The Universidad Pontificia Bolivariana (UPB; English: Pontifical Bolivarian University), formerly the Universidad Católica Bolivariana (UCB; English: Catholic Bolivarian University), offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Online KMedu
Online Knowledge Management education and training opportunities
Knowledge for Development Impact Network (KM4Impact)
The Knowledge for Development Impact Network, an IFI (International Financial Institutions) Community of Practice on Knowledge Management (KM4Impact, IFI KM4Impact COP, or KM4Impact, the IFI KM CoP), formerly just the International Financial Institutions Knowledge Management Community of Practice (IFI KM COP),1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Corporate Learning Community (CLC)
The Corporate Learning Community (CLC), formerly Corporate Learning Alliance (CLA), and Corporate Learning Community (CLC) or Community of Training Practice (CoTP) within the employers’ association Hessenmetall, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training