International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organisations*
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The International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organisations (Espanol: Congreso Internacional de Conocimiento, Cultura y Cambio en Organizaciones; antes: Congreso Internacional de Economía y Gestión de las Organizaciones), formerly branded as “The Management Conference” or “Conference on Management”, organized by the Common Ground Organization Studies Research Network, is addressing ‘knowledge’, ‘culture’ and ‘change’ in Organisations from a variety of disciplinary perspectives. Plenary Speakers will include some of the world’s leading thinkers in the field of management.
In 2010 the World Universities Forum combined with the International Conference on Knowledge, Culture and Change in Organizations.
Special event types: Talking Circles (i.a. Knowledge Management); Garden Conversation Sessions; online presentations
Conference Language: English and Spanish
Conference History:
25th International Conference on Knowledge, Culture, and Change in Organizations, 11-13 June 2025, University of Nicosia, Nicosia, Cyprus / Virtual venue
Special Conference Focus: Volatility, Uncertainty, Complexity, and Ambiguity: Navigating Intercultural Leadership
(Host: Department of Education, School of Education, University of Nicosia)
Conference Themes:
Organizational Intangibles and Tangible Value; Knowledge Economies as the Constant; Organizations as Knowledge Makers
24th International Conference on Knowledge, Culture, and Change in Organizations, 3-5 July 2024, Luisada University, Lisbon, Portugal / Virtual venue
Special Conference Focus: The Future We Want: Organizational Responsibilities for Climate Responses
(Host: Lusiada Research Center on Social Work and Social Intervention, Luisada University)
Conference Themes:
Organizational Intangibles and Tangible Value; Knowledge Economies as the Constant; Organizations as Knowledge Makers
Navigating Organizational Change: Strategies for Effective Knowledge Management
Session: Others (“knowledge”, “learning”, etc.)
Strengthening Transformational Change and Sustainable Knowledge Transfer: Insights from an Engineering Research Organization with an Interdisciplinary Future Orientation
When the Butterflies Would Visit: A Seeding Project of Mentorship, Knowledge, and Reciprocity
Knowledge in a Changing Organization
Cultivating Social Entrepreneurship for Greener Futures through Organizational Learning : Strategies for Gen Zers for Climate Response
AI-Driven Knowledge Transfer
Sustainable Knowledge Creation Process in Higher Education Institutions
23rd International Conference on Knowledge, Culture, and Change in Organizations, 19-20 January 2023, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand / Virtual venue
Special Conference Focus: Rethinking Organizational Resilience
(Host: Business School, University of Auckland)
Conference Themes:
Organizational Intangibles and Tangible Value; Knowledge Economies as the Constant; Organizations as Knowledge Makers
Session: Others (“knowledge”, “learning”, etc.)
Knowledge Is Not What It Used To Be: Organizational Implications of Critical Theory and Postmodern Thought
Developing and Managing Knowledge in Biotechnology Firms: The Importance of Relational Knowledge
Intentional Mentoring as a Strategic Initiative: Developing Future Knowledge Leaders for Organizational Learning and Sustainability
The Impact of Relationship Quality of Collaborative Knowledge Networks and Organizational Learning in Enhancing Quality of Hajj Services
Knowledge, Organization, and Cultural Change: State Organization and Treatment of Spousal Violence in China
Teaching English Through Apps as a Self-learning Model in Upper Secondary Schools: DUOLINGO Case
Coaching and Mentoring for Workplace Learning
Intentional Mentoring as a Strategic Initiative: Developing Future Knowledge Leaders for Organizational Learning and Sustainability
Transcendental Creativity: Imagining in the Age of Data
Sesión: Otros (“conocimiento”, “aprendizaje”, etc.)
Estructura de conocimiento para la difusión de los atributos de la Marca Ciudad en Tijuana, Baja California (México)
22nd International Conference on Knowledge, Culture, and Change in Organizations, 14–15 January 2022, Alvernia University, USA Virtual venue
Special Conference Focus: Organizational Memetics: Nature-Centered Perspectives on Organizations
(Host: College of Business, Communication, and Leadership, Alvernia University)
Note: The conference venue and theme have been originally the University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand / Virtual venue, and Rethinking Organizational Resilience. Auckland with this theme will be venue in 2023.
