The Media Shoppe (tms) has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
Offers from Training Providers
Educational and training opportunities in Knowledge Management offered by training providers
FrankieKnowledge Consulting
FrankieKnowledge Consulting, formerly JT Frank Global1), JT Frank Academy, and JT Frank Management Centre, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Prof. Binner Akademie (PBAKA)
The Prof. Binner Akademie (PBAKA), formerly the Dr. Binner Consulting & Software, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training
Knowledge Management Institute (KMI) Foundation*
The Knowledge Management Institute Foundation, officially the Institute for the Promotion of Knowledge Management for Society (ITD; Thai: มูลนิธิสถาบันส่งเสริมการจัดการความรู้เพื่อสังคม),1) also known as the Thailand Knowledge Management Institute (TKMI), has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training
Ardans (inc. Polia Consulting Group1)), branded as ARDANS Knowledge Consulting & Software Solutions, offers the following Knowledge Management education and training