Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Conference (CILIP Conference)*

Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Conference (CILIP Conference)*

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The Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals Conference (CILIP Conference), successor of the biennial Umbrella Conference & Exhibition initiated by The Library Association, is the annual flagship event for the Chartered Institute of Library and Information Professionals (CILIP). The conference brings together library, knowledge and information professionals from all sectors of the profession from the UK and overseas, to meet, learn and share knowledge. It’s a great chance to catch up with colleagues and make new connections.

In 2024 the CILIP conference is supplemented by the CILIP (RPG) Unconference, organized by the CILIP Retired Professionals Group (CILIP RPG). It is the annual residential weekend event of the group.

The Umbrella Conference & Exhibition, formerly written (Under One) UmbrelLA, is the biennial meeting of the CILIP, formerly the Library Association (LA), special interest groups.

Conference History:

CILIP Conference 2025, 2-3 July 2025, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Uniting the Sector

    Conference program TBD

    Knowledge Management and Information Management (a ‘conference-within-a-conference’)

CILIP (RPG) Unonference 2024, 4-7 October 2024, Glasgow, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Collaboration
(Organizer: CILIP Retired Professionals Group; Co-organizers: CILIP in Scotland, CILIP Knowledge & Information Management Group)

    Conference Program TBD

CILIP Conference 2024, 10-11 July 2024, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Uniting the sector’s leaders

    Note: The conference is also known as CILIP Leaddership Conference.

    TRACK: Knowledge and information management (KM&IM SIG, a ‘conference-within-a-conference’)
    KM&IM Careers Fishbowl Discussion: Moving sectors within Knowledge Management (KM)
    Knowledge Cafe: What makes a great knowledge management leader?
    Staggered session: ROI and lessons learned
    Panel: Knowledge Management (KM) and AI – Case studies of strategic AI implementation in KM
    Interactive workshop: Creatively languaging the value of KM in your organisation
    Dynamic workshop: Strategic Innovation in KM & IM

CILIP Conference 2023, 12-13 July 2023, Birmingham, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Leadership for changing times

    Knowledge and Information Management Track (“conference within a conference”)

    Driving business value through AI-powered Knowledge Management

    The role of Knowledge Management practitioners in fostering psychologically safe working environments
    State of the sector: A presentation of 2022’s Workforce Mapping results

    Building a KM Community of Practice in the UK
    How can our profession take a leading role in the new age of data and AI? (Data & AI Panel)
    Managing Knowledge at Scale

    Knowledge Café: The Great Resignation: Avoiding the Cost of Knowledge Loss

    Announcement of the CILIP 125 List

CILIP Conference 2022, 7-8 July 2022, Liverpool, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Libraries, Information and Knowledge for Sustainability

    Keynotes: (4)
    Story of the Central Library recovery at the University of Mosul in Iraq
    Connected knowledge – joining affective knowledge with evidence and information to accelerate our response to climate change
    We Are CILIP – a celebration, with Presidential Address

    Equality, Diversity and Inclusion – practical advice for the workplace
    Trust and psychological safety at work – a (fishbowl) discussion
    Apprenticeships – what, why, how
    Reduce your impact – Julie’s Bicycle workshop (CANCELLED)
    Censorship and Intellectual Freedom – practical resources to manage
    Better by Design – reflecting your community
    Data Driven Decisions

    Health for all: tips and techniques for health and digital literacy
    Intellectual Freedom in Libraries – a policy consultation
    Ever-changing: A knowledge cafe about Change Management
    IFLA Green Library Award – practical ideas (CANCELLED)
    Working towards Net Zero – ideas and discussion to take back
    Evidence Impact with IFLA’s Storytelling Manual
    Allyship in Action

    Presentations & Panels:
    Open Knowledge, Open Science
    Launching the Green Manifesto – with Libraries Connected, The British Library and Arts Council England
    Decolonisation 2.0 – lessons learned
    New Voices, Big Ideas Lightning Talks Session: What is Sustainability? (6 speakers)
    Growing knowledge and library services – reflections and learning from the healthcare sector
    Sustaining a service – learning from HEE approaches (CANCELLED)
    Information As A Social Justice Issue

    Sessions: (TBC)
    Digital tools workshop
    Media and Information Literacy Alliance
    Diversity Network Allies Forum

    Expo: the fouth stream
    Careers And Professional Development program
    Meet the Member Networks (e.g. KIM)
    Meet your colleagues | Networking Area (Keynote Cafe, LGBTQ+ get-together, A Day in the Life…, Meet the Member Networks speed-networking)
    Try with Tech space (Digital Technology Group)
    Competitions, Activities and Offers!

