Information and Knowledge Forum*
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The Information and Knowledge Forum or the Japan Society of Information and Knowledge Forum (Japanese: 回情報知識学フォーラム), formerly the SGML / XML Training Forum, is an annual forum organized by the Japan Society of Information and Knowledge (JSIK) addressing current topics in information and knowledge. It consists of invited lectures/talks and research presentations (oral or poster presentations) from academic members. The SGML / XML Training Forum was organized by the corresponding working group.
Conference History:
29th Information and Knowledge Study Forum, November 30, 2024, Kanazawa, Japan
Conference Theme: “Research Data Ecosystem x Preservation and Inheritance of Local Materials” – The future of the research data ecosystem that overcomes disasters and contributes to the inheritance of local materials
(Host: Kanazawa University)
- Lectures:
Current Status of Research Data Ecosystem Construction Project
Research Data in Historical Earthquake Research
Building a cross-regional data sharing platform for the inheritance of regional material data
For the co-creation of regional cultural resource data: Development of a general-purpose platform
Rescue of damaged materials and sharing and utilizing local material information in the 2024 Noto Peninsula earthquake
Possibilities of Kanazawa Museum+
Poster Presentations:
Issues in sharing data across regions and organizations
Study and implementation of external repository linking function in data catalogues
Metadata processing for research data in the comprehensive database construction project for pre-disease disease
Proposal for the expression of disaster data in regional documents using knowledge graphs and its usage method
Investigating the factors behind past restrictions on access to public institutions’ websites
Analysis of knowledge acquisition status of international students in data science education at liberal arts universities
Cultivating research data management talent based on GakuNin LMS
Development and use of the resource information collection app “MinguWeb”
Construction and deployment of Kanazawa University’s academic data management system “ARCADE2” based on a research data ecosystem
Consideration of the social significance of local archives – Focusing on the change in the role of AMANE Archives after the disaster –
Creation of guidelines aimed at consolidating and promoting understanding of Open Educational Resources (OER)
Use of a digital archive system for citizen-participation activities to preserve and pass on local materials: A case study of the use of the “Oku-Aizu Digital Archive” system in a folk implement sorting workshop
28th Information and Knowledge Study Forum, December 2, 2023, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan
Conference Theme: Possibilities of library DX: Trends of change and practical initiatives in Japan and China
(Host: Doshisha University)
- Keynotes:
A perspective on the Possibility of Library DX in a long-time span (Lecture in English)
From Digitization to Transformation: The Shanghai Library Journey through the Evolution of DX : A Case Study Analysis
Symposium: (Panel discussion)
Possibilities of library DX: Trends of change and practical initiatives in Japan and China
Library DX and the future of the humanities in Japan
Services that users find convenient through library DX: A case study of the Shanghai Library East Building
Changes in Japan’s public libraries due to the COVID-19 pandemic and the declining birthrate and aging population
Analysis of new initiatives in reading promotion activities against the backdrop of DX: From the case study of the Shanghai Library
Poster Session
27th Information and Knowledge Study Forum, December 18, 2022, National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan / Virtual venue
Conference Theme: Sharing research data through humanities textbooks
(Host: National Institute of Informatics)
- Lectures:
Structuring Historical Accounting Materials: Tree or Graph?
Exploring the Structure of Documents and Conveying to Others: The Case of Old Japanese Dictionary
Digitalization of Japanese History Research Materials: Case Studies and Issues
What text structuring using TEI brought about: From ‘Shibusawa Eiichi Biography’ to ‘Shibusawa Eiichi Diary’
Development of visualization and analysis tools for TEI data” Satoru
Poster session (Theme: Issues related to humanities and information)
26th Information and Knowledge Study Forum, December 18, 2021, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan / Virtual venue
Conference Theme: How should we deal with the management, openness, and utilization of research data?
