International Conference on Knowledge Capture (K-CAP)*

International Conference on Knowledge Capture (K-CAP)*

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The biennial International Conference On Knowledge Capture (K-CAP), formerly the Knowledge Acquisition Workshop (KAW) series 1), is providing a forum that brings together members of disparate research communities that are interested in efficiently capturing knowledge from a variety of sources and in creating representations that can be useful for reasoning, analysis, and other forms of machine processing.

K-CAP is held on odd yeary, alternately with EKAW – the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management.

The conference is sponsored by the Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Artificial (ACM SIGAI) among others.

Of special “Knowledge Management” interest:

  • Workshops
    • 2007: Knowledge Management and Semantic Web for Engineering Design (KW4ED)
      Workshop presentations
      Session #1: Knowledge Representation and Semantic Web
      Knowledge Acquisition and Management using Semantic Web Technologies: An Application in Software Development
      RDF(S) and SPARQL Expressiveness in Engineering Design Patterns

      Session #2: Multimedia Analysis and Virtual Reality
      Ontologies and Machine Learning for Semantic Multimedia Analysis (Keynote)
      An Interactive Image Mining System for Engineering Design and Manufacture
      Coaction of Semantic Technology and Virtual Reality in an Integrated Engineering Environment

      Session #3: Text Mining and Data Mining
      Text Mining Support in Semantic Metadata Extraction (Keynote)
      Relational Data Mining through Propositionalization and Subsequent Propositional Learning for Semantic Virtual Engineering

    • 2003: Knowledge Management and the Semantic Web (KMWS)
      Workshop presentations
      Invited Talks:
      Managing Legal Domains: in Search of a Core Ontology for Law

      Background and Foreground Knowledge in Dynamic Ontology Construction: Viewing Text as Knowledge Maintenance
      Representation of Metaknowledge for the Development of Organizational Semantic Webs
      Towards a Semantic Enterprise Information Portal
      Code Annotations for Knowledge Management

  • Tracks:
    • 1999: Knowledge Management and Knowledge Distribution throughout the Internet
      Track presentations
      Plenary Sessions: (1)
      Moving from On-the-job Training towards Organisational Learning
      Problem, Opportunity, and Feasibility Analysis for Knowledge Management – An Industrial Case Study
      Modeling the Experience Feedback Loop to improve Knowledge Base reuse in industrial environment

      Paralell Sessions: (1)
      Process-Oriented Knowledge Management for Learning Software Organizations
      Knowledge Mapping for Industrial Purposes
      Model and Methodology of Knowledge Capitalization for Small and Medium Enterprises
      Developing a Knowledge Web for Business Process Redesign

    • 1998: Knowledge management and knowledge distribution through the Internet
      Track presentations
      Paralell Sessions: (2)
      Methods and Tools for Corporate Knowledge Management
      KARATEKIT: Tools for the Knowledge-Creating Company
      Knowledge Integration for Building Organizational Memories
      A Concept for an Internet-based Process-Oriented Knowledge Management Environment
      Tadzebao and WebOnto: Discussing, Browsing, and Editing Ontologies on the Web
      Community is Knowledge! in (KA)2

Conference History:

13th K-CAP 2025, December 10-12, 2025, Wright State University, Dayton, Ohio, USA

(Chair: TBD)

    Conference program TBD

12th K-CAP 2023, December 5-7, 2023, Pensacola, FL, USA

(Chair: Institute for Human & Machine Cognition, University of West Florida; Sponsor: Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence)

    Pre-conference Workshops: (Dec 5)
    International Workshop on Knowledge Graph Summarization (KGSum) (CANCELLED)
    Ordinal Methods for Knowledge Representation and Capture (OrMeKR) (Tutorial/Workshop)

    Pre-conference Tutorials: (Dec 5)
    Decoding the grammar of DNA using Natural Language Processing
    Declarative Construction and Validation of Knowledge Graphs
    Ordinal Methods for Knowledge Representation and Capture (OrMeKR) (Tutorial/Workshop)
    genomeNLP: Case study of deep learning (CANCELLED)
    Modern type theoretical knowledge representation and reasoning with TypeDB (CANCELLED)

    Invited Talks:
    Old Lessons Uncovered, New Lessons Discovered: Capturing Knowledge for XAI
    Justified Confidence in highly-consequential AI: Assuring AI-Enabled Systems for the Department of Defense

    Conference Sessions:
    Knowledge Mining from Text
    Neuro-symbolic methods for Knowledge Capture
    Web and Knowledge Engineering
    Question answering and ontology alignment
    Knowledge Capture in domain-specific applications
    Schema representation and reasoning
    Knowledge Applications in Healthcare

11th K-CAP 2021, December 2-3, 2021, Virtual venue

(Chair: Space and Time for Knowledge Organization (STKO) Lab, Department of Geography, University of California Santa Barbara; Sponsor: Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence)

    Pre-conference Workshops and Tutorials:

    Invited Talks:
    Knowledge Graphs: Theory, Applications and Challenges; Research at the Service of Free Knowledge

    Conference Sessions:
    Applications, Workflows, Reasoning; Ontology Development; Information Extraction, Entities, Embeddings and Linking; Entities and Linked Data; Knowledge Graphs; Languages, Querying; Scholarly Knowledge

10th K-CAP 2019, November 19-22, 2019, Marina del Rey, California, United States

Special Conference Theme: Multi-modal Knowledge Capture in the Age of Big Web Data
(Chair: Center on Knowledge Graphs, Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California; Sponsor: Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence)

    Pre-conference Workshops: (Nov 19)
    Third International Workshop on Capturing Scientific Knowledge; The Second International Workshop on Hybrid Question Answering with Structured and Unstructured Knowledge (HQA’19)

    Pre-conference Tutorials: (Nov 19)
    Hybrid Techniques for Knowledge-based NLP – Knowledge Graphs meet Machine Learning and all their friends; Linking, Extending, Exploiting and Enhancing Tabular Data with Wikidata; Build a large-scale cross-lingual text search engine from scratch

    Conference Sessions:
    Named Entity Recognition and Embedding; Ontology Development and Alignment; Multimodal Knowledge Capture; Knowledge Graph Completion, Link Prediction and Multilinguality; Applications: Visualization, Question Answering and Open Science; Planning and Queries

    Invited Talks:
    Project Aristo: Towards Machines that Capture and Reason with Science; ConceptNet at Twenty: Reflections on structured common sense in an era of machine learning

9th K-CAP 2017, December 4-6, 2017, Austin, Texas, United States

Special Conference Theme: Knowledge Graphs from Heterogeneous Data
(Host: Artificial Intelligence Lab, Department of Computer Science, University of Texas at Austin, Knowledge Systems Research Group; Sponsor: Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence)

    Pre-conference Workshops: (Dec 4)
    1st International Workshop on Quality Engineering Meets Knowledge Graph (QEKGraph); 2nd International Workshop on Capturing Scientific Knowledge; Machine Reading

    Pre-conference Tutorials: (Dec 4)
    Semantic data mining for knowledge acquisition; DOing REusable MUSical data (DOREMUS); Hybrid techniques for knowledge-based NLP: Knowledge graphs meet machine learning and all their friends

    Conference Tracks:
    Research paper track; Application paper track; Short papers, vision papers, and late breaking results track (NEW)

    Conference Sessions:
    n.a.; Posters and Demos

    Invited Talks:
    Bootstrapping Cognitive Systems; Integrating Semantic Web in the Real World: A journey between two cities

8th K-CAP 2015, October 7-10, 2015, Palisades, New York, United States

(Host: Thomas J. Watson Research Center, IBM; Sponsor: Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence)

    Pre-conference Workshops: (Oct 7)
    International Workshop on Linked Data Repair and Certification (CANCELLED); 1st International Workshop on Capturing Scientific Knowledge (SciKnow 2015)

    Pre-conference Tutorials: (Oct 7)
    Acquisition of Complex Logical Knowledge: Authoring, Assimilation, and Assembly; Knowledge Processing with Big Data and Semantic Web Technologies

    Conference Sessions:
    Knowledge Extraction from Text; Social Knowledge Capture and Crowdsourcing; K-CAP 2013; Knowledge Capture and Linked Data; Ontology Engineering; Knowledge Capture from Structured Sources; Ontology and Knowledge Base Learning; Poster Session

    Invited Talks:
    Goodbye to True: Advancing Semantics Beyond the Black and White; Linked Open Knowledge

7th K-CAP 2013, June 23-26, 2013, Banff, Alberta, Canada

Special Conference Theme: Knowledge Capture in the Age of Massive Web Data
(Host: Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary; Sponsor: Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence)

    Pre-conference Workshops: (Jun 23)
    1st International Workshop on Privacy in Semantic Technologies (PriSeT)

    Pre-conference Tutorials: (Jun 23)
    Reading the Web

    Conference Sessions:
    Research Sessions; Application Track Session; Posters and Demos

    Panel Discussions:
    Open Data, Linked Data – where are we and what are the main challenges – how important is semantics for this?

    Invited talks:

6th K-CAP 2011, June 26-29, 2011, Banff, Alberta, Canada

(Host: Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary; Sponsor: Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence; Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence)

    Pre-conference Workshops: 8jun 26)
    Deep Knowledge Representation Challenge Workshop

    Pre-conference Tutorials: (Jun 26)
    Natural Language Generation and Natural Language Interfaces to Knowledge Bases; What Does Usability Mean for Knowledge Capture Projects

    Conference Sessions:
    Ontology Engineering; Evaluation and Quality Assessment; Ontology and Knowledge Base Learning; Information Extraction, RDF and Knowledge Capture; Multimedia, Wikipedia and Metadata; Posters & Demos

    Discussion Panels:
    The Best and the Worst Things that Happened to Knowledge Capture with the Advent of the Semantic Web

    Invited Talks:
    Knowledge Capture through the Millennia: From Cuneiform to the Semantic Web; Design for Intelligence: AI and UI and the Intelligent User; Has ‘Knowledge’ been the driver?; Building Watson – A Brief Overview of DeepQA and the Jeopardy! Challenge; Let Me Tell You a Story…; In pursuit of knowledge: 25 years of knowledge acquisition

5th K-CAP 2009, September 1-4, 2009, Redondo Beach, California, United States

(Host: Information Sciences Institute, University of Southern California; Sponsors: Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence; Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence)

    Pre-conference Workshops: (Sep 1)
    Semantic Authoring, Annotation and Knowledge Markup (SAAKM); Analyzing Social Media to Represent Collective Knowledge; Social Media Analysis; International Workshop on Collective Knowledge Capturing and Representation

    Pre-conference Tutorials: (Sep 1)
    Developing OWL Ontologies with Protege 4; Extreme Design (XD): Pattern-based Ontology Design

    Conference Sessions:
    Interactive systems; Ontologies and Vocabularies; Knowledge extraction; Analyzing knowledge and knowledge-based systems; Learning; Capturing workflows; Posters & Demos

    Invited Talks:
    Web Science: A New Frontier; Machine Reading: from Wikipedia to the Web

4th K-CAP 2007, October 28-31, 2007, Whistler, British Columbia, Canada

(Host: Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary; Sponsors: Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence; Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence)

    Pre-conference Workshops: (Oct 28)
    Knowledge Management and Semantic Web for Engineering Design; Semantic Authoring, Annotation and Knowledge Markup (SAAKM); International Workshop on Modular Ontologies; Knowledge Capture and Constraint Programming

    Conference Sessions:
    Acquisition of Problem Solving Knowledge; Knowledge Capture for Application Domains; Querying Knowledge; Knowledge Acquisition Applications; Text Analysis for Knowledge Acquisition; The Semantic Web; User Interfaces for Knowledge Capture; Poster Session

    Invited Talks: (Knowledge Capture and The Web)
    Human Computation; Everything I know I Learned from Google: Machine Reading of Web Text

3rd K-CAP 2005, October 23-25, 2005, Banff, Alberta, Canada

(Host: Department of Computer Science, University of Calgary; Sponsor: Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence)

    Pre-conference Workshops: (Oct 2)
    Applications of Semantic Web Technologies for E-learning; Ontology Management: Searching, Selection, Ranking, and Segmentation; Integrating Ontologies

    Conference Sessions:
    Information Extraction; Interactive Knowledge Capture; Ontologies and Knowledge Bases; Information Retrieval; Dialog and Elicitation; NLP: Knowledge Capture from Text; The Montagues and the Capulets: Part II
    Poster Session

    Panel Discussions:

    Invited Talks:
    Speaking Informally…

2nd K-CAP 2003, October 23-26, 2003, Sanibel Island, Florida, United States

(Host: Institute for Human and Machine Cognition, University of West Florida; Sponsor: Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence)

    Post-conference Workshops: (Oct 25-26)
    Knowledge Markup and Semantic Annotation; Knowledge Management and the Semantic Web; Information Visualization in Knowledge Capture Technologies; Distributed and Collaborative Knowledge Capture; Capturing Knowledge from Domain Experts: Progress and Prospects

    Conference Sessions:

    Panel Discussions:
    Knowledge Acquisition Projects (Halo – aimed at building a “digital Aristotle”, Rapid Knowledge Formation (RKF), and Advanced Knowledge Technologies (AKT))

    Invited Talks:
    How Robot Baby Learns Meaningful Representations

    Co-located Conferences:
    2nd International Semantic Web Conference (ISWC2003), Oct 20-23

1st K-CAP 2001, October 21-23, 2001, Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

(Host: Department of Electrical Engineering, University of British Columbia; Sponsor: Association for Computing Machinery, Special Interest Group on Artificial Intelligence)

    Post-conference Workshops: (Oct 21)
    Knowledge in E-Business; Interactive Tools for Knowledge Capture; Knowledge Markup and Semantic Annotation

    Post-conference Tutorials: (Oct 21)
    The Semantic Web; Knowledge Engineering with CommonKADS in Perspective; Programming by Example

    Conference Sessions:
    Plenary Paper Session; Parallel Sessions

    Invited Talks:
    Knowledge Capture for Bootstrapping Intelligent Systems; ResearchIndex: Inside the World’s Largest Free Full-Text Index of Scientific Literature; Phenomenal Data Mining

12th KAW 1999, October 16-21, 1999, Banff, Alberta, Canada

Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition, Modeling and Management
(Host: Knowledge Systems Institute, University of Calgary)

    Plenary Sessions:
    Cost Effective Development and Use of Ontologies and PSMs; Ontologies and Metadata for Knowledge Retrieval; Tools for Adding Domain Knowledge to a Knowledge Base; DARPA Initiative in Knowledge Acquisition; Knowledge Management and Knowledge Distribution throughout the Internet; Evaluation; Requirements Engineering (w. Panel Discussion)

    Parallel Sessions:
    Ontologies and PSMs; Agents; Tools; Requirements Engineering; Knowledge Management; Knowledge Retrieval; Evaluation; Poster and Demo Session

11th KAW 1998, April 18-23, 1998, Banff, Alberta, Canada

Workshop on Knowledge Acquisition, Modeling and Management
(Host: Knowledge Systems Institute, University of Calgary)

    Plenary Sessions:
    Sisyphus III; Shareable and reusable components for knowledge systems; Evaluation (w. Panel – Practicalities of Evaluation); Knowledge Acquisition

    Parallel Sessions:
    Shareable and reusable components for knowledge systems; Process support for knowledge acquisition: The quest for quidelines; Visual knowledge-modeling languages and environments (including knowledge modeling using conceptual graphs); Knowledge management and knowledge distribution through the Internet; Knowledge acquisition techniques (including KA from natural language); Agent-oriented approaches to knowledge engineering; Evaluation of knowledge-acquisition methodologies; Sisyphus IV knowledge-engineering studies; Poster and Demo Session

10th KAW 1996, November 9-14, 1996, Banff, Alberta, Canada

Banff Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems Workshop
(Host: Knowledge Systems Institute, University of Calgary)

    Plenary Sessions:
    Shareable and Reusable Ontologies; Shareable and Reusable Problem-solving Methods; Knowledge Modeling; Planning, Agents and Cognition; The Future of Knowledge Acquisition; Requirements Engineering and Knowledge Engineering

    Parallel Sessions:
    Shareable and Reusable Problem-solving Methods; Shareable and Reusable Ontologies; Distributed Knowledge Modeling over the Internet; Knowledge Acquisition for Temporal Reasoning and Planning; Knowledge Acquisition from Natural Language; Corporate Memory and Enterprise Modeling; Agent-Oriented Approaches to Knowledge Engineering

9th KAW 1995, February 26-March 3, 1995, Banff, Alberta, Canada

AAAI-Sponsored Banff Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems Workshop
(Host: Knowledge Systems Institute, University of Calgary; Sponsor: American Association for Artificial Intelligence)

8th KAW 1994, January 30-February 4, 1994, Banff, Alberta, Canada

AAAI-sponsored Banff Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems Workshop
(Host: Knowledge Systems Institute, University of Calgary; Sponsor: American Association for Artificial Intelligence)

7th KAW 1992, Banff, Alberta, Canada

AAAI-Sponsored Banff Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems Workshop
(Host: Knowledge Systems Institute, University of Calgary; Sponsor: American Association for Artificial Intelligence)

6th KAW 1991, Banff, Alberta, Canada

AAAI-Sponsored Banff Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge Based Systems Workshop
(Host: Knowledge Systems Institute, University of Calgary; Sponsor: American Association for Artificial Intelligence)

5th KAW 1990, November 4-9, 1990, Banff, Alberta, Canada

AAAI-Sponsored Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems Workshop
(Host: Knowledge Systems Institute, University of Calgary; Sponsor: American Association for Artificial Intelligence)

4th KAW 1989, October 1–6, 1989, Banff, Alberta, Canada

AAAI-Sponsored Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems Workshop
(Host: Knowledge Systems Institute, University of Calgary; Sponsor: American Association for Artificial Intelligence)

3rd KAW 1988, November 1988, Banff, Alberta, Canada

AAAI-Sponsored Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems Workshop
(Host: Knowledge Systems Institute, University of Calgary; Sponsor: American Association for Artificial Intelligence)

2nd KAW 1987, October 1987, Banff, Alberta, Canada

AAAI-Sponsored Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems Workshop
(Host: Knowledge Systems Institute, University of Calgary; Sponsor: American Association for Artificial Intelligence)

1st KAW 1986, November 3-7, 1986, Banff, Alberta, Canada

AAAI-Sponsored Knowledge Acquisition for Knowledge-Based Systems Workshop
(Host: Knowledge Systems Institute, University of Calgary; Sponsor: American Association for Artificial Intelligence)

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