Conference Themes:
Organizational Intangibles and Tangible Value; Knowledge Economies as the Constant; Organizations as Knowledge Makers
Session: Expanding Knowledge
Knowledge Communication and Organisational Entry: An Approach to Organisational Socialisation
Social Justice Philanthropy and the Science of Social Movements
A Values-based Process for Promotion of Knowledge Creation Process in Climate Change Adaptation Plan: A Multi-case Study from Botswana
The Social Identity Dynamics of Gramscian Hegemony Construction: Building Public Goods Through Nation State Creation, Commodification and Institutionalization of Status Stereotypes
Employees as Lifelong Learners: Characteristics and Promotion in Thai Organizations
Sesión: Conocimiento y aprendizaje
Generación de conocimiento en la organización y comprensión del cliente a través de la Neurociencia del consumidor
Tríada: La creatividad, el juego y las TIC en clases online o híbridas con estudiantes de nivel superior
Reconfiguración del aprendizaje de la temática de disoluciones en jóvenes de educación media : Inclusión de jóvenes rurales al sistema educativo configurando la herramienta Web 2.0 y la red social.
Análisis crítico de la gestión del conocimiento en el programa de alimentación escolar PAE en Latinoamerica
La educación y el proceso de evaluación educativa: Caso de instituciones del Ecuador
Session: Others (“knowledge”, “learning”, etc.)
Epigenetic Memetics in Organizational Culture, Learning, and Memory: Expanding on the Darwinian Perspective
La agencia de los ancianos residentes en el centro y la periferia de Lisboa : Discusión sobre la excelencia del conocimiento sociológico
Innovation Showcases:
Managing Knowledge for Accelerating Innovation: Identifying and Aligning the People from Different Competencies and Locations into One Innovation Project
Focused Discussions:
Mentoring for Knowledge Transfer and Organizational Sustainability: The Leader’s Imperative
21st International Conference on Knowledge, Culture, and Change in Organizations, 15–16 January 2021, University of Auckland, Auckland, New Zealand Virtual venue
Special Conference Focus: Preparing Organizations for New Digital Futures: New Rules of Engagement for the Fourth Industrial Revolution?
(Host: School of Business, University of Auckland)
Conference Themes:
Organizational Intangibles and Tangible Value; Knowledge Economies as the Constant; Organizations as Knowledge Makers
Session: Others (“knowledge”, “learning”, etc.)
Four Dimensions of Absorptive Capacity: A Framework for Organisational Knowledge Management
Examining Knowledge Transfer and Networks: An Overlook Through the Last Twenty Years
(Re)conceptualising the Connections between Organisational Socialisation Content Dimensions, Orders of Knowledge, and Time
Reinventing Internationalisation for the Knowledge Economies: Practical Implications
Mentoring Millennials: Preparing the Fourth Industrial Revolution Workforce through Knowledge Transfer
Bridging the Cultural Gap in the Process of Learning External Business Knowledge: Four Cases of Japanese Organizational Learning to Be Competitive
Social Networks, Information Technology, Intellectual Capital and Value Creation in the Public Sector
A Framework to Manage Data Science Initiatives
Using Big Data to Drive Big Knowledge
20th International Conference on Knowledge, Culture, and Change in Organizations, 20-21 October 2020, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, USA Virtual venue
Special Conference Focus: Beautifully Organized
(Host: ?, University of Illinois at Chicago)
Note: The conference was scheduled for 27–28 May 2020; The virtual component of the conference took place on 27 May 2020; The onsite event sheduled for 20-21 October 2020, University of Illinois at Chicago, Chicago, USA was cancelled and postponed to Jan 2021 resp.
Conference Themes:
Knowledge Management
Sesión: Otros (“conocimiento”, “aprendizaje”, etc.)
Apropiación social del conocimiento y bien común: Una propuesta para evaluar el impacto de las organizaciones basadas en la gestión del conocimiento
19th International Conference on Knowledge, Culture, and Change in Organizations, 21–22 February 2019, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Special Conference Focus: The New Story of Organizing
(Host: ?)
