Sudanese Knowledge Society Symposium (SKS Symposium)*
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The Sudanese Knowledge Society Symposium (SKS Symposium) and workshop series is organized by the Sudanese Knowledge Society (SKS).
Event History:
SKS Symposium, 1 & 8 February 2020, Khartoum, Sudan
Conference Theme: Citizen Science Part 2: From Revolution to Science: The Power of Crowdsourcing Knowledge
(Hosts: Sudan National Museum; Regional Center for Training and Development of the Civil Society)
Note: The Symposium was originally scheduled for December 2019
Orienting Your Project towards Citizen Science and Defining Its Scope
Zooniverse Platform
Exploring Data and Open Data in Your Citizen Science Project
Open Data Kit
Geographic Information for Your Citizen Science Project
Photos and Photography for Your Project
Managing Your Citizen Science Project
Managing Your Project Knowledge
Rawan Sharfi
Citizen Science Projects’ Outlines
Citizen Science Projects (Prototypes/Plans)
SKS Workshop, 9 November 2019, Comboni College of Science and Technology, Khartoum, Sudan
Workshop Theme: “Open Data” and its economic and social benefits for the community
(Co-organizer: Comboni Innovation and Entrepreneurship Center)Workshop program n.a.
SKS Symposium, 2 November 2019, Khartoum, Sudan
Conference Theme: Citizen Science Part 1: Towards the “Citizenship State” in Sudan through “People Centred Science, Public Centred Support”
(Host: Sudan National Museum; Sponsor: Sudan National Corporation for Antiquities and Museums)
Note: The symposium was originally scheduled for October 30, 2019, in collaboration with Landell Mills and Sponsorship of the European Union
The Power of the Crowd: From Revolution to Science
Sudanese Citizen Science Stories
Citizen Science for Sustainable Development
Citizen Science with Alhajay (Story)
Panel Discussions:
Crowdsourcing Open Data and Thinking Citizen Science
Ingite Talks:
Open Data; Digital Media,; NAfeer Initiative; Nature Diary; Environment News; Social Sciences; Folklore; Education without Borders; Public Services; Business Intelligence
Knowledge Cafe:
Citizen Science for Freedom, Peace, and Justice
SKS Symposium, 30-31 March 2018, Khartoum, Sudan
Conference Theme: A Critique of Development: Sudan in the Matrix
(Host: Sudanese Medical Heritage Foundation)
Presentation SESSION: Overveiw
Notes on a Critique of Development: A Snapshot of Trends
The “Emptying” of Meaning and “De-politicisation” of Terms: Knowledge Representation in Development
Presentation SESSION: Zooming on Sudan
What does development mean to you? Sudanese Testimonies on Development (Video)
The Heritage of the ‘Hakamat’: Past and Present
The Development of Modern Plastic Art in Sudan: Amplitude of Imagination and Absence of Institutional Building
Presentation SESSION: Sudan’s Trajectories
A Historical Perspective on Approaches that Influenced Development in Sudan, with an Emphasis on Civil Society
From Implicit Progress to Explicit Retrogression: Exploring the Coincidental Correlation between Neo-liberalism and Islamism in the Sudan Development Impasse
Presentation SESSION: Urban and Rural Development Stories & Visions
The Story of Two Cities: An Attempt to Apply Systems Theory to Urban Change
Urban Transformation and Spacetime: Case of Khartoum and Addis Ababa
Al Sayal 2020—a Community-Based Development Initiative
Presentation SESSION: Health Development Dilemmas and Futures
The Role of Water, Sanitation and Hygiene in Development: Sudan in the Matrix
With Sudan in the Matrix, Where Can Futures Thinking lead us? The Case of Health Development
Presentation SESSION: The Politics of Knowledge and Education
How to Learn Lessons When School is Making It Difficult: Reflecting on Experiences in Sudan
Sudanese Private Universities and Colleges: An Academic Critique
Presentation SESSION: Accessibility, Priorities, and Rights
The Trajectory of Energy Policy in Sudan: Access, Priorities, and Equity
The Transformation of Sudanese Accessibility to Essential Medicines into a Profit-Making Venture: The Loss of a Social Right
Discussion PANELS:
The Landscape of Sudan Entrepreneurship: The Links (and Delinks) with Development
Lightening the Dark Side: Media Roles for Guaranteeing Human Rights Standards in the Development Processes
The Privilege Walk (Game)
SKS Workshop, 6 December 2017, University of Khartoum, Khartoum, Sudan
Workshop Theme: The Role of ICT to Foster the Inclusion and Engagement of Persons with Disabilities in Society
(Co-organizer: ADD International (Sudan Program); Sopnsor: USAID Sudan; Part of the United Nations International Day of Persons with Disabilities)Persons with Disabilities Movement: The Concepts and the Legal Framework
Exploring the Potential Role of ICT in the Engagement and Inclusion of PwD in the Society (The Mutual Benefits)
Understanding Disabling Systems: The Exemplar for Better Outcomes and Equalities.
