Henley Symposium and Summer School on Organisational Semiotics**
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The Henley Symposium and Summer School on Organisational Semiotics, formerly the International Conference on Informatics and Semiotics in Organisations (ICISO), until 2005 the International Workshop on Organisational Semiotics (OS) and in 2006 and 2007 the International Conference on Organisational Semiotics (ICOS), will focus not only on theory building, but also on practical benefits gained through the application of methods and techniques derived from various OS approaches. The purpose of the event will be for exchanging and sharing ideas and experience in research, teaching and application, which allows participants to develop high quality research papers, promote cooperation on projects and develop research proposal as well as build networks among researchers and practitioners.
ICISO was an IFIP WG 8.1 (Design and Evaluation of Information Systems) Working Conference and part of a series of international events devoted to the latest research in informatics and applications of Organisational Semiotics in organisations.
The conference is organized by Organisational Semiotics Community hosted by the Informatics Research Centre at the Henley Business School, University of Reading.
Conference themes of interest:
- 2015: Information and Knowledge Management in Complex Systems
- 2014: Service Science and Knowledge Innovation
Topics of interest:
- 2016, 2018: Knowledge management and engineering
- 2015: Semiotically inspired approaches to information and knowledge management; Technology and knowledge management
- 2014: Technology and knowledge management
- 2011: Formalisation and modelling of descriptive and procedural knowledge in the humanities
- 2009: Knowledge management; Ontology engineering
Conference History:
Henley Symposium and Summer School on Organisational Semiotics 2019, 10-12 July 2019, University of Reading, United Kingdom
(Host: Informatics Research Centre, Henley Business School, University of Reading)
Conference program TBD
18th ICISO 2018, 16-18 July 2018, University of Reading, United Kingdom
Conference Theme: Digitalisation, Innovation, and Transformation
(Host: Informatics Research Centre, Henley Business School, University of Reading)
Note: The 18th ICISO was originally scheduled for 24-28 June 2017
Coupling the Digital, the Physical and the Social: New Demands for Information Systems Understanding?; Computing in the Small, in the Large, and at Scale; Organisational Semiotics Viewed as an Institution: How, as a Science in the Organisational Sense, Can it Best Functions?
Conference Sessions:
Organisational Semiotics: Theory and Application; Digital Business Ecosystems and Value Networks; Socially Aware Knowledge Engineering; Business Intelligence and Analytics
17th ICISO 2016, 1-3 August 2016, University of Campinas, Campinas, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Conference Theme: Socially Aware Organisations and Technologies: impact and challenges
(Host: Institute of Computing, University of Campinas)
The semiotics of human exo-evolution; Signification, Design, and Inquiry; What is OS? Where did it come from? How to proceed? Where is it going?
Conference Sessions:
Organisational Semiotics: Theory and Research; Semiotics of Interactions and Socially Aware User Interface Design; Digital Business Ecosystems; Knowledge Management and Engineering; Trends, Challenges and New Issues in Education, Health and eScience Systems
Post-conference Hands-on Workshops:
Socially Aware Design: entrepreneurship, creativity and social responsibility in interactive technology design
Panel Discussions:
Organizations, Technology and Semiotics: challenges and trends for the next 10 years
16th ICISO 2015, 19-20 March 2015, Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales, Toulouse, France
Conference Theme: Information and Knowledge Management in Complex Systems
(Host: Centre National d’Etudes Spatiales)
Bottom-Up! – Social Knowledge Sharing in DLR; Knowledge management and digital diagrammatisation of innovative technical systems
Conference Sessions:
Organisational Semiotics: Theory and Concepts; Invariance, Scientific Method and Building a Research Programme in Organisational Semiotics (special session); Organisational Semiotics and Applications; Innovation and Organisational Learning; Information Systems and Services; Complex System Modelling and Simulation
Roud Table Discussions:
Research agenda and direction for ICISO
15th ICISO 2014, 23-25 May 2014, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, Shanghai, China
Conference Theme: Service Science and Knowledge Innovation
(Host: School of Information Management and Engineering, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics)
Conference Sessions:
Organizational Semiotics: Theory and Concepts; Organizational Semiotics and Applications; Finance and Service Science; Enterprise Architecture; Modelling and Simulation; Decision Making and Knowledge Management
Conference Workshops:
International Workshop on Information Engineering and Management
e-Health, the New Frontier of Service Science Innovation
14th ICISO 2013, 25-27 March 2013, Stockholm University, Stockholm, Sweden
Conference Theme: Web of Things, People and Information Systems
(Host: Department of Computer and Systems Sciences, Stockholm University)
Conference program n.a.
13th ICISO 2011, 4-6 July 2011, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences, Leeuwarden, The Netherlands
Conference Theme: Problems and Possibilities of Computational Humanities
(Host: Frisian Academy, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences)
Semiotics and Mathematics: What mathematical structure is semiosis?; Humanities become digital; Adverbial complexities: a corpus based approach
Conference Sessions:
IWRA; Modelling; Computational Humanities; Web Technologies and Semiotics
12th ICISO 2010, July 19-21, 2010, University of Reading, UK
Conference Theme: Pervasive Informatics in the Digital Economy
(Host: Informatics Research Centre, Henley Business School, University of Reading; School of Economics and Management, Beijing Jaiotong University)
From Subject Databases to Flow of Responsibility – A Retrospective of Three Decades of Modeling; On the Conceptual Underpinnings of Organizational Semiotics
Conference Sessions:
Pervasive Informatics and Intelligent Systems; Organisational Semiotics and Applications; Socio-technical Interactions; Informatics for Business Processes; e-Commerce and Digital Economy; Enterprise Architecture and Application Integration
Pre-conference Workshops: (Jul 19)
Doctoral Consortium; Removing Arbitrariness from Design Schemas to Improve Information Systems Quality; Application Management and challenges of cloud computing
Satellite Sessions:
Beijing Jaiotong University, Beijing, China
4th IFIP WG8.1 Working Conference on Organisational Semiotics, 23-25 July 2001, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
Conference Theme: Organisational Semiotics: Evolving a Science of Information Systems
(Host: Department of Decision Sciences and Management Information Systems, School of Business, Concordia University)
“Knowledge” Papers:
Information and Knowledge Economies
Data, Information, and Knowledge
Knowledge or Information
Semiosis, Information and Knowledge
1st International Symposium and Workshop on Organisational Semiotics, February 10-15, 1995, University of Twente, Enschede, The Netherlands
(Host: Faculty of Technology and Management, University of Twente)