International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems (KES)*
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The International Conference on Knowledge-Based and Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems (KES), formerly the International Conference on Knowledge-Based Intelligent Information & Engineering Systems, etc.1), provides exciting opportunities for researchers to share ideas and find out about the latest developments in Intelligent Systems. Special features of KES conferences are the Invited Sessions on specific technical topics, organised and chaired by senior researchers with a special interest in the topic. This provides opportunities for sessions on new and emerging topics which might not be covered elsewhere.
Main organizer of the conference is KES International, founded in 2001. Prior to 2001 KES was organized by the Intelligent Signal Processing Laboratories at the University of Brighton, UK (2000), the Knowledge Based Intelligent Engineering Systems Centre (KES) of the University of South Australia (1998-2000), and the Electronics Association of South Australia (1997)
G = General Session, T = Thematic Track; IS = Invited Session
Conference History:
29th KES-2025, 10-12 September 2025, Osaka, Japan
(Co-organizer: College of Information Science and Engineering, Ritsumeikan University)
- Conference program TBD
General Conference Sessions:
G1: Machine Learning, Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning
G2: Knowledge Based and Expert Systems
G3: Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems
G4: Industry Applications
Invited Conference Sessions:
28th KES-2024, 11-13 September 2024, Seville, Spain
(Co-organizer: —)
- General Conference Sessions:
G1: Machine Learning, Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning
G2: Knowledge Based and Expert Systems
G3: Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems
G4: Industry Applications
Invited Conference Sessions:
IS01: Networks for Innovation, Knowledge Creation and Sharing
IS03: Aspects of intelligent learning systems: e-Learning across various educational contexts
IS05: Data Pre-processing Strategies and Machine Learning
IS09: The 8th Special Session on Eye Movement Data Processing and Analysis
IS10: Knowledge-Based Systems for e-Business
IS11: Smart Education: Learning environment using technology
IS19: Interdisciplinary Approaches in Data Science Practice (IADSP 2024)
IS22: Digitalization and Knowledge Management in Health Data Acquisition and Processing
IS26: Knowledge-based Data Analysis for Complex Data
IS31: Knowledge and data engineering in medicine and health care
IS39: Advancements in Self-Supervised Learning and AI-Driven Analytics for Enhanced IoT Data Analytics
IS43: Knowledge Engineering and Data Mining – theory and practice
IS47: Smart Generative AI and Data Visualization Technologies
IS51: Organisational networks based on knowledge, innovation and intelligent systems
Cybersecurity in SMEs – Recent Cyberthreats and a New Concept of Prevention
General Artificial Intelligence – Questions Not Asked.
Autonomous Machine Learning for Decision Support in Complex Environments
Innovations in Decision-Making: Advanced Tools in the MCDA
27th KES-2023, 6-8 September 2023, Athens, Greece / Virtual venue
(Co-organizer: Department of Informatics, University of Piraeus)
- General Conference Sessions:
G1: Machine Learning, Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning
G2: Knowledge Based and Expert Systems
G3: Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems
G4: Industry Applications
Invited Conference Sessions:
IS01: Networks for Innovation, Knowledge Creation and Sharing
IS03: Challenges and Solutions for Knowledge Management in Project Management
IS04: Knowledge-Based Systems for e-Business
IS06: Interdisciplinary Approaches in Data Science Practice (IADSP 2023)
IS08: Smart Education: Learning Environment Using Technology
IS10: Digitalization and Knowledge Management in Health Data Acquisition and Processing
IS12: Knowledge and Data Engineering in Medicine and Health Care
IS14: Aspects of Intelligent Learning Systems: e-Learning Across Various Educational Contexts
IS25: Innovations-Oriented Intelligent Information Processing (3IP 2023)
IS28: Information, Innovation and Technology as a Basis for Sustainable Business and Society
IS32: Machine Learning for Vision Systems
IS35: Curative Power of Medical Data
IS36: Data Pre-processing Strategies and Machine Learning
IS37: Intelligent Management Support Systems (IMSS)
IS39: Chance Discovery and Market of Data
IS40: Knowledge-driven development of digital twins in industries and service applications
IS41: Semantic Models for the Web of Things
IS43: Knowledge-based Data Analysis for Complex Data
IS46: Physiological and knowledge-based engineering for social innovation
IS48: Organisational networks based on knowledge, innovation and intelligent systems
Knowledge-based Navigation of Autonomous Robots
Question Answering over Geospatial Knowledge Graphs (CANCELLED)
Machine Learning Methods for Sensor Data Fusion and Autonomous Systems
The Potential and Challenges of the Metaverse
Processing of difficult data for machine learning
26th KES-2022, 7-9 September 2022, University of Verona, Verona, Italy / Virtuial venue
(Co-organizer: Department of Computer Science, University of Verona)
- General Conference Sessions:
G1: Machine Learning, Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning
G2: Knowledge Based and Expert Systems
G3: Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems
G4: Industry Applications
Invited Conference Sessions:
IS03: Knowledge Engineering in Large-Scale Systems
IS05: Networks for Innovation, Knowledge Creation and Sharing
IS06: Advances in Intelligent Data Processing and its Applications
IS08: Chance Discovery and Market of Data
IS12: Knowledge and Data Engineering in Medicine and Health Care
IS13: Knowledge-Based Systems for e-Business
IS18: Federated Learning: Advances and Open Challenges in Distributed and Cooperative Learning Models
IS25: Interdisciplinary Approaches in Data Science and Digital Transformation Practice (IADSDTP 2022)
IS26: Classification, Forecasting and Decision Support
IS27: Digitalization and Knowledge Management in Health Data Acquisition and Processing
IS34: Knowledge Engineering and Data Mining
IS35: Data Prep-processing Strategies and Machine Learning
IS39: Innovations-Oriented Intelligent Information Processing
IS40: Aspects of Intelligent Learning Systems: e-Learning Across Various Educational Contexts
IS43: Semantic Models for the Web of Things
IS44: Challenges and Solutