Annual Meeting of the International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS Annual Meeting)*

Annual Meeting of the International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS Annual Meeting)*

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The Annual Meeting of the International Society of the Learning Sciences (ISLS Annual Meeting), incorporating the International Conference of the Learning Sciences (ICLS), the International Conference on Computer-Supported Collaborative Learning (CSCL), and Pre-conference Workshops & Tutorials, brings together those interested in learning experiences across schools, homes, workplaces, and communities who seek to understand how collaboration and learning are enabled by knowledge, tools, networks, and social structures. At the ISLS Annual Meeting the CSCL and the LS Communities are invited to spark collaboration and facilitate networking.

Don’t mix up these conference series with the ones of the same name organized by the World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology (WASET). WASET is a predatory conference organizer and publisher.

ICLS (est. 1991), until 1999 the International Conference on Computer Support for Collaborative Learning (ICLS), is covering issues and reporting research findings across the entire field of the learning sciences, CSCL (est. 1995), successor of a CSCL Workshop in 1991, is focusing on issues related to learning through collaboration and promoting productive collaborative discourse with the help of the computer and other communications technologies.

Until 2020, ICLS and CSCL were held biennially and alternated in even and odd years. Since 2021 they are held together under the umbrell af the ISLS Annual Meeting, which is now the general conference track comprising joint events like Keynotes, Invited Sessions, Pre-Conference Workshops & Tutorials, Mentoring Workshops (Doctoral Consortium, Early Career Workshop, Mid Career Workshop), Posters and Interactive Tools & Demos, which were separately held at the conferences in the past.

Since 2002 and 2003, resp., ICLS and CSCL are organized by ISLS. ICLS is rooted in the Institute for the Learning Sciences at Northwestern University, CSCL in the Workshop on CSCL hosted by the Department of Medical Education at Southern Illinois University in 1991.

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