Breaking the Wall of Visual Disability
“مثلكم و لكن” Short Film (Director: Faris Ehab)
Towards Accessible Futures in the Experience of Disability in SudanInnovators and Students Ignite Talks
SKS Symposium, April 29-30, 2017, Khartoum, Sudan
Conference Theme: The Intellectual: Old and New Modes of Sudanese Thought
(Hosts: Federation of Sudanese Businessmen & Employers; Impact Hub Khartoum)
Paper SESSION: The Intellectual: An Overview
The Intellectual as Committed Thinker and Trafficker in Ideas
Scanning the Sudanese Terrain: The Diversity of Intellectuals
Paper SESSION: The Historical and Conceptual
What it Means to be an Intellectual in the Age of Globalisation
The Active Life and the Human Condition: Reflections on Fundamental Structures of the Human Condition in the Ideas of German Philosopher Hannah Arendt
The Discourse of Liberation for a Nation Dominated by Slave-Oriented, Anti-Blackness, and Self-Hating Ideology: An Interpretation of the 20th Century Contributions of Ali Abdul Latif and John Garang
Post-Haraj (Confusion): The Decadent Petty Bourgeoisie Intellectual
Paper SESSION: Disciplines and Our Discontents
The Contribution of Higher Education in Intellectual Thought
Production of Knowledge and the Dilemma of Sudanese Academics
The Intellectuals and the Design of Law as a Tool of Repression and Alienation: From Common Law Post-colonial Sudan to the Era of ‘Islamization’
The Wise Physician: Epistemological Foundation
The Role of Science and Technology Policy in National Development: The Dilemma of Vision
Different Intellectual Schools of Sudanese Archaeologists
A New Thinking Paradigm in the Post-Naivasha Sudanese Linguistics: Questioning the Identity of Intellectuals (By video)
Paper SESSION: The Intellectual in Diverse Contexts (Chair: Gada Kadoda)
Positioning Elites in War and Peace Dynamics in the Peripheries of Sudan: The Case of the Nuba Elites
Knowledge Production in the Nuba Mountains between Academia and War
The Sufi Intellectual: The Dynamics of Power and Change in Sudan
Women Intellectuals in a Globalized Era
Digital Intellectualism and the Contemporary Young Intellectual: Their Characteristics, Their Online Wars and the Generational Divide
Discussion PANELS:
The Concept of “Contradiction” in Sudanese Contemporary Political and Social Thought (in Arabic)
Intellectual Ideas about Sudanese Art(s)
Pre-and Post-Independence Sudanese Intellectuals: Diverse Visions for Building the Sudanese Nation
Chair & Organiser: Balghis Badri
Youth Movements and Activism: The Organic Intellectual and the Political Environment in Sudan
SKS Workshop Series, 28 January – 1 February 2017, Khartoum, Sudan
Workshop Theme: Managing Knowledge in a Connected World
(Co-organizer: Education Without Borders)Workshop: Employing Concepts, Experiences, and Innovation to Enrich Sudanese Internet Content
(Co-organizer: Morgan for Information and Communication Technology, H.A.M. for Information Technology, University of Khartoum, Future University, National Information Centre, World Bank Group)Keynotes:
The Value of Knowledge Management: Today & Tomorrow
Semantic Knowledge Bases: Towards Sustainable Management and Inference of Knowledge
Co-creating ICT Policy for Sudan: Promises and Challenges
Thoughts on Business Model and Sustainability: Digital Content Ecosystem as an ExamplePanels: Perspectives from Sectors
Organisation & Power
People & PlaceLearning by Doing Sessions:
Increasing Audience Skills to differentiate between Knowledge and Information
VAS in Sudan: Dependencies, Challenges and OpportunitiesDiscussion Sessions:
Enabling Sustainable Digital Content Ecosystem
National ICT Policy for Digital Content and creative industriesForum: Creating a Knowledge Sharing Environment – Barriers and Solutions: The Role of HR
(Co-organizer: DAM (HRM Forum), Global Compact Sudan)Program n.a.
Masterclass: A Practical Guide to Conducting Knowledge Audits
(Co-organizer: Knowledge et al)Learn how to:
Scope a knowledge audit and identify key stakeholders;
Conduct a knowledge audit and map the organization’s key knowledge assets;
Compile a diagnostic report with recommendations; and
Use techniques for getting stakeholder engagement.Reverse Brainstorm Session: Working Virtually: Managing Virtual Teams and Virtual Communities
(Co-organizer: Education without Borders)Education without Borders: experience of working virtually
Challenges of virtual working and the concept of ‘virtual cake’
SKS Symposium, 30 April 2016, Federation of Sudanese Businessmen and Employers, Khartoum, Sudan
Conference Theme: Concept of Hope: Methodology, Pedagogy, and Knowledge Production
(Co-sponsors: Federation of Sudanese Businessmen and Employers, Sondra and Gerry Hale, Impact Hub Khartoum)
Opening Session
The Concept of Failure Challenged: The Politics of Hope
A Wikipedia of Hope
Moments and Practices of Hope: Participants’ Discussion
Activating Hope: A Roundtable
Collective Creativity: A Group Work
Hope Made Concrete: An Exhibition
Evening Session:
Storytelling and Stories of Hope
SKS Workshop, 12 December 2015, Khartoum, Sudan
Workshop Theme: Knowledge Production, Capacity Building and Knowledge Sharing for Initiatives and Voluntry Work (The role of knowledge management in voluntary work)
(Host: Federation of Sudanese Businessmen and Employers)Scientific Papers:
n.a.Ingite Talks:
n.a.Discussion Sessions:
Knowledge transfer: How is knowledge transferred within the VWG?
Marketing and Media: How is voluntary work marketed within communities?
Members: How to attract new members to the VWG? How are the capabilities and skills of members utilized?
Financing: What are the appropriate ways to provide funding for voluntary work groups?
Continuity and future plans: How is the process of maintaining the continuity of the voluntary work group?
What is the mechanism of development in voluntary work groups?
Voluntary Working Groups ExhibitionPre-workshop Training:
The concept of knowledge management workshop for voluntary work groups.
Knowledge management tools and how to use them
Media training
How to write a scientific paper?
Design thinkingSKS Workshop Series, 7 & 12 March 2015, Khartoum, Sudan
Workshop Theme: Using Liberatory Pedagogy in Our Communities and Classrooms
(Co-organizer: UK’s Doctoral and Post-Doctoral Network on Gender, Social Justice and Praxis (Paulo Freire Institute); Hosts: Nuba Women for Education and Development Association (NuWEDA); Sudanese Organization for Research and Development (SORD))Workshops:
Knowledge Production and Pedagogical Strategies in Community Settings: Women’s NGOs and Women IDPs as Knowledge Producers and TransmittersWorkshop program n.a.
Training the Trainers: Building a Cadre of Facilitators of Workshops Dealing with Diversity
Workshop program n.a.
