leaders from Multinational Companies
    Women & Learning; The Next Generation of Learning: 30 under 30 Alumni Panel
    A Creative Spark in Modality

    Learning Stories/Case Studies Sessions:
    Video Transforms Knowledge Sharing Culture

28th Elliott Masie’s Learning 2018, November 4-7, 2018, Orlando, FL, USA

Conference Theme: Learning Changes:…
(Producer: CSM Learning; Co-hosts: The Learning Consortium)

    Note: CSM Learning is a CloserStill Media & Masie Center Joint Venture.

    Conference Themes:
    Learning Data Analytics, Measurement & Metrics
    User Experience, Design Thinking & Behavioral Science of Learning
    earning Culture
    Diversity, Inclusion, Belonging & Learning
    Video for Learning
    Learning Futures
    Leadership Development
    Curation & Learning
    Chatbots for Learning
    Learning in the Workflow (Performance Support)
    Converting ILT to Scalable eLearning


27th Elliott Masie’s Learning 2017, October 22-25, 2017, Orlando, FL, USA

(Co-hosts: The Learning Consortium, ATD, LearningTown)

    Conference Themes:
    Curation & Learning
    Learning Design
    Learning Strategy
    Micro & Compressed Learning
    Performance Support
    Mobile Learning
    Integrated Learning
    Leadership Development
    Game Thinking
    Learning Intensives
    Diversity & Inclusion


    Associated Conferences:
    Learning Systems & Tools 2017, April 19 – 20, 2017, Chicago, IL, USA

26th Elliott Masie’s Learning 2016, October 23-26, 2016, Orlando, FL, USA

(Co-hosts: The Learning Consortium, ATD)

    Conference Themes:
    Brain/Cognitive Science
    Fitbits for the Brain
    isual Storytelling
    Connected & Flipped Classroom
    Compliance & Learning
    Engagement in Virtual Learning
    Video & Learning
    Virtual Reality & Learning Futures
    Learning in the Future


    Video for Rapid Knowledge Transfer
    Leveraging Organizational Learning to Address Social & Community Needs
    Building Communities in Courses

    Supplier Showcase Sessions:
    Transforming Knowledge Enablement: MetLife’s New Reality for Job Readiness

    Co-located Conferences:
    Learning Systems Forum
    (Conference Theme: LMS, LCMS & Social)

    Associated Conferences:
    Learning Systems: LMS, LCMS, Social & More 2016, April 27 – 28, Chicago, IL, USA

25th Elliott Masie’s Learning 2015, November 1-4, 2015, Orlando, FL, USA

(Co-hosts: The Learning Consortium, ATD)

    Conference Themes:
    Learning Personalization
    Gamification & Engagement
    Adaptive & Responsive
    MOOCs Evolve
    Badging & Competencies
    Compliance Re-Visited
    Mobile & Small Tech
    Metrics, Assessment and Data
    Leadership Development
    Digital Trust
    Changing Learning Systems
    Cyber Threat & Learning
    Marketing Learning
    Teaching for Impact
    Video: Open & Shorter
    Social & Collaboration
    OJL & Performance Support
    Cognitive Science
    & MORE

    The Music Paradigm – Organizational Dynamics, Leadership and the Role of “Performance”
    Attitudes and Myths about Introversion and Extroversion
    The Future of Gamification and Learning
    Leadership, Management and how Adults Face Change
    UpSkilling: A CLO Perspective

    Subject Matter Expert Boot Camp: Peer-to-Peer Knowledge Share
    Knowledge Transfer: Don’t Wait Until It’s Too Late!
    Tribal Knowledge in a Global Network: How Hershey is Transferring Knowledge from U.S. to International Plants
    Featured Learning Organization: Hilton Worldwide
    Performance Support: Transitioning a Learning Organization to a Performing Organization
    Modernizing the Learning Organization: A Transformation Blueprint
    Featured Learning Organization: American Express

24th Elliott Masie’s Learning 2014, October 26 -29, 2014, Orlando, FL, USA

    Conference Themens:
    Learning and Personalization
    Big Learning Data
    Compliance & Learning
    Talent & Learning Connect
    Collaboration & Social
    Engagement; Brain & Cognitive Science
    OJL & Performance Support
    Classrooms Re-designed
    Gaming & Gamification
    Higher Ed & Workplaces
    Video for Learning
    MOOCs & Massive Learning
    Badges & Competencies
    Webinares Re-designed
    Mobile & Learning
    Leadership Development
    Re-branding Learning
    Learning Disruption

