Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC)*
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The Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC), formerly the European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC), the Extended Semantic Web Conference (ESWC), the European Semantic Web Conference (ESWC), and initially the European Semantic Web Symposium (ESWS), aims to bring together researchers and practioners dealing with different aspects of semantics on the Web.
Until 2007 ESWC was organized by the SDK project cluster (SDK Cluster projects: Semantic Knowledge Technologies (SEKT), Data, Information, and Process Integration with Semantic Web Services (DIP), Knowledge Web (KW)) and its successor, the European Semantic Systems Initiative (ESSI). Since 2008 ESWC is organized by the Semantic Technology Institute International (STI International).
From 2010-2012 the “European” became the “Extended” Semantic Web Conference to underline the extended scope and international character behind this event, “to extend its focus by engaging with other communities within and outside ICT, in which semantics can play an important role.”, but also due to the acquisition of the European Semantic Technology Conference (ESTC) by Mediabistro in 2011. In 2023 the name was changed again from “European” to “Extended” Semantic Web Conference but it is still listed as “European” conference.
Conference Formats:
Pre-conference tutorials & workshops; pre-conference PhD Symposium (since 2007); Keynotes; Panels; Posters & Demos, Research, Industry, In-use etc. tracks; Challenges track (until 2018; ESWC/Semantic Web Evaluation Challenge (2014-2018); LinkedUp Challenge (2014); AI Mashup Challenge (2010-2014); Semantic Web Service Challenge (2008)); EU Project networking session (since 2012).
Conference History:
22nd ESWC 2025, June 1-5, Portorož, Slovenia
Conference Theme: Empowering Knowledge through Semantics: From Knowledge Graphs to Neurosemantics
(Host: Jožef Stefan Institute Ljubljana, Department for Artificial Intelligence)
- Conference program TBD
Pre-conference Tutorials:
Nanopublications: Technology and Ecosystem
Shaping Knowledge Graphs
Pre-conference Workshops:
PhD Symposium
3rd Knowledge Graphs for Sustainability Workshop – KG4S
ODRL and Beyond: Practical Applications and Challenges for policy-base Access and Usage Control
6th International Workshop on Knowledge Graph Construction
3rd Workshop on Semantic Technologies and Deep Learning Models for Scientific, Technical and Legal Data
2nd Workshop on Natural Scientific Language Processing and Research Knowledge Graphs
SemGenAge – 1st Workshop on Semantic Generative Agents on the Web
Third International Workshop Semantics in Dataspaces (SDS 2025)
8th International Workshop on Semantic Web solutions for large-scale biomedical data analytics (SeWeBMeDA-2025)
LLM-TEXT2KG 2025: 4th International Workshop on LLM-Integrated Knowledge Graph Generation from Text
Knowledge Graphs for Responsible AI
1st International Workshop on Explainable AI and Knowledge Graphs (XAI+KG)
SemDH2025: Second International Workshop of Semantic Digital Humanities
Causal Neuro-symbolic Artificial Intelligence (Causal-NeSy)
ELMKE: Workshop on Evaluation of Language Models in Knowledge Engineering
21st ESWC 2024, May 26-30, 2024, Hersonissos (Crete), Greece
Conference Theme: Fabrics of Knowledge: Knowledge Graphs and Generative AI
(Host: Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas, Institute of Computer Science)
- Pre-conference Tutorials:
Semantic Data Enrichment: from Interactive Exploration to Scalable Deployment
Actionable Knowledge Representation and Reasoning for Robots (AKR^3)
Pre-conference Workshops:
PhD Symposium
Workshop on metadata and research management for linked open science – DaMaLOS 2024
5th International Workshop on Knowledge Graph Construction (KGCW 2024)
SemDH2024: First International Workshop of Semantic Digital Humanities
WISDOMS: Workshop on Integrating the Semantics of Data, Ontologies, Moral and cultural values and their Societal impact
The Second International Workshop Semantics in Dataspaces (SDS 2024)
2nd International Workshop on Data Management for Knowledge Graphs (DMKG 2024)
2nd Knowledge Graphs for Sustainability Workshop – KG4S
Workshop on Natural Scientific Language Processing and Research Knowledge Graphs
D2R2’24: Third International Workshop on Linked Data-driven Resilience Research 2024
Second Workshop on Semantic Technologies and Deep Learning Models for Scientific, Technical and Legal Data
GEOLD 2024: 6th Geospatial Linked Data Workshop
Semantic Methods for Events and Stories (SEMMES)
7th International Workshop on Semantic Web solutions for large-scale biomedical data analytics (SeWeBMeDA-2024)
Workshop on Actionable Knowledge Representation and Reasoning for Robots (AKR^3)