CILIP Conference 2020, 19 November 2020, Southport, United Kingdom Virtual venue

Conference Theme: Connect. Share. Build.

    Note: The conference was scheduled for 3-4 November 2020; It is rebranded to CILIP Conference – Reimagined

    Pre-conference virtual satellite events: (webinars, half-day training events and fireside chats)
    Getting Started with Open Data (Oct 13)
    The Knowledge Cafe Now Workshop (Nov 5, CANCELLED)

    Keynotes; Collaboration; Resilience; Technical Skills

    Empowered digital citizens – The new role of librarians and knowledge specialists in building health and digital literacy
    The ‘Digital Pivot’ – the role of librarians and knowledge specialists in moving teaching and learning online

    KIM: the edge of the next normal – The role of the Knowledge Manager and Information Manager in creating adaptable and resilient organisations

    KMedu relevant:
    KIM: the edge of the next normal Knowledge Management in a time of recovery: The role of the Knowledge Manager in creating adaptable and resilient organisations (roundtable)

CILIP Conference 2019, 3-4 July 2019, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom

    Big Ideas; Knowledge and Information Management; Specialisms; Career; Technical

    People of the Book: Knowledge in Society and Our Role In It

    Knowledge and Information Management Track (“conference within a conference”):
    K&IM Round Table Discussion Topics:
    – Developing a culture of knowledge sharing
    – Maximising the value of spend on content
    – Managing upwards
    Information management session:
    – Information Management: managing upwards and setting expectations
    – Data and Information – The success factor for Policing
    – Gardening know-how at the RHS: making the UK a greener and more beautiful place
    Information As an Asset Panel:
    – The Changing Role of the CIO
    – Running the Knowledge Marathon
    – Information as an Asset – Today’s Board Agenda: the value of rediscovering gold
    K&IM in Government
    – Tales from the field: What does a Knowledge Manager do?
    – Knowledge Management in the Defence Science and Technology Laboratory
    – The Wizard of Smart and the Digital Brick Road
    KM and the ISO Standard
    – Food for thought – from a brand new kitchen
    – Fractious, Fickle and Forgetful: Why We Need a Knowledge Management Standard
    – From the horse’s mouth: an insider guide to the KM standard

    Other Sessions:
    British Library – Living Knowledge: think national, act local – creating opportunities for all
    Improving audience resilience to disinformation through media and information literacy
    Promoting digital literacy and digital well-being for children and young people
    Ireland’s Be Media Smart campaign and the role of libraries
    Getting ready for data and AI: the role of a Data Librarian
    Do you trust your data? Does your data trust you?
    Recruiting knowledge and information professionals
    Skills of the modern corporate information professional
    What is the Knowledge Exchange Framework what might our contribution be?

    KMedu relevant:
    Recruiting knowledge and information professionals
    Skills of the modern corporate information professional
    Tales from the field: What does a Knowledge Manager do?

CILIP Conference 2018, 4-5 July 2018, Brighton, United Kingdom

    Workshops (Marketing, Global vision, Copyright and compliance, The impact of austerity, Knowing your value); Seminars (Knowledge & information management, Blurring the boundaries: the reshaping of library spaces, Preserving the past for the future, Prison libraries change lives, Technical practice: using metadata for engagement, Managing health information, Corporate libraries and information services, An open and inclusive future for the information profession, Learning and information literacy; Beyond Stories, Engaging libraries, AI automation and the future, The ‘evidence’ in evidence based practice); Panels; Your Career

    Knowledge and Information Management Seminar:
    Equipping today’s knowledge & information manager for tomorrow
    Key initiatives in the K&IM portfolio
    The impact of AI on an information team

    Other Sessions:
    Knowledge organization, privacy, and fake news: the view from ISKO UK
    The not-so-secret lives of cataloguers: modern cataloguing in a contemporary information world
    Health Information Week
    The secret librarian: the role of the information professional in a corporate setting
    The evolving profession
    Beyond stories
    Artificial Intelligence (AI) : What is it exactly & where do information professionals fit in this potential new world?

