EUSSET Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW)*
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The EUSSET Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW), formerly the European Conference on Computer-Supported Cooperative Work (ECSCW), branded as “The International venue/conference on Practice-centred computing and the Design of cooperation technologies”, is a series of conferences on computer-supported cooperative work located in Europe. The conference series is affiliated with EUSSET – the European Society for Socially Embedded Technologies, part of the Social Computing Association. (Previously the conference was organized by the ECSCW Foundation and an ECSCW Conference Commmittee, resp.)
Starting with 2018, ECSCW is merging with COOP – International Conference on the Design of Cooperative Systems – and becomes an annual conference.
Conference History:
23rd ECSCW 2025, June 30 – July 4, 2025, Newcastle upon Tyne, United Kingdom
(Host: Computer and Information Sciences Department, Northumbria University; School of Computing, Newcastle University)
Conference program TBD
22nd ECSCW 2024, June 17–21, 2024, Rimini, Italy
(Host: Department of Computer Science, University of Bologna; Department of Control and Computer Engineering, Politecnico di Torino)
From Human-Human Collaboration to Human-AI Collaboration
The case for a practice-centred approach to cultural heritage technologies
Paper sessions:
AI and data
Design and practices
Technologies and interaction
Frugal collaboration
Knowledge work
DC and posters madness; Poster exhibitions
WS1: Implementing Electronic Health Records – Objectives, Obstacles, Outcomes
WS2: Future of Home-living: Designing Smart Spaces for Modern Domestic Life
WS3: Discomfort in the making of technologies: (re-) choreographing agency
WS4: Working with data: collecting, analyzing and using traces of work activities
WS5: Practices of Participation and Co-Creation in Healthcare: Lessons Learned and Advancements of Established Methodologies
WS6: Conducting Interdisciplinary Research with Vulnerable Populations in Computing: Challenges, Practices, and Lessons Learned
WS7: Multispecies Urbanism: Blueprint on the Methodological Future of Inclusive Smart City Design
WS8: Infrastructure and Creativity: Can they co-exist?
The practice-centered research program in CSCW
Beyond Charts & Graphs: creating Data Visualizations to enhance knowledge
Panel in honour of Prof Dr Volkmar Pipek
EUSSET General Assembly
21st ECSCW 2023, 5-9 June, 2023, Trondheim, Norway
(Host: Department of Computer Science, Faculty of Information Technology and Electrical Engineering, Norwegian University of Science and Technology)
Time for Historicism in E-CSCW
Digital Platforms and Societal Change
Infrastructures for remote work
Post-pandemic cooperation
Participation and design
Platform-based collaboration
Data-centric collaborative work
Assisting and maintaining
Poster Madness
Pre-conference Workshops: (Jun 5-6)
Implementing Electronic Health Records – Cases, Concepts, Questions.
Spatial tensions in CSCW: The political and ethical challenges of scale.
Collectively Improve the Quality of Life at Work: How and Which Data to Collect and Analyze?
The digital public encounter.
From empathy to gamification: Inspecting motivational and sensitive methods for participation of co-researchers in healthcare.
