Old Dominion University (ODU)*
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The Old Dominion University (ODU), formerly the Old Dominion College and the Norfolk Division of the College of William and Mary, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Business Gateway > Professional Development Center
Certificate Courses
- Agile Knowledge Management Certificate 1)
Knowledge Management 1 (KM 1)
Individual & Organizational Learning (IOL)
Knowledge Management 2 (KM2)
Naturalistic Decision Making (NDM)
Ethics and Laws in Knowledge Management (E&L)
Storytelling (Stor)
Knowledge and Risk Management (KRM)
Innovation Management (ITM)
Project Management (PM)
Library Science/Content Management/Digital Libraries (LSCM)
Communication and Journalism (COM)
Human Dynamics (HD)
Social Media Technologies and Knowledge Management systems (KS1)
Data Mining (DM)
Leadership in Knowledge Management (Lead)
Change Management (CM)
Behavior in learning organizations (BLO)
Data Warehousing and KM systems (KS2)
Information Assurance (KS3)
System Analysis of Learning Organizations (SA)
System Dynamics of Learning Organizations (SD)
Rational Decision Making (RDM)Capstone project (Capstone)