Verna Allee Associates*

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Verna Allee Associates*Custom logo

Verna Allee Associates, formerly the Integral Performance Group, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:

Certification 1)

  • ValueNetWork™ Practitioner Certification (6-8 weeks 4 weeks; online / face-to-face)
      Week 1 – Enterprise as a living system
      Three levels of Knowledge Mastery
      Knowledge Complexity
      Week 2 – Value Networks
      The ValueNet Works™ Approach
      Week 3 – Linking business activities to tangible and intangible scorecards
      Exchange Analysis
      Impact Analysis
      Week 4 – Progressing to a more self-managed work environment
      Value Creation Analysis
      The New Business Fundamentals
  • ValueNetWork™ Master Practitioner Certification (8 weeks, online)
      Week 1 – Three levels of Knowledge Mastery
      Week 2 – Knowledge Complexity
      Week 3 – The ValueNet Works™ Approach
      Week 4 – HoloMapping
      Week 5 – Exchange Analysis
      Week 6 – Impact Analysis
      Week 7 – Value Creation Analysis
      Week 8 – The New Business Fundamentals

Course Material

  • The Verna Allee Toolkit: Applications for HoloMapping™
    and ValueNet Works™ Analysis 2)
    (incl. monthly interactive online seminar)


  • One-day Value Networks Master Class 2)
      Enterprise as a living system
      Three levels of knowledge mastery
      Knowledge complexity
      ƒValue Networks
      ƒValueNet Works™ approach
      ƒHoloMapping model building
      ƒLinking business activities to tangible and intangible scorecards
      ƒExchange Analysis
      ƒImpact Analysis
      ƒProgressing to a more self-managed work environment
      ƒValue Creation Analysis
      New Business Fundamentals
  • Value Networks Quick Launch Coaching and Toolkit (four-week support program) 1)
      Enterprise as a living system
      Three levels of knowledge mastery
      Knowledge complexity
      Value Networks
      ValueNet Works™ approach
      ƒHoloMapping model building
      ƒLinking business activities to tangible and intangible scorecards
      Exchange Analysis
      ƒImpact Analysis
      ƒProgressing to a more self-managed work environment
      ƒValue Creation Analysis
  • Value Networks intensive workshops (1-2 days focused on specific business issues or overall introduction)
  • Systems Thinking, Systems Doing (2-day foundation, 3-day intensive)
      Define the key components of a system
      Understand the differences between systems and processes
      Explore the use of visual and structured systems modeling techniques, mapping tools and diagnostic frameworks
      Practice the HoloMappingä technique for mapping complex systems and interwoven processes
      Identify tools and techniques that can be used to uncover the inner world or logic of a system
      Experience the power and paradoxes of systems inquiry

      Optional module:
      Value Network Analysis

  • Leveraging Knowledge for High Performance: Linking Knowledge and Learning to Individual, Team and Organizational Performance
      Identify the critical success factors for the Knowledge Era
      Understand knowledge complexity and dynamics
      Discover best practices for acquiring, capturing and building knowledge.
      Gain insights for developing intellectual capital and organizational intelligence
      Learn a knowledge-based framework for individuals, teams and organizations
      Link learning and knowledge creation to key levels of organizational performance
      Gain valuable strategies for creating more adaptive organizations

Public Workshops

  • Maximising Organisational Intelligence: Value creation in the knowledge economy
  • Realising Human Capital (keynote & workshop)
  • Value Network Strategies for Competitive Advantage (workshop)
  • Knowledge Value Creation (workshop)

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