The Knowledge Management Conference (KMC), designed, developed and sponsored by Phowad Solution (PCL), will bring together public sector, private sector, donors, partners and counties, institutions of higher learning, knowledge sharing platform developers, international experts and innovators. The conference will be structured around leadership and governance, strategy, tools, techniques, standards, legislation, policy and
KM Conferences
Knowledge Management conferences, conferences related to Knowledge Management, and conferences with a Knowledge Management track, stream, topic, or conference theme
United Kingdom Knowledge Mobilisation Forum (UK KMb Forum)*
The United Kingdom Knowledge Mobilisation Forum (UK KMb Forum, UKKMbF, or UKF) is an annual event for all those with a passion for ensuring that knowledge makes a positive difference to society. The Forum brings together practitioners, researchers, students, administrators and public representatives who are engaged in the art and science of sharing knowledge and
Professional Knowledge and Learning Unconference
What is the Future of Professional Knowledge and Learning? An Unconference is organized by the Centre for Knowledge in Organisations and Professions (CKOP) at The Open University Business School (OUBS) to address issues in the future of professional work. How will we, as professionals, organise our work and
Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Conference (CILIP Conference)*
The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Conference (CILIP Conference), successor of the biennial Umbrella Conference & Exhibition initiated by The Library Association, is the annual flagship event for the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP). The conference brings together library, knowledge and information professionals from all sectors of the profession from
International Customer Knowledge Management Conference (CKM Conference)
The International Customer Knowledge Management Conference (CKM Conference) is providing an opportunity for the exchange of ideas and experiences in this new managerial sphere. In addition to familiarizing with the goals and strategies of customer knowledge management, and creating a common understanding to gain customer knowledge regarding capability, competitiveness and business intelligence, the conference will