Doctoral colloquium (Jun 6)
Pre-conference Masterclasses: (Jun 6)
Experimenting with Ethnography: Making Time-Space for Analysis
EUSSET General Assembly
20th ECSCW 2022, 27 June – 1 July 2022, Coimbra, Portugal
(Host: Department of Informatics Engineering, University of Coimbra)
Remaking Networked Economies: Visions, Collaborations and Modest Transformations
Unlocking enterprise collaboration to define a new era for documentation
Care and Socio-technical Systems
Remote and hybrid cooperation
Digital economy and social media
Exploring research methods
Humour, gender, and moving about
Together apart
Collaboration in the large
Demo and Poster madness
Demos and Posters
Pre-conference Masterclasses: (Jun 27-28)
Introduction to Practice-centred Computing
Practicing Thematic Analysis: From In-Depth Qualitative Data to Implications for Design
Qualitative Methods in CSCW
Doing CSCW Research in Small and Medium Enterprises
Pre-conference Workshops: (Jun 27-28)
Robots In Heterogeneous Contexts. Negotiation Of Co-Creative Lifelong Learning Spaces Through Participatory Approaches
Intergenerational Design Activism
CSCW and Algorithmic Systems
Building Appropriate Trust In Human-Ai Interactions
Revisiting Patient-Clinician Interaction in 2022: Challenges from the Field and Opportunities for Future Research
Exploring Human-Centered AI in Healthcare: Diagnosis, Explainability, and Trust
Pre-conference Doctoral Colloquium (Jun 27)
19th ECSCW 2021, 7-11 June 2021, Zurich, Switzerland Virtual venue
(Host: Department of Informatics, University of Zurich)
Full Stack Computer Science Research: Engineering, Descriptive and Normative Science; Inequalities in Social Media Engagement during COVID-19 Lockdowns; Designing Subtle Devices: Forging and Maintaining the Social over the Distance”
Digital Design and Development; Exploratory Papers Session; Digital Communication and Communities; Digital Work Environments (incl. David B. Martin Award); Posters & Demos (w. Madness)
Workshops & Masterclasses (Jun 7-8)
2nd Workshop on Studying Technical Mechanisms for Supporting Sharing Communities (CANCELLED); Platform-Supported Cooperative Work
Pre-conference Doctoral Colloquium (Jun 7)
EUSSET / Social Computing e.V. Yearly General Assembly
EUSSET-IISI Lifetime Achievement Award
18th ECSCW 2020, 13–17 June 2020, University of Siegen, Siegen, Germany Virtual venue
(Host: Information Systems and New Media, University of Siegen)
Understanding Consumers and Everyday Practices in a Reconfigured Energy System
Paper and Note Sessions; Exploratory Papers Sessions; Poster Session
Surveillance Capitalism: Data Driven Business Models, their Societal Impact, and the Role of Academic Communities; Open Forum Discussion on Practice-centered Computing
Open Space:
Communities of Sustainable Practice
Pre-conference Workshops (Jun 13-14):
Studying Technical Mechanisms for Supporting Sharing Communities; Doing CSCW research in small and medium enterprises: experiences, options and challenges; (Coping with) Messiness in Ethnography – Methods, Ethics and Participation in ethnographic Field Work in the non-Western World; Learning for life: Designing for sustainability of tech-learning networks of older adults; Datafication and cultural heritage: provocations, threats, and design opportunities; Why Do CSCW Insights Lose Out to Management Intuitions?
Pre-conference Doctoral Colloquium (Jun 14)
EUSSET General Assembly
EUSSET Lifetime Achievement Award Presentation
17th ECSCW 2019, 8–12 June 2019, University of Salzburg, Salzburg, Austria
(Host: Austrian Institute of Technology (AIT); Center for Human-Computer Interaction, University of Salzburg)
Enacting Complexities; Participatory sense-making: conceptual tools for design and collaboration
Large and Small Team Practices; Online Collective Political Action; Advocacy and assistance for marginalized groups; Evolving Workers and Workplaces; Gaps and Theories; Supporting Collaborative Work through Platforms; Reading and Writing Together; Online & Offline; Posters & Demos
Envisioning Futures of Practice-Centered Computing
Pre-conference Workshops (Jun 8-9):
WS1 – Who Cares? Exploring the Concept of Care Networks for Designing Healthcare Technologies; CANCELLED! WS2 – Workshop on Transparent and Flexible Electrochromic Displays; WS3 – Hybrid Collaboration – Moving Beyond Purely Co-Located or Remote Collaboration
Pre-conference Masterclasses (Jun 8):
CSCW research in small and medium enterprises
Pre-conference Doctoral Colloquium (Jun 9)
Eusset Lifetime Achievement Award: Bonnie Nardi
16th ECSCW 2018, 4–8 June 2018, Nancy, France
(Host: Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies du numérique (inria) Nancy – Grand-Est)
USNB – Enabling Universal Online Social Interactions; Who works your data? Responsible AI to address trust and privacy in micro-work regulation
CSCW in Manufacturing Environments: Towards a European Research Agenda
Pre-conference Workshops (Jun 4-5):
WS1: CSCW and The New Wave of Digitalisation Workshop; WS2: A Critical View on Smart Cities: Engaging Further Stakeholders (CANCELLED)
Pre-conference Masterclasses (Jun 5):
MC1: Design Ethnography; MC2: Practice-based Computing as the Heart of CSCW Research; MC3: Key research issues in CSCW (CANCLELLED)
Pre-conference Doctoral Colloquium (Jun 4) – CANCELLED?