    The Learning Revolution
    Cooking & Learning
    Learning Trends & Disruptions
    The Brain Research Game
    The TED Video Effect

    Video in a Learning Organization: Knowledge Creation & Disruption
    Google’s g2g Program: Steps for Establishing Vibrant, Self-Sustaining Learning Communities

    Co-located Conferences:
    LMS & Learning Systems Forum 2014

23rd Elliott Masie’s Learning 2013, November 3-6, 2013, Orlando, FL, USA

Conference Theme: Learning is Shifting, Changing, Expanding, Compressing and Personalizing!
(Co-hosts: The Learning Consortium, ASTD)

    Conference Themes:
    Learning Personalization!
    Learning Compression?
    Social & Collaborative Learning
    Big Learning Data
    Classorooms Redesigned
    Mobile Worlforce & Device
    “Rebranding” Learning
    Tired LMS?
    Gaming & Gamification
    Learning Hype or Innovation?
    Learning for Leaders
    Technology for Learning
    Learning Structures & Strategies
    Learning Usability
    Performance Support
    On-the-Job Training/Learning
    MOOCs: Massive & Open?
    The Learning Marketplace
    Video for Learning
    Curating Content

    Learning Trends in 2013
    Employee Engagement
    MOOC’s & Open Learning
    Boomers in the Workplace
    Storytelling & Social Media”

    Knowledge in the Age of Google
    Knowledge Capture Before the Retirement Cliff
    Partnering to Build a Better Learning Organization
    Google’s g2g Program: Steps for Establishing Vibrant, Self-Sustaining Learning Communities

22nd Elliott Masie’s Learning 2012, October 21-24, 2012, Orlando, FL, USA

    Conference Themes:
    The Learning “Mix”
    Learning Together: Social/Collaborative
    Learning Everywhere: Mobile, Video & Performance Support
    Personalizing Learning; Learning Hype & Innovations
    Learning Fundamentals: Designs, Classrooms & SME’s
    Learning Evidence: Metrics, Scorecards & Impact
    Learning Systems: Beyond eLearning
    The Learner in 2012
    Learning Roles & Leaders

    Key Issues of Leadership and Development
    Quiet: The Power of Introverts in a World That Can’t Stop Talking
    The Power of Habit
    Global Learning, with a special emphasis on how employee learning and training is evolving in Asia
    Coaching by Video – Targeted and Compliance

    Knowledge Management Systems: How to Establish Governing Principles & Maintain Your Sanity
    Communities of Practice: Creation & Sustainment

    Pre-conference Webinars: (Sep 12)
    Social & Collaborative Learning: Innovation or Hype?

21st Elliott Masie’s Learning 2011, November 6-9, 2011, Orlando, FL, USA

Conference Theme: Balancing Learning: Changing Workforce, Workplace & Designs
(Co-hosts: The Learning Consortium, ASTD)

    Conference Themes:
    Learning Agility
    New Tech for Learning: Affordances VS. Hype
    FLIP Learning: Re-sequencing Learning Designs
    Compliance Out of Control
    The Checklist Imperative: Complexity in Learning
    Research to Practice: Evidence & Learning Science
    Storytelling 2012: Video on Demand
    Learning Design: Beyond Instructional Design
    Performance Support/Workplace GPS
    LeadershipDev: Designs for New Workforce & Workplace
    LMS, LCMS & Learning Systems: What To Do Next?
    Classrooms Are Not Dead! – Refreshing Face to Face Learning
    ReSkilling Learning Teams
    The $$$$ Side of Learning
    Learning Strategies: A Fresh Look
    The Great Flash Debate: Stay or Leave?
    Distributed Teams & Leaders
    Bring in the Clouds?: Learning Apps & Clouds
    Impact vs. ROI
    Learning as a Global Force
    Learning “Socially” – Collaborative Designs
    Learning Governance & Enterprise Deployment
    Mentoring & Coaching: Scaled & Deployed
    The Learning Marketplace
    Video Live: Chat, Video Conferencing & Telepresence
    Empowered Learners Need Less or More?
    Four Generations in One Workplace!

