Annual Meeting of the International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS Annual Meeting)*
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The Annual Meeting of the International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS Annual Meeting), incorporating the International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), the International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), and Pre-conference Workshops & Tutorials, brings together those interested in learning experiences across schools, homes, workplaces, and communities who seek to understand how collaboration and learning are enabled by knowledge, tools, networks, and social structures. At the ISLS Annual Meeting the CSCL and the LS Communities are invited to spark collaboration and facilitate networking.
Don’t mix up these conference series with the ones of the same name organized by the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET). WASET is a predatory conference organizer and publisher.
ICLS (est. 1991), until 1999 the International Conference on Computer Support for Collaborative Learning (ICLS), is covering issues and reporting research findings across the entire field of the learning sciences, CSCL (est. 1995), successor of a CSCL Workshop in 1991, is focusing on issues related to learning through collaboration and promoting productive collaborative discourse with the help of the computer and other communications technologies.
Until 2020, ICLS and CSCL were held biennially and alternated in even and odd years. Since 2021 they are held together under the umbrell af the ISLS Annual Meeting, which is now the general conference track comprising joint events like Keynotes, Invited Sessions, Pre-Conference Workshops & Tutorials, Mentoring Workshops (Doctoral Consortium, Early Career Workshop, Mid Career Workshop), Posters and Interactive Tools & Demos, which were separately held at the conferences in the past.
Since 2002 and 2003, resp., ICLS and CSCL are organized by ISLS. ICLS is rooted in the Institute for the Learning Sciences at Northwestern University, CSCL in the Workshop on CSCL hosted by the Department of Medical Education at Southern Illinois University in 1991.
Conference History:
5th ISLS Annual Meeting 2025, June 10–13, 2025, University of Helsinki, Helsinki, Finland
Conference Theme: Educating for world-making: Envisioning and enacting sustainable solutions to global crises
(Host: Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki)
Note: June 9–10, 2025: ISLS Annual Meeting: Pre-Conference Workshops & Tutorials, Doctoral Consortium, Early Career & Mid-Career Workshops
Conference program TBD
Co-located Conferences:
Knowledge Building Summer Institute (KBSI 2025), TBD
Theme: ISLS 2025 symposium “Advancing Community Knowledge with Generative AI” (tentative)
4th ISLS Annual Meeting 2024, June 10–14, 2024, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY, USA / Virtual venue
Conference Theme: Learning as a cornerstone of healing, resilience, and community
(Host: Graduate School of Education, University at Buffalo)
Pre-conference Workshops & Tutorials: (Jun 8-9)
Exploring the Content and Structure of a Framework for Learning Progressions for K-12 Data Science Education
Bite-Sized Assessments: Creating Micro-credentials for Buffalo Chicken Wings
Network of Academic Programs in the Learning Sciences: Reigniting NAPLeS
Learning {Blank} Science Fiction and Fantasy: Exploring the relationship between genre fiction and the learning sciences
Healing Justice in Youth Organizations and Schools: Research Methods and Ethical Provocations
Designing for learning and healing in the academy
Designing for powerful ideas in educational robotics in the era of AI
Reimagining and Advancing CSCL Research and Building CSCL Community
Maximizing the ISLS 2024 annual meeting experience: A community-based workshop for polishing presentation & conferencing skills
A gathering to synthesize, critically examine, and envision new horizons for learning sciences research on “failure” and learning
Educating for Ecological Caring on a Damaged Planet: Designing and Building Refugia with/for More-than-humans
Towards a Transformative Action Research Network
The Hidden Majority: Examining the Inaccessibility Crisis as a Barrier to Equitable Education
Knowledge Building and Generative AI to Advance Community Knowledge
AI Augmented Learning for All: Challenges and Opportunities – a view from the Five National AI Institutes
Can we design for healing in the Learning Sciences?
