eLearning Africa – International Conference & Exhibition*

eLearning Africa – International Conference & Exhibition*

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The International Conference & Exhibition on Digital Education, Training & Skills Development (eLA or eLearning Africa), from 2019-2023 the International Conference & Exhibition on ICT for Education, Training & Skills Development (eLA or eLearning Africa) and until 2018 the International Conference on ICT for Development, Education and Training (eLearning Africa or eLA), is the largest gathering of eLearning and ICT supported education and training professionals in Africa, enabling participants to develop multinational and cross-industry contacts and partnerships, as well as to enhance their knowledge, expertise and abilities.

Conference Language: English and French.

Organizer: ICWE; Hoffmann & Reif Consultancy (2006-2008)

Conference History:

18th eLearning Africa 2025, May 7 – 9, 2025, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Conference Theme: Re-imagining Education and Human Capital Development for Africa’s Future Prosperity
(Patronage: Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Tanzania)

    Conference program TBD

    Pre-conference Workshops:

    16th eLearning Africa Ministerial Round Table:

    Inclusive Education and Equitable Learning Opportunities
    Teachers and Professional Development
    Integrating Technology into Learning
    Artificial Intelligence in Education
    Towards Digital Skills Proficiency
    Youth Empowerment and Employability Initiatives
    Sustainability and Natural Resource Management Training
    EdTech and Digital Transformatio
    Overcoming Challenges in African Education
    Collaboration and Partnerships
    Human Capital Development and Workplace Learning
    eGovernment and Public Services
    Sector-Specific Themes

17th eLearning Africa 2024, May 29 – 31, 2024, Kigali, Rwanda

Conference Theme: Education Fuels Innovation, Investment Amplifies Skills: Africa’s Vibrant Leap Forward
(Patronage: Ministry of Education, Republic of Rwanda)

    Pre-conference Workshops:
    The Future of Digital Skills Development for Youth NEET in South Africa and Beyond
    Creating Sustainable and Extendable Open Educational Resources (OER) as Interactive Online Classrooms
    MoodleMoot Rwanda 2024
    Leadership in the Age of AI
    The Transformative Power of Tourism for Development, Education, and Innovation
    Les ressources éducatives libres au service du développement économique
    Gamification: Exploring the Potential of Emerging AI Tools
    Foundational Learning: EdTech’s Role in Setting the Foundations for Learning for All
    Le multilinguisme dans la formation hybride et à distance
    Delivering Engaging Virtual Training
    The Crucial and Multi-Faceted Role of Faculty in Ensuring Academic Integrity and Helping All Students Succeed in the AI-Enabled Digital Learning Environment
    Designing Content for Online Learning

    16th eLearning Africa Ministerial Round Table:
    Future Africa: A Skilled and Capable Workforce for Africa and the World

    Policy and Strategy
    Curriculum, Content and Learning Methodologies
    Teacher Development and Support
    Partnerships and Collaboration
    Credentials and Qualifications
    Technology and Innovation
    Equity and Inclusion
    Assessment and Testing
    Skills Development and Lifelong Learning
    Sustainability and Global Issues

16th eLearning Africa 2023, May 24 – 26, 2023, Dakar, Senegal

Conference Theme: New Model Learning: Innovating to Become Sustainable, Self-Reliant, Equitable and Resilient
(Patronage: H.E Macky SALL, President of the Republic of Senegal)