    Securing access to knowledge and research in higher and further education panel

    SIG events:
    Knowledge & Information Management Group

    KMedu relevant:
    Equipping today’s knowledge & information manager for tomorrow

CILIP Conference 2017, 5-6 July 2017, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom

    Workshops (Marketing, Copyright, Impact and Evaluation, Equalities); Seminars (Using Data and Information, Service Design, Managing Information, Health and Wellbeing, Information Literacy, Literacy and Learning); Briefings (The Future of Libraries, Developing the Workforce, Our Common Values, Technology, Engaging Audiences); Creative Hub; Your Career

    Managing Information Seminar:
    Organisational Knowledge and Information Governance
    Mobilising Evidence and Organisational Knowledge in the NHS
    Information Management and Knowledge Management; the conjoined twin disciplines?

    Other Sessions:
    The mismatch between information that people need and what we provide them with

    CILIP Knowledge and Information Management Special Interest Group (K&IM SIG) Launch

CILIP Conference 2016, 12-13 July 2016, Brighton, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Bringing the information world together

    Managing Information; Everyday Innovation; Using Technology; Fringe (Unconference); Your career

    What we did in Ferguson: a warts-and-all telling of stories
    The opportunities and challenges of open data
    From the bronze age to big data: why knowledge matters

    Managing Information Track:
    Valuing IM
    Determining how information literacy adds value in the workplace
    Managing information is our best defence
    Systematising Shakespeare: The Royal Shakespeare Company’s journey from image management darkness to DAM enlightenment
    Supporting the role of copyright related risk in the workplace: the legislative context and business case
    Information governance : models for delivery
    The changing KM landscape, the future of KM and our role in it as KM professionals
    “It’s about relationships, really…” How a public sector partnership has made it easier for partners to share knowledge
    Advocating information assets: the Archive Service Accreditation Scheme?
    Data Stewardship – A Case Study in Unlocking the Value of Data

    KMedu relevant:
    The changing KM landscape, the future of KM and our role in it as KM professionals

CILIP Conference 2015, 2-3 July 2015, Liverpool, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Connect, debate, innovate

    Information Management; Information Literacy; Demonstrating Value; Digital Futures; Fringe (Unconference)

    How to add value to your organisation as a “knowledge facilitator”
    Information Literacy in the workplace
    Badging digital literacy
    Demonstrating impact of applying knowledge to practice in NHS Scotland
    Investing in the Knowledge Bank: digital currency for all our digital futures
    An information literacy policy for a small state?
    Information literacy and digital inclusion for all: a pilot study
    British Library: Living Knowledge

    KMedu relevant:
    How to add value to your organisation as a “knowledge facilitator”

12th Umbrella 2013, 2-3 July 2013, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Discover. Connect. Achieve.

    Future Skill and Future Roles; Information to Best Support Society; Beyond Information Matters; Partnerships for Progress; UnBrella – Unconference

    The new roles and skills of cataloguers in managing knowledge in an academic library, with special reference to Walter Sisulu University Libraries, Eastern Cape Province, South Africa
    Helping citizens develop their own information literacy curriculum for lifelong learning
    Information counselling: helping communities visualise and optimise their informational environments
    Opening the envelope – using library/KIM skills outside the library environment
    Emergence of social learning and its impact on education
    Using Twitter to create an interactive information literacy lecture
    Are librarians delivering good practice in information literacy for postgraduates in UK Higher Education?
    A critical approach to information literacy
    The role of knowledge and information management (KIM) professionals in Government’s changing information landscape

    Unconference Sessions:

    KMedu relevant:
    The new roles and skills of cataloguers in managing knowledge in an academic library
    The role of knowledge and information management (KIM) professionals in Government’s changing information landscape

11th Umbrella 2011 Conference & Exhibition, 12-13 July 2011, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: New structures, new technologies, new challenges – How can we adapt to an age of austerity?

    Promotion and advocacy; Technologies and access; Libraries in the Big Society; Digital inclusion and social change; Tools and techniques (workshops)

    Conference program n.a.

10th Umbrella 2009 Conference & Exhibition, 14-15 July 2009, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: The power of people, partnerships and services

    Libraries as Spaces; Our skills; The shock of the new – practice; The shock of the new – theory; Professional values; Our professional future; Only Collect; The value of libraries: advocacy & funding; Information skills for life

    Conference program n.a.