Techno-Pedagogical Design to Prepare Future-Ready Collaborative Learners in Authentic Classroom Settings
Opportunity Landscaping: A Framework for Community-led Transformation of Hyperlocal Learning Ecosystems (Community Day)
When “Why” comes before “What” (Community Day)
Land-based learning: Grounding experiences in place and community (Community Day)
Co-located Conferences:
18th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS)
17th Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL)
Hybrid Symposium
Community Day (incl. Study visits, Workshops, Learning Sciences Hackathon & Self-guided activities), Jun 12
Knowledge Building and Generative AI to Advance Community Knowledge (KBSI workshop), Jun 9
3rd ISLS Annual Meeting 2023, June 10–15, 2023, Concordia | Dawson | McGill, Montréal, Canada
Conference Theme: Building knowledge and sustaining our community
(Host: Centre for Teaching and Learning, Concordia University; Department of Pedagogical Research, Photography, Dawson College; Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology, McGill University)
Pre-conference Workshops:
Anyone can analyze quantitative data (with a little help)
Emerging Approaches to Collaborative Education Research: Learning, Unlearning, and Relearning through Critical Attention to Tensions
K-12 Data Science Education: Outcomes of a National Workshop; International Perspectives; & Next Steps for the Learning Sciences
Maybe we should talk: Bringing together diverse perspectives on supporting teachers’ reflective dialogue
Navigating the “In-Between”: Making a Place for Early Career Scholars to Share and Connect Across Borders
Orchestrating Hybrid Learning Scenarios: Challenges and Opportunities
Doing quantitative research in the learning sciences and CSCL – current developments and applications
Techniques for Investigating Collaboration with Multimodal Approaches
Pre-conference Tutorials:
Engaging with Learning Experience Design
Demystifying Text-to-Image generation for K12 educators
Conference Workshops:
Special Whole-Conference Workshop: Cultivating Ensembles in Education and Research
Critical Pedagogy in the Age of Fascist Politics
Research on Learning: Reflections on the Past and Speculations for the Future
CSCL and Learning Analytics: The perfect marriage!…?
Decolonizing Online Learning Through Indigenous Ways of Knowing
Technology and Innovation Sessions
Practitioners Sessions
Special sessions:
Change Lab methodology in the service of ISLS Community Building
The new generation of AI: Opportunities for Research and the role of ISLS
New Members Session
Interactive Tools and Demos Sessions
Poster Sessions
Committee Meetings & Board Meeting
Co-located Conferences:
17th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS)
Moving Towards Critical Pedagogy for Transformative Action: Learnings from Research Partnerships
Lifespans of Civic Engagement: Imagining and Enacting Justice-Centered Civic Learning Trajectories
What schooling is and what it could be: Exploring how we learn the discourses and technologies of public education in school-adjacent spaces
Building and Sustaining Research Practice Partnerships: Variations on Opportunities and Challenges
Playful and Creative Assessment for Learning: Examples and Analyses from the Field
Centering Critical Youth Research Methodologies of Praxis and Care in Post-Pandemic Times: From Respectful Relations and Dialogue towards New Imaginaries
Exploring Making as a Pathway to Meaningful Engagement In and With STEM Disciplines
Theorizing and Designing Relational Possibilities in Teaching and Learning
Expansive Lenses to Examine Interventions (of) Moving Across Contexts
Teachers as transformative actors to create meaningful learning: Agency in practice
Reimagining the future of teaching and learning using Black feminist-womanist storytelling methodologies
Out-of-School Time: Divergent Learning, Divergent Opportunities
Reimagining Learning Research in “Canada” as “Road Making”: Opportunities to Move Toward Equity Through Walking Methodologies
Coding as Another Language: An International Comparative Study of Learning Computer Science and Computational Thinking in Kindergarten
Making Sense of Machine Learning: Integrating Youth’s Conceptual, Creative, and Critical Understandings of AI
Designing to Disrupt While Encountering Disruption: Engaging with the Unexpected in Educational Research and Practice
Computation within and beyond Disciplinary Communities: Learnings from K-12 In-School-Time Studies
The Future of Maker EducationSessions:
S-ARTHL1 – Innovative Approaches to Language, Learning, and Interaction
