Professional Learning for Knowledge Services

Guy St. Clair: Beyond Degrees: Professional Learning for Knowledge Services. München: K.G. Saur (Information Services Management Series, Vol. 9), 2003, 325 p.

Copyright © De Gruyter Saur.

The book is written with the participation of Lauren Albert

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Related Resources:

  • Guy St. Clair: Knowledge Services: A Strategic Framework for the 21st Century Organization. De Gruyter Saur (Current Topics in Library and Information Practice), 2017, 317 p. Full text » (publisher) Webinar » (publisher)
  • Guy St. Clair; Barrie Levy: The Knowledge Services Handbook: A Guide for the Knowledge Strategist. (A Companion Volume to Knowledge Services: A Strategic Framework for the 21st Century Organization) De Gruyter Saur (Knowledge Services), 2020, 211 p. Preview » (Google Books) Purchase » (publisher)
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