    Pre-conference Events/Workshops:
    Leadership Development for Education Leaders
    Instant Creation & Publishing of Free and Open Online Courses with LiaScript
    Designing Blended Learning: Making the Most of Face-to-face and Distance Learning
    From Remote Instruction to Quality Online: Establish Social, Cognitive and Teaching Presence to Help All Students Succeed
    Turning a Rote Learning Curriculum into a Motivational, Micro-learning Game While Improving Learning Outcomes
    Exploring the Opportunities of Game-based Learning: A Practical Approach
    Using Active Learning Techniques to Improve Academic Achievement in the African Classroom
    How to Design eLearning to Work on the Moodle Mobile App and be Used Offline
    International Cooperation for the Production of Open Educational Resources
    A regional and sustainable collaborative network on eLearning: How can collaboration and advocacy be used to develop and expand eLearning initiatives? (FR)
    Join the Facilitation Challenge! Design and Deliver Online Events with the Digital Facilitation Toolkit
    Delivering Engaging, Participatory, Interactive and Collaborative Virtual Training
    Accessible, Relevant and Engaging Learning for the World’s Remotest Communities – in 25 Languages!
    AI Changes Everything!
    Empower Yourself! Upskill And Build Your Career For Free With Alison
    MoodleMoot Senegal 2023
    The Challenges of Multilingualism for Open Educational Resources in Education and Training
    Human skills and technology for edtech and learntech: what Belgium and Africa can offer each other

    15th eLearning Africa Ministerial Round Table:
    Education, Digital Transformation and the ‘Youth Bulge’

    Strategy: Rethinking the Education Strategy; Where Education, Technology and Finance Converge; From Digital Learning to Employability; Workforce and Up-Skilling
    Innovation: Data and Learning Analytics for Learning and Evaluation?; Innovative Technologies to Accelerate Learning; Interdisciplinary Aspects of Education
    Access: Promoting Equal Access to All
    Quality: The Future of Learning in Schools; Content at the Forefront; Hands-on Empowerment for Teachers
    Evaluation: Recognition of Learning

15th eLearning Africa 2022, May 11 – 13, 2022, Kigali, Rwanda

Conference Theme: A New Purpose for Education
(Patronage: —)

    Pre-conference Events/Workshops (May 11):
    eLearning Africa Future Scenario Planning
    Learn to Create and Share Free Online Courses with LiaScript
    Transform Instruction with Digital Teaching & Learning… Made Simple!
    Des outils et pratiques pour faciliter l’hybridation d’un cours par un enseignant
    Remote Learning Experience During COVID-19 Disruption in Rwanda
    Master the Content Challenge with the atingi Course Lab
    Alison – Empower Yourself – and Your Community
    Introduction to HP LIFE
    Lever les obstacles à la mise en œuvre des REL dans l’enseignement supérieur
    The Pros and Cons of Curating Existing Content vs. Creating New Content
    UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers / OER Project
    African EdTech Entrepreneurship Course Design Workshop

    14th Ministerial Round Table:
    Getting Back on Track – Practical Steps towards 2063

    Smart Education
    Digital Transformation in Africa’s Schools, Colleges and Universities
    Pioneering Teachers
    Content and Data at the Forefront
    Fuelling Innovative Technologies
    Pathways to New Skills
    Breaking the Boundaries of Exclusion and Making Inclusion Work
    Business Transformation and Growth
    The EdTech Boom in Africa

    Associated Events:
    13th Ministerial Round Table: (Nov 3, 2021, Virtual)
    Using Skills-Based Online and Blended Learning to Put Higher Education at the Heart of Your Plan for Economic Growth

14th eLearning Africa 2019, October 23 – 25, 2019, Abidjan, Côte d’Ivoire

Conference Theme: The Keys to the Future: Learnability and Employability
(Patronage: Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (Germany); Host: Government of Côte d’Ivoire, Co-organizer: Association for the Development of Education in Africa)

    Pre-conference Workshops (Oct 23):
    MoodleMoot Africa
    Distributed Learning Technologies and Next Generation E-Learning
    Africa Cloud: Design Thinking Workshop
    From Strategy to Design: How to Plan for Learning in your Organization
    Shape the World’s Biggest Education Technology Research Project Ever
    Comment utiliser des ressources éducatives, des outils et des plates-formes développées par les Universités Numériques Thématiques de France (L’Université Numérique)
    The Art and Science of Leading with Influence: Why These Core Skills Matter to Every Leader’s Success
    La blockchain au service de l’éducation
    #eSkills4Girls Initiative
    Designing Your Online Course: Tools, Best Practices and Hurdles