S-DATA – Empowering Data Literacy: Engagement, Narratives, and Justice
S-EMO1 – Emotions, Discourse, and Design in Educational Practice
S-EQUI1 – Challenging Dualisms and Marginalization in Education
S-STEM1 – Innovative Approaches to Inclusive Informal STEM Education
S-TEACH1 – Exploring Inclusion, Technology, and Professional Development
L-DATA – Collaborative Learning, Representation, and Critical Data Literacy
L-EQUI1 – Navigating Power, Trust, and Discourse in Educational Spaces
L-STEM – Multidisciplinary Approaches to Enhancing STEM Learning
S-CS1 – Cultivating Equitable Computing Identities
S-EQUI2 – Inclusive Education: Equity, Accessibility, and Antiracist Perspectives
S-LAAI2 – AI and Human Interaction in Learning Environments
S-MATH1 – Novel Approaches to Enhancing Mathematics Education and Instruction
S-SCI4 – Navigating STEM Education: Reasoning, Values, and Language
S-STEM2 – Reimagining STEM Education: Equity, Technology, and Culture
S-TEACH2 – Exploring Innovation, Reflection, Curriculum, and Teacher Agency
S-ARTHL3 – Transdisciplinary Approaches to Anti-Racism, and Arts-Integrated Pedagogies
S-CS2 – Integrating Sociocultural Perspectives in Computing Education
S-MAKE2 – Innovative Approaches to AI and Collaborative Learning
L-SCI3 – Epistemic Practices in Science Education
L-TEACH3 – Fostering Equitable Teaching: Perspectives, Approaches, and Learning
S-ARTHL2 – Agency, Identity, and Learning in Arts Education
S-EQUI3 – Advancing Inclusive Practices: Engagement, Context, and Identity
S-LAAI3 – Multimodal Discourse Analysis: Computational Approaches and Applications
S-MODEL – Computational Models, Learning, and Agency
S-PLAY2 – Game-Based Learning: Curriculum, Literacy, and Collaboration
S-SCI1 – Innovative Pedagogy: Identity, Sustainability, and Decolonization
S-TEACH3 – Epistemology and Equity in Teacher Education
L-SCI4 – Epistemic Dynamics and Contextual Reasoning in Science Education
L-EMO2 – Exploring Motivation, Engagement, and Pedagogy in Digital Learning
L-LAAI1 – Advancements in Self-Regulated Learning and Educational Technologies
L-CS1 – Computational Literacy: Motivation, Policy, and Assessment
L-TEACH2 – Exploring New Frontiers in Teacher Learning
L-CS3 – Computational Literacy, Engagement, and Assessment
L-EQUI2 – Equity, Racialization, and Culturally-Sustaining Learning
L-MODEL – New Frontiers in Modeling-Based Inquiry and Pedagogy
L-SCI2 – Integrating Identity, Agency, and Learning in Science Education
L-LAAI2 – Learning Analytics, Dashboards, and Self-Regulated Learning
…Poster Sessions
16th Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL)
Infrastructuring in Knowledge Building Initiatives
Transactivity and Knowledge Co-Construction in Collaborative Problem Solving
Interactive tools for distributed community building and collaboration in maker educationSessions:
CSCL-S1 / Using social network analysis to understand learning communities
CSCL-L1 / Professional development and large scale learning in CSCL
CSCL-S2 / Thinking about design when designing for interaction
CSCL-S3 / Group awareness, reflection, and regulation
CSCL-L2 / Group awareness and socially shared regulation
CSCL-S4 / Productive disciplnary engagement in CSCL
CSCL-S5 / Automated analysis of verbal and non-verbal communication
CSCL-L3 / Innovative technologies for embodied and play-based CSCL
CSCL-L4 / Emotion and engagement in CSCL
CSCL-S6 / Supporting critical processes with machine learning & learning analytics
CSCL-S7 / Collective knowledge building and sense-making
CSCL-L5 / Social and epistemic networks in CSCL
CSCL-S9 / Collective problem solving and accessiblity in informal learning contexts
CSCL-L6 / Examining non-verbal collaborative interactions
CSCL-L7 / Group process mining and data analytics
CSCL-S10 / Important considerations for STEM collaboration in Higher Education
Knowledge Building Summer Institute (KBSI), Jun 11-15
Theme: Education in Design Mode: The Knowledge Building Challenge (was: The Knowledge Building Collaboratory: Education in Design Mode)
2nd ISLS Annual Meeting 2022, June 6–10, 2022, Hiroshima, Japan Virtual venue
Conference Theme: International Collaboration toward Educational Innovation for All: Overarching Research, Development, and Practices
(Host: Graduate School of Advanced Science and Engineering, Hiroshima University)
Pre-conference Workshops:
Infrastructuring for Knowledge Building: A Workshop Synthesizing CSCL Perspectives
Using Network Analysis to Develop Design Moves in Design-Based Research
