Theory and Applications in the Knowledge Economy (TAKE Conference)*
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The Theory and Applications in the Knowledge Economy (TAKE Conference), formerly the International Conference on Theory and Applications in the Knowledge Economy (TAKE), is an international scientific conference devoted to the multidisciplinary study of the knowledge economy. In particular, it intends to analyze the relation and the gap between theories and practices in the knowledge economy of the 21st century. Therefore, it brings together researchers, practitioners, and industry experts to discuss, advance, and shape the future of the knowledge economy.
TAKE conference puts together experts from different fields such as Human Resource Development, Human Resource Management, Intellectual Capital, Knowledge Management, Logistics, Retail, Public Policy, Innovation and Entrepreneurship, Business Models, SMEs, Competitiveness and Accounting.
Since 2020 TAKE is sub-titled with “The Multidisciplinary Conference on Intangibles”, before 2020 it was sub-titled with “The International Scientific Conference devoted to the Multidisciplinary Study of the Knowledge Economy”.
Main supporter: Research Unit on Governance, Competitiveness and Public Policies (GOVCOPP), Universidade de Aveiro
Conference History:
9th TAKE Conference 2025, July 1-3, 2025, Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, Sofia, Bulgaria
Sub-Title: The Multidisciplinary Conference on Intangibles
Main Topic: Integrity Ethics and Values in the Pos-Covid-19
(Co-organizer: Sofia University St. Kliment Ohridski, TBD)
- Conference program TBD
Conference Streams of interest:
Art and Knowledge Management
Challenges and Opportunities for Crafts and Trade in the Knowledge Economy
Gig Economy, Solo-Self-employment and Freelancers in the Knowledge Economy
Intellectual Capital and Assets Dynamics
Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs)
New skills and knowledge adapted to the digital world: a major challenge
Soft Skills Empowerment: Closing a Gap in the Knowledge Economy Agenda
Teaching and Learning in the Knowledge Economy
Pre-conference Workshops: (Jul 1)
Conference Sessions:
New Visions on Managing Knowledge
Critical Thinking and Knowledge Ethics
8th TAKE Conference 2024, July 2-4, 2024, Universidade Lusofona de Humanidades e Teconologias, Lisbon, Portugal
Sub-Title: The Multidisciplinary Conference on Intangibles
Main Topic: Working, Training, Learning, Unlearning and Relearning in Post-Covid19 societies – virtualities, opportunities and challenges
(Co-organizer: Universidade Lusofona de Humanidades e Teconologias, Faculty of Economic Sciences and Organizations)
- Pre-conference Workshops: (Jul 2)
Gaming and Education
Conference Workshops:
Knowledge Café: Working, Training, Learning, Unlearning and Relearning in Post-Covid19 societies
Conference Session: Knowledge Management
Evaluating Knowledge Value: A Comparative Study of Chinese and German Knowledge Workers
Exploring the Interplay Between Artificial Intelligence, Emotional Intelligence, and Knowledge Management: A Conceptual Framework
New Skills, Knowledge and Knowhow adapted to the digital world: a worldwide challenge
Navigating Knowledge Systems in African Governance for a Resilient Knowledge Economy
Tacit knowledge during disruptive times: how well did we share and preserve tacit knowledge during and after the COVID-19 pandemic and why?