    12th eLearning Africa Ministerial Round Table:
    The African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA): Learning, Training, Skills and Investment

    Digital Technology to Improve Access, Delivery and
    Quality Control of Education and Training
    Teacher/Trainer Capacity Development – the Use of Digital Technology
    to Support Pre-Service and In-Service Continuous Professional Development
    Digital Transformation and Innovation to Improve Lifestyle
    and Livelihoods in the African Context
    Skills Development to Support Productivity and Competitiveness in the Private Sector
    Expanding Access and Use of Digital Technology to Under-Served
    Areas/Under-Served Communities
    Promote the Visibility of Africa’s Home Grown Solutions
    Financing Digital Education
    The Digital Revolution in Africa’s Workplace
    Illustration of Innovative Digital Technologies in Africa’s
    Leading Social and Economic Sectors

13th eLearning Africa 2018, September 26 – 28, 2018, Kigali, Rwanda

Conference Theme: Uniting Africa
(Patronage: Federal Ministry of Economic Cooperation and Development (Germany); Host: Ministry of Education, Republic of Rwanda)

    Pre-conference Workshops (Sep 26):
    Gamification and the Power of Play/ Gamification et le pouvoir du jeu
    Innovations in Humanitarian Learning/ Innovations dans l’apprentissage humanitaire
    Limited Internet Access? Let’s Build our own Networks! Offline
    Teaching and Learning in Sub-Saharan Africa/ Accès limité à l’internet? Enseigner et apprendre hors-ligne en Afrique subsaharienne
    How to Track the Effectiveness of Learning and Improve Organisational Impact/ Comment suivre l’éfficacité de l’apprentissage et améliorer l’impact organisationnel
    Planning Your Institution’s Online Education and Training Strategy/ Planifier la stratégie d’éducation et de formation en ligne de votre institution
    Virtual Reality (VR) Skills Channel/ Filière vers les compétences en Réalité Virtuelle (VR)
    SimSchool for Teacher Training in Rwanda and e-Assessment in Rwanda/ SimSchool pour la formation des professeurs et l’évaluation en ligne au Rwanda
    Online Facilitation: Unleashing Human Connection and Passion for Learning/ Animation en ligne: libérer le contact humain et la passion pour l’apprentissage
    Minding the Skills Gap in Africa with Microlearning/ Combler le déficit de compétences en Afrique grâce au
    Building Standards for the Integration of Technology in Education: Teachers, Students and Administrators/ Développer des standards pour l’intégration des technologies dans l’éducation: enseignants, étudiants et administrateurs
    ‘Improv’ for Everyone – Especially Those Who Want to Work with Insanely Great Ensembles/ ‘Impro’ pour tous – particulièrement pour ceux qui veulent travailler avec des ensembles absolument géniaux
    UNESCO ICT Competency Framework for Teachers (ICT-CFT) Portal – A New Online Tool for ICT for Teacher Training/ Portail UNESCO Cadre de compétences TIC des professeurs (ICTCFT) – Un nouvel outil en ligne sur les TIC pour la formation des professeurs

    11th eLearning Africa Ministerial Round Table:
    Towards a Knowledge-Based Economy

    Creating Opportunities through Education
    Transforming the Continent
    Boosting Competitiveness and ICT-Centric Growth
    Matching Skills Demand and Supply in the African and Global Context
    Overcoming Barriers
    Integrating Africa
    Ensuring Inclusiveness – Diversity Matters
    Digital Transformation

12th eLearning Africa 2017, September 27 – 29, 2017, Balaclava, Republic of Mauritius

Conference Theme: Learning in Context
(Patronage: Ministry of Technology, Communication and Innovation & Ministry of Education and Human Resources, Tertiary Education and Scientific Research, Republic of Mauritius; Supporter: …)