Exploring the Bridge Between Educational Neuroscience and Learning Sciences in Knowledge Building Classrooms
Technology in the Margins: Queer and Trans Technologies to Support Reorienting toward LGBTQ2S+ Solidarity
Artificial Intelligence and Educational Policy
Mapping Posthuman Methodological Innovation in the Study of Learning
Centring of Living, Mattering of Lives: Methodological and Transformative Possibilities for Socially Just STEM Education Research
Platformization in and of Education: Exploring a New Research Agenda
Dynamic Researcher Positionality in the Human and Political Endeavor to Study Learning
Pre-conference Mentoring Workshops:
Doctoral Consortium
Mid-Career Workshop
Early Career Workshop
Inspiration, exploration, and imagination: Cognitive processes for artistic creativity
The Learning Sciences as a Utopian Field and Method
Advancing scientific reasoning and argumentation in medical education and teacher education: High time for computer-supported collaborative learning
Regional and socio-epistemic heterogeneity in the learning sciences: Supporting transnational dialogues on equity and justice
Co-located Conferences:
16th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS)
Expansive Learning and Transformative Agency for Equity and Sustainability: Formative Interventions in Six Continents
Storytelling and Storylistening Towards Collective Learning and Relational Becoming
Moving toward dignity-affirming invitations to embodied participation in the design of learning environments…
15th Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL)
Contrasting analytical approaches to trace collaborative learning with knowledge objects…
1st ISLS Annual Meeting 2021, June 8–11, 2021, Ruhr University Bochum, Bochum, Germany / Virtual venue
Reflecting the Past and Embracing the Future
(Host: Educational Psychology and Educational Technology Research Group, Institute of Education Science, Ruhr University Bochum)
Conference program n.a.
Pre-conference Workshops:
Bringing Applied LS to your Institution
Creating Research Based Design Principles for Interdisciplinary Learning
Promoting STEM Student Resilience in Online Courses
Analyzing and Conceptualizing Collaborative Learning with Digital Knowledge Objects (CLeDO)
Towards a Transnational, Decolonial, and Non-WEIRD Learning Sciences
Teacher Orchestration Load: What is it and how can we lessen the burden
Advancing Posthuman Methodological Approaches in the Study of Learning
Leveraging the Power of Visualization in the Analysis of Classroom Audiovisual Data
Aggregating Learning Sciences Knowledge Through Collaboratories
AI-Assisted Classroom Orchestration: Design Conjectures and Research Opportunities
Pre-conference Mentoring Workshops:
Doctoral Consortium
Mid-Career Workshop
Early Career Workshop
Learning: How the Brain Sees it
Interdisciplinarity as a Core Value and a Core Skill: Challenges and Opportunities for the Field of CSCL
Knowledge Building and the Learning Sciences: Past, Present and the Future
Advancing Technology Environments for Learning Communities
Dignity Affirming Learning Contexts
Emotional Configurations Across Learning EnvironmentsScience Learning with Virtual ExperimentsEmbodying STEM: Learning at the intersection of Dance & STEMExpansive Modeling: Broadening the scope of modeling in K-12 educationLearning and Teaching about COVID-19: Engaging Students, Teachers and Families in Understanding Infectious Disease Epidemiology
Movement, Authority, and Knowledge: Examining the Relationships in Embodied and Social Positioning for STEM Learning
Learning to Center Relational Ontologies: Desettling Interaction Analysis Methods
Towards Bringing Human-Centered Design to K-12 and Post-Secondary Education
Co-located Conferences:
15th International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS)
14th Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL)
14th ICLS 2020, June 19-23, 2020, Nashville, TN, USA Virtual venue
Conference Theme: Interdisciplinarity in the Learning Sciences
(Host: Peabody College, Vanderbilt University)
Note: Conference sessions are cancelled but proceedings are published
Pre-Conference Workshops:
Improving science education through interdisciplinary collaborations between learning sciences and discipline-based education research: A workshop for new and established interdisciplinary researchers
What’s power got to do with it?: Exploring participatory research in the learning sciences
Communicating design-based research: A workshop for creating and interpreting design arguments
Expanding the field: How the learning sciences might further computing education research