15th ECSCW 2017, 28 August – 1 September 2017, Sheffield Hallam University, Sheffield, United Kingdom
(Host: Department of Computing, Communication and Computing Research Centre, Sheffield Hallam University)
Why Do We Use Social Media? Social Ego and the Management of Reputation; AI as a promise. AI as a practice. AI as HCI.
Disentangling Interactions; Civic Engagement and Social Change; Creativity and Sensemaking; Building Frameworks and Models; Digitally Mediated Interactions; Digitizing Workplaces; Content Production and Sharing; Information in the Medical Domain; IoT and Communities of Practice; Theoretical Concerns; Demos & Posters
A Constructive-Critical Approach to The Changing Workplace and its Technologies; Discerning Designers’ Intentions; Beyond Computing for Social Good? Celebrating the Life and Work of David Martin
Pre-conference Workshops (Aug 28-29):
WS1 – Reconsidering Design for Civic Engagement and Participation (CANCELLED); WS2 – Connecting Minds, Muscles and Bodies: Using Physiological Sensing and Physical Output to Support Communication (CANCELLED); WS3 – Data-work in Healthcare: New roles, tasks and challenges; WS4 – Social Matching Meets Big Social Data Science (CANCELLED); WS5 – Crowds at Risk: Exploitation, Creative Destruction, and the Unintended Effects of Crowdsourcing (CANCELLED); WS6 – Creative and inventive methods in CSCW research – drawing from design techniques; WS7 – Nomadic Culture Beyond Work Practices; EU COST Action Workshop: Sharing And Caring: Digital Platforms in the Collaborative Economy
Pre-conference Masterclasses (Aug 28):
MC1 – Qualitative Research for CSCW; MC2 – Participatory Design; MC3 – Conceptual issues in CSCW; MC4 – Writing for Publication
Pre-conference Doctoral Colloquium (Aug 29)
EUSSET & IISI Lifetime Achievement Award Lecture – Chair: Volker Wulf
14th ECSCW 2015, 19-23 September 2015, Oslo, Norway
(Host: Department of Informatics, University of Oslo)
13th ECSCW 2013, 21-25 September 2013, Paphos, Cyprus
(Host: Department of Computer Science, University of Cyprus)
Timeframe, scopeframe …dataframe & theory framed – the news that longitudinal multisite studies might hold for CsCw; Envisioning the collaborative work of the future: spaces, tools, experiences. From user observation to design strategies
Papers; Work-in-Progress
CSCW beyond W: Option or necessity?
Pre-conference Workshops (Sep 21-22):
WS1: Participatory Publics: Civic technology and local communities; WS2: CSCW at the Boundary of Work and Life; WS3: MoRoCo – Models and their Role in Collaboration; WS4: Francophone Ergonomics and CSCW – a comparative analysis; WS5: Designing Mobile Face-to-Face Group Interactions (OPEN TO ALL); WS7: EC-TEL meets ECSCW – Workshop on Collaborative Technologies for Working and Learning
Pre-conference Masterclasses (Sep 21):
MC1: Co-producing assisted living technologies and services (CANCELLED)
Pre-conference Doctoral Colloquium (Sep 22)
EUSSET-IISI Lifetime Achievement Award for Liam Bannon and Kjeld Schmidt
12th ECSCW 2011, 24-28 September 2011, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
(Host: Department of Computer Science, Aarhus University)
When Computer-Mediated Communication Goes Critical; The diagnosed life
Enterprise; Health; Communicating; Discoursive theories; Technological mediation; Together; Augmentation; Demos, Videos & Posters
The challenge of difference: Is ’culture’ relevant for CSCW?; New Horizons
Pre-conference Workshops (Sep 24-25):
WS1: Collaborative usage and development of models and Visualization; WS2: Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning at the workplace – CSCL at work (CANCELLED); WS3: Fostering Social Interactions in the Ageing Society: Artefact – Methodologies – Research Paradigms; WS4: Duet 2011: Dual Eye Tracking in CSCW; WS5: CSCWSmart? Collective Intelligence and CSCW in Crisis Situations; WS7: Social Media at Work