Conference Themes:
Knowledge Management
Plenary Sessions:
Indigenous Inclusion in Corporate Canada: Creating Balance between New and Old Ways of Knowing
Session: Managing Intangibles
A Company That Learns Together: Incorporating Continuing Education and Professional Development into the Organizational Design
Elimination of Creative Employee’s Knowledge Depreciation
Leveraging Transactional and Relational Response Differences with Demographic and Psychographic Segmentation
Sesión: Conocimiento y relación
Estructura de conocimiento explícito (ECC) para la gestión del marketing Interno (GMI)
Marco propositivo de relaciones entre innovación colaborativa abierta y comunicación estratégica
Conocimiento individual y organizacional: Facilitadores de la integración
Session: Others (“knowledge”, “learning”, etc.)
Narrative as a Managerial Skill: Use of Storytelling as a Management Tool
New Ways of Locating Expertise in Organizations: A Study of a Non-Profit Organization Working on Social and Emotional Learning
What Makes an Organization Innovatively Successful?
Action Learning Past, Present, and Future
Mobilizing Project Knowledge in Temporary Organizations
Implementing a New Initiative to Build Organizational Capacity: The Digital Information Fluencies Program at the University of Victoria Libraries
Sesión: Otros (“conocimiento”, “aprendizaje”, etc.)
Habilidades empresariales para la toma de decisiones en proyectos de inversión
El diseño como motor de información en la era de la interfaz
Diseño de un modelo para la gestión del conocimiento con enfoque BPM en una organización: Articulación de gestión del conocimiento y Business Process Management
Conectando generaciones en Cementos Progreso: La gestión de conocimiento como un modelo de trascendencia
Tome mejores decisiones con los heurísticos y sesgos cognitivos
Focused Discussions:
A Dialogue on Organizing a Community of Practice for Conflict Intervention
Lightning Talks:
Mobilizing Project Knowledge in Temporary Organizations
Storytelling Workshop: Maximizing Strategic Leadership through Storytelling to Enhance Organizational Culture
Talking Circles / Mesas redondas:
Knowledge Management
18th International Conference on Knowledge, Culture, and Change in Organizations, 15–16 March 2018, University of Konstanz, Konstanz, Germany
Special Conference Focus: Navigating Change in Shifting Cultural Landscapes: Disruptive, Generative, Transformative?
(Host: Department of Economics, University of Konstanz)
Conference Themes:
Knowledge Management
Plenary Sessions:
In Changing Times – from Craftsmanship to Entrepreneurial Learning
Session: Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management and Theory of Knowledge: Epistemological Approaches
Digital Transformation and the Value of Knowledge: A New Era of Organizational Learning
Examination of a Knowledge Creating Sub-culture: Author Characteristics from a Top Rated European Journal
Disparities in Knowledge Employees’ Actual, Contractual and Desired Working Schedules
Sessions: Others
Newcomer Discourses of Knowledge in the Context of Emerging Organisations
Managing Higher Education Viability in the Knowledge Age
Competency Development and Ph.D. Assignments: Rethinking about Knowledge Economy Needs
Knowledge Management at Australian Universities
Constructing of Knowledge Outcomes in Digital Environments: An Algorithm
Barriers and Enablers of Knowledge Sharing in SMEs: An Exploratory Analysis
Lightning Talks:
Theoretical Model of KM and OL Practices in Accredited Business Schools
Focused Discussions:
ENHANCE Learning Model: A Methodology for Managing Learning Environments
Scaffolding of Collaborative Learning for Professionals Working with Groups of Population with Unknown Needs
Talking Circles:
Knowledge Management
17th International Conference on Knowledge, Culture, and Change in Organizations, 20–21 April 2017, Charles Darwin University, Darwin, Australia
Special Conference Focus: Celebrating Success and Achievement in Diverse Organisations and Communities
(Host: International Graduate Center for Education, School of Education, Charles Darwin University)
Conference Themes:
Knowledge Management
Session: Diversity and Knowledge Management
Building Bridges Bothways, Not Closing Gaps: Success in Remote Indigenous Education in the Northern Territory
Re-combining Social Category Diversity and Tenure Diversity: A Cross-level Analysis on Individual Explicit Knowledge Creation
Integrating Knowledge Management Models to Australian Indigenous Tourism
Session: Education and Knowledge Management
The Development of the Knowledge Society and Its Impact on Learning Organizations
Knowledge Processes and Learning Actions in the Organizational Culture of Science Museums
Student-to-student Knowledge Sharing Practices in Universities
Session: Culture, Knowledge, and Change
Knowledge, Culture, and Change: State Management of Spousal Violence in China’s Past and Present
Challenges in Global Learning
Asking Why, Explaining Why, Forgetting Why: A Weakness in Knowledge Management
Session: Others
Development of a Multi-campus Online Teaching Community to Foster Collaborative Work Culture, Training and Knowledge Exchange between Casual and Permanent Teaching Staff
Developing Organizational Learning and Marketing Capabilities in Social Enterprises
Multi-Modal Learning Delivery in the Diverse Tertiary Education Environment
Executive Education and Development: Finding a Balance between Theoretical Knowledge and Skills Training
Decentralization and Innovation of Educational Management Relating to Thai Local Government
Focused Discussions:
Knowledge Management and Power and Control within Organisations: A Critical Review for Further Research
Lightning Talks:
Universities and the Knowledge Management of Disciplinary Capital: The Case of Digital Humanities
Talking Circles:
Knowledge Management
16th Management Conference 2016, 19–20 April 2016, University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, USA
Special Conference Focus: Climates of Change—Organizations in a Time of Ecological and Social Vulnerability
(Host: ?)