    Pre-conference Workshops (Sep 27):
    Interactive Materials Development for e-Learning
    Implementing Mauritius FOSS policy
    Re-imagining Learning for the VUCA World: Designing the Learnscape and Re-Imagining the Workplace
    Designing Learning Journeys – Exploring Motivation and Gamification
    From Script to Screen – An Introduction to Screenwriting and Presentation to Camera
    Cyberlaws for African Nations
    Convincing with Content and Design: Creating Successful Presentations
    Global Perspectives on Design Thinking for Technology Supported Learning: A Workshop for Education and Training
    Designing Online and Blended Learning Experiences in African Higher Education
    Key issues to design and implement a National declaration about Open Education

    10th eLearning Africa Ministerial Round Table:
    Meeting the Sustainable Development Goals for Education – How eLearning and Digitalisation can Support Inclusivity, Boost Training and Encourage Skills Development

    The African context
    New methods and tools for excellence in learning
    The power of technology: future trends and what they mean for Africa
    New partnerships and initiatives for sustainable development
    In search of education for all
    Overcoming technical problems and ensuring equal access for all
    Focus on skills: education and labour market needs

11th eLearning Africa 2016, May 24 -26, 2016 Cairo, Egypt

Conference Theme: Making Vision Reality
(Patronage: …; Supporter: …)

    9th eLearning Africa Ministerial Round Table:
    Making Vision Reality: Imagination, Innovation and Implementation

10th eLearning Africa 2015, May 20 – 22, 2015, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Conference Theme: Enriching Tomorrow
(Patronage: …; Supporter: …)

    8th Ministerial Round Table:
    Youth, Innovation and the Development of Talent

9th eLearning Africa 2014, May 28 – 30, 2014, Kampala, Uganda

Conference Theme: Opening Frontiers to the Future
(Patronage: …; Supporter: …)

    7th Ministerial Round Table:
    Affordable and Equitable Broadband Access for Transformative Learning

8th eLearning Africa 2013, May 29 – 31, 2013, Windhoek, Namibia

Conference Theme: Tradition, change and innovation
(Patronage: …; Supporter: …)

    6th Ministerial Round Table:
    Policy and Innovation in Education in Africa

7th eLearning Africa 2012, May 23 – 25, 2012, Cotonou, Benin

Conference Theme: eLearning and Sustainability
(Patronage: …; Supporter: …)

    5th Ministerial Round Table:
    Education and Sustainable Financing in Africa

6th eLearning Africa 2011, May 25 – 27, 2011, Dar es Salaam, Tanzania

Conference Theme: Spotlight on Youth, Skills and Employability
(Patronage: …; Supporter: …)

    4th Ministerial Round Table:
    Educaton Access, Quality and Equity for African Youth

5th eLearning Africa 2010, May 26 – 28, 2010, Lusaka, Zambia

Conference Theme: n.a.
(Patronage: …; Oo-organizer: …)

    3rd African Ministerial Round Table:
    Leadership for Creating Inclusive Education Systems for Inclusive Knowledge Societies: The Role of ICT

4th eLearning Africa 2009, May 27 – 29, 2009, Dakar, Senegal

Conference Theme: n.a.
(Patronage: …; Supporter: …)

3rd eLearning Africa 2008, May 28 – 30, 2008, Accra, Ghana

Conference Theme: n.a.
(Patronage: Ministry of Education, Science and Sports, Republic of Ghana; Supporter: European Commission Information Society and Media Directorate-General, Information Society Technologies (IST) priority; UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training; United Nations Environment Programme)

    Pre-conference Workshops and Seminars: (May 27)

    UNECA-GeSCI Joint Ministerial Meeting on ICT in Education
    (United Nations Economic Commission for Africa-Global e-Schools and Communities Initiative)

2nd eLearning Africa 2007, May 28 – 30, 2007, Nairobi, Kenya

Conference Theme: Building Infrastructures and Capacities to Reach out to the Whole of Africa
(Patronage: Ministry of Education, Republic of Kenya; Supporter: European Commission Information Society and Media Directorate-General, Information Society Technologies (IST) priority; UNESCO-UNEVOC International Centre for Technical and Vocational Education and Training;…)