Information Professional as a Consensus-builder, AI translator, and Orchestrator of Change
Conference Session: Others
Formulating Winning Business Strategy in the Knowledge Economy Context: The Role of Artificial Intelligence
Knowledge hiding and employees’ innovation: Untangling the complex effects of envy, conflict, competition and working ethics
Redefining education in a knowledge economy: Challenges and strategic approaches
The knowledge management in context of telecommuting due the Covid-19
WorldCoin – a case study on the knowledge economy
Knowledge Hiding in Organizations
7th TAKE Conference 2023, June 28-30, 2023, Sopot University of Applied Sciences, Sopot, Poland / Virtual venue
Sub-Title: The Multidisciplinary Conference on Intangibles
Main Topic: To Think the Unthinkable: The Critical Analysis of Intangibles (or: Critical Approaches on the Analysis of Intangible Assets)
(Co-organizer: Sopot University of Applied Sciences, Faculty of Economics and Finance; Poznań University of Technology, Faculty of Management Engineering, Institute of Management and Information Systems; Gdansk University of Technology, Faculty of Management and Economics)
- Conference Streams:
Intellectual Capital and Assets Dynamics; Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs); Teaching and Learning in the Knowledge Economy
Conference Session: Knowledge Management
From Knowledge to Wisdom: Looking beyond the Knowledge Hierarchy
Personal Knowledge Management the ever under-researched discipline in KM: some thoughts on Spiritual Knowledge Management and Personal Knowledge Management
A Conceptual Theoretical Framework for Knowledge Sharing on Digital Platform: the role of knowledge leader
The effect of Covid 19 pandemic on the speed of transition from traditional tourmate work in SMEs in the insurance sector in Bahrain
Patent strategies as a factor in building an organizations competitiveness
The effect of perseverance on job immersion
Conceptualizing theoretical guidelines for corporate brand authenticity: lessons from brand authenticity
How can a leaders values influence the internal and external image: of organization: the case of AIESE
The influence of colour in the decision making process: Luxury brands
Conference Session: Knowledge Management & Soft Skills
The importance of the role of time in the process of adaptation of traditional expatriates
Reporting of contemporary business in the area of social responsibility
Soft skills among academics: Five theoretically informed lessons for current times
Responsible research and innovation transfer: University perspective
Conference Session: Knowledge Management & Intellectual Capital
Knowledge practices for financial management of small and medium-sized listed Companies
Three-level Centres of Professional Excellence and why universities provide a critical success factor in these Centres
Communication about rebranding: the case of Polish listed companies
Professors’ vs. Students Perception Towards Elearning in the Field of Business Administration
Bridging the gap between nursing theory and practice: patient safety in the U.K. NHS
Rethinking nongovernmental organizations – at the crossroad of Economics and civil society
Conference Session: Others
Company culture as an asset. KnowledgeLearning-Collaboration culture approach for sustainability
The effect of knowledge hiding on job creativity: work ethics as a mediating variable
Creating sustainable wealth in the knowledge economy context. Theoretical foundations and framework proposal
Knowledge hiding in team settings: team dimensions as contingency factors
Selective knowledge hiding: How national and organizational culture, mental models, type of knowledge and relationships affect whether to share or hide
Quiet quitting and its link with knowledge risk in organizations – theoretical insights
Exploring the relationship between knowledge transfer and motivation of public servants: an empirical investigation
Knowledge Management as a key to sustainable development? Implications from a German-Cuban higher education partnership project
Effective Management of Community Sustainability Knowledge
Debate on Intangible Science (CANCELLED)
PhD Colloquium (online)
6th TAKE Conference 2022, 6–8 July 2022, Universidade Portucalense, Porto, Portugal
Sub-Title: The Multidisciplinary Conference on Intangibles
Main Topic: The Knowledge Economy and Socirty in the Post -Covid-19 Era
(Co-organizer: Universidade Portucalense, Department od Economics and Management)
- Conference Streams:
Intellectual Capital and Assets Dynamics; Knowledge Change Innovation; Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs); Teaching and Learning in the Knowledge Economy
Conference Session: Knowledge Management
Creating wealth in the 4 th Industrial Revolution. Theoretical foundations and practical implications
Delivering on ISO 30401 – Intellectual Capital Statement made in Germany as a remedy
Strategic management of information in an organization based on Big data technologies
Knowledge sharing and conflict: The mediating effect of trust and workplace spirituality
Scenario Planning for a Post-pandemic era in Small Businesses: A Dynamic Capability Perspective
Knowledge and internationalization: the role of practical wisdom
Conference Session: Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital
When Size Matters: Digital Transformation from the Perspective of Austrian SMEs
Model of Sustainablity Management for aircraft sector
A semantic analysis of knowledge dynamics within knowledge management
Conference Session: Others
Hey KIBS, are you managing your knowledge? Findings from a systematic literature review
Findings from a systems approach investigation into the Knowledge Management domain
Knowledge Management as a strategic support of the Resource Based View: An approach to organizations through sustainable financing
What do we know about the knowledge gap between researchers and famers? A systematic review of the literature
The Future of Knowledge
5th TAKE Conference 2021, 7–9 July 2021, Universidade Portucalense, Porto, Portugal Virtual venue
Sub-Title: The Multidisciplinary Conference on Intangibles
Main Topic: The Knowledge Economy in the Covid-19 Era: Power and Possibilities
(Co-organizer: Universidade Portucalense, Department od Economics and Management)
- Conference Streams:
Intellectual Capital and Assets Dynamics; Knowledge Change Innovation; Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs); Teaching and Learning in the Knowledge Economy
Conference Session: Knowledge Management
Review of Advances of Semantically Enriches Learning Management Systems
There remains much to learn about organizational phronesis
Internal Due Diligence Practice linked to Management Control Tool boost transparency and performance in SME
Exploring knowledge Dynamics during the Covdi-19 crisis
Mode of instruction moderating the predicting transfer model in Spain, a SEM multigroup analysis
Build Back Better? Engage the Crowd!