Conference Themes:
Knowledge Management
Plenary Sessions:
Generators, Transformers, and Transmitters: Making the Connection to get from Information to Action
Session: Others
Reaching Out to the Globe: Internationalising Masters Postgraduate Learning in Education
Integrating Big Data and Collective Intelligence
Community Knowledge in Functional Educational Systems of the Philippines: Conflflict or Incorporation?
The Role of Experiential Learning in Teaching Organizational Leadership
The Knowledge Transfer in Merger and Acquisition: Human Resource Management Perspective
The Salience of Environmental Sustainability Knowledge Sharing among Nature-based Tourism Operators
Knowledge Management as Change Agent for Strategic Integrated Communication and Leadership Paradigms: A Critical Review
Dialectical Construction of Organisational Learning: Exploring the Political Use of Identity
Towards an Understanding of the Origins and Implications of Isomorphism in Knowledge Production Enterprises
Focused Discussions:
A Comparison of Depth Interviews and Observations as Methods of Data Collection in Organisations: With Special Focus on Researching Knowledge Management, and Culture and Change in Organisations
Talking Circles:
Management Education / Knowledge Management
15th Management Conference 2015, 19–20 February 2015, University of California, Berkeley, USA
Special Conference Focus: Productive Diversity: The Dynamics of Organizational Cultures
Conference Themes:
Knowledge Management
Session: Research and Knowledge Management
The Use of Wiki Tools in Collaborative Research and Learning
Barriers to Interdisciplinary Research Collaboration in Social Sciences
Managing a Collaborative Scientifific Paper Writing System in a Big Science Project: A Knowledge Management
A New Approach to Knowledge Development Cycles: How Knowledge Development Cycles are Evolving
Session: Developments in Knowledge Management
Embracing Corporate Knowledge Assets via Autonomous Personal Knowledge Management Devices
Information Finding and Re-Finding for Effective Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management in New Product Development Projects
Health Knowledge Professionals: Computing Capabilities and Use
Sesión: Investigación y gestión del conocimiento
Economía y gestión del conocimiento: Retos en el cambio al enfrentarse al orden y el caos, a la regularidad y a la complejidad (caso Ecuatoriano)
Cambio organizacional en las instituciones de educación superior a partir de los resultados de los procesos de evaluación
La gestión del conocimiento en instituciones de educación básica del estado de Guanajuato
Session: Others
Implementing Organizational Change through Knowledge-Management Practice
The Capacity of Entrepreneurs and Leaders for Effective Organizational Learning: An Application to Wineries
Taxonomy of Knowledge and Education Architecture in the Era of Information Explosion
Knowledge Creation and Utilization in Project Teams
Procedural Knowledge as a Conceptual Tool for Analyzing Online Customer Service Interactions
An Examination of the Effects of Using a Dedicated System for Learning: The Case of User Productivity Kit at a Medical Device Company
Sesión: Otros
El capital relacional: Factor clave en la estrategia de negocio de la Pymes de La Serena y Coquimbo
Moving from Knowledge Management to Knowledge Facilitation for Urban Learners
Talking Circles / Mesa redondas:
Knowledge Management
La gestión del conocimiento: Universidad y sociedad
14th Management Conference 2014, 4–5 August 2014, Saïd Business School at the University of Oxford, Oxford, UK
Conference Theme: —
(Host: ?)