Generative Neuro-symbolic AI (GeNeSy)
DQMLKG – Data Quality meets Machine Learning and Knowledge Graphs: Bridging Precision with Intelligence
Conference Sessions:
Large language models
Question answering and querying systems
Multiple modalities
Knowledge graph embeddings
Ontologies and knowledge graphs
Knowledge graph schemas, constraints and construction
Data integration
Knowledge engineering and management
Structured Reasoning with Language
Special Tracks:
LLMs for KE
Industry Track
Knowledge engineering: from people to machines and back
Structured Reasoning with Language
What Over 7 Years of Building Enterprise Knowledge Graphs Has Taught Me About Theory and Practise
Workshop Highlights
Minute Madness (posters, demos, project networking)
Associated Events:
SousLeSens Webinar: Demonstration, Tutorial and Launch of Working group (A Pre-ESWC Event of the Knowledge Graph Alliance), May 24
20th ESWC 2023, May 28 – June 1, 2023, Hersonissos (Crete), Greece
(Host: Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas, Institute of Computer Science)
- Pre-conference Tutorials:
A Beginner’s Guide to Reasoning: How to reason your way to better data
Big Data Analytics for Semantic Data (CANCELLED)
SciKG: Building Scientific Knowledge Graphs from Data, Data Dictionaries, and Codebooks
Pre-conference Workshops:
PhD Symposium
Semantic Technologies for Scientific, Technical and Legal Data (SemTech4STLD)
Trusting Decentralised Knowledge Graphs and Web Data Workshop (TrusDeKW)
Semantic Methods for Events and Stories (SEMMES)
6th International Workshop on Semantic Web solutions for large-scale biomedical data analytics (SeWeBMeDA 2023)
4th International Workshop on Knowledge Graph Construction (KGCW 2023)
1st International Workshop on Data Management for Knowledge Graphs (DMKG 2023)
Workshop on metadata and research management for linked open science (DaMaLOS 2023)
1st International Workshop on Semantic Web on Constrained Things (SWoCoT 2023)
2nd International Workshop on Linked Data-driven Resilience Research (D2R2 2023)
Knowledge Graph Generation from Text (TEXT2KG)
4th International Workshop on Deep Learning meets Ontologies and Natural Language Processing (CANCELLED)
Conference Sessions:
Knowledge Graph Construction
Alignment, Linking and Relation Extraction
Knowledge Graphs in the Real World
Question Answering and Knowledge Extraction
Knowledge Graphs and Machine Learning
SPARQL and Data Access
Knowledge Graph refinement and validation
Knowledge Graphs and Inductive Learning
Industry Track
Posters & Demos
Project Networking Sessions
Special Sessions:
The Next 20 years: ESWC 2043
Discussion Panels:
20th ESWC Anniversary Panel
Unflattening Knowledge Graphs
Reasoning at Scale: Why, How and What’s Next
Reasoning with Realistically Imperfect Knowledge
19th ESWC 2022, May 29 – June 2, 2022, Hersonissos (Crete), Greece
(Host: Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas, Institute of Computer Science)
- Pre-conference Tutorials:
Tutorial on Linked Data and Music Encodings
Knowledge Graph Construction
Pre-conference Workshops:
PhD Symposium
1st International Workshop on Semantic Industrial Information Modelling (SemIIM)
3rd International Workshop On Knowledge Graph Construction (KGCW 2022)
5th International Workshop on Geospatial Linked Data (GeoLD)
1st Workshop on Modular Knowledge (ModularK)
10th Linked Data in Architecture and Construction Workshop (LDAC)
6th Natural Language Interfaces for the Web of Data (NLIWOD+QALD)
Third International Workshop On Semantic Digital Twins (SeDIT)
International Workshop on Knowledge Graph Generation from Text (Text2KG)
3rd International Workshop on Deep Learning meets Ontologies and Natural Language Processing (DeepOntoNLP)
5th Workshop on Semantic Web solutions for large-scale biomedical data analytics (SeMWeBMeDA)
Conference Sessions:
Multiple Modalities; Dealing With Multiple Sources; Knowlege Graphs for Tasks; Domain Specific Knowledge Graphs; ML & Knowlege Graphs; Linked Data Analysis; Reasoning; Reasoning Systems; Software Development; Embeddings; Industry Track; Minute Madness; Posters and Demos
Learning with Discrete Structures
Data Disposal by Design
Structured Machine Learning with Multiple Representations
18th ESWC 2021, June 6-10, 2021, Heraklion (Crete), Greece Virtual venue
(Host: Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas, Institute of Computer Science)
- Pre-conference Tutorials:
Modular Ontology Modeling with CoModIDE
SPARQL Endpoints and Web API (SWApi)
Constructing Question Answering Systems over Knowledge Graphs
Pre-conference Workshops:
PhD Symposium
Deep Learning meets Ontologies and Natural Language Processing
2nd International Workshop on Semantic Digital Twins (SeDiT 2021)
2nd International Workshop on Knowledge Graph Construction (KGCW 2021)