    Google Effects on Memory
    iPad: Learning Game Changer
    Recommendations from an LMS?
    Managing the Older Worker
    Undercover Boss; Storytelling
    Take the Lead
    Learning Leadership
    Brainfreeze: Information Overload

    Thought Leader Sessions:
    Strategies for Building Robust, Passionate & Transformational Learning Communities

    Building Organizational Learning Standards

    Knowledge Capture of Retirees
    Marketing & Branding Your Learning Organization

    Learniong Stories:
    Creating an Enterprise Learning Organization (a.k.a. Aligning the Planets)
    Achieving Enterprise Bilingual Competency through a Learning Community
    SMEs Galore: Building an Army of Subject Matter Experts

    Learning @ Sessions:
    Learning @ Intel: Decentralized, Global & No CLO
    Learning @ Humana: Governance & Shared Services in a Networked Learning Organization

    Supplier Showcases:
    The Agile Learning Organization

    Lunch with Chief Learning Officers

20th Elliott Masie’s Learning 2010, October 24-27, 2010, Orlando, FL, USA

(Co-hosts: The Learning Consortium, ASTD)

    Conference Themes:
    Changing Learning: Agile, Social, Targeted, Social, Mobile and Global
    Distributed Work, Distributed Leadership and Distributed Learning
    Learning Leadership: Creating and Implementing Strategic Learning Projects
    Learning Research: Neuroscience & Learning, Impact Assessment, Evidence Based Learning Design
    Learning Modes: Video for Learning, Collaborative Learning, Coaching & Performance Support
    The Business of Learning: How to Resource, Charge and Support Learning Budgets
    Learning & Talent: Changing Role of Learning in Retention and Development of Talent
    New Learning Roles: Evolving and ReSkilling the Learning Function and Roles

    Extreme Learning & Training: Mastering the Olympics and Dancing with the Stars
    How to Design & Leverage Communities of Knowledge & Collaboration?
    Putting the Mojo in Learning and Leaders
    Orchestrating Greatness: The Musical Paradigm
    The Power of Video Stories and Social Media in Corporations
    Cognitive Surplus; Counter-Intuitive Leadership
    Disney Safety Learning – Organization Wide Learning
    Learning Changes & Learning Challenges in 2010

    The Decade Ahead: Why Social is Where Knowledge Goes to Thrive
    End-To- End Experience (E3) Design: How to Connect Learning From Knowledge to Application
    Knowledge at Your Fingertips: Templates, Strategies & Shared Content
    Temporary & Contracted Staff: Learning & Knowledge Strategies
    Cultivating a Learning Organization & Evidence-Based Decision Making

    Associated Conferences:
    LMS & Learning Systems Forum 2010, June 10-11, 2010, Chicago, IL, USA

19th Elliott Masie’s Learning 2009, November 8-11, 2009, Orlando, FL, USA

(Co-hosts: The Learning Consortium, ASTD)

    Pre-Conference Workshops Topics:
    Performer Support – Learning at the Moment of Need
    Mobile Learning
    Learning Leadership Academy
    Learning 101 – Introduction to the Field of Learning
    e-Learning Update
    Learning Systems (LMS and LCMS)
    Social Learning Strategies

    Conference Themes:
    UnCertain Times; ReSkilling!; Social Learning; e-Learning Update; Global Learning; Learning Leaders; Learning Systems; Leadership Development; Mobile Learning; Performer Support; Learning Agility; UserContent; Learning 2009 Industry User Groups

    Miracle on the Hudson; On Enterprise Twitter; Learning and the role of “Outliers”; ReSkilling Strategies and New Leadership

    Co-located Conferences:
    Global Learning Forum
    Mobile Learning Forum
    Social Learning ’09

    Associated Conferences:
    Learning Systems Roundtable 2009, April 15-16, 2009, Chicago, IL, USA
    (…a Vendor-Neutral User Group & Symposium)

18th Elliott Masie’s Learning 2008, October 26-29, 2008, Orlando, FL, USA

Conference Theme: All About Learning
(Co-hosts: The Learning Consortium, ASTD)

    Conference program n.a.

    Conference Themes:
    Learning Effectiveness
    Learning Design
    Learning Strategy
    Learning Technology & Systems
    Learning Professionals: Our Careers & Competencies
    Learning Experimentation & Research
    Learning Delivery (Classroom, On-Line, Performance Support)
    Learning Globally

    Learning, Knowledge, Collaboration, Technology & The Future of Work

    Associated Conferences:
    Learning Systems 2008, April 10-11, 2008, Las Vegas, NV, USA
    (…a Vendor-Neutral User Group & Conference)

16th Elliott Masie’s Learning 2007, October 21-24, 2007, Orlando, FL, USA

Conference Theme: Learning Changes! Gaming, Simulation and Virtual Worlds for Learning
(Co-hosts: The Learning Consortium, ASTD)

    Conference program n.a.

