#KMedu tweets of week 45/2016
National KM community of practice soon to be created. Northern KM Group already in existence and quite active. #knowledgemanagement #LKSKM
What a beauuuutiful day to learn about knowledge cafes at a study day in York! #knowledgemanagement pic.twitter.com/3S1kfBEF1L
Currently attending the Knowledge Management study day in York #HCLU #LIHNN #librarians #knowledgemanagement pic.twitter.com/Ax2M9J2Xwt
Curso de #gestióndelconocimiento para ejecutivos http://buff.ly/2fpvHzw #kmers pic.twitter.com/BUaRtijS7r
@billkaplankm Kaplan and Zach Wahl coming to Canberra and Melbourne http://www.arkgroupaustralia.com.au/events/the-wheels-of-knowledge-management/ … #km #kmers #kmaus pic.twitter.com/Ru4kedXf18
Can you build a strong business case for #knowledgemanagement? Learn how tomorrow, Nov 10 @ 2 ET http://ow.ly/xqJk305Z04G #cx @Verint
The latest The KMedu Hub Weekly! http://paper.li/KMeducation/kmeduhub-daily?edition_id=c383ae80-a5a6-11e6-a463-0cc47a0d1609 … #knowledgemanagement #iaea
Recherche #stage Master 2 de 4-6 mois #knowledgemanagement #veille à #Lyon #SaintEtienne #Paris à partir de mars 2017 #RT bienvenue!
#cfp: #knowledgemanagement in #industrie40, DL:16.12 @ Konferenz Professionelles Wissensmanagement 5-7.4.17 Karlsruhe https://goo.gl/PiOMHl
21st Century Knowledge Management – http://goo.gl/alerts/XDgnh #Knowledgemanagement
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