X-SENTIMENT: Sixth International Workshop on eXplainable SENTIment Mining and EmotioN deTection
Domain Ontologies for Research Data Management in Industry Commons of Materials and Manufacturing (DORIC-MM 2021)
GeoLD 2021: 4th Geospatial Linked Data Workshop
Knowledge graphs – from research to practice
Conference Sessions:
Natural Language Processing; Ontologies and Reasoning; Data Exploration and Compression; Question Answering; Knowledge Graph and Ontology Applications; Data Quality; Problems to solve before you die; Programming Languages; Machine Learning; Streams and Dynamic Data; Autonomous Driving; Embeddings; Indexing and Querying; Knowledge Graphs; Industry Track; Lightning Talks; Posters and Demos;
Zero to One Billion: The Path for a Rich Product Graph
Co-located events:
EU Project Networking Session
17th ESWC2020, May 31 – June 4, 2020, Heraklion (Crete), Greece Virtual venue
(Host: Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas, Institute of Computer Science)
- Pre-conference Tutorials:
Example-based Exploration: Exploring Knowledge through Examples; Modular Ontology Engineering with CoModIDE; Entity Summarization in Knowledge Graphs: Algorithms, Evaluation, and Applications; Constructing Question Answering Systems over Knowledge Graphs
Pre-conference Workshops:
PhD Symposium; IoT infrastructures for safety in pervasive environments; Workshop on Cross-lingual Event-centric Open Analytics (CLEOPATRA); Workshop on Humanities in the Semantic web (WHiSe III); Workshop on Large Scale RDF Analytics LASCAR II; International Workshop on Semantic Digital Twins; Deep Learning for Knowledge Graphs (DL4KG)
Knowledge Graph: Past, Present and Future
Conference Sessions:
Query Processing; Knowledge Extraction and Recommendation; Machine Learning; Natural Language Processing; Reasoning; Ontology Engineering and Alignment; Search and Question Answering; Benchmarking; Knowledge Graphs and Linked Data; Knowledge Graphs and Constraints; In use; Mining and analysis; In use; Industry track; Posters & Demos
Modularity in OWL (semantic web ontology language)
Graph first, semantics follows
Language, Ontology, and the Semantic Web
Co-located events:
EU Project Networking Session (CANCELLED)
16th ESWC2019, June 2 – 6, 2019, Portorož, Slovenia
(Host: Jožef Stefan Institute Ljubljana, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory)
- Pre-conference Tutorials:
SANSA’s Leap of Faith: Scalable RDF and Heterogeneous Data Lakes; Semantic Data Enrichment for Data Scientists; Build a Question Answering system overnight; Practical and Scalable Pattern-based Ontology Engineering with Reasonable Ontology Templates; Querying Linked Data with Comunica; Continuous analytics on linked data streams; Generating and querying (Virtual) Knowledge Graphs from heterogeneous data sources
Pre-conference Workshops:
PhD Symposium; Workshop on Deep Learning for Knowledge Graphs (DL4KG); Workshop on Large Scale RDF Analytics – LASCAR; Knowledge Graph Building (KGB); SWeTI: 2nd Workshop on Semantic Web of Things for Industry 4.0 (CANCELLED)
Conference Sessions:
Querying and Learning on the Semantic Web; Linked Prediction: Methods and Resources; Neural Networks: Semantic Web Applications; Minute madness; Evaluations and Lessons Learned; Enhancing Semantic Resources; Ontology Design, validation and licensing; Semantic Web and Applications; Research and Scholarly Data; Ontologies: Reasoning and Learning; Querying & Searching; Knowledge Graph Applications; Demos & Posters
Knowledge Graph Kaleidoscope
Adding value to NLP: a little semantics goes a long way
Co-located events:
EU Project Networking Session
15th ESWC2018, June 3 – 7, 2018, Heraklion (Crete), Greece
(Host: Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas, Institute of Computer Science)
- Pre-conference Tutorials:
Executing Knowledge Graph Initiatives in Organizations – A Field Guide; Music Knowledge Graph and Deep-Learning Based Recommender Systems; How to build a Question Answering system overnight; From heterogeneous data to RDF graphs and back
Pre-conference Workshops:
PhD Symposium; 2nd Workshop on Semantic Web solutions for large-scale biomedical data analytics (SeWeBMeDA); Fourth International Workshop on Sentic Computing, Sentiment Analysis, Opinion mining and Emotion Detection; 4th Edition of the International Workshop on Social Media World Sensors; Managing the Evolution and Preservation of the Data Web – MEPDaW 2018; Workshop on Deep Learning for Knowledge Graphs and Semantic Technologies; QuWeDa 2018: 2nd Workshop on Querying the Web of Data; Third International Workshop on Semantic Web for Cultural Heritage (SW4CH 2018); 3rd Geospatial Linked Data Workshop; SWeTI: Semantic Web of Things for Industry 4.0
Conference Sessions:
Machine Learning; Semantic Geo Resources; Benchmarking; NLP and Events; Linked Data Access; Social Web; Ontologies and Vocabularies; Data Management and Querying; Streams and Reasoning; Semantic Search; NLP and Entities; Data Integration and Knowledge Graphs; Recommender and QA systems; Data interlinking; Transparency; NLP fundamentals and applications; Minute Madness; Industry track; Demos & Posters
Knowledge Representation and the Semantic Web – an Ontologician´s View
Structural Summarization of Semantic Graphs
How to Make, Grow and Sell a Semantic Web Start-up
Co-located events:
EU Project Networking Session; ESWC Challenges (Scalable Question Answering over Linked Data; Mighty Storage; Open Knowledge Extraction; Semantic Sentiment Analysis)
14th ESWC2017, May 28 – June 1, 2017, Portoroz, Slovenia
(Host: Jožef Stefan Institute Ljubljana, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory)
- Pre-conference Tutorials:
Modular Ontology Modeling with Ontology Design Patterns; Linked Open Data for Semantics – aware Recommender Systems; Link Discovery – Algorithms, Approaches and Benchmarks; Rule-based Processing of Dynamic Linked Data; How and Why Computers Read the Web; Getting Started With Knowledge Graphs
Pre-conference Workshops:
PhD Symposium; Querying the Web of Data (QuWeDa 2017); Managing the Evolution and Preservation of the Data Web – MEPDaW 2017; SALAD – Services and Applications over Linked APIs and Data (CANCELLED); Semantic Web solutions for large-scale biomedical data analytics (SeWeBMeDA); Scientometrics Workshop; 2nd RDF Stream Processing Workshop; Third International Workshop on Emotions, Modality, Sentiment Analysis and the Semantic Web; Applications of Semantic Web technologies in Robotics – ANSWER 17; 2nd Workshop on Semantics and Distributed Ledgers; Enabling Decentralised Scholarly Communication; 3rd international workshop on Semantic Web for Scientific Heritage, SW4SH 2017; LDQ: 4rth Workshop on Linked Data Quality; Semantic Deep Learning, SemDeep-17
Conference Sessions:
Vocabularies, Schemas, Ontologies; Reasoning; Linked Data; Social Web and Web Science; Semantic Data Management, Big data, Scalability; Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval; Machine Learning; Mobile Web, Sensors and Semantic Streams; Services, APIs, Processes and Cloud Computing; Multilinguality; Semantic Web and Transparency; In-use & Industrial Track; Demos & Posters
Bringing Semantic Intelligence to Financial Markets
Disrupting the Semantic Comfort Zone
Semantic Web technologies for Digital Archives
Co-located events:
EU Project Networking Session; ESWC Challenges (Question Answering over Linked Data; Mighty Storage; Open Knowledge Extraction)
13th ESWC2016, May 29 – June 2, 2016, Anissaras (Crete), Greece
(Host: Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas, Institute of Computer Science)
- Pre-conference Tutorials:
A Tutorial on Instance Matching Benchmarks; Assessing the performance of RDF Engines: Discussing RDF Benchmarks; RDF and Linked Data validation; Linked Data Fragments; Join the LOD Lab! Scale your Linked Data evaluations to the Web; From linguistic predicate-arguments to Linked Data and ontologies: Extracting n-ary relations; Improving Quality and Scalability in Semantic Data Management; User Model Enrichment using the Social and Semantic Web; Describe Musical Works and Events for the LOD
Pre-conference Workshops:
PhD Symposium; PROFILES’16: 3rd International Workshop on Dataset PROFIling and fEderated Search for Linked Data; Workshop on Emotions, Modality, Sentiment Analysis and the Semantic Web; 5th Workshop on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Meets Linked Open Data (Know@LOD); International Workshop on Summarizing and Presenting Entities and Ontologies; LDQ: 3rd Workshop on Linked Data Quality; Workshop on Extraction and Processing of Rich Semantics from Medical Texts; Fourth Workshop on Linked Media (LiME-2016); Semantic Web Technologies in Mobile and Pervasive Environments (SEMPER); SALAD – Services and Applications over Linked APIs and Data; CoDeS 2016 – International Workshop on Completing and Debugging the Semantic Web; Managing the Evolution and Preservation of the Data Web; 1st Workshop on Humanities in the SEmantic web (WHiSE 2016); 2nd Int. Workshop on Semantic Web for Scientific Heritage (SW4SH); 1st Workshop on Semantic Web for Federated Software Defined Infrastructures (CANCELLED)
Conference Sessions:
Research Track (Vocabularies, Schemas, Ontologies; Semantic Data Management, Big data, Scalability; Machine Learning; Linked Data; Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval; Mobile Web, Sensors and Semantic Streams; Trust, Privacy, and Recommendation; Smart Cities, Urban and Geospatial Data; Reasoning; In-Use & Industrial Track; Demos & Posters
Wither OWL in a knowledge-graphed, Linked-Data World?
Semanting Technologies in Business: are we there yet?