    Conference Themes:
    Changing Learning Content: Faster, Shorter, View/Listen, Collaborative, Search
    Changing Learners: Impatient, Overwhelmed, Self-Service, New & Retiring
    Changing Learning Systems: Evolving LMS, LCMS, Authoring, Social Networks
    Changing Learning Issues: Governance, Talent, Assessment, Compliance
    Changing Learning Models: e-Learning, Classroom, Gaming, Performance Support

    Keynotes: (General Session)
    Cooking and Learning have a lot in common
    Collective Intelligence
    PodCasting for Learning
    Content Planning

    Associated Conferences:
    LMS 2007, April 12-13, 2007, Las Vegas, NV, USA
    (The Learning Systems User Group Conference)

15th Elliott Masie’s Learning 2006, November 5-8, 2006, Orlando, FL, USA

Conference Theme: Learning in a Flatter World – Faster, Flexible, Global, Informal, Compliance, Impact
(Co-hosts: The Learning Consortium, ASTD)

    Conference Themes:
    Learning in a “Flatter” World!
    Challenges for NextGen and Silver Employees in our Workforce
    Learning Systems: LMS, LCMS, Content Management and Collaboration
    Informal Learning, Media-Based Content (PodCasting) and Rapid Development
    Human Capital Management: Impacts & Strategies; e-Learning Excellence!
    Evolving and Changing Classroom
    Impact Objectives – A Practical Approach to ROI
    Fresh Looks: Leadership Development, On-Boarding & Customer Education
    3 C’s for 2007: Compliance, Competencies and Content Management
    Learning Governance and Changing Roles for Learning Professionals
    Extreme Learning in 2006 and 2007

    Keynotes: (General Session)
    Learning in a “Flatter” World
    2006 – 2016 Map of Future Forces Affecting Education
    The Speed of Trust
    Life is Short – Wear Your Party Pants
    One Minute Manager & Leadership
    Technology to Watch For: Devices Changing Learning
    The Wisdom of Crowds
    How the CFO and CEO view Learning
    Leaders without Borders: Learning Globally
    Competencies: The Next Horizon
    It’s All About Transfer
    e-Coaching: Daily Accountability
    Learning 2006 Trip Report

    Case Studies:
    Nano Learning for Performance Support – Use Knowledge Management to leverage instant Nano Learning
    Knowledge Management and Learning: Sharing a Common Goal
    Fostering Social Networking Communities in the Workplace

    Sponsor Showcasees:
    Assessing the Learning Organization
    Learning and Performance: A Leap of Faith?

    Lunch with Chief Learning Officers
    Learning Leadership Award

    Co-located Events:
    Learning Consortium Annual Meeting

    Associated Conferences:
    Learning Futures 2006, July 10-11, 2006, Trinity College, Dublin, Ireland (CANCELLED)
    (Sponsor: The Learning Consortium)
    LMS 2006, April 6-7, 2006, Las Vegas, NV, USA
    (A New Event By The MASIE Center, also known as The Learning Systems User Group Conference)

14th Elliott Masie’s Learning 2005, October 30 – November 2, 2005, Orlando, FL, USA

Conference Theme: Extreme Learning
(Co-hosts: The Learning Consortium, ASTD)

    Top Level Content Focus:
    Learning Methods – (e-Learning, Classroom, Collaboration, Blended, Coaching)
    Learning Systems – (Learning Management Systems, LCMS, Authoring, Talent)
    Learning Design – (Rapid Learning Development, Real-Time, SMEs, Instructional Design)
    Learning Strategies – (Enterprise, Line of Business, Outsourcing, Alignment)
    Learning Innovations – (PodCasting, Blog, Wiki, Content Management, SCORM)
    Learning Assumptions & Theories – (What we believe about how people will learn!)