Conference Themes:
Knowledge Management
Session: Knowledge Management
Inflfluence of Network Structure and Knowledge Articulation on Effective Knowledge Sharing: A Multilevel Investigation
Knowledge Creation without Deliberate Knowledge Management
A Study of Knowledge Creation and Sharing in an Organization with a Multi-Agent Simulation and a Computer-Aided Human Experiment
Using Legal Acumen to Add Value to the Firm: A Multinational Perspective
Session: Others
A Theoretical Framework of Customer Knowledge Management (CKM) for Value Creation
WWW Is a Life-long Learning Tool: May It Be Utilized in Language Learning?
A Life-long Learning Tool: Facebook
Lessons Learned the Digital Way: Using Digital Storytelling for Capturing Knowledge in Project Management
Impact of Knowledge Management Process on Organizational Memory
Knowledge for Sustainable Development
Making Public Sector Knowledge Management Work: The Knowledge Management Strategy of the Vienna Municipality
Innovation and the Learning Landscape: Teaching Innovation across Organizations
Limitations of Legal Safeguards against Economic Espionage and Protection of Knowledge in Service Industries
Information Technology and User Knowledge-driven Innovation
The Use of Online Social Networks at an Enterprise Level: To What Extent Can an Organization Ensure That Its Use of OSNs Is Carried Out Professionally
Mentoring, Isomorphism and Knowledge Management in the University: Universities of Mediocrity
Improving Knowledge Management in Small Civil Society Organizations in Argentina
The Role of Improvisation in Emergency Management Communities of Practice (CoP): The (Re)Production and Transformation of CoP Knowledge from a Practice Perspective
Integrated KM Processes and TQM Practices and Their Impact on Productivity
Sesión: Otros
Espacios intercreativos: La economía del conocimiento desde una perspectiva social y un enfoque de espacialidad dinámica
Workshops / Tallers:
The Education Professors’ Changing Role: Application Development for Content Delivery
El desafío del aprendizaje en las organizaciones: La necesidad de aprender a aprender para enfrentar el futuro
Talking Circles:
Knowledge Management
Economía y gestión del conocimiento/Economía y culturas organizacionales
13th Management Conference 2013, 13–14 June 2013, University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada
Conference Theme: —
(Host: ?)
Conference Themes:
Knowledge Management
Session: Knowledge Management
The Intellectual and Curricular Spaces of Knowledge Studies
Leading Change at Walden University’s Doctor of Business Administration Program: Using the Kotter Model for Analysis
A Q Methodological Study on Perceptions of What Would Enhance Distance Education
Session: Others
Working Across Time and Space: The Impact of Virtual Teams on Knowledge Management
Proactive Reviews: From Personal Knowledge to Organizational Learning
Controlled Vocabularies and Taxonomies to Support Enterprise Knowledge Management
Knowledge Sharing And Collaboration In Oil And Gas Operations
Learning from Continuous Evaluation: Principles, Practices and Lessons
Knowledge Organization Content in Graduate Coursework
Sesión: Otros
Gestión del Conocimiento en Chile
Building a Knowledge Management Brand through Focus on a Single Strategic Content Type
Talking Circles:
Knowledge Management
12th Management Conference 2012, 6–8 July 2012, University Center, Chicago, USA
Conference Theme: —
(Host: ?)