(Host: Kyoto University’s Library Organization, Center for Southeast Asian Studies, Academic Data Innovation Unit, Research Resource Archive, Academic Information Media Center, Global Information Network)
- Lectures:
Fieldwork Experience Accumulation and Cyber Physical Education and Research Support for Field Science Education and Research
Current status and issues regarding the creation and accumulation of verbatim records of dialogues with entrepreneurs
Big Data in the Humanities: New Interdisciplinary Opportunities and New Challenges for Data Management
Psychology Research Culture and Open Practice
Data Science Curriculum from the Viewpoint of Data Science Process
Poster session
Panel discussion
25th Information and Knowledge Study Forum, January 9, 2021, National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan Virtual venue
Conference Theme: Thinking about open science in the academic research field of after-corona
Note: The forum was originally scheduled for late 2020 face-to-face
Invited Talks:
To Make “History” in the Future: Digital Public History in Corona Sorrow
Thinking about Online Events and Future Hybrid Events
Invited Lectures:
Searching for a new style for the preservation and utilization of historical and cultural materials in the Corona
Current Status and Prospects of Natural History Scholarly Communication
Poster Session
24th Information and Knowledge Study Forum, November 23, 2019, Kanazawa City, Japan
Conference Theme: Regional Materials and Open Science – Inheritance of Regional Materials and Information Resources
- Lectures:
Current status of inheritance and utilization of academic materials in the region and expectations for openness
Regional History Research and History Education
Digital archive of Kaga Yuzen design and academic research using it
Poster Session
Information exchange meeting
23rd Information and Knowledge Study Forum, December 8, 2018, Kindai University, Osaka, Japan
Conference Theme: Construction, application, business development of information and knowledge resources
- Invited Talks:
Utilization and Development of Kindai Index as Information and Knowledge Resource
Thesaurus Construction, Application, Business Development
Poster Session
Information exchange meeting
Pre-forum Events:
Senior Information and Knowledge Research Group Table Talk
22nd Information and Knowledge Study Forum, December 2, 2017, National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan
Conference Theme: Challenge to barriers to open science
- Invited Talks:
Current Situation and Issues of Materials Informaltics – Overseas Trends and Challenges in Japan
Realities and Challenges for Opening Local Natural History Material Information
Roles and Issues of Academic Institutions Related to Promotion of Open Science
Expectations for Open Science from an IR Perspective
Poster Session
21st Information and Knowledge Study Forum, January 22, 2017, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
Conference Theme: What is in front of the IoT era? – New development of information and knowledge
Note: The forum was originally scheduled for late 2016
Invited Lectures:
Evaluation of human behavior and automation system behavior in cooperation between humans and automation systems
Information flow in IoT / cyber physical society Change and control
Oral Presentations:
The whole picture of public data inferred from “DATA.GO.JP”
Development of contract model case to promote the utilization and protection of data in the IoT field
Poster Session
20th Information and Knowledge Study Forum, December 12, 2015, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan
Conference Theme: Construction and application of knowledge and information infrastructure in regional information science
- Lectures:
Framework of field-linked database by Linked Data-Large-scale intelligent database
Application of Linked Data to large-scale databases of humanities and social studies – Knowledge processing by inference
Spatial Information as a Common Data Infrastructure Supporting Various Social and Public Services-Knowledge Processing by Location
Construction and utilization of time information infrastructure-Knowledge processing based on time
Characterizing the scenes described in the field notes-Knowledge processing by vocabulary
Past and Future of Area Informatics-Through Practical Cases of Area Studies Integrated Information Center
19th Information and Knowledge Study Forum, December 6, 2014, National Institute of Informatics, Tokyo, Japan
Conference Theme: Education and Data: Knowledge Created and Its Utilization
- Lectures: (afternoon)
New issues of university evaluation / quality assurance and systematic information analysis
To promote human resource management based on science-Example of verification of the effect of managerial training
Toward the reconstruction of university education based on evidence-Multiple evaluation of learning outcomes including generic skills
