#KMedu tweets of week 35/2016
Information Architecture Class in Chicago 10/4-5 http://www.telecomreseller.com/2016/08/24/information-architecture-class-in-chicago-october-4-5/ … by @tonyrhem @AJRhemAssoc #knowledgemanagement #km #CIO mentor
I just started a Knowledge Management/Knowledge Workers Berlin Meetup group http://www.meetup.com/Berlin-Knowledge-Management-Meetup/ … #km #kmers #Berlin
Getting a #PhD in #KnowledgeManagement, and 10 possible research topicshttp://buff.ly/2bWJRs6 @stangarfield #KMERS
Looking forward to keynoting #ECKM16 Belfast, should be a great conference of #knowledge sharing #kmers @acpi_tweets
The latest The KMedu Hub Weekly! http://paper.li/KMeducation/kmeduhub-daily?edition_id=c7f2a3e0-6e9c-11e6-b90c-0cc47a0d1609 …
Leadership in an Information Society: Abstract: After surveying the evolution of the leader’s r… http://bit.ly/2bBfSTX #KMedu #KMers
Leadership in the Knowledge Economy: Abstract: Leadership is a key influence on the conduct and… http://bit.ly/2c6Muq8 #KMedu #KMers
#KMedu tweets of week 34/2016: (Status)
Their 1st community = KA Connect Conference = Community… http://bit.ly/2bwx0zB #KMedu #KMers

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