#KMedu tweets of week 17/2015
(Status) Gestão do #Conhecimento + Gestão por #Processos: workshop com @Beto_do_Valle e @MonicaRottmann @SBGCNacional http://ht.ly/M1yhv #KMers
(Status) Exciting kick-off #KMers Virtual Coaching Circle abt professional use of social media @Scumezza @matshweng. Join us- http://wp.me/pgmik-sda
(Status) Invitation pour les #FF Francophones :: https://plus.google.com/u/0/events/c2btg757pa6vg1cttnh3rfropc8 … #collabdusavoir #KMedu #Pratique #collaborative #Virtual #coworking
(Status) Orientierungsworkshop zur @hdm_stgt #Zertifizierung “Narratives Management” – http://xing.com/r/Tkz73 #KMedu #Germany #storytelling
(Status) Join me at the knowledge management @kaconnect conference http://tinyurl.com/nymymho conference. #continuousimprovement pic.twitter.com/pt3urekhF4
(Status) Register to attend the June 9 knowledge management conference @NASA_Johnson or contact us for remote participation http://enterprisemediawiki.org
(Status) Looking forward to the @APQC #KM Conference next week! Will you be there? http://bit.ly/1IHkjXR
(Status) Meeting on knowledge management with the Dept of Agriculture -Agriculture Training Institute pic.twitter.com/tLYnlVd44c
(Status) Knowledge Management for the Oil and Gas Industry Training – Istanbul, Turkey May_2015 #bmcistanbul http://bmcuk.org/Knowledge-Management-for-the-Oil-and-Gas-Industry#.VTarYmbL-KQ.twitter …
(Status) Nuclear Knowledge Management & Cyber Security Conference 17th – 18th June 2015, The Hilton, Cardiff https://lnkd.in/eGey-DT
(Status) Braff. You can take Knowledge Management as a course…
(Status) RT @totumtalks: Pleased to be sponsoring this Knowledge Management conference. KM Legal UK 2015 | Ark Group https://www.ark-group.com/event/km-legal-uk-2015#.VTUm5rsZtWN.twitter …
(Status) International Workshop on Process and Knowledge Management in Medicine: Prof. Manfred… http://dlvr.it/9TChQ1 pic.twitter.com/BmSiPOq6SK

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