Controlling Leakage and Disclosure Risk in Semantic Big Data pipelines
Co-located events:
EU Hobbit Workshop; EU Project Networking Session; ESWC Challenges (Open Knowledge Extraction; Semantic Sentiment Analysis; 6th Open Challenge on Question Answering over Linked Data (QALD-6); Top-K Shortest Path in Large Typed RDF Graphs; Semantic Publishing)
12th ESWC2015, May 31 – June 4, 2015, Portotoz, Slovenia
(Host: Jožef Stefan Institute Ljubljana, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory)
- Pre-conference Tutorials:
How to develop mobile Linked Data apps in 10 mins!; Tutorial on Enterprise Linked Data Strategies & the Commercialization of Interlinked Data (ELDSCID 2015); Building interoperable read-write Linked Data applications with the W3C Linked Data Platform and the LDP4j framework; Publishing and Interlinking Linked Geospatial Data; Visual Analytics with Linked Open Data and Social Media (VisLOD); The Web of Data for E-Commerce for Researchers and Practitioners; Practical Annotation and Processing of Social Media with GATE; Computational Social Science For the Semantic Web; Semantics and Data Analytics for Smart City Applications (SDA-SmartCity); Meaning on Small Devices Hackfest: The Semantic Web on Raspberry Pi, Arduino, PICs, and Others
Pre-conference Workshops:
PhD Symposium; ESWC Developers Workshop; 4th Workshop on the Multilingual Semantic Web; WaSABi: 3rd Workshop on Semantic Web Enterprise Adoption and Best Practice; SALAD – Services and Applications over Linked APIs and Data; 5th International USEWOD Workshop: Using the Web in the Age of Data; PROFILES’15: 2nd International Workshop on Dataset PROFIling and fEderated Search for Linked Data; 5th Web and philosophy (PhiloWeb); WoDOOM 2015 – Fourth International Workshop on Debugging Ontologies and Ontology Mappings (CANCELLED); LDQ: 2nd Workshop on Linked Data Quality; 4th Workshop on Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Meets Linked Open Data (Know@LOD); NoISE: Workshop on Negative or Inconclusive rEsults in Semantic web; SePublica 2015. “Do Show, don’t tell!” (CANCELLED); RDF Stream Processing; 3rd International Workshop on Human Semantic Web Interaction (HSWI) (MERGED with SumPre); Emotions, Modality and the Semantic Web (SEMOD 2015) (CANCELLED); 4th International Workshop on Detection, Representation, and Exploitation of Events in the Semantic Web (DeRiVE 2015); 1st International Workshop on Summarizing and Presenting Entities and Ontologies (SumPre 2015) (MERGED with HSWI); Surfacing the Deep and the Social Web (SDSW) (CANCELLED); Managing the Evolution and Preservation of the Data Web – First Diachron Workshop; Semantic Web for Scientific Heritage; Legal Domain And Semantic Web Applications
Conference Sessions:
Natural Language Processing; Mobile Sensors, Services & Web of Thing; Cognition & Web Science; Minute of Madness; Crowdsourcing & Web Science; Ontologies; LinkedData & Data Management; Reasoning; Semantic Data Management & Big Data; In Use & Industry; Machine Learning; Ontology Matching & Summarization; Demos & Posters
Combining Statistics and Semantics to Turn Data into Knowledge
Why Big Data Matters – a lot
Co-located events:
Hackfest; EU Project Networking Session; Semantic Web Evaluation Challenges (Open Knowledge Extraction; Concept-Level Sentiment Analysis; Semantic Publishing; Schema-agnostic Queries over Large-schema Databases)
11th ESWC2014, May 25 – May 29, 2014, Heraklion (Crete), Crete, Greece
(Host: Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas, Institute of Computer Science)
- Pre-conference Tutorials:
BabelNet goes to the Multilingual Semantic Web; Schema.org & GoodRelations; Semantic Data Management in Graph Data Bases; Visual Analytics with LOD and Social Media for e-Governance; Question Answering over Linked Data: Challenges, Approaches & Trends; RDF Stream Processing; Rights and Licenses for Linked Data
Pre-conference Workshops:
PhD Symposium; Building a Web Observatory for research on LOD usage; Workshop on Semantic Web Enterprise Adoption and Best Practice; Dataset PROFIling & fEderated Search for Linked Data; Social Media and Linked Data for Emergency Response; Semantic Web and Sentiment Analysis; Services and Applications over Linked APIs and Data; EMPIRICAL; Semantic publishing; Human-Semantic Web Interaction; 2nd International Workshop on Linked Media; FEOSW; Debugging Ontologies and Ontology Mappings; Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Meets Linked Open Data
Data Protection and Security on the Web
Conference Sessions:
Mobile, Sensor and Semantic Streams; In-Use and Industrial; Linked Data; Social Web and Web Science; Data Management; Natural Language Processing; Reasoning; Machine Learning; Cognition and Semantic Web; Vocabularies, Schemas, Ontologies; Demos & Posters
Programming the Semantic Web
Coordination, Semantics, and Autonomy
Combining Statistics and Semantics to Turn Data into Knowledge (CANCELLED)
Machine Learning with Knowledge Graphs
Co-located events:
EU Project Networking Session; LinkedUp Challenge; AI Mashup Challenge; Semantic Web Evaluation Challenges
10th ESWC2013, May 26 – May 30, 2013, Montpellier, France
Conference Theme: Semantics and Big Data
(Host: Université Montpellier, LIRMM – Laboratoire d’Informatique, de Robotique et de Microélectronique de Montpellier)
- Pre-conference Tutorials:
OWL plus Rules = .. ?; Crowdsourcing for the Semantic Web; Semantic Data Management in Graph Database; The new R2RML and Direct Mapping Standards, from Semantics to Practice (RDB2RDF); Cross-language Text Mining; Getting to know PROV – the W3C Provenance Specifications; Analyzing and Visualizing Linked Data with R 2013 (LODR2013)
Pre-conference Workshops:
PhD Symposium; OWL: Experiences and Directions; Debugging Ontologies and Ontology Mappings; Semantic Web Collaborative Spaces; Benchmarking RDF Systems; Resource Discovery (CANCELLED); Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining meets Linked Open Data; Social Media and Linked Data for Emergency Response; Artificial Intelligence meets the Web of Data (AImWD); Semantic Publications; Usage Analysis and the Web of Data; Semantics for Biodiversity; Services and Applications over Linked APIs and Data
Semantic Technologies for Big Data Analytics: Opportunities and Challenges
Conference Sessions:
Natural Language Processing and Knowledge Extraction; Ontology alignment and matching; Linked Data; Semantic Data Management; Reasoning; Semantic Web In-Use; Social Web and Web Science; Cognition and the Semantic Web; Ontologies; Machine Learning; Demos & Posters
What does it mean to be semantic? On the effective use of semantics in the Semantic Web
A Semantic Web for End Users
It’s a Dynamic World – Ubiquitous Streams and the Linked Data Web
Co-located events:
EU Project Networking Session; AI Mashup Challenge
9th ESWC2012, May 27 – June 31, 2012, Heraklion (Crete), Greece
(Host: Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas, Institute of Computer Science)
- Pre-conference Tutorials:
Creating Knowledge out of Interlinked Data: The LOD2 Tool Stack; The Web of Data for E-Commerce in Brief; Data models, Query Languages, Implemented Systems and Applications of Linked Geospatial Data; Accessing the Semantic Web via Statistical Machine Learning; Adaptive Semantic Data Management Techniques for Federations of Endpoints; The Web of Things
Pre-conference Workshops:
PhD Symposium; Semantic Business Process Management; Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining Meets Linked Open Data; Linked APIs for the Semantic Web: An essential problem in need of a fresh look; REsource Discovery; Semantic Interoperability in Medical Informatics; Finance and Economics on the Semantic Web; Evaluation of Semantic; Downscaling the Semantic Web; Common Value Management; Interacting with Linked Data; Semantic Web in Provenance Management; Scholarly communication in the semantic web
Big Data & Semantic Technology
Conference Sessions:
Semantic Data Management; Ontologies; Social Web; Linked Data; Reasoning; Machine Learning; e-Government, Semantic Web in Use; Digital Libraries and Cultural Heritage; Natural Language Processing and Information Retrieval; Linked Data & Services; Demos & Posters
Semantic Web/LD at a crossroads: Into the garbage can or to theory?
New Audiences for Ontologies: Dealing with Complexity in Business Processes
Bringing (Web) Databases to the Masses
Large Scale Learning at Twitter
Data Value Chain in Europe
Improving the Impact and Takeup of Semantic Web Research
Co-located events:
AI Mashup Challenge; 9th OWL: Experiences and Directions Workshop; EU Project Networking Session; 2nd ESWC Summer School (May 21-26)
8th ESWC2011, May 29 – June 2, 2011, Heraklion (Crete), Greece
(Host: Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas, Institute of Computer Science)
- Pre-conference Tutorials:
Semantic technologies for real-time data processing: state of the art, application opportunities and challenges; Building Semantic Sensor Webs and Applications; The Web of Things; Enriching the Semantic Web with Linguistic Information; Stream Reasoning for Linked Data; Semantic evaluation at large scale; Adaptive Semantic Data Management Techniques for Linked Data; Publishing Relational Data in the Semantic Web; Linked Services: Combining Linked Data and REST; Digital Libraries Foundations and Interoperability; Combining the Social and the Semantic Web
Pre-conference Workshops:
PhD Symposium (Reasoning and Querying; Semantic Mining, Searching and Information Management); High-Performance Computing for the Semantic Web; Inductive Reasoning and Machine Learning for the Semantic Web; eLearning Approaches for the Linked Data Age; Making Sense of Microposts; Ontology and Semantic Web for Manufacturing; Question Answering over Linked Data; Resource Discovery; Semantic Business Process Management; Semantic Publications ; Semantics in Governance and Policy Modelling; User Profile Data in the Social Semantic Web
E-Government Core Vocabularies and federation of national semantic assets repositories: the European Commission approach
Conference Sessions:
Semantic Data Management; Ontologies; Software, Services, Processes and Cloud Computing; Sensor Web and Mobile Web; Social Web and Web Science; Semantic Web in Use; Natural Language Processing; Reasoning; Linked Open Data; Digital Libraries; Inductive and Probabilistic Approaches; Demos & Posters
Why the Semantic Web will never work
The Pirated “I” or How Privacy Can’t Exist on a Lawless Semantic Web
Seeing Vs. Noticing: Helping users find and use information quickly
Dealing with structured and unstructured data at Facebook
Rhythms of Information Flow through Networks
Co-located events:
AI Mashup Challenge; 1st ESWC Summer School (May 22-28)
7th ESWC2010, May 30 – June 3, 2010, Heraklion (Crete), Greece
Conference Theme: Let‘s extend the Semantic Web!