SKS Symposium, 14-16 February 2015, Khartoum, Sudan
Conference Theme: Contemporary Issues in Knowledge Production: Identities, Mobilities, and Social Media
(Co-organizer: University of Kassala, International Network on Appropriate Technology, Sudan Film Factory, United Nations Development Program, National Corporation of Antiquities and Museums; Host: Federation of Sudanese Businessmen and Employers)
Mobilities and Identities: The Fluid Social Landscape of Sudan
The Consequences of Technological Innovation for Mobility and Identity
Informatics of Domination in Crisis Ridden Societies of North Africa and the Middle East
Towards a Holistic Perception of Health: The Interrelationships with Identity and Mobility
Ethical Challenges for Knowledge Production using Social Media
Nuba Community Mobility in a Conflict Situation: Seeking Alternative Identities Beyond Borders
Conflict and Displacement: Threatened Masculinity in Sudan
Migratory Trajectories of Adolescence: (Im)mobility, Place and Identity
Engendering Social Change: New Information Technologies and the Dynamics of Gender in Northern Sudan
New ‘Bad Girls’ of Sudan: Women Singers in the Sudanese Diaspora
Emerging Futures for Knowledge Production in Sudan: Identities, Mobilities and Social Media
Panel 1: Global Perspectives on Education
African-American Students’ Service Learning in Africa and Latin America: Identity and Knowledge Creation and Transfer
A Program for Linking Sudanese Professionals in the Diaspora with Those at Home
The Influence of Online Courses on Students from Developing Countries: Mobility, Identity and Performance
Migration and Education: The Exodus of East African Youth and the Role of Education
Panel 2: Connectivities in Friendships, Neighbourhoods, History and Culture
The Effect of Identity on Knowledge Production
“Neighborhood is our Native Culture”: Transformations of Neighborhoods in Khartoum and Omdurman in times of Mobility and Social Change
Personas and Friendships: Real versus Virtual
Panel 3: Technological Convergence and Knowledge Production
The Opportunities, Challenges and Problems of Mobile Identity in the Context of Knowledge Production, a Comparative Study
Mobile Applications for Disaster Management
Climate Change and Cultural Identity in Darfur: Preliminary Thoughts
Panel 4: Diaspora and Knowledge Production
Translating Crowdmapping Initiatives in Khartoum
When Chickens Become Birds: Mobility, Forums and Knowledge Production amongst the Kom, Cameroon
Diaspora and Identity: Unpacking My Identity
Panel 5: Society and Technology Innovations
Technology Induced Distance and Technology Enabled Mobility: A Framework for Participatory Technology Innovation
Social Media and Their Impact on Sudanese Society
Social Networks Influences on Knowledge Management in Organisations: A WhatsApp Messenger Case Study
The Role of Interactive Knowledge Sharing Platforms in Influencing Sudanese Identity Features: Foresighting Sudan 2030
Ignite Talks: (w. Group Presentations & Discussion)
Sudan’s Future through History
Sudan Known to All & Appreciated by All
Education Led by All
The Future of Sudan’s Web
Sudanese Aware of their Rights
3D Printing
SKS Workshop, 16 August 2014, Khartoum, Sudan
Workshop Theme: Employing knowledge, skills and innovation to improve radio, television and journalistic performance
(Co-organizer: Sudan Ministry of Information; Faisal Cultural Centre (host))Presentations:
The capabilities of knowledge management in the media and news industry
Media knowledge management in the field of journalism
The development of Arab electronic media upset the scales
The art of radio presentation
Employing knowledge, innovations and skills in the media
The impact of digital technology on the broadcasting process
Culture in the media of the Internet
The television image industry and its impact on reflecting the Sudanese identity
Television reports and their impact on enriching knowledge
Technical criticism in the Sudanese mediaSKS Workshop, 14 August 2014, University of Khartoum, Omdurman, Sudan
Workshop Theme: Developing educational services in Sudan
(Co-organizer: Faculty of Education, University of Khartoum)Presentations:
Activities of the Sudanese Society for Knowledge in the field of education
How to evaluate curricula
Obstacles to applying performance evaluation standards in Sudanese universities
Girls’ Education
Using information technology to develop educational services
Academic Freedom
The reality of education in Sudan
Parallel EducationPanel discussions:
Initiative to develop educational services, education through community serviceSKS Workshop, 8-9 February 2014, Khartoum, Sudan
Workshop Theme: Knowledge and Innovation: Technology, Pedagogy and Culture
(Host: DAL Group Excellence Centre)Keynotes:
Critical Pedagogy and the Politics of Knowledge
Pedagogy, Technology and Culture – Using Service Learning and Appropriate Technologies for Capacity Building
Education, innovation and development in Sudan
Sudanese Medicine: An Alternative Educational Model
Mini-Sudan – a project for multiculturalismPaper Session:
An Educational Reform Model for Sudanese Universities: From Instructor to Facilitator
Paving the Road to Sustainable Innovation Life Cycle
A study on the impact of the prevailing political system on knowledge acquisition – education as a model
The role of social networks in enhancing the value of solidarity in SudanRound-Table Discussions:
Information & Technology: The role of ICT in a “knowledge creating” society
Process & Product: On “knowledge creating” organisations
Art & Culture: The role of art and culture in “knowledge creating” societies
Teaching & Learning: The role of pedagogy in “knowledge societies”
Local Knowledge & Innovation: The role of local knowledge in innovation
Civil Society & “undone science”: Prioritising research for creating inclusive “knowledge societies”Exhibition
SKS Workshop, 1-2 June 2013, Khartoum, Sudan
Workshop Theme: Knowledge Management for Environmental Sustainability: Towards an environmentally conscious and conserving Sudanese society
(Co-organizer: Global Compact Network Sudan, Sudanese Centre for Engineering and Environmental Studies, National Energy Research Centre, Sudanese National Academy of Sciences, Sudanese Environment Conservation Society; Host: DAL Group Excellence Centre)Keynotes:
Cradle to Cradle – Pollution Prevention and Waste Management for Africa in the 21st Century
Knowledge Management for Environmental Sustainability
Relevant environmental knowledge and information initiatives
KM at National Energy Research Centre (NERC)Invited Presentations:
Sudanese Environment Conservation Society (SECS)
Strategic Energy Policy For The 21st Century In Sudan And The Independent Role Of The In-Leads
EcoInformatics Network-Sudan, a case study
Green Technology Concept and Application
Green Roofs: A Sustainable Strategy?