Conference Themes:
Knowledge Management
Session Papers:
A Service Learning Approach to Public Relations Instruction: Challenges, Rewards and Implications
Faith Must Always Trump Knowledge: Negotiating Change in the UK Higher Education System
Efficient Model Management Based on Ontology Technology in Enterprise-wide Systems
Learning from Project Experience: An Exploratory Study of Knowledge Reuse in Project-based Organizations
Organizational Memory in Institutions of Higher Education: A Case Study
Knowledge Sharing and Work Identity: A Qualitative Perspective
A Study of How Health Visitors Exchange Knowledge in the Context of Organisational and Policy Change
Factors Influencing Knowledge Diffusion Across Large Infrastructure Projects
From Identification to Institutionalization: Lessons for the Learning Organization
The Performance Triangle: Translating Knowledge into Action
Leadership as a Process to Create Organizational Culture and Group Learning
The Influence of Knowledge Transfer and the Collaborative Context on the Performance of the Small Business Suppliers within the Supply Chain: A Case of an Automotive Company
The Emergence of Organisational Cognisance: Insights into the Processes of Developing Sustainable Professional Learning Communities
A Tool to Sustain the Capacity of Knowledge Utilization of Human and Social Services Organizations
Change and Learning in the Workplace
Leveraging Taxonomies and Metadata for Knowledge Discovery
The Role of Transactive Memory, Trust, and Reciprocity in Developing Ego-centered Knowledge Networks of Professionals
Using Knowledge Processes to Improve Performance and Promote Change: The Continuous Loop Model and Cultural Enablers
An Exploratory Study on the Impact of Organizational Learning on Its Corporate Branding
Knowledge-Led Education for a New Society
Empowering Knowledge Sharing Behaviors at Workplace: The Role and Impact of Organizational Culture
Educating Social Knowledge Managers: A Social Networking Approach to Management Education
Integration of Knowledge Management in Preventive and Corrective Maintenance Cost Controlling Using Performance Quality Indicators
The Role of Performance and Reward in Operationalization of Tacit Knowledge in Kenyan State Corporations
The Role of Communities of Practice in Leveraging Organizational Knowledge: The Case of Central Bank of Nigeria
Knowledge Management in Practice: Traps and Benefits for Healthcare Management
Managing Knowledge in a Global Context: The Interdependence of Leadership and Culture
Teaching How to Act with Innovation, Creativity and Imagination: A New Approach to MBA Student Learning
El Conocimiento Y La Cultura De La Gestion En Un Pais En Guerra: La Educación, La Seguridad Y La Economía En El México De Hoy
Talking Circles:
Knowledge Management
11th Management Conference 2011, 15-17 June 2011, Universidad San Pablo CEU, Madrid, Spain
Conference Theme: —
(Host: ?)
Educating for the 21st Century: Developing Responsible Global Leaders
Talking Circles:
Stream ‘Knowledge and Knowledge Management’
Stream ‘Learning Organisations, Education, Training’
Plenary & Garden Sessions:
10th Management Conference 2010, 26-28 July 2010, HEC Montréal, Montréal, Canada
Conference Theme: —
(Host: ?)
A Professional Learning Partnership: A Teacher Professional Learning Program in Practice
Educating for Sustainability in Business: Generating Organisational Collaborative Learning
The Organizational Issues of Knowledge Sharing among Academic Staffs in the Malaysian Public Universities
The Influence of Dominant Logic on the Dynamic Capabilities
Enhancing Mentoring in Management: A Workshop on “Adaptive Mentorship”
Virtual Teams: The NO LIMITS Approach
Metropolis of Knowledge: Urban Design as an Analytical Tool
Plenary & Garden Sessions:
Talking Circles:
Stream ‘Knowledge and Knowledge Management’
Stream ‘Learning Organisations, Education, Training’
9th Management Conference 2009, 24-27 June 2009, Northeastern University, Boston, Massachusetts, USA
Conference Theme: —
(Host: ?)
Fine-Grained Access to Online Content for Virtual Communities
Team Cohesiveness and Leadership in the Development of a Knowledge Sharing Atmosphere
Organisational Factors in Combating Knowledge Loss in Organisations
Building Community at Work: Spirit, Ethics, and Culture
The Dance of Change: From Print-Based Distance Education to Creative Networked Learning
The Language of the Learner: Understanding Learning Styles
Plenary & Garden Sessions:
Verna Alle
Talking Circles:
Stream ‘Knowledge and Knowledge Management’
Stream ‘Learning Organisations, Education, Training’
8th Management Conference 2008, 5-8 August 2008, Cambridge University, United Kingdom
Conference Theme: Knowledge Organisations, Knowledge Economy, Knowledge Society
(Host: ?)
The Role of Knowledge and Culture in Organizational Crises
Talking Circles:
Stream ‘Knowledge and Knowledge Management’
Stream ‘Learning Organisations, Education, Training’
Plenary & Garden Sessions:
Martyn Laycock
7th Management Conference 2007, 24 – 27 July 2007, Singapore Management University, Singapore
Conference Theme: Knowledge Organisations, Knowledge Economy, Knowledge Society
(Host: ?)
Talking Circles:
Stream ‘Knowledge and Knowledge Management’
Stream ‘Learning Organisations, Education, Training’
6th Management Conference 2006, 11-14 July 2006, Monash University Centre, Prato, Italy
Conference Theme: Knowledge Organisations, Knowledge Economy, Knowledge Society
(Host: ?)
Transforming Personal Knowledge into Common Knowledge: A Case Study of Collaborative Work between an American and a Japanese Organization
Learning at the Edge: The Case for Dynamic Learning
Using Online Communities to Lead Social Innovation: A ‘Live’ Case Study
Narrative Learning: Education of the Creative Mavericks
The Dynamics of Authority in a Collaborative System
Garden Sessions:
Dave Snowden
Talking Circles:
Stream ‘Knowledge and Knowledge Management & Leadership, Decision Making’
Stream ‘Learning Organisations, Education, Training’
5th Management Conference 2005, 19-22 July 2005, University of the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece
Conference Theme: Knowledge, Culture & Learning in the New World
(Host: ?)
Knowledge Management and Organizational Ignorance, Incompetence and Failure
Peter Drucker’s Interpretation of the Role of Knowledge in the Society and Economy
Learning by Design: Knowledge Management in Education
Knowledge Management: How Ready is Your Organization?
Creating Knowledge Workers in Underperforming Schools
If We Only Knew What Boeing Knows
Ethics and Knowledge Transformation: The New Spirit of Organizational Change
Garden Sessions:
Haridimos Tsoukas, Martyn Laycock, Dave Snowden
Talking Circles:
Stream ‘Knowledge & Knowledge Management’
4th Management Conference 2004, 3-6 August 2004, University of Greenwich, London, United Kingdom
Conference Theme: Knowledge & Culture: Organisational Intangibles and their Tangible Value
(Host: ?)
Masterclasses (Aug 2):
Verna Allee: Intangibles, Networks and Value Creation
Victor Newman: Knowledge Activism is About Taking Action
Cultural Dilemmas and Knowledge Management in Change Initiatives
Controversies in Knowledge Management
Supernetworks for the Management of Knowledge Intensive Dynamic Organizations
Self Knowledge: The Heart and Soul of Leadership
The Dynamics of How Institutions Think: When Propaganda Equals Knowledge
Transformational Learning: Understanding and Using Transformational Learning to Effect Positive Change in Organizations
Using Tacit Knowledge in Large Organizations
Russian Far East Business War Game: The Praxis of a Business War Game to Detect Tensions in Knowledge Structures of Russia
3rd Management Conference 2003, 11-14 August 2003, Universiti Sains Malaysia, Penang, Malaysia
Conference Theme: Knowledge Management
(Host: ?)
Knowledge Management and Learning Culture: A Business Strategy Perspective
Contracting For Engagement and Commitment: Strategic Acquisition of Tacit Knowledge By Chinese Companies
Linking Knowledge Management and Project Management Practices: The Missing DNA of Business Success?
Knowledge management measurement: Metrics to Assess the Effectiveness of Knowledge Work Contributions
Garden Sessions:
Dave Snowden, Harry Scarbrough, Margaret Jackson, Judith Ellis
1995 – Wesley Conference Centre, Sydney, Australia
1993 – Hilton Hotel, Sydney, Australia
(Host: Centre for Workplace Communication and Culture, University of Technology Sydney)
Interesting to participate in this conference !
Can you register me and share the link for joining the conference?
Beata NYIRABAHIZI from Rwanda
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Jan 3, 2022 – Boris)
Dear Conference Organizers,
I am interested in the theme of this conference. Could please send me a short overview of topics and speakers?
What are the conditions for participating in this conference and giving a paper presentation?
Thank you,
Iga Lehman
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Nov 11, 2020 – Boris)
Hi, highly interested to participate to this conference. Shall I know is there registration for listeners? And how can I contact you?
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Mar 13, 2020 – Boris)
I would like to get more information about this conference
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on May 13, 2019 – Boris)
i would also like to ask if you could please send me a short overview of topics and speakers…?
and if there are any conditions for participating in this conference ?
Thank you
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Feb 19, 2019 – Boris)
Would you please send me a short overview of topics, speakers etc.?
and also the conditions for participating in this conference as well?
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Feb 18, 2019 – Boris)
I want to participate on the conference.
Thank you
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Jan 4, 2019 – Boris)
would you please send me a short overview of topics, speakers etc.?
Thanks & regards
K Breden
(KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Jan 29, 2018 – Boris)