Learning to facilitate and support the exploration of complex socioecological systems: A teaching and teacher learning workshop proposal
Interdisciplinary design and new educational technology for engaging learners in role-based simulations
Researching the ecologies of interdisciplinary learning
Multimodal learning analytics & interaction analysis: Connections, tensions & new directions
Analyzing learning with speech analytics and computer vision methods: Technologies, principles, and ethics
Pre-conference Mentoring Workshops:
Doctoral Consortium (CANCELLED)
Mid Career Workshop (CANCELLED)
Early Career Workshop (CANCELLED)
Invited Speakers:
Lost and found in dialogue: Embracing the promises of interdiscursivity and diminishing its risks
The Ed-Tech Imaginary
Learning as an emergent strategy
Special Session: Learning and Identity
Panel: Imagining socio-political and ethical horizons of the Learning Sciences: Learning with and from junior and senior scholars
Paper Awards Presentations:
Debugging for art’s sake: Beginning programmers’ debugging activity in an expressive coding context (best paper)
Learning from Design Failure, Collaboratively (best student paper)
13th ICLS 2018, June 23-27, 2018, University College London, London, UK
Conference Theme: Rethinking learning in the digital age: Making the Learning Sciences count
(Host: Knowledge Lab, Institute of Education, Faculty of Education and Society; Part of the London Festival of Learning, Jun 23-30)
Conference program…
12th ICLS 2016, June 20-24, 2016, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Conference Theme: Transforming Learning, Empowering Learners
(Host: Centre for Research and Development in Learning, National Institute of Education, Nanyang Technological University)
Conference program…
11th ICLS 2014, June 23-27, 2014, University of Colorado Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA
Conference Theme: Learning and Becoming in Practice
(Host: School of Education, University of Colorado Boulder)
Conference program…
10th ICLS 2012, July 2-6, 2012, University of Sydney, Sydney, Australia
Conference Theme: The Future of Learning
(Host: Centre for Research on Computer Supported Learning and Cognition, Faculty of Education and Social Work, University of Sydney)
Conference program…
9th ICLS 2010, June 29 – July 2, 2010, University of Illinois Chicago, Chicago, IL, USA
Conference Theme: Learning in the Disciplines(Host: Learning Sciences Research Institute, University of Illinois Chicago)
Conference program…
8th ICLS 2008, June 24-29, 2008, Utrecht University, Utrecht, The Netherlands
Conference Theme: Cre8ing a learning world: International Perspectives in the Learning Sciences
(Host: Research Centre Learning in Interaction, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Utrecht University)
Conference program…
7th ICLS 2006, June 27 – July 1, 2006, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA
Conference Theme: Making a Difference…
(Host: School of Education (Learning and Developmental Sciences Program), Indiana University)
Conference program…
6th ICLS 2004, June 22-26, 2004, Santa Monica, CA, USA
Conference Theme: Embracing Diversity in the Learning Sciences
(Host: Graduate School of Education & Information Studies, University of California, Los Angeles)
Conference program…
5th ICLS 2002, October 23-26, 2002, Seattle, WA, USA
Conference Theme: Keeping Learning Complex: Fostering Multidisciplinary Research Efforts
(Host: College of Education (Cognitive Studies in Education graduate concentration) & Program for Educational Transformation Through Technology, University of Washington)
4th ICLS 2000, June 14-17, 2000, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI, USA
Conference Theme: Facing the Challenges of Complex, Real-World Settings
(Host: School of Education & College of Engineering, University of Michigan)
Conference program…
3rd ICLS 1998, December 16-19, 1998, Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, GA, USA
Conference Theme: Learning in the Context of Real-World Situations
(Host: The EduTech Institute, College of Computing, Georgia Institute of Technology)
Conference program…
2nd ICLS 1996, July 24-27, 1996, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA
Conference Theme: Learning for the Real World
(Host: Institute for the Learning Sciences, Northwestern University)
Conference program…
1st ICLS 1991, August 4-7, 1991, Northwestern University, Evanston, IL, USA
Conference Theme: n.a.
(Host: Institute for the Learning Sciences, Northwestern University)
Conference program n.a.