Green Team: An Innovation team for Green Mobile Network
Foreseen future of the environment versus need for cultivated land expansionRound-table Discussions:
Local Case Studies
Knowledge Production, sharing and Implementation
Business For Peace (B4P)
Engineering & Environment
Health & Environment
Dr. Haj Hamad and Dr. Khalid Shamboul
Service Learning and Engineers without Borders
Knowledge Cafe: Closing Session & Way ForwardExhibition
Workshop on Knowledge Management for Health Care in Sudan, 23-24 February 2013, University of Khartoum, Khartoum, Sudan
Workshop Theme: Linking Practice, Evidence and Performance
(Organizer: Soba Training, Education and Examination Centre (University of Khartoum); Epidemiological Laboratory (Public Health Research Centre); Public Health Institute (Federal Ministry of Health): Sudan Medical and Scientific Research Institute (University of Medical Sciences and Technology); In Collaboration with the Sudanese Knowledge Society)Keynotes:
Knowledge and Health: Implications for SudanInvited Presentations:
Overview of Sudan Public Health System and Information Flows & Local Public Health Knowledge Related Initiatives: Making innovation work for the poor
The Mycetoma Research Centre: Case studyPaper Presentations:
Knowledge Management at the Public Health Institute
Knowledge management or evidence management? The quality chasm
EpiLab’s Path Finding in Knowledge Management and on Models for Public Health Services: Ongoing Initiatives and Way Forward
Open Access: Friend not Foe
Leveraging ICTs for better public health
Knowledge Management’s “Technologies of InscriptionDemos & Posters:
KM Open Source Software for the Health Sector
KOHA Integrated Library System
Asthma Patient Follow-up System
Vaccination Monitoring System
Birth Registration System
PHI forum
Clearing houseRound-table Discussions;
Thinking outside of the box
Thinking about the future
Future Story
Knowledge Café (2x)
Workshop on Knowledge Management in Engineering Institutions: Between Reality and Application, 21 March 2012, Khartoum, Sudan
(Co-orgainzer: Sudan Engineering Society; Faculty of Mathematical Science (University of Khartoum))
Workshop Program n.a.