Pre-conference Masterclasses (Sep 25):
MC1: Cooperative work and coordinative practices; MC2: Settings for Collaboration: The Role of Place (CANCELLED); MC3: Fieldwork for Design; MC4: Exploring Digital Design. Multi-Disciplinary Design Practices
Pre-conference Doctoral Colloquium (Sep 24)
Speakers’ corner: Less clean-cut but surely thought-provoking
EUSSET-IISI Lifetime Achievement Award to Christiane Floyd
11th ECSCW 2009, 7-11 September 2009, Vienna, Austria
(Host: Multidisciplinary Design Group, Vienna University of Technology)
Shared Use of Technology in Developing Countries; Exquisite Sensing: Exploring Empathy and Sensual Technologies in Collaborative Spaces
Paper Sesssions; Demos, Videos & Posters
Pre-conference Workshops (Sep 7-8):
W1: Collaborative Infrastructuring – Conceptualizing Emergence and Design of Information Infrastructures; W2: Bridging “Interaction Clouds”: Exploring collaborative interaction across assemblies of mobile and embedded technology; W3: Enhancing interaction spaces by social media for the elderly; W4: Collaboration and Cooperation Through Serious Games for Competence Development in Enterprises; W5: Interoperability in CSCW; W6: Academia 2.0 and beyond – How Social Software changes research and education in academia; W7: Considering Gender in ECSCW
Pre-conference Masterclasses (Sep 7-8):
M1: Tangible interaction in support of cooperative work; M2: Fieldwork for Design
Pre-conference Doctoral Colloquium (Sep 7)
10th ECSCW 2007, 24-28 September 2007, Limerick, Ireland
(Host: Interaction Design Centre, University of Limerick)
Conviviality: a system requirement; TUNES: The Irish traditional music session as organizational model
Paper Sessions, Demos & Posters
ECSCW: Where are We? Reflections and Prognostications; The Changing Technological Landscape of CSCW – from BSCW to Sharepoint?
Pre-conference Workshops (Sep 24-25):
WS1: Why CSCW research? Web 2.0 and Social Software solve our problems anyhow!; WS2: Making design take place; WS3: Techniques and Methodologies for Studying Technology Use ‘In the Wild’; WS4: The Challenges of Collaborative Work in Global Software Development; WS5: What is missing in Social Software? Current collaborative practices in social software; WS6: Handover: Collaboration for Continuity of Work; WS7: (half day) “Cooperative Knowledge Spaces for Mathematics, Natural Sciences, and Engineering; WS8: Beyond Mobility: Studying Nomadic Work; WS9: CSCW, Technology and Diagnostic Work; WS10: Realising and Supporting Collaboration in e-Research
Pre-conference Masterclasses (Sep 24):
M1: Channelling Merleau-Ponty; M2: Fieldwork for Design; M3: Distributed Cognition
Pre-conference Doctoral Colloquium (Sep 25)
9th ECSCW 2005, 18-22 September 2005, Paris, France
(Host: Institut national de recherche en sciences et technologies du numérique (inria); Association Francophone d’Interaction Homme-Machine (AFIHM))
Universities, the Internet, and the Information Commons; All W and No P Makes CSCW a Dull Field: Supporting Ludic Collaboration
Paper Sesssions; Posters & Demos
Pre-conference Workshops (Sep 18-19):
Reconfiguring Healthcare: Issues in Computer Supported Cooperative Work in Healthcare Environments (W1); Computer Games and CSCW (W2); Activity – From a Theoretical to a Computational Construct (W3); Settings for Collaboration: The role of place (W4); Location Awareness and Community (W5); Supporting Appropriation Work: Approaches for the ‘reflective’ user (W7)
Pre-conference Tutorials (Sep 18):
Prototyping Tangible Interfaces (T1)
Pre-conference Doctoral Colloquium (Sep 19)
8th ECSCW 2003, 14-18 September 2003, Helsinki, Finland
(Host: Center for Research on Activity, Development and Learning (CRADLE), University of Helsinki)
Working and Learning when the Answer is Not Known; The thermodynamics of cooperation
Paper Sessions; Posters & Demos
Working out “Work” — Computer-Supported Cooperative What?