13th CSCL 2019, June 17-12, 2019, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon, Lyon, France
Conference Theme: A Wide Lens: Combining Embodied, Enactive, Extended, and Embedded Learning in Collaborative Settings
(Host: Laboratoire de l’Éducation, École Normale Supérieure de Lyon)
Pre-conference Workshops:
Designing Embedded Phenomena
EPCAL: Studying Synchronous Online Collaboration at Scale
Experiencing and analysing embodied design thinking in CSCL
Making the Learning Sciences Count: Impacting Association for Computing Machinery Communities in Human-Computer Interaction
Posthumanist Perspectives on Learning
Theories and methods for researching interdisciplinary learning
Theorizing and Analyzing Productive Disciplinary Engagement as a Collaborative Phenomenon
International Workshop on Collaboration Analytics: Making Learning Visible in Collaborative Settings
Creating, Refining, and Validating Automated Discourse Codes: An introduction to nCoder and rho
Understanding New Assessment and Environment for Knowledge Building: Triangulating Features of Discourse Platform, Multimodal Learning Analytics and Text-based Learning Analytics
Using CSCL to design the teaching the Learning Sciences: Exchange between learning sciences degree programs
Pre-conference Mentoring Workshops:
Publishing in the Learning Sciences: A Journal Writers’ Workshop
Doctoral Consortium
Mid-Career Workshop: Empowering Women in the Learning Sciences
Early Career Workshop
Integrating Theorizing on Embodied, Enactive, Extended, and Embedded Cognition to Augment CSCL Research
Negotiating Knowledge, Expertise, Connoisseurship and Taste in Social Interaction
Designing Opie robots as learning companions: insights, interactions and interdependencies
Long papers sessions:
Equity and Broadening Participation
Knowledge Building
CSCL in the Disciplines: STEM and STEAM
Methods of Network Analysis
Regulation, Metacognition, and Group Awareness
Embodied and Enacted CSCL
Family and Home Influences on Collaborative Learning
Models of Collaboration
The Role of Gesture in CSCL
Tool-Based Research Methodology
Makers and Designing
Scaffolding and Scripting
VR/AR and Tangible Tools
Visualizing Collaboration
Gaming and Simulation
Learning Computer Science
Supporting and Orchestrating Collaborative Processes
Short papers sessions:
Embodied, Embedded, Extended, and Enactive Learning
Learning Analytics and Data Visualization
Maker Spaces and Design
Games and Simulations
Co-constructing Disciplinary Knowledge
Scripting, Scaffolding, and Orchestration in CSCL
Research Methods and Assessment
Teacher practices, Representations, and Learning
Informal Learning Settings and Social Media
Special sessions:
Special interactive session exploring the role of theory in tools and tool-based methods
New Member Session
Current significant discussions and the future of IJCSCL
IAALDE best paper session and panel discussion
French corner
What Can 4E Cognition Tell Us About The Successes and Failures Of CSCL Implementation?
Plenary – Presidential session
Group Formation in the Digital Age: Relevant Characteristics, their Diagnosis, and Combination for Productive Collaboration
Technology-Mediated Teacher-Researcher Collaborations: Professional Learning Through Co-Design
A Wide Lens on Learning in a Networked Society: What Can We Learn by Synthesizing Multiple Research Perspectives?