(Host: Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas, Institute of Computer Science)
- Pre-conference Tutorials:
Essential HCI for the Semantic Web; Extreme Design (XD): Pattern-based Ontology Design; 3rd LarKC Early Adopters Tutorial; Tutorial on Scalable OWL Reasoning for Linked Data; Integrating Ontologies and Rules in a Semantic Business: From Policies to Operation; Evaluation of Semantic Web Technologies; An Introduction to the Semantic Web Rule Language; Linked Data, Life Sciences, and RDF Stores; Implementation of Large Scale Knowledge Infrastructures in Organizations Using Semantics
Pre-conference Workshops:
PhD Symposium (Knowledge Extraction; Knowledge Representation and Reasoning; Poster Session; Other Topics); SFSW‘10 – 6th Workshop on Scripting for the Semantic Web; EON2010 – Seventh Int. Workshop on Evaluation of Ontology-based Tools; ORES10 – Ontology Repositories and Editors for the Semantic Web; IRMLeS‘2010 – Inductive Reasoning and Machine Learning on the Semantic Web; NeFoRS 2010: New Forms of Reasoning for the Semantic Web: Scalable & Dynamic; APRESW2010 – Adaptation, Personalization and Recommendation in the Semantic Web; LUPAS 2010 – Linking of User Profiles and Applications in the Social Semantic Web; Second Int. Workshop on Trust and Privacy on the Social and Semantic Web ; SemWiki2010 – 5th Workshop on Semantic Wikis Linking Data and People; SPBM10 – 5th Int. Workshop on Semantic Business Process Management
Linked Data: Now what?
Conference Sessions:
Semantic Web in Use; Ontologies and Reasoning; Web of Data; Mobility and Sensor Networks; Social Web; Semantic Web in Use; Software and Services; Demos & Posters
A Pattern Science for the Semantic Web
SKOS: Past, Present and Future
The Semantic Product Memory: An Interactive Black Box for Smart Objects
Co-located events:
STI International Symposium; AI Mashup Challenge; SemData Workshop; News from the Front: Latest Results from EU Projects
6th ESWC2009, May 31 – June 4, 2009, Heraklion (Crete), Greece
(Host: Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas, Institute of Computer Science)
- Pre-conference Tutorials:
Semantic Web Services and their role within Enterprise Processes and a Service Web (CANCELLED); The Web of Data for E-Commerce in One Day: A Hands-on Introduction to the GoodRelations Ontology, RDFa, and Yahoo!; Extreme Design (XD): Pattern-based Ontology Design; Semantic technologies for data integration using OWL2 QL; OWL 2 Rules; Evaluation of Semantic Web Technologies
Pre-conference Workshops:
PhD Symposium; 1st International Workshop on the Semantic Sensor Web (SemSensWeb 2009); Trust and Privacy on the Social and Semantic Web (SPOT2009); 4th Workshop on Semantic Wikis (SemWiki2009); Workshop on Inductive Reasoning and Machine Learning on the Semantic Web (IRMLeS2009); 4th International Workshop on Semantic Business Process Management (SBPM2009); Workshop on Context, Information And Ontologies (CIAO2009); 5th Workshop on Scripting and Development for the Semantic Web (SFSW2009); 1st International Workshop on Stream Reasoning (SR2009)
Conference Sessions:
Research Track (Query Procession; Applications; Semantic Web Services; Ontologies and Natural Language; Ontology Alignment; Semantic Web Architectures; Reasoning; Ontology Engineering; Evaluation and Benchmarking; Tagging and Annotation; Search and Identities); In-use Track (Bringing Legacy Content to the Sematic Web; Linked Data); Demos & Posters
Video Semantics and the Sensor Web
Discovering and Building Semantic Models of Web Sources
Tonight’s dessert: Semantic Web Layer Cakes (CANCELLED)
Co-located events:
3rd STI International Roadmapping Workshop; Large Knowledge Collider (LarKC) Workshop; 1st EU ‘Matchmaking’ Event
5th ESWC2008, June 1 – 5, 2008, Tenerife, Spain
(Host: Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Department of Artificial Intelligence)
- Pre-conference Tutorials:
Pattern-based Ontology Design; What Semantic Web researchers need to know about Machine Learning; Linking Social Networks, Microformats, and the Semantic Web using GRDDL; Ontology Engineering and Plug-in Development with the NeOn Toolkit; Transitioning Legacy Applications to Ontologies: A Hands-on Tutorial; Semantic Wikis; Semantic Web Rule Languages and Rule Interchange on the Web
Pre-conference Workshops:
PhD Symposium; Workshop on Advancing Reasoning on the Web: Scalability and Commonsense; International Workshop on Ontologies: Reasoning and Modularity (WORM-08); 1st international workshop on Identity and Reference on the Semantic Web (IRSW2008); 1st International Workshop on Knowledge Reuse and Reengineering over the Semantic Web; Workshop on Semantic Search; 1st International Workshop on Semantic Metadata Management and Applications; 3rd Semantic Wiki Workshop; 4th Workshop on Scripting for the Semantic Web; 1st International Workshop on Collective Semantics: Collective Intelligence & the Semantic Web (CISWeb 2008); 3rd international Workshop on Semantic Business Process Management; First Workshop on Semantic Interoperability in the European Digital Library; 6th International Workshop on Evaluation of Ontology-based tools and the Semantic Web Service Challenge (EON & SWS-Challenge 2008)
Panels: Does the Semantic
Web Need Web Science?; Social Network Portability: Is the Semantic Web Ready?
