International Summit on Business Administration and Knowledge Management Profession & Practice (ISBAKMPP)*
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The Annual International/National/Regional Conference Business Administration and Knowledge Management (AIC/ANC/ARC BAKM), initially the International Conference of Business Administrators and Knowledge Managers (AIC BAKM), and the International Summit on Business Administration and Knowledge Management Profession & Practice (ISBAKMPP), formerly the Summit on Business Administration and Knowledge Management Profession & Practice, is a gathering of Business Administration and Knowledge Management professionals and practitioners organized by the Chartered Institute/ Association / Institute of Business Administration and Knowledge Management (IBAKM®/ CIBAKM®/ ABAKMP®) aka the IBAKM® Global Group.
The events bring together academicians, researchers, industry practitioners, professionals, consultants, captains of industries, chief executives, managers, administrators, entrepreneurs and innovators, elected and appointed political office holders, etc. to discuss vital issues that affects and impacts on the professions, career and practice with the aim of promoting the art and science of Business Administration and Knowledge Management as well as proffering solutions, by way of recommendations and release of communique, for the overall growth and sustainability of healthy organizations, institutions and economies across the globe.
They create opportunities for collaboration, networking, peer review, coaching, mentoring, exchange of opinions and ideas, upskill on current developments in the professions, travel and tour, honing of skills, innovation and creativity, research and development and lots more.
Conference History:
2nd ISBAKMPP 2024, June 28-29, 2024, Owerri, Nigeria / Virtual venue
Summit Theme: Advancing Institutional and Organizational Development through Strategic Knowledge Management
(Partners: World Innovators and Education Management Organization / Institute, World Innovators University, International Research Guide Federation)
Note: This conference might have been cancelled and replaced by the “Calabar 2024 – Navigating Horizons: Synergy of Visionary Leadership and Knowledge Mastery” Workshop, 25-27 June, 2024, Calabar, Nigeria
Strategic Knowledge Management Frameworks
Innovation and Creativity in Knowledge Management
Knowledge Sharing and Collaboration
Leadership and Change Management in Knowledge-driven Organizations
Measuring and Evaluating Knowledge Management Effectiveness
Ethical and Legal Considerations in Knowledge management
Knowledge Management for Sustainable Development
Emerging Trends and Technologies in Knowledge management
4th AIC-BAKM 2023, 19-21 September 2023, Virtual venue
Conference Theme: Artificial Intelligence (AI), Big Data, and Cloud Solutions for Business Excellence and Competitive Leadership
(In collaboration with: World Innovators University; World Innovators and Education Management Organization)
3rd AIC-BAKM 2022, 8-9 November 2022, Covenant University, Ota, Nigeria
Conference Theme: Leading with Excellence as Business Administration and Knowledge Management Professional and Practitioner
(Host: Centre for Research, Innovation and Discovery, Covenant University; In collaboration with: Eudoxia Research University (USA); Eudoxia Research Centre (India))
Managing the Organizational Information and Knowledge Assets
Effective Human Capital Management for Optimal Productivity
1st Summit on Business Administration and Knowledge Management Profession & Practice, May 25-26, 2022, Rumuolumeni (Port Harcourt), Nigeria
Summit Theme: The Role of Tertiary Education Institutions & Industry Practitioners in the Advancement of Business Administration and Knowledge Management Profession and Practice
(Host: Graduate School of Business, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education)
Membership/ Professional Certification:
Business Administration and Knowledge Management Professionals in the grades of Fellows (FIBAKM, FCBA, FCKM), Full Members (MIBAKM, MCBA, MCKM) and Associates (AIBAKM, ACBA, ACKM)
1st ANC BAKM 2022, February 23-24, 2022, University of Abuja, Abuja, Nigeria
Conference Theme: Professional Business Administration and Knowledge Management: Panacea for Economic and Institutional Development and Sustainability
(Host: Faculty of Management Sciences, University of Abuja)
Professional Business Administration & Knowledge Management – Future Perspective
Membership/ Professional Certification:
Business Administration and Knowledge Management Professionals in the grades of Fellows (FIBAKM, FCBA, FCKM), Full Members (MIBAKM, MCBA, MCKM) and Associates (AIBAKM, ACBA, ACKM)
2nd AIC BAKM 2021, 18-19 August 2021, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Rumuolumeni (Port Harcourt), Nigeria
Conference Theme: Professional Business Administration and Knowledge Management: A Panacea for Economic and Institutional Health and Sustainability
(Host: Faculty of Business Studies, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education)
Professional Business Administration & Knowledge Management – Future Perspective
Master Degree and PhD Colloquium (Aug 18)
Membership/ Professional Certification:
– FELLOWS (Fellow of the Institute / Fellow Certified Knowledge Manager)
– FULL MEMBERS (Member of the Institute / Member Certified Knowledge Manager)
– ASSOCIATES (Associate of the Institute / Associate Certified Knowledge Manager)
1st AIC BAKM 2020, 17-18 September 2020, Institute of Business Administration and Knowledge Management, Lagos, Nigeria Virtual venue
Conference Theme: Economic Management and Business Sustainability in the New Normal
Focus Areas:
Best Practices in Business Administration & Knowledge Management: The Global Perspective
Challenges of Business Administration and Knowledge Management during Pandemic
Role of the Certified Business Administrator and Certified Knowledge Manager in the Digital Economy