Computerized Text Analysis: Assessment and Research Potentials for Promoting Learning
The Roles of Knowledge in Knowledge Creation
Designing for Productive Problem Posing in Informal STEM Spaces
Tools and Methods for 4E Analysis: ‘New lenses for analyzing interaction in CSCL
Theorizing and Measuring Collective Productive Disciplinary Engagement
Ghost in the machine: A symposium on collaboration between human and computerized agents in educational contexts
Personal Embodiment and Social Enactment: Collaborative Learning with Body Technology
Understanding CSCL Through the Lens of Research Syntheses
Interactive Demonstrations
Committee meetings
12th CSCL 2017, June 18-22, 2017, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Conference Theme: Making a Difference: Prioritizing Equity and Access in CSCL
(Host: Graduate School of Education, University of Pennsylvania; School of Education, Drexel University)
Conference program…
11th CSCL 2015, June 7-11, 2015, University of Gothenburg, Gothenburg, Sweden
Conference Theme: Exploring the Material Conditions of Learning
(Host: Division of Learning, Communication & IT, Department of Applied IT, University of Gothenburg)
Conference program…
10th CSCL 2013, June 15-19, 2013, University of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, USA
Conference Theme: To See the World and a Grain of Sand: Learning across Levels of Space, Time, and Scale
(Host: Interactive Design and Learning Lab, Department of Educational Psychology, School of Education, University of Wisconsin)
Conference program…
9th CSCL 2011, July 4-8, 2011, University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong, China
Conference Theme: Connecting computer supported collaborative learning to policy and practice
(Host: Centre for Information Technology in Education, Faculty of Education, University of Hong Kong)
Conference program…
CSCL 2011 Post-Conference Activities in Mainland China, July 11-15, 2011, Guangzhou, Shanghai and Beijing
Theme: Research on Learning and Educational Change in China from a Global Perspective
8th CSCL 2009, June 8-13, 2009, University of the Aegean, Rhodes, Greece
Conference Theme: Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Practices
(Host: Learning Technology and Educational Engineering Laboratory, Department of Preschool Education and Educational Planning Sciences, School of Humanities, University of the Aegean)
Conference program…
7th CSCL 2007, July 16-21, 2007, Rutgers University, New Brunswick, NJ, USA
Conference Theme: Mice, Minds, and Society
(Host: Graduate School of Education, Rutgers University)
Conference program…
6th CSCL 2005, May 30 – June 4, 2005, Taipei, Taiwan
Conference Theme: Computer Supported Collaborative Learning 2005: The Next Ten Years
(Host: Research Center for Science and Technology of Learning, National Central University)
Conference program…
5th CSCL 2003, June 14-18, 2003, Bergen, Norway
Conference Theme: Designing for Change in Networked Learning Environments
(Host: InterMedia Research Center, University of Bergen)
Note: CSCL was announced as 2nd European Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (Euro-CSCL 2003)
Conference program…
4th CSCL 2002, January 7–11, 2002, University of Colorado at Boulder, Boulder, CO, USA
Conference Theme: Computer Support for Collaborative Learning: Foundations for a CSCL Community
(Host: Center for Lifelong Learning and Design, University of Colorado at Boulder)
Conference program…
Euro-CSCL 2001, March 22-24, 2001, Maastricht, Netherlands
(Host: Maastricht McLuhan Institute, Maastricht University)
1st European Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (Euro-CSCL 2003)
Conference program…
3rd CSCL 1999, December 12-15, 1999, Stanford University, Stanford, CA, USA
Conference Theme: Connecting learning communities globally
(Host: Stanford Learning Lab, Stanford University)
Conference program…
2nd CSCL 1997, December 10-14, 1997, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON, Canada
(Host: Ontario Institute for Studies in Education, University of Toronto)
Conference program…
1st CSCL 1995, October 17-20, 1995, Indiana University, Bloomington, IN, USA
(Host: School of Education, Indiana University Bloomington)
Pre-conference Tutorials:
CSCL: Theory Overview & Applications Overview
Using Collaborative Hypertext in K 12 and Post-Secondary Environments
Collaborative Learning by Engagement and Construction
Creating a Multi-User Simulated Environment with an Educational Theme
Collaborative Sessions:
Sociocultural Theories
Theories of Collaboration
Designing for Collaboration
Instructional Strategies
Multicultural Issues
Designing for Collaboration
Demonstrations and Exhibits
Problem Solving
Researching Classroom Discourse
Text & Discourse
Learning from Cases
Case-Based Learning
Learning on the Net
Teacher Education
Situating Learning
Collaborative Writing
Inter-classroom Applications
Collaborative Technologies at School and Work
CSCL In the Trenches
Designing Learning Activity: A Cultural-Historical Perspective in CSCL
Decentralizing the Creation of Knowledge
Workshop on CSCL 1991, October 4-6, 1991, Southern Illinois University, Carbondal, IL, USA
Workshop Theme: Computer Support for Collaborative Learning: Design, Theory and Research Issues
(Host: Department of Medical Education, School of Medicine, Southern Illinois University)
Note: By invitation!
Conference program n.a.
CSCL: Experience in the Classroom
CSCL: Theory and Pedagogy
CSCL: Research Issues