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The Montague Institute has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
- Knowledge Base Publishing course series**
- Introduction to Knowledge Base Publishing
Taxonomies, search & SharePoint
Creating and using business taxonomies
Metadata and search
Organizing and managing images
Integrating taxonomies
Information modeling and metadata management - Train-the-trainer program in Knowledge Base Publishing
(Montague Fellow in Knowledge Base Publishing) - Knowledge Base Web Publishing
- Day 1: The knowledge base publishing context
Day 2: Tools and techniques - Metadata, Search, and Productivity Practicum**
- Part I: Project definition
Week 1: What metadata do you need?
Week 2: Project information model
Part II: Metadata entry
Week 3: Standard names
Week 4: Documents and content attributes
Week 5: Controlled vocabularies
Week 6: Thesauri & ontologies
Part III: Demonstration & plan
Week 7: Implementation roadmap
Week 8: Commercial products overview - Knowledge base editing retreat
Day 1: Introduction to Knowledge Base Publishing
Day 2: Creating quality content
Day 3: Creating and using business taxonomies
Day 4: Integrating taxonomies
Day 5: Metadata tools and management - Taxonomies, Search & SharePoint How-to
- SharePoint 2013 for Knowledge Managers (onsite or teleconference)
- SharePoint 2010 à la carte for Knowledge Managers (teleconference)
- SharePoint 2010 for Knowledge Management Practitioners (onsite 3 days)
- Society of Knowledge Base Publishers
- Society of Knowledge Base Publishers Roundtables
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