    Blink – First Impressions & Learning
    Extreme Learning!
    Everything Bad is Good for You” and “The Interface Culture
    Profiles in Learning Courage!
    Learning in the World of Health/Medicine
    Leadership as a Contact Sport”
    Associations & Learning
    e-Learning UPDATE & Personalization
    Conversation: Corporate Learning & Higher Education
    Supply Chain Learning
    Manufacturing & Learning
    Speaking to the Big Dogs

    Co-located Conferences:
    e-Learning World 2005

    Associated Conferences:
    IT & Systems Learning 2005, April 25-26, 2005, Philadelphia, PA, USA
    (Conference Theme: Perspectives & Conversations)

TechLearn 2004, November 14-17, 2004, New York City, NY, USA

Sub-title: Exploring Learning & Technology

    Pre-Event Online Learning Seminars: (NEW!)
    High Performance Learning Organizations
    In or Out? Business Drivers, Insights and Procedures for Outsourcing Learning and Training
    Enabling an Execution Culture
    Disruptive Technologies and Trends

    Pre-conference Workshops:

    Conference Sessions’ Topics:
    Learning Implementation & Integration
    Content Design & Development
    Learning Technologies
    Learning Systems Architecture & Design
    The Learning Value Chain
    The Next Horizon

    Mega Sessions’ Themes:
    In-house vs Outsourced Strategies
    Gaming and Learning
    Globalization of Learning
    The LearningValue Chain
    The Future of Learning
    Workflow Learning
    Integrating Knowledge, Content, and Learning Systems
    Measurement & Metrics

    Out of the Past and Into the Future: TechLearn 2004 Leads the Way
    State of the Industry: What’s Next in e-Learning & Training?
    Elliott Masie, CEO, The MASIE Center, e-Learning Consortium
    Re-Imagine: A Matchless Opportunity, A Sacred Trust
    Technically Funny: The Humorous Side of Learning & Technology
    Enabling the Knowledge Worker
    Readiness and Training of the U.S. Armed Forces
    TechLearn 2004 Trip Report

    Panel Discussions:
    Chief Learning Officers Panel: The Buck Stops Here

    Sponsored Education Sessions:
    Redefining the Role of Learning: Governance & Management
    The Role of Culture & Behavior in a Learning Organization

    Co-located Conferences:
    Learning Officers Forum (NEW)

    Associated Conferences:
    LMS 2004, March 8-9, 2004, Las Vegas, NV, USA
    6th The Busine$$ of Learning Conference (BizLearn 2004), April 19-20, 2004, Baltimore, MD, USA

TechLearn 2003, November 2-5, 2003, Orlando, FL, USA

Sub-title: Exploring Learning & Technology

    What’s New in e-Learning and Training
    Learning and Readiness during Iraq War: Lessons Learned & Leadership, Management … and the Difference
    The Craziness of Coping with Crazy Time
    Workforce, The Economy and Learning
    Take it all Home
    Trip Report

    Knowledge Management Sessions:
    “It’s Not My Fault. I Didn’t Know…” Using Knowledge Management Technologies to Cope with a Rapidly Changing Environment
    Using e-Learning to Integrate and Harvest Knowledge Management
    Knowledge Management and e-Learning — Can We Really Blur the Lines to Make it Seamless?

TechLearn 2002, October 27-30, Orlando, FL, USA

Sub-title: Exploring Learning & Technology
Conference Theme: Managing the Reality of Change

    State Of The Learning Field
    Learning And The Learning Organization
    The Lighter Sides Of Technology And Learning
    The Futures Of Learning: Business Alignment
    ENRON, Andersen And WorldCom: Would Better Training Have Made Any Difference?
    Towards The Future

    Mega Sessions:

    Case Study Session:
    A Practical Discussion On Using Technology To Blend Knowledge And Learning
    From Knowledge Sharing To Content To Learning Objects: It Takes Small Steps

    Panel Discussions:

    Knowledge Management And e-Learning: Cousins Or Competitors?

    Special Sponsor Showcases:

    Co-located Conferences:
    World e-Learning Congress

    Associated Conferences:
    5th The Busine$$ of Learning Conference 2002, April 8-9, 2002, Washington, D.C., USA
    (Conference Theme: The Changing Marketplace for e-Learning, Blended Learning & Classroom Training)

TechLearn 2001, October 28-31, 2001, Orlando, FL, USA

    Conference program n.a.

    State of the e-Learning Field: Blending Approaches for Greater Reality
    Learning as a Business Driver
    The Business Case for Learning, Training and Technology
    The Great Debate on Learning: How Learners and Organizations Actually View Learning & Training
    e-Learning World Congress Session
    Managing and Leadership in Difficult Times

    Mega Sessions:
    Online Communities: The Real-World Perspective

    Knowledge Management: The Second Generation

    Co-located Conferences:
    Blended Learning Forum
    World e-Learning Congress

    Associated Conferences:
    4th Business of e-Learning Summit & Conference 2001, March 29 & 30, 2001, Las Vegas, NV, USA
    (Annual Gathering of the On-Line Learning and e-Learning Business Community)

TechLearn 2000, November 12-15, 2000, Orlando, FL, USA

Conference Theme: e-Learning: REAL or HYPE?