How to think about how to measure educational outcomes: How to improve education as seen from the data examples of “University Student Basic Ability Survey”
e-portfolio system using past learner history data
Can Digital Technology Save the Massification Problem in Higher Education? ―MOOCs, Big Data in Education, Search for Academic IR
Poster Session (morning)
18th Information and Knowledge Study Forum, December 7, 2013, Doshisha University, Kyoto, Japan
Conference Theme: Big data and new knowledge discovery
- Lectures:
Big data bird’s-eye view analysis
Applied research on the hotel industry in Kyoto City using Web data
Familiar big data, hospitality and corporate profits
Possibility of utilizing social media data
17th Information and Knowledge Study Forum, November 4, 2012, University of Tokyo, Tokyo, Japan
Conference Theme: Memory / Records and Archives of the Earthquake
- Part I: Memories and Records of the Earthquake and Archives
Part II: Narrative and sharing of the earthquake
Part III: Archives and Archives and beyond
16th Information and Knowledge Study Forum, October 29, 2011, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Tokyo, Japan
Conference Theme: New trends surrounding e-book format
- Lectures:
Possibility of Electronic Publishing and Role of Printing Company
E-book format XMDF and creation environment
For electronic publishing, only a WEB browser is required
The flow of electronic publishing that Adobe thinks about now
15th Information and Knowledge Study Forum, December 4, 2010, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan
Conference Theme: Diversifying electronic book terminals and scholarly information distribution
- Lectures:
What the Digitization of Books Brings-Simple Questions and Simple Expectations
Current status and standardization of e-book exchange formats
Efforts and case reports for EPUB’s multilingual support
Research Trends in E-Book Formats and Issues for Scholarly Communication
14th Information and Knowledge Study Forum, February 27, 2010, Aichi University, Toyohashi, Japan
Conference Theme: Development of language resources: terminology, ontology, thesaurus
- Presentations:
Construction and utilization of domain ontology
Extracting Terms from Texts
Thesaurus for Natural Language Processing”
Panel discussion by presenters
13th Information and Knowledge Study Forum, November 29, 2008, Tsurumi University, Tsurumi-ku, Japan
Conference Theme: Form and expression of information and knowledge
- Lectures:
How to make and create scholarship in the information society
Problems in formulating technical terms / Can technical terms written in Japanese survive?
Past discussions and future prospects for marking language-related regulations
Visual structuring and logical markup of Japanese documents
Bibliographic approach of Japanese classical books
12th Information and Knowledge Study Forum, December 8, 2007, Shizuoka University, Hamamatsu, Japan
Conference Theme: Discover and reproduce information
- Lectures:
The World of Revived Kofun Mural Paintings-Digital Content for Decorated Kofun
Trends in digitization, storage and sharing of archives information
Electronicization and preservation of prewar textbooks and their applications
Excavation of information from classical books-regeneration and life magazine, network
Excavation and reproduction of cultural property information-between “things “and” texts”
11th Information and Knowledge Study Forum, October 28, 2006, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan
Conference Theme: Observation and measurement of information – Web information and knowledge
- Lectures:
Web 2.0-Sharing Information and Adding Value through User Participation
Formation and bonding and sharing of knowledge using the electronic Land, Infrastructure and Web Systems
Advertising model on the WEB- Potential for new advertising media
Individualized Web
Problems in WWW Search Behavior Research-Focusing on the Concept of Successful Search
Understanding and Application of Cognitive Processes in Web Information Search
Metadataization of Educational Information and Construction of Search System
10th Information and Knowledge Study Forum, October 29, 2005, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan
Conference Theme: Purification and synthesis of information – New information and knowledge studied by young members
- Lectures:
From Life Science Dictionary to Life Science Ontology
Identification and prediction of new words that are important technical terms
Information and knowledge sharing system for consensus building
Advanced utilization of multiple databases in institutional libraries
Aiming to build an interoperable term system-for term dictionaries, classification tables, and web directories
9th SGML / XML Training Forum, October 30, 2004, Keio University, Tokyo, Japan
Conference Theme: E-municipalities and XML
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