Learning from an Auto-Ethnographic Account of a UK University Academic Tutor in Central London in the Covid-19 Knowledge Economy in 2020
Reconsidering unlearning knowledge: How organizational members change
Disentangling the knowledge dimensions of Business and Entrepreneurship Education: the case of Unibas “Contamination Lab”
Trends in Knowledge Management
Conference Session: Intellectual Capital and Assets Dynamics
Intellectual Capital in elementary and primary education in AT-CZ-HU-SK
Fuzzy-based approach for multidimensional hybrid models in higher education
“The contribution of Intellectual Capital to Bank’s Competitive Performance and Efficiency – the evidence from Poland
Diagnosing nation’s wealth creation potentiadigital in the 4th industrial revolution context. Theoretical foundations, framework proposal and practical implications
Conference Session: Others
The Knowledge Economy Unconfinement: Good News from the Pandemic Crisis
Learning and knowledge – Skills that enhance businesses internationalization
The effect of organizational culture on knowledge sharing: A case study of Civil Service Bureau in Bahrain
Third mission of universities – is commercialization of knowledge by higher education institutions (HEI) only a myth in Central and Eastern European Countries?
‘You’ll take the high road and I’ll take the low road?’ Different types of knowledge management and learning in knowledgeintensive middlesized companies
Conference Workshops:
Doctoral Workshop
Applying Knowledge Management, Intuition-based Decision Making, and Analytics in These COVID-19 Times; What needs to happen in the new Knowledge Economy?; Knowledge-sharing in the development of Science and Technology Parks; Knowledge Management in (Covid-19) Turbulent Times; Navigating and detecting the Hidden Asset; more TBA
Open Discussion Sessions:
Covid-19 and the Knowledge Economy
5th TAKE Conference 2020, 1–3 July 2020, media Akademie – Hochschule Stuttgart, Stuttgart, Germany
Sub-Title: The Multidisciplinary Conference on Intangibles
Conference Theme: TBD
(Co-organizer: media Akademie – Hochschule Stuttgart, Chair of Management – Digital Business Models)
- Conference Streams:
Intellectual Capital and Assets Dynamics; Knowledge Change Innovation; Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs); Teaching and Learning in the Knowledge Economy
Conference Sessions:
Conference Workshops:
Doctoral Workshop
Knowledge-sharing in the development of Science and Technology Parks; Knowledge: the ultimate intangible?; What needs to happen in the new Knowledge Economy?
4th TAKE Conference 2019, 3-5 July 2019, Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Vienna, Austria
Sub-title: The International Scientific Conference devoted to the Multidisciplinary Study of the Knowledge Economy
Conference Theme: Building Future Competences – Theory meets Practice
(Co-organizer: Austrian Federal Economic Chamber, Institute for Applied Research on Skilled Crafts and Trades; WU Vienna University of Economics and Business, Research Group Knowledge-Based Management)
- Conference Streams:
Intellectual Capital and Assets Dynamics; Knowledge Change Innovation; Knowledge Loss in Organizations; Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs); Knowledge Regions: Guidance for Developers to Grow Regional Knowledge Economies; Teaching and Learning in the Knowledge Economy
Conference Session: Knowledge Management
Knowledge, Data and Reality
Transformational Leadership to Knowledge Management in the Universities in Kenya: the Role of Teamwork Processes
Triple Loop Learning: A Rapid Structured Literature Review of its Conceptualizations and Practical Occurrence
Soft Skills: The Hard Core of the Human Centered Knowledge Economy
Integrating Knowledge Dynamics in the Decision-Making Process
Why Knowledge Cafes can be Valuable to Organisations
Creating a Knowledge-based Organisational Culture Conducive to Knowledge Sharing: Role of Knowledge Leaders
The World is Broken, We Need to Fix It: Path to Strategic Harmony
How coaching could be integrated into organizational learning and thus help the intergenerational workplace
Using Knowledge Leverage and Enterprise Architecture in Transforming Consulting Business
The Effect of Customer Knowledge Management on Organizational Performance
Wealth Creation in the Context of Knowledge-Based Economy: Theoretical Foundation
Complementary colors and consumer behavior: Emotional affect, attitude, and purchase intention in the context of Web banner advertisements
Understanding the Potential of Design Thinking in the Context of Business Model Innovation: An Experimental Analysis
On-Site vs. Off-Site practices of MSD intervention and its impact on Organizational Productivity, Absenteeism and Costs. Theoretical analysis with application
ERP in the edge of knowledge retention: how to prevent knowledge loss in customized manufacturing?
