International Scientific Conference “Knowledge-Based Organization” (KBO)*

International Scientific Conference “Knowledge-Based Organization” (KBO)*

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The International Scientific Conference “Knowledge-Based Organization” (KBO; Romanian: Conferinţa Ştiinţifică Internaţională „Organizaţia Bazată pe Cunoaştere”), formerly the Session of Scientific Communications (with International Participation) each dedicated to a different topic (Romanian: Sesiune de Comunicări Ştiinţifice cu Participare Internaţională) is organized by “Nicolae Balcescu” Land Forces Academy. It provides an opportunity for academic teaching staff, research specialists and practitioners to come together, disseminate knowledge and exchange ideas on a wide range of topics related but not restricted to the knowledge-based organization.

The Academy has been organizing this conference since 1998. Until 2007, in some years biannually. In 2004, it became an event with international partipication, in 2007 the International Scientific Conference.

Conference language is English.

Conference History:

31st KBO Conference 2025, June 12-14, 2025, “Nicolae Balcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, Romania

(part of the International Week of “Nicolae Balcescu“ Land Forces Academy, Jun 9-13; Co-organizer (TBC): Societatea Academică de Management din România, Academia de Științe Tehnice din România, Academy of Romanian Scientists)

    Conference program TBD

30th KBO Conference 2024, June 13-15, 2024, “Nicolae Balcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, Romania

(part of the International Week of “Nicolae Balcescu“ Land Forces Academy, Jun 10-15; Co-organizer (TBC): Societatea Academică de Management din România, Academia de Științe Tehnice din România, Academy of Romanian Scientists)

    Conference program n.a.

    Conference Panels:
    Security and Defence
    Education and Multiculturality
    Administration, Governance and Law
    Management and Leadership
    Technical Sciences and Technology

29th KBO Conference 2023, June 15-17, 2023, “Nicolae Balcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, Romania

(part of the 2nd International Week of “Nicolae Balcescu“ Land Forces Academy, Jun 12-16; Co-organizer: Societatea Academică de Management din România, Academia de Științe Tehnice din România, Academy of Romanian Scientists)

    Conference Panels:
    Security and Defence
    Education and Multiculturality
    Administration, Governance and Law
    Management and Leadership
    Technical Sciences and Technology

    “Knowledge” and “Learning” Papers:
    Mission: Education – Achieving Tactical Skills through Digital Game-Based Learning
    Using Technology to Increase Students’ Motivation for Learning a Foreign Language
    Machine-Learning-Based Classification of Frequency Hopping in Radio Networks for Communication Reconnaissance
    An Alternative Application to ChatGPT that Uses Reliable Sources to Enhance the Learning Process

    Advancing GEOINT Capabilities: Leveraging Deep Learning for Satellite Image Interpretation

28th KBO Conference 2022, 16-18 June 2022, “Nicolae Balcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, Romania / Virtual venue

Conference Theme: Opportunities and Challenges in Times of Crisis
(part of the 6th International Week of “Nicolae Balcescu“ Land Forces Academy, Jun 13-17; Co-organizer: Societatea Academică de Management din România, Academia de Științe Tehnice din România, Academy of Romanian Scientists)

    Conference Panels:
    Security and Defence
    Society and Economics (Sub-panel: Society and Communication)
    Management and Technologies

    “Knowledge” and “Learning” Papers:
    “Knowledge-Based Organization” – Solution in the Management of Organizations in Crisis Situations?
    Considerations regarding Theories of Modern Learning and Special Intelligent Technologies in Higher Education

27th KBO Conference 2021, 11 June 2021, “Nicolae Balcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, Romania Virtuel venue

(part of the 5th International Week of “Nicolae Balcescu“ Land Forces Academy, 7-12 Jun – CANCELLED)

    Note: The conference was originally scheduled for 10-12 June 2021

    Conference Sections:
    Military Sciences, Security and Defence
    Economic Sciences
    Humanities and Social Sciences
    Technical Sciences and Military Technology

    “Knowledge” and “Learning” Papers:
    Knowledge Augmentation in the Organizational Field through Managerial Behavioral Models
    Considerations Regarding the Inclusion of Cybersecurity in Knowledge Management
    Knowledge Management in Military Organizations. A SECI Model Perspective
    Transforming Romania into a Knowledge Economy Through ICT – Current Developments
    Socio-Technical Challenge in the Selection of the Remote e-Learning Platform
    Efficiency of Communication in Perceiving Online Learning
    E-Learning Strategies to Improve the Students’ Engagement

26th KBO Conference 2020, 11-13 June 2020, “Nicolae Balcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, Romania Virtual venue

(part of the 4th International Week of “Nicolae Balcescu“ Land Forces Academy, 9-13 Jun – CANCELLED)

25th KBO Conference 2019, 13-15 June 2019, “Nicolae Balcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, Romania

(part of the 3rd International Week of “Nicolae Balcescu“ Land Forces Academy, 10-15 Jun – CANCELLED)

24th KBO Conference 2018, 14-16 June 2018, “Nicolae Balcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, Romania

(part of the 2nd International Week of “Nicolae Balcescu“ Land Forces Academy, 11-16 Jun – CANCELLED)

23rd KBO Conference 2017, 15-17 June 2017, “Nicolae Balcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, Romania

(part of the 1st International Week of “Nicolae Balcescu“ Land Forces Academy, 12-17 Jun)

    Conference program n.a.

