Claremont Graduate University (CGU)*
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Claremont Graduate University (CGU), formerly the Claremont University Center, Claremont Graduate School and University Center, and the Claremont University College, a member of the Claremont Colleges, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
School of Information Systems and Technology (SISAT)1)
Graduate Degrees/Programs
- Master of Science in Information Systems (Concentration: Knowledge Management2))
2003-2005 Concentration Courses:
(choose 4, at least one course from each of two broad areas)Broad area Technology/Tools:
Database Technology (IS3xx)
Knowledge Discovery (IS381)
Visual Systems (IS373)
Data Mining & Machine Learning (IS383)
Practicum (IS330)Broad area Management/Strategy:
Knowledge Management (IS371)
Organizational Learning (IS325)
Data Warehousing (IS304)
Virtual Societies (IS370)
Electronic Commerce (IS340)