Building a bridge between Occupational Information Network and European Qualifications Framework: A design science approach to generate and validate items for the assessment of transversal professional competences
Conference Session: Knowledge Loss in Organizations
Unlearning 2 (n/a)
Three typologies of unlearning
Practical Data Curation and Knowledge Management in Complex Industrial Processes
Conference Session: Knowledge, Change, Innovation
Preserving tacit knowledge into public organizations
Innovation and design processes as cooperating with an unfolding future
Conference Session: Intellectual Capital and Assets Dynamics
Knowledge Management and Intellectual Capital: What frameworks from Knowledge Management and IC are viable to measure competence
Adult Learning Theories and Online Instruction: Review and Reflection
Conference Session: Others
Learning Organization Culture and Core Job Characteristics for Knowledge Workers in Korea
Independent Professionals: Knowledgeintensive work between the professions and new expert occupations
Combining Indigenous Wisdom and Academic Knowledge to Build a Sustainable Future in Africa
What the West can Learn from Central & Eastern Europe: Soft Skills Spillovers and Reverse Knowledge Transfer
Artificial Intelligence and Digital Repository of Crafts Knowledge for Robotic Creation of 3D Objects
Temperature curves of Knowledge Management Implementation in German speaking countries
Standout knowledge management practices in Finnish companies
The Roles of Market Knowledge Management System and Market Knowledge Sharing on SMEs’ Organizational Performance
Knowledge Management Methods in use and Requirements of Standards – a growing divide
Management: The Affect of Knowledge Economy on Global Economic Development Pattern and Quality of Life
Knowledge Management in SMEs: Theory or Practice – Paradigm or Experience
Knowledge Blockchains: A Conceptual Analysis
Conference Workshops:
Doctoral Workshop
The Net of Competences: An Innovative Framework for Prior Learning Assessment; Knowledge Management in SMEs in the Age of Digitalization: Now more than ever; Knowledge Management for or against Industrial Fake News!?; The clash of the knowledge economy with conventional economic theory; Leonardo da Vinci – Accumulating Knowledge and Learning from How He Thought
3rd International Conference on TAKE Conference 2018, 12-13 July 2018, Poznan University of Economics and Business, Poznań, Poland
Sub-title: The International Scientific Conference devoted to the Multidisciplinary Study of the Knowledge Economy
(Co-organizer: Poznan University of Economics and Business, Department of Market Research and Services)
- Conference Streams:
Intellectual Capital and Assets Dynamics; Knowledge Management; Knowledge Management in Small and Medium Enterprises (SMEs); Teaching and Learning in the Knowledge Economy
Conference Session: Knowledge Management
Knowledge management in the companies which deliver new industrial solutions
FDI Determinants of Firms Transferring Technology with Know-how as a Transfer Channel – Homogeneity of Areas and Barriers of Technology Transfers
Different leadership styles in organizations that adopt and do not adopt the BSC
Building the ENRICH Community – Common European Network as Advantage for ENRICH in Brazil, China and in the USA
Some Adverse Factors Influencing Managers’ Decisions
Team roles and styles of factual and relation communication and social interaction
Conference Session: Intellectual Capital and Assets Dynamics
Intellectual capital reporting in universities as a tool of accountability – the worldwide practices
Intellectual capital disclosure practices – evidence from Poland
ISO 9001:2015 as a driver to push Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management
Conference Session: Others
Knowledge Management 4.0 – Implications of the fourth industrial revolution on knowledge management in supply chains
The Evaluation of the Learning Process in Romanian Innovative Small and Medium Enterprises
The Approach to Sustainable Development Learning in Knowledge Economy
Doctoral Workshop (CANCELLED)
The Seven Myths and One Golden Rule of the Intellectual Capital; The Seven Images of a Knowledge-Based-Economy; In search of an Integrated Reporting at the macro level (Regions and Nations). Theoretical foundations and framework proposal
2nd International Conference on TAKE 2017, 12-14 July 2017, University of Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia
Sub-title: The International Scientific Conference devoted to the Multidisciplinary Study of the Knowledge Economy
(Co-organizer: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Economics and Business)
- Conference Streams:
Intellectual Capital and Assets Dynamics; Knowledge Management; Business Models: A Knowledge-based View
Conference Session: Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management in companies: an empirical study
Knowledge Management Models to be Implemented in the University
Rethinking Knowledge in ‘Knowledge Economy’
Using enterprise architecture management methods and technologies for knowledge structuring in strategic management
The role of organizational culture towards the Balanced Scorecard and performance
Beliefs, behaviour, and outcomes: an application to knowledge sharing in healthcare service
Management of internal communication as a strategic tool for employee satisfaction
Knowledge Management in Russian companies: overall score
Facebook: the business model rooted in the social
Knowledge Management and Corporate Social Responsibility in Logistics Companies: Sustainable Knowledge Management or Knowledge Management for Sustainability?