Pre-conference Workshops (Sep 14-15):
W1: Applying Activity Theory to CSCW Research and Practice; W2: Hypertext Linking in CSCW (CANCELLED); W3: The Fifth International Workshop on Collaborative Editing; W5: Moving From Analysis to Design: Social Networks in the CSCW Context; W6: From Good Practices to Patterns; W7: CSCW@E-Democracy: Supporting Conversation and Collaboration in Policy-making; W8: Tailoring Cooperation; W9: The problem of user-designer relations in technology production; W10: Computer Supported Scientific Collaboration; W11: The Practice of Measurement: Issues for Collaborative Technologies (CANCELLED); W12: Intellectual Collaboration in Professional Practice: Supporting Dialogue, Improvisation, and Discovery (CANCELLED)
Pre-conference Doctoral Colloquium (Sep 15)
7th ECSCW 2001, 16-20 September 2001, Bonn, Germany
(Host: GMD – Forschungszentrum Informationstechnik)
Why wear a computer?; Knowledge dynamics in networks and communities
Making sense of it all; Tools and mechanisms for supporting collaboration; Orchestration, management and participation in work spaces; New ways of talking and sharing: exploiting the web and the mobile; Coordinating work through shared artefacts: three field studies; Overcoming delays, interruptions and cold starts; Looking at the big picture: complex systems and working practices; Demos, Posters, and Videos
Is the computer really disappearing ?
Pre-conference Workshops (Sep 16):
W1: Participatory Design of Collaborative Systems– new Challenges?; W2: Cooperation around design and development of ICT for multiple-mode access to public services; W3: Learning Groups; W4: Managing Tacit Knowledge; W5: The Second ECSCW Workshop on Community Knowledge; W6: Actions and Identities in Virtual Communities of Practice; W7: WORK/PLACE: Reconceptualising the ‘workplace’; W8: Structure and Process: the interplay of routine and informed action; W9: Workshop on Ad hoc Communications; W10: Accounting for power relationships in the CSCW system design and use (CANCELLED)
Pre-conference Tutorials (Sep 17):
T1: Doing Ethnography for CSCW Systems Design (CANCELLED); T2: Using Design Rationale Systems to Support Collaborative Work (CANCELLED); T3: Technical Issues in CSCW (CANCELLED); T4: Collaboration Technology in Teams, Organizations, and Communities; T5: Community Knowlegde; T6: Software Engineering of Collaborative Web Applications; T7: Recommender Systems: Collaborating in Commerce and Communities (CANCELLED); T8: Building Online Communities of Practice
Pre-conference Doctoral Colloquium (Sep 17)
6th ECSCW 1999, 12-16 September 1999, Copenhagen, Denmark
(Host: Center for Tele-Information, Technical University of Denmark)
Artful Integration as CSCW’s Project: Reflections and Reveries
Paper Sessions:
Titles n.a.