Conference Sessions:
Query Processing; Applications; Formal Languages; Semantic Web Services; Ontologies and Natural Language; Agents/Application Ontologies; Search; Learning; Foundational Issues/Storage and Retrieval; Ontology Alignment; User Interface; Lightning Talks; Demo Papers
Garlik: Semantic Technology for the Consumer
From Capturing Semantics to Semantic Search: A Virtuous Cycle
Co-located events:
Enabling networked knowledge (Enterprise Research Institute event)
4th ESWC2007, June 3 – 7, 2007, Innsbruck, Austria
(Host: Digital Enterprise Research Institute (DERI) Innsbruck)
- Pre-conference Tutorials:
SPARQL — Where are we? Current state, theory and practice; SemDL — Semantic Digital Libraries; Semantic BPM — The Integration of Business Process Management and Semantic Web Services; Inductive Logic Programming Approaches to Ontology and Rule Acquisition for the Semantic Web; Annotation for the Semantic Web; Semantic Web Technologies for Knowledge Management in Large Distributed Organizations; Managing Uncertainty and Vagueness in Semantic Web Languages
Post-conference Workshops:
PhD Symposium; 3rd International Workshop on Semantic Web Enabled Software Engineering (SWESE 2007); Scripting for the Semantic Web; Bridging the Gap between Semantic Web and Web 2.0; SBPM 2007: Workshop on Semantic Business Process and Product Lifecycle Management; OWL-S Experiences and Future Developments; Semantic Desktop Design; Ontology Dynamics (IWOD)
Conference Sessions:
Semantic Web Services; Ontology Learning, Inference and Mapping; Case Studies; Social Semantic Web; Ontologies: Requirements and Analysis; Personalization; Foundations of the Semantic Web; Natural Languages and Ontologies; Applications; Querying and Web Data Models
Design Abstractions for Innovative Web Applications: The Case of the SOA Augmented with Semantics
The Lixto Systems Applications in Business Intelligence and Semantic Web
Co-located conference:
European Semantic Technology Conference (ESTC), May 31 – June 1, Vienna, Austria (w. guided tour from Vienna to Innsbruck, Jun 2)
3rd ESWC2006, June 11 – 14, 2006, Budva, Montenegro
(Host: Jožef Stefan Institute Ljubljana, Artificial Intelligence Laboratory)
- Pre-conference Tutorials:
Answer Set Programming for the Semantic Web; Practical Reasoning with OWL and DL-Safe Rules; Semantic Web Policies: Where are we and What is still Missing?; Semantic Web Service Systems; Application Development with the Sesame Framework; Annotation for the Semantic Web; What you Mean is What you Watch: Multimedia and the Semantic Web
Pre-conference Workshops:
Semantic Web for eGovernment; Scripting for the Semantic Web; Semantic Network Analysis; Mastering the Gap: From Information Extraction to Semantic Representation; Principles and Practice of Semantic Web Reasoning; Semantics for Business Process Managemen; From Wiki to Semantics; Semantic Web Personalization
Pre-conference Industry Forum
Conference Sessions:
Ontology Engineering; Semantic Annotation; Semantic Wiki and Blogging; Ontology Evaluation; Semantic Web Services; Searching and Querying; Semantic Web Mining and Personalisation; Semantic Web Services, Trust and Policies; Reasoning; Ontology Alignment; Ontology Evolution; Rules; Ontology Learning; Posters & Demos
Where Does It Break? or: Why the Semantic Web Is Not Just “Research as Usual”
Toward Large-Scale Shallow Semantics for Higher-Quality NLP
Usability and the Semantic Web
2nd ESWC2005, May 29 – June 1, 2005, Heraklion (Crete), Greece
(Host: Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas, Institute of Computer Science)
- Pre-conference Tutorials (May 29):
MDA Standards for Ontology Development; Human Language Technology (HLT) for Knowledge Acquisition for the Semantic Web: A Hands-on Tutorial; Semantic Web Services; Schema and Ontology Matching;Text Mining for Semi-Automatic Ontology Construction
Pre-conference Workshops (May 29-30):
Ontologies in P2P Communities; Scripting for the Semantic Web; Multimedia and the Semantic Web; End User Aspects of the Semantic Web; Framework 6 Project Collaboration for the Future Semantic Web
Pre-conference Industry Forum:
Business applications of Semantic Web challenge Research (May 30)
Conference Sessions:
OWL; Natural language; Applications; RDF; Annotation; Metadata, link, and communities; Reasoning; Architecture; Semantic Web Services localization; Querying; Ontologies and users; Semantic Web Services applications; Information retrieval; Aligning; Semantic Web Services composition; Posters & Demos
SWebB: Semantic Web Browsing
The Semantic Grid: Past, Present and Future
Co-located events:
Knowledge Web network of excellence meeting; Workshop on Semantic Modelling of Digital Content (Jun 2)
1st European Semantic Web Symposium (ESWS2004), May 10 – 12, 2004, Heraklion (Crete), Greece
(Host: Foundation for Research and Technology – Hellas, Institute of Computer Science)
- Pre-conference Tutorials:
Integration with Semantic Web Services; Human Language Technology for the Semantic Web; An Introduction to Ontologies & the Semantic Web; Knowledge Discovery & the Semantic Web
Conference Sessions:
Semantic Web Services; Ontology engineering; Infrastructure; Service discovery and composition; Ontology matching and mapping; Applications; Data for the Semantic Web; Ontology merging and population; Security Knowledge Representation; Posters & Demos; Ontology-based querying; Content management; Information management and integration
OWL and the Art of Ontology Engineering
Co-located events:
OntoWeb thematic network seminar; Knowledge Web network of excellence meeting