    Pre-conference Workshops and Seminars: (May 24)
    What Works? Teachers Learning to Use ICTs in Their Teaching
    Producing and Publishing Media for Online Learning (Part 1): The eLA Media Team Training Workshop
    ICT4D in African HEIs
    Capacity Development for eLearning in Africa
    Efficient Online Tutoring
    Let’s Wiki: Wikis for Collaborative Learning and Research
    eLearning for Nurses; AMREF/NCK/Accenture’s Experience
    Removing the Bottlenecks for eLearning in Africa (organized by Nokia & Nokia Siemens Networks)
    The Monitoring and Evaluation of ICT for Education Initiatives in Africa
    Indigenous Knowledge Systems & Appropriate ICT Solutions: An Educational Revolution for Africa
    Hands-On Handheld – Introducing Mobile Learning in Africa
    KalAfrica: An African/European Research Initiative on Technology for Learning
    Managing and Integrating the Cultural Dimension of Online Learning
    The African Taste of Merlot: Harnessing the Wealth of Free Global Digital Learning Resource Repositories
    The Role of Free and Open Digital Educational Resources for African Education – A Strategic Vision

    Conference Themes:
    Improving Quality and Outreach of Technical and Vocational Education (TVET) in Africa
    Unleashing the Capabilities of Universities through Information and Communication Technologies (ICT)
    Empowering Women through ICT with ICT-Based Capacity Building
    Setting up and Implementing a Sustainable eLearning Project
    Designing and Delivering Online Learning
    Localisation, Customisation, and Content Development
    Introducing eLearning to the School System
    Building ICT Infrastructures to Provide Access and Connectivity in Africa
    Cutting-Edge Technology Developments for Africa
    eLearning in African Corporations
    Policy Issues and Large-scale Take-up of eLearning
    eLearning for Governments and the Public Sector
    Libraries as Access Providers to Digital Resources and Distributed Expertise
    Open Source, Open Content, and eLearning
    eLearning in Development Cooperation
    The new Africa – Europe Partnership Framework
    Research in eLearning
    Quality Development and Quality Assurance
    eLearning in Medical Education and the Fight against HIV and AIDS

1st eLearning Africa 2006, May 24 – 28, 2006, United Nations, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia

Conference Theme: Empowering Africa Through eLearning
(Patronage: Ministry of Capacity Building, Federal Democratic Republic of Ethiopia; Supporter: United Nations Economic Commission for Africa, European Commission Information Society and Media Directorate-General;…)

    Pre-conference Workshops and Seminars: (May 24)
    Supporting ODeL in African Universities
    European-African R&D Projects for Bridging the Digital Divide
    Quality for eLearning in Africa: Hands-on Training Workshop for Decision Makers, Educational Practitioners and Students
    e-Readiness: Making the Most of ICT for Educational Development in Africa: An African Development Bank and Microsoft Perspective, in Conjunction with NEPAD e-Africa Commission
    Connectivity Issues and Solutions in Remote, Rural and Developing Educational Communities
    Capacity Building in and for eLearning
    Mobile Learning: What’s Happening, Has It Worked, What’s Possible?
    The TESSA Programme: The Role of eLearning and ICTs in Teacher Education and Training in Africa
    Designing Learning for the Future
    Establishing My Web Presence with a Blog

    Conference Themes:
    Capacity Development supported by eLearning
    Access and Connectivity Issues in Africa
    Localisation, Customisation and Content Development
    eLearning in the Fight against HIV and AIDS
    Empowering Traditional Universities with ICT
    eLearning in Development Cooperation
    Introducing eLearning to the School System
    The new Africa – Europe Partnership Framework: How to Apply for ICT projects
    Open Source, Open Content and eLearning
    eLearning in Government, Private and Public Sectors
    eLearning: Design, Development and Delivery
    Online Collaboration, Moderation, Teaching and Learning
    Policy Issues and Large Scale Take-up of eLearning
    Quality Assessment, Measurement and Evaluation of eLearning

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