    Conference program n.a.

    Reinventing Work – Reinventing Training!
    Learning Like an Orchestra
    The Learning Magic is in the Mix

    Case Studies:
    Using Technology to Build Learning Communities at Boeing
    Creating Virtual Learning Communities
    Learning Communities
    Online Learning Communities – Lessons From Two Companies

    Interactive Discussions:
    Can We Move Beyond e-Learning to Performance Support and Knowledge Management?

    Co-located Conferences:
    World e-Learning Congress
    Computer & IT Training Symposium

    Associated Conferences:
    The Business of On-Line & E-Learning Conference 2000, March 27-28, 2000, Seattle, WA, USA

TechLearn 1999, October 31 – November 3, 1999, Orlando, FL, USA

    Conference program n.a.

    Feature Sessions:
    The Human Factor In Knowledge Management (411)
    Knowledge Management Through Reusable Information/Learning Objects (404)
    Understanding The e-Knowledge Process
    Professional Learning Communities (703)

    Case Studies:
    The Knowledge Depot (606)
    PeopleSoft Knowledge Satellite Broadcasts (508)
    Knowledge Management At The World Bank (711)

    Problem Solution Sessions:

    Special Sponsor Sessions:
    The Ten Things Every Training Manager Should Know About TKM™ Systems: “The New Technology Of Integrated Enterprise-wide Training And Knowledge Management Software” (146)

    Co-located Conferences:
    Computer & IT Training Convention

    Associated Conferences:
    The Business of On-Line Learning Conference 1999, March 3-4, 1999, Seattle, WA, USA

TechLearn 1998, November 15-18, 1998, Orlando, FL, USA

    Conference program n.a.

    Associated Conferences:
    The On-Line Learning & Training Conference 1998, March 30-31, 1998, Seattle, WA, USA
    (Conference Theme: The Busine$$ of On-Line Learning!)

TechLearn 1997, September 7-10, 1997, Orlando, FL, USA

Where Technology & Learning Meet
(Co-hosts: Computer Education Management Association; On-Line Learning Council)

    What Happens When People and Technology Meet
    Implications for Learning in the Digital Economy
    TechLearn 1997 Report
    The role of Knowledge Management in Training

    Problem Solution Sessions:
    The Corporate Knowledge Base: Sharing, But How?
    Can the Training Department be a Driver for Knowledge Management?
    Building Learning Communities that go the Distance

    CEO Panel: How We View Training
    School to Work Panel: What We Want From Schools (Skills from Schools)

    High interaction workshops and task forces (TBD)

    Pre-/Post-Conference On-Line Events:
    Technology Leaders Update: Visions for technology and learning (video interviews with roundtable)
    Corporate Leaders Update: Challenge of learning and technology from the executive suites (video interviews)

    TechLearn Learning Excellence Awards

    Co-located Conferences:
    On-Line Learning & Training Symposium
    Computer & Technical Training Symposium
    ReTooling Symposium
    Amitech User Conference

    Associated Conferences:
    On-Line Learning & Training 1997, April 15-16, 1997, Saratoga Springs, NY, USA
    (Co-host: On-Line Learning Council)

On-Line Learning & Training 1996, November 11-12, 1996, Saratoga Springs, NY, USA

An Executive Briefing
(Host: Elliott Masie)

    Note: The On-Line Learning & Training Council was formed on November 12

    Conference program n.a.

Computer Training & Support Conference 1995, October 1995, Orlando, FL, USA

(Sponsors: n.a.)

    Conference program n.a.

Computer Training & Support Conference 1990, October 28-31, 1990, Orlando, FL, USA

Increased User Productivity & Learning
(Sponsors: Association for Computer Training & Support (ACTS), National Training & Computers Project)

    Conference program n.a.
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One Reply to “ Learning – The Learning Leaders Conference*”

  1. Hello,

    I have been asked to put together a list of HR/Learning conferences/forums/retreats/summits that happen throughout the year for the Learning team here at ZS. I am looking to get pricing details for the 2020 Learning Forum happening on Nov 15-18 in Orlando, FL. If you could send me the cost per person (member/nonmember) and if applicable, for a group, that would be greatly appreciated.


    (KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Mar 4, 2020 – Boris)

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