University of Manchester
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The University of Manchester1) offers the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
Faculty of Science and Engineering > Department of Computer Science2)
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- Master of Science (MSc) in Advanced Computer Science (ACS): Data and Knowledge Management
- 10th International Conference on the Principles of Knowledge Representation & Reasoning (KR 2006), June 2-5, 2006, Lake District, United Kingdom
School of Social Sciences > Department of Sociology > Mitchell Centre for Social Network Analysis
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- MSc Social Network Analysis
methods@manchester > Manchester Methods Summer School
- 2023: Introduction to Social Network Analysis
- 2022: Introduction to Social Network Analysis
- 2021: Introduction to Social Network Analysis; Advanced Social Network Analysis
- 2020: Cancelled
- 2019: Introduction to Social Network Analysis using UCINET and Netdraw; Advanced Social Network Analysis
- 2018: Introduction to Social Network Analysis using UCINET and Netdraw
- 2017: Introduction to Social Network Analysis using UCINET and Netdraw; Statistical analysis of social networks
- 2016: Introduction to Social Network Analysis using UCINET and Netdraw; Statistical analysis of social networks
- 2015: Introduction to Social Network Analysis using UCINET and Netdraw; Advanced Social Network Analysis
- 2014: Introduction to Social Network Analysis using UCINET and Netdraw; Advanced Social Network Analysis
- 2013: Introduction to Social Network Analysis using UCINET and Netdraw; Advanced Social Network Analysis
Seminars, Workshops, Courses
- Seminar: How to do Social Network Analysis using STATA – 22 November 2017
- Social Networks Day, 8 February 2010, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
(organised jointly with The Mitchell Centre for Social Network Analysis)
This day brought together research on social networks based in Manchester
What is … series of lunch-time talks (recorded)
- What is Social Network Analysis (SNA) Using Qualitative Methods?
- What is Narrative Analysis: Translation as Renarration?