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(sample pages: training, university, community, conference)
efios – Organizational Performance and Learning, formerly branded as efios – (Enterprise) Knowledge Management – and efios – knowledge consultancy, operated by Aureolin, has offered the following Knowledge Management education and training opportunities:
On-site workshops
- … about communities of practice
- Internal CoP workshops for coordinators and sponsors
Public workshops
- Value Creation with Communities of Practice (Oct 2003) 1)
- Session 1: How to build a business case for fostering innovation with Communities of Practice
- Session 2: Innovation architecture for Communities of Practice: how to build a strategic framework for high value creation
- Session 3: Knowledge Café break-out groups
- Session 4: Achieving radical innovation with Communities of Practice
- Communities of Practice course (Oct-Dec 2003 – 40 hours)
- Introduction, objectives and planning. The Community of Practice and the value to organizations [23 Oct] – Madrid
- The process of creating a Community of Practice [30 Oct – 5 Nov] – Online
- People – customs and facilitations [6-14 Nov] – online
- Technology for CoPs [15-23 Nov] – online
- Measuring and managing the value creation [24 Nov – 3 Dec] – online
- Closing session: special case studies and ‘knowledge café’ [4 Dec] – Barcelona
- European Collaborative for Communities of Practice (ECCoP)*