9th Umbrella 2007 Conference & Exhibition, 28-30 June 2007, University of Hertfordshire, Hatfield, United Kingdom

Catalysts for Change: making a difference

    Workforce Development; Leadership/Management; Customers/clients; e-Content; Law/ethics; Communication; Research and evidence based practice; Information literacy; Technology

    The Early History of Knowledge Management
    Knowledge Management in the NHS – a work in progress
    The future of e-learning: making information accessible to all

8th Umbrella 2005 Conference & Exhibition, 30 June – 2 July 2005, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Tackling the key issues together (The Key Issues Conference)
(Host: University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology)

    Keeping managing and marketing collections; Evidence based practice and policy; Your ethical and legal responsibilities; Information literacy; Staff and workforce development; Society and information; User needs; Exteriors and Interiors; Specialisms and enthusiasms (additional strand)

    Skills and knowledge for the 21st century
    Mantelpiece ornament or practical toolkit: the role of the taxonomy in KM

    Worskhop on acquiring and maintaining specialist knowledge

    KMedu relevant:
    Skills and knowledge for the 21st century

7th Umbrella 2003 Conference & Exhibition, 3-5 July 2003, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Information in Action
(Host: University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology)

    SIG Sessions

    Education Librarians Group:
    Information literacy in the virtual environment : why a critical approach to the virtual environment is a vital component of information literacy
    Promoting lifelong learning and family literacy : using specific case studies, as a starting point for a discussion on what libraries are doing to support family literacy and lifelong learning

    Government Libraries Group Sessions:
    Information literacy

    Crafting with Care: assemble your own knowledge management case studies

6th UmbrelLA 2001, 5-7 July 2001, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Social inclusion
(Host: University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology)

    SIG Sessions

    Information Services Group Sessions:
    Integrated Information
    The Learning Workforce: the RDN Virtual Training Suite; a new resource for training staff and students to use the Internet

    Institute of Information Scientists Sessions:
    The Inter-relationship of Knowledge Management and Records Management in a Joined up e-environment and the Problems. A case study

    Government Libraries Group Sessions:
    Knowledge Pools: developing the evidence base for policy makers

    Colleges of Further and Higher Education Group Sessions:
    Knowledge, skills, or attitudes? Future-proofing new entrants to the profession
    Information and Learning Technology – what’s in it for me?
    Encouraging a Skilled and Learning Workforce

    Education Librarians Group Sessions:
    What is Learning? Is there a place for Information and Learning Technologies?
    The Impact of Information and Learning Technologies on the Learning Process: issues for effective practice
    Using ICT to Enhance the Learning Experience in the Classroom: the Intel Project; and how student teachers are taught to use learning resources
    The UfI (University for Industry): enabling and supporting lifelong learning. An introduction to the UfI and Learn Direct initiatives

    Affiliated Members Sessions:
    The Learning Workforce – Portfolios: evidence of learning

    Personnel, Training and Education Group Sessions:
    The Learning Workforce: you’ve got to start somewhere, why not here?
    The Learning Workforce: skills for the knowledge economy
    The Learning Workforce: new ways of working; innovations in research and practice. IsNTO-funded projects, a progress report + Learning and Teaching Support Network – Information & Computer Science: supporting library and informatiopn science education
    The Learning Workforce: Portfolios; evidence of learning
    The Learning Workforce: the RDN Virtual Training Suite; a new resource for training staff and students to use the Internet
    The Learning Workforce: getting a balance: some practical steps towards building a portfolio life
    The Learning Workforce: nobody does it better… or do they? A comparison of approaches to staff development

5th Under One UmbrelLA 1999, 1-3 July 1999, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Aspects of popular culture
(Host: University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology)

    SIG Sessions

    Conference program n.a.

4th Under One UmbrelLA 1997, 27–29 June 1997, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: The graphic image
(Host: University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology)

    SIG Sessions

    Conference program n.a.

3rd Under One UmbrelLA 1995, 23-25 June 1995, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Local collections, local pride
(Host: University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology)

    SIG Sessions

    Conference program n.a.

2nd Under One UmbrelLA 1993, 9–11 July 1993, University of Manchester, Manchester, United Kingdom

Conference Theme: Local but not parochial
(Host: University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology)

    SIG Sessions

    Conference program n.a.

1st Under One UmbrelLA 1991, 5-7 July 1991, University of Leeds, Leeds, United Kingdom

A Library Association group training event
(Host: University of Manchester, Institute of Science and Technology)

    SIG Sessions

    Conference program n.a.

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