Conference Session: Intellectual Capital and Assets Dynamics
Flourish or perish: An empirical study of the telecommunication equipment vendors from an intellectual capital perspective
The Co-creation wheel
The FRIENDS Leadership Program: Case of Sampran as a Center of Innovative Leadership Development in Thailand
Conference Session: Others
Knowledge about customers behaviours as the basis for developing loyalty programmes of retail chains
Building the Ground for a Need Knowledgebased Organizational Learning Methodology Informed by Design Thinking
Knowledge sharing and healthcare a bibliometric analysis
Special Conference Session:
Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management: the Macro Dimension
Conference Workshops:
The Co-creation wheel; Doctoral Workshop
How Do We Know Reality – and Who Cares? – The Role of Research; Knowledge Economy in the Digital Transformation Era; How spaces can support knowledge and innovation work; The impact of Intellectual Capital on strategy implementation and change (in the knowledge economy)
1st International Conference on TAKE 2016, 6-8 July 2016, Universidade de Aveiro, Aveiro, Portugal
Sub-title: The International Scientific Conference devoted to the Multidisciplinary Study of the Knowledge Economy
(Organizer: Universidade de Aveiro, Research Unit on Governance, Competitiveness and Public Policies)
- Conference Streams:
Business Models: A Knowledge-based View; Intellectual Capital and Assets Dynamics
Conference Session: Business Models: A Knowledge-based View
Knowledge Governance and University Research Center
A critical view of knowledge management in EU MSCA-ITN projects: Use case of EDUWORKS
Knowledge Management and Leadership – The Carbon Emission Scandal in the Automobile Industry
Toward a Supporting KM Model of Concept Generation in Small Architectural Firms
Conference Session: Intellectual Capital and Assets Dynamics
Exploring the ‘Other Side’ – Studying the Use Mode of Standards in Organizations
Building an Intellectual Capittal Disclosure Index: An Empirical Research in Portugese Banks
The impact of Intellectual Capital on the perceived performance of a Higher Education Organization
Strategies for Higher Education in a global context
Conference Session: Others
Interdependencies of Knowledge Dynamics Processes and Intellectual Capital within the Organization
The Influence of Knowledge Sharing and Job Satisfaction on the Performance of Healthcare Organizations
The Economic Role of Small Knowledge Intensive Firms in European Countries
Knowledge management in the logistics service industry: a case study analysis in Sweden and Italy
Speeding up the Learning Curve! An Approach to Foster Interpersonal and Intraorganisational Knowledge Sharing in Logistics Competence Development
Managing the Retailer-Supplier Relationship in a SME context: A KM approach
A Knowledge Perspective on Needs to Promote Organizational Learning
International competitiveness, knowledge and manager’s cognitive style: opening up research avenues from organizational neuroscience
Facilitating Radical Innovation by Double Loop Learning Introducing a Strategic Framework and Toolbox
On Unlearning: Recent Critique, Open Questions and Promising opportunities
Special Conference Sessions:
Big Data Modelling of the Knowledge Economy (Master Class); Diagnosing Nations’ Wealth Creation Potential in the Knowledge economy Context: Reflections on the Case of Spain (Roundtable); Future Research Challenges in Knowledge Management
Post-conference Workshops:
Workshop for PhD students
How Journal Quality Standards Destroy Knowledge Exchange Globally; Intellectual Capital and Knowledge Management Practices Across Countries – And How do They Benefit the Organization?; Knowledge Dynamics