CSCW: The next ten years
Pre-conference Doctoral colloquium (Sep 13)
Pre-conference Workshops (Sep 12-13):
W1: Evolving use of groupware; W2: Broadening our understanding: Community networks and other forms of Computer Supported Community Wor; W3: Be here now: Ubiquitous virtual communities for collaborative working; W4: Beyond knowledge management: Managing expertise; W5: Community knowledge
Pre-conference Tutorials (Sep 12-13):
T1: CSCW, Groupware and Workflow; T2: The theory and practice of fieldwork for systems development; T3: Distributed Cognition: Applying theory to the social and cognitive in CSCW design and evaluations; T4: Workflow management: Concepts, models, methods, and tools; T5: A technical overview of CSCW; T6: Web technologies and CSCW systems
Co-located Events:
Interaction and Collaboration in Virtual Environments, 3rd Nordic Interactive Multimedia Research School, 8-11 Sep; LAP’99: The 4th International Workshop on the Language Action Perspective on Communication Modelling, 12-13 Sep
5th ECSCW 1997, 7-11 September 1997, Lancaster, UK
(Host: Computing Department, Lancaster University)
CSCW: Inquiring and Learning; Primitive Man in the Electronic Work Environment
Conceptualizing and Designing for Cooperative Work; Shared Information Spaces; Cooperation in Real and Virtual Worlds; Formalisms and Mediation; Objects, Spaces and Bodies; Sharing: Information and Process; The Influence of Devices and Environments; Cooperation and Access Coordination; Demos, Posters, and Videos
Pre-conference Workshops (Sep 7):
W1: Workplace Studies: Theoretical and Practical Issues; W2: Community Networks: Opening a new research field for cooperative work; W4: Collaboration in the Digital Library; W5: Social Agents in Web-Based Collaboration; W6: Object Oriented Groupware Platforms; W7: Network Communities: Supporting Community on the Net; W8: Computer Support for Home Life: CSCW & Domestic Environments; W9: CSCW for Learning: Physician, heal thyself?
Pre-conference Tutorials (Sep 8):
T1: CSCW, Groupware and Workflow: Experiences, State of Art, and Future Trends; T2: Ethnography and Systems Development; T3: A Tour of Collaborative Applications and Infrastructures; T4: Working Through Collaboration: A Framework for Designing Technology Support; T5: Building Shared Information Systems; T6: Collaborative Virtual Environments; T8: A Structured Approach to Evaluating CSCW Applications
Pre-conference Doctoral Colloquium (Sep 7)
4th ECSCW 1995, 10-14 September 1995, Stockholm, Sweden
(Host: Department of Numerical Analysis and Computing Science, Royal Institute of Technology)
Invited Talks:
Art and Technology – an intriguing cooperation; Experience of Computer Support for Work at a Distance; Electronic Conferencing over the Web
Distributed Social Worlds; Collaborative Activities; Cooperation and Power; Mechanisms; Electronic Meetings; Workplace Studies; Demos, Posters, and Videos
Space is the place – But is space virtual, media, augmented or real?
Pre-conference Workshops (Sep 10):
The Role of Version Control in CSCW Applications; The ‘professional stranger’ – the role of the fieldworker in workplace studies for CSCW system design; Collaboration in Virtual Environments – Practice and Experience; Groupware for Self-Organizing Units – The Autopoietic Turn in Organization Science and its Relevance for CSCW; Collaborative Systems Architectures: Toward a Common Design; Collective Learning and collective memory for coping with dynamic complexity
Pre-conference Tutorials (Sep 11):
Conceptual Foundations for Business Process Reengineering and/or Development; Designing and Implementing Collaborative Applications; An introduction to Distributed Cognition: analysing ‘the social’ and ‘the cognitive’ for CSCW applications; Workflow Systems; Groupware and Workflow: A Survey of Systems and Behavioural Issues; Ethnography and Systems Development: Bounding the Intersection; Designing Co-operative Hypermedia Systems; Collaborative Writing: Practical Problems and Prospective Solutions; Status & Challenges for Co-ordination Technology: An AI Perspective
Pre-conference Doctoral Colloquium
3rd ECSCW 1993, 13-17 September 1993, Milano, Italy
(Host: Laboratoty of Cooperation Technologies, Depatment of Information Science, University of Milan)
Conference program n.a.
2nd ECSCW 1991, 24-27 September 1991, Amsterdam, The Netherlands
(Host: Centre for Innovation and Cooperative Technology, University of Amsterdam)
Conference program n.a.
Conference Sections:
Formalization in CSCW; Organizational Memory
Small Workshops:
Small changes that make a big difference; Whither GDSS in CSCW?; CSCW Design Methodologies
1st EC-CSCW 1989, 13-15 September 1989, Gatwick, London, UK
(Host: Computer Sciences Company)
Conference program n.a.
Conference Sections:
Human Sciences and Empirical Methods
Organisational Issues in CSCW
Underlying Technologies
Generai Issues in CSCW
Paper Fair: An open forum for discussion