22nd KBO Conference 2016, 9-11 June 2016, “Nicolae Balcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, Romania

    Conference program n.a.

21st KBO Conference 2015, 11-13 June 2015, “Nicolae Balcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, Romania

    Conference program n.a.

20th KBO Conference 2014, 12-14 June 2014, “Nicolae Balcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, Romania

    Conference program n.a.

19th KBO Conference 2013, 13-15 June 2013, “Nicolae Balcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, Romania

18th KBO Conference 2012, 14-16 June 2012, “Nicolae Balcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, Romania

    Conference program n.a.

17th KBO Conference 2011, 24-26 November 2011, “Nicolae Balcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, Romania

    Conference program n.a.

16th KBO Conference 2010, 25-27 November 2010, “Nicolae Balcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, Romania

    Conference Sections:
    Military and Managerial Sciences (Sub-sections: Military Sciences, Security and Defence, Military Training, Management)
    Economic Sciences (Sub-sections: Economic-Finacial Management; Economics)
    Behavioral and Social Sciences
    Administrative and Juridical Sciences
    Technical Sciences and Technology (Sub-sections: Applied Fundamental and Technical Sciences; Decision Support Systems and CBRN in Military Operations)

    “Knowledge” and “Learning” Papers:
    Improving Research in the Fight Armed with Knowledge and Mastery of Cognitive Processes
    Security of Information within Knowledge – Based Operations
    Training Challenges in the context of Knowledge Based Organization’s Increasing Role
    Knowledge-Based Communities
    Knowledge Management Systems in Universities
    Increasing the Competitiveness of the Romanian Organisation from Construction Industry through Implementation of Multi-Organisational Knowledge Management
    From “The Learning Organization ” to “The Knowledge-Based Organization” via the Management of Military Organization
    Knowledge Based Managers and Leaders
    Effectiveness and Efficiency of Knowledge-Based Firm
    Research and Development – Vector of the Knowledge Based Economy
    Pros and Cons for the Knowledge Entrepreneurship in Universities “It Is Always Knowledge to Some End”
    Knowledge and Developing Knowledge-Based Systems
    Higher Education Institutions in the Knowledge Economy
    Achieving Effective Knowledge Sharing by Bridging Knowledge Islands: Lessons from Ernst & Young Case
    Streaming Systems for Information Dissemination within an Knowledge Based Society
    The Leader of the Superior Military Learning Institution, a Complex Personality
    A Holistic Critique of “Intelligent Web Based Educational Systems”: Moving from Mechanical towards Synoptical E-Learning

15th KBO Conference 2009, 26-28 November 2009, “Nicolae Balcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, Romania

    Conference Sections:
    Military Sciences, Security and Defence (Sub-sections: Military Sciences; Security and Defence; General Military Training)
    Economics (Sub-sections: Economic-Finacial Management; Economy)
    Behavioural and Social Sciences (Sub-sections: Psychology-Sociology; Pedagogy)
    Administrative and Juridical Sciences (Sub-sections: Public Administration; Juridical Sciences)
    Technical Sciences and Technologies (Sub-sections: Applied Fundamental and Technical Sciences; Decision Support Systems and CBRN in Military
    Operations; Advanced Military Technologies and Network Architectures)
    Foreign Languages (Sub-sections: Language Issues; Communication Issues)

    “Knowledge” and “Learning” Papers:
    Knowledge Leadership: Where Knowledge Meets Excellence in Emergency Situations
    The Knowledge-Based Organisation, Motivation and the Social Dialogue
    Strategic Human Resources Management in the Maritime Knowledge-Based Organization
    Syntegration as a Highly Efficient Method of Optimising Knowledge Sharing, Opinion-Forming and Decision-Making
    The Impact of Knowledge Management on Organisational Efficiency
    Knowledge Based Hazard Analysis Guidelines for Operational Transportation Projects
    Improvement of Organizational Capabilities by Implementing Kaizen in the Knowledge-Based Organisation
    The Creating Value in Organizations Based on Knowledge Leadership
    The Relationship of the Accounting Law with the Modern Society and THE Present-Day Knowledge Economy
    Knowledge in Schumpeterian Economics
    Recognition, Evaluation and Presentation of Intangibles in the Economics Based on Knowledge
    The Influential Factors of a Company’s Competitiveness under the New Conditions Created by the Economy Based on Knowledge
    Importance of Knowledge Management on Strategies for Penetrating Foreign Markets under the Current Economic Crisis
    Some Issues about Knowledge-Based Economy
    The Organization Based on the Psychological Knowledge of the Human Resource
    Impact and Challenges of E-learning in Knowledge Society
    The Role of Academic Institution in the Knowledge-Based Society
    Student’s Motivation and Self-Regulated Learning in a Knowledge-Based Society
    Knowledge Enriched Decisional Environments
    A Knowledge-Based System Application in Academic Environment
    The Importance of Foreign Languages Knowledge for the University of Defence Lecturers
    The Psychological Particularities of Learning in Adulthood
    Portofolio – Learners’ Performance Complementary Assessment Instrument
    Motivation and the Language Learner
    Self-Directed Learning for Military Students

