ExL Events*
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ExL Events – Pharmaceutical Conferences, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
- Life Science Knowledge Management Summit**
The Life Science Knowledge Management Summit, produced by ExL Pharma, delves into the relationship between knowledge management, content management and culture. Experienced thought leaders in this field will convene at this event to help you find the balance between designing knowledge management systems that both influence and are influenced by a company’s culture.
Conference Themes:
2017: Design and Lerverage Insights-Driven Knowledge Management Systems that Facilitate Collaboration and Propel Innovation
2016: Realize Your Vision Through the Design, Implementation and Execution of a Coherent Knowledge Management Ecosystem
2015: Drive Business Decisions amd Optimize the Relationship Between People, Processes and Technology Through Robust Knowledge Management Systems
2014: Enhance Information Management and Intelligence Extraction to Create an Environment Where Collaboration and Business Continuity Meet