#KMedu tweets of week 41/2016
And here’s a link to an audio recording http://bit.ly/2e7feA0 @ONLibraryAssoc #EdInstitute #knowledgemanagement #KM https://twitter.com/_sarahamorrison/status/786951095297781760 …
Ben got it right! That’s why this Nov we offer KMKS101: Fundamentals of #KnowledgeManagement & Knowledge Services http://bit.ly/1KQJnOm pic.twitter.com/LYv3xjjazv
I’m on stage in 15 min #ICICKM. Presenting a co-authored paper @mantyla_sari #performance #dialogue in #localgovernment #IC #KM #KMers
Who else who follows #KMers or #KnowledgeManagement is attending #ICICKM16 this week in Ithaca?
Pumped to have guest @IanGJacobs of @forrester join us on today for a live webinar on #KnowledgeManagement. Join us http://goo.gl/L5J1mf
La vague numérique vs la révolution industrielle :: Cafe-LAB :: http://www.a-i-a.com/KM-GC-MONTREAL/activites.html … #collaboration #KMedu #agile #numerique #pmemtl
#KCWS2016 participants #learnandshare ie practise one form of #knowledgemanagement #km4dev2016… https://www.instagram.com/p/BLgE0Zqhc1p/
Find out how knowledge management can enhance capability and performance at our workshop on October 17th. http://ow.ly/d4qV3051nqJ

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