14th KBO Conference 2008, 27-29 November 2008, “Nicolae Balcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, Romania

    Conference program n.a.

    Conference Sections:
    Military Sciences, Defence and Security (Sub-sections: Military Sciences; Security and Defence)
    Economic Sciences
    Behaviour Sciences and Humanities (Sub-sections: Psychology; Pedagogy; Sociology-Philosophy)
    Law and Public Administration (Sub-sections: Public Administration; Juridical Sciences)
    Technical Sciences (Sub-sections: Technical Systems and Technologies; Communications, Electronics and Electrotechnics; Computer Science, Modelling & Simulation and E-learning Technologies; Physics, Mathematics and Chemistry)
    Foreign Languages (Sub-sections: English; German, French)

    “Knowledge” and “Learning” Papers:
    Knowledge – Based Organization and Knowledge – Based Warfare
    The Realtionship between Universities and the Business Environment in the Knowledge – Based Society
    The Research- Development Services in Romania, Analyzed from the Perspective of the Society Based on Knowledge
    Vocational Education and Training – An Essential Premise For Building an Organization Based on Knowledge
    Knowledge Management – A New Business Concept
    Views on the Managerial Roles of the Modern Officer, in the Knowledge Based Society
    The Knowledge Management – Ensuring Its Success
    Present Stage of Education and Research within Romanian Universities According to Indicators Specific to a Knowledge Society
    Innovation, a Strategic Priority in the Knowledge-Based Society
    Managerial Know-How Transfer
    The Role and Importance of Management in the Economy Based on Knowledge
    The Innovative Knowledge Role within the Knowledge Economy
    E-learning a New Method for Environments of 21st Century
    Learning Between Participation at Communities of Practice and Expansion of Activity Systems in Initial Professional Training Programs
    Intellectual Capital and Education in the Context of the New Economy and of the Knowledge-Based Society
    Permanent Education in the Knowledge-Based Organization
    The Parties’ Destiny in the Society of Knowledge
    Electronic Banking Services and Risk Management Principles in the Society Based on Knowledge
    Banking Audit and Control – The Premise of Efficiency in the Knowledge Based Organization
    European Energy Independence within the Knowledge Triangle
    A Guide on an IT Support for Historical Documents Collection in a Knowledge Based Organization
    Serious Fun in Education: using Microbloging
    Testing within e-Plasticity e-Learning Asynchron Solution in the Field of Elastic-Plastic Application of the Thick-Walled Tubes
    Generating, Testing and Assessing Learning Items within the e-Plasticity Educational Module
    E-Learning a New Method for Environments for 21st Century
    Four Field Orientations, Two Reasons, and Four Approaches to Knowledge
    The Role of the (English) Teacher in the Process of (English) Learning
    Learning a Foreign Language Through Group Activities Based on Simulation
    Active Learning – a ‘Must Have’ of Today’s Teaching Process

13th KBO Conference 2007, November 2007, “Nicolae Balcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, Romania

    Conference program n.a.

12th KBO Conference 2007, 11-14 June 2007, “Nicolae Balcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, Romania

    Conference program n.a.

    Conference Sections:
    Military Science
    Legal Sciences and Public Administration
    Social and Human Sciences and Education
    Technical and Fundamental Sciences
    Foreign Languages
    Military Education

11th Session of Scientific Communications with International Participation 2006, 22-26 November 2006, “Nicolae Balcescu” Land Forces Academy, Sibiu, Romania

Conference Theme: Man in the knowledge-based organization

    Conference program n.a.

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3 Replies to “ International Scientific Conference “Knowledge-Based Organization” (KBO)*”

  1. I am also looking for the following information: 1) paper submission deadline; 2) how to register? 3) registration fee.

    (KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Jan 24, 2021 – Boris)

  2. For the 2020 iteration of the Conference, could you please provide the following information: 1) paper submission deadline; 2) how to register? 3) registration fee.

    (KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Jan 7, 2020 – Boris)

  3. Please advice: 1) paper submission deadline; 2) how to register? 3) registration fee.

    (KMedu Hub Note: Replied by eMail on Jan 24, 2019 – Boris)

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