The evolving role of the ‘Knowledge Manager’
Workshop on Knowledge Management Capacity in Africa (KMCA), 4-7 January 2012, University of Khartoum, Khartoum, Sudan
Conference Theme: Harnessing Tools for Development and Innovation
(Co-organizer: Faculty of Mathematical Sciences (University of Khartoum); Garden City College for Science and Technology; International Network on Appropriate Technology; Epidemiological Laboratory (Public Health Research Centre))
Pre-workshopss: (Jan 2-3)
KMI Certified Knowledge Practitioner
Information Technology Infrastructure Library
Towards a Knowledge Society in Sudan and the Concept of Knowledge Management
KM 101: Fundamentals for Developing Country Professionals
Internal and External Intelligence: The Case for Knowledge Sharing
Knowledge Management Perspectives: The Role of Telecentre Networks in Regional Development
Invited Presentations:
Human Resources and Knowledge Management
Knowledge Management in DAL Group: The Case of Sayga
Identify Best Process Improvement Practices: A guide-based Approach for Knowledge Sharing
DSpace@ScienceUofK: Story of a Budget Knowledge Sharing Development that Came True
TEDxKhartoum: A Platform for Knowledge Sharing
Morgan – A World of Ideas
Creative Commons Licences
The Need to Develop an Independent Wiki for Appropriate Technology Development
Accreditation of Engineering Programs
Factors Affecting Negatively in Reading English as a Foreign Language at Public Basic Schools in Sudan
Experiences of Documenting Medicinal Plants in Southern Africa
Paper SESSION: Student Papers
Knowledge Engineering and Sudanese Society
University of Khartoum Knowledge Web Portal
Mobile Phone Biometric Solution for Tracking Vaccination Records in Rural Environments
Quantum Computer: Features and Applications
Investigating the Water Quality and Quantity issues in Choimim, Kenya
Chronological Comparison of Vegetation of Erkowit Plateau, Red Sea State(1956-2009)
Paper SESSION: Business
The Impact of Knowledge Management on Kenana Engineering and Technical Services Company (KETS) Projects
Corporate Internal Knowledge Program (CiKP)
Hybrid Knowledge Acquisition Framework for Mobile Networks
Leveraging Knowledge Management for a Sustainable Corporate Governance Model
Knowledge Management Needs and Values in Petroleum Industry
Influence of Knowledge Based Decision Support System in Sudanese Organizations
Paper SESSION: Development
Framework for Knowledge Inference in Decision Making During Humanitarian Crises
Common Information Platform for Enhanced Coordination and Joint Planning
From Fragility to Resilience: The Role of Community Mapping, Knowledge Management and Strategic Planning
Contribution to the Electrification of the Rural Areas in Senegal: The experience of the EolSénégal Project
Paper SESSION: Education
Knowledge Teaching and Learning with The Mobile Studio
Using Electronic Publishing Technology to Enhance Educational Materials in Sudan
Reducing Complexity through Knowledge Management at SudREN
The Intersection of Socially Relevant Computing and Knowledge Management: Education and Social Change Perspectives
AUC Approach to Capacity Development of Tertiary Education and Research in Africa
Paper SESSION: Environment
A Knowledge Management System for Education on Climate Change
Linking Knowledge Management Capacity to Appropriate Technology Dissemination
Placer Mining and the Guyana Environment
Paper SESSIN: Governance
Praxis of Research in Tanzania: The Use of Research Based Knowledge in Policy-making and Planning Processes
An Exploration of Knowledge Management Trends in the Ugandan Public Sector
Paper SESSION: Health
Missions and Knowledge Production
ICT – Change Strategy Challenges in EMR Implementation (Tanzania case study)
Innovative Web-Based Electronic Recording and Reporting System for HIV Control in Sudan
The Use of Mobile Phones to Support Health Services: The Experience of Mali
SESSION: Indigenous Knowledge Systems
Knowledge Management’s Ethical Responsibility: An Oromo, Egyptian and Nubian Model
The Politics of Localized Knowledge: Memory and Conflict (in Sudan)
Indigenous Knowledge Systems and Appropriate Technology – Waiting for Knowledge Management
Posters & Demos SESSION:
Round-table Discussions:
Knowledge Management Solutions Café Session
KM Revolution and Decision Making in Petroleum Industry
Managing Knowledge in Community Settings: NGOs and IDPs as Knowledge Producers
Youth Activism and Public Space in Egypt: Its implications on capacity development strategy for young Tanzanians to participate in social, political, and economic change
Sustainable Sanitation – Thinking Beyond the Box
Knowledge Management of Environmental Information in Sudan
Research in Africa – Challenges and Opportunities
Knowledge Management: Essential Building Block for Quality Improvement in Higher Education in Africa
Mainstreaming Knowledge Management in the Public Sector –The Role of Government, Academia and the Private Sector
Impact of Knowledge Management in Election Body in Sudan’s April 2010 Election
The Role of ICTs in Enhancing Knowledge Management Skills of Rural Community Caregivers in the Health Sector
Existing Knowledge Management Practices for Useful Knowledge Sharing in Healthcare
How African Peoples have Influenced, Directed and Contributed to the World Transportation Modes
The Future of Knowledge Management (STUDENT)
Indigenous Knowledge Systems
Post-workshop Activities: (Feb 25)
Closure Event: Evaluation, Awards and Way Forward @ National Information Center