#KMedu tweets of week 25/2013

    The Knowledge Management Education Hub on twitter

  • KMeducation: #KMedu Hub: Grantham University: Grantham University offers the following Knowledge Management educatio… http://t.co/S9WSWRQuj9 #KMers | Original »
  • KMeducation: #KMedu Hub: KMA’s Knowledge Management education resource site: On the website of the Knowledge Managem… http://t.co/639NuVJACm #KMers | Original »
  • KMeducation: RT @JohnGirard: Final tweaks (I hope) of my keynote for KM Conference 2013 – Novi Sad, Serbia, June 26 – 28, 2013 http://t.co/FTGY8cP32R | Original »
  • KMeducation: RT @EizaKamarul: Final test Fundamentals of Knowledge Management!!!! Hup! Hup! (@ Dewan Seminar Fakulti Pengurusan Maklumat) http://t.co/CL… | Original »
  • KMeducation: RT @et_houston: The greatest business asset is knowledge. Learn the aspects of how to manage it well. http://t.co/svrKOiabxU #houston #trai… | Original »
  • KMeducation: RT @GH_Knowledge: #KM Institute Adds New Social KM Platform for Certification Students http://t.co/Wm1sfa7ajn | Original »
  • KMeducation: RT @drdan01: KMPro – CKM Certification Curriculum Update Announced by Global Leader in KM Certification @scoopit http://t.co/rRJWB3zxQC | Original »
  • KMeducation: RT @KINWBS: The KIN Daily is out! http://t.co/r0CeC84g63 ▸ Top stories today via @mik0ton @nickkeane @KMeducation | Original »
  • KMeducation: RT @gdedurat: @steashaz @LionelREICHARDT @santecam @apw @LoiBertrand @DoThirryBorg @HeleneSchild @StratagemLaVie @mircom @SolidariteLupus @… | Original »
  • KMeducation: RT @mircom: #FFBack @StratagemLaVie @SolidariteLupus @KMeducation Bon week-end. | Original »
  • KMeducation: #KMedu Hub: Compiling academic KM programs: Abstract: I am compiling a list of academic programs that h… http://t.co/HhektNOUAv #KMers | Original »
  • KMeducation: #KMedu Hub: Claremont Graduate University (CGU)*: Claremont Graduate University (CGU) offers the follow… http://t.co/meKNnACtLD #KMers | Original »
  • KMeducation: RT @RightAnswers: Congrats to six of our clients who are now Knowledge Management Certified. Register for our next training on 8/13-14: htt… | Original »
  • KMeducation: RT @RightAnswers: @RightAnswers Client Success Team is continuing its knowledge management education series with new sessions this week htt… | Original »
  • KMeducation: RT @GWPnews: #Presentation: Iwrm knowledge management workshop http://t.co/pOz9zom3Lq | Original »
  • KMeducation: The KMedu Hub Weekly is out! http://t.co/TZd7DJaZQU ▸ Top stories today via @md_santo | Original »
  • KMeducation: RT @Joel_Muzard: Formation Gestion des Connaissances Online http://t.co/s7Luu7Cori #formation #coaching #interactif #innovation #management… | Original »
  • KMeducation: RT @jose_indah: Melanjutkan Training Knowledge Management di Sangrila Hotel @Nurharsono @anishidayah @wahyususilo | Original »
  • KMeducation: RT @Nurharsono: RT @jose_indah: Hari ke 2, Melanjutkan Training Knowledge Management di Sangrila Hotel @Nurharsono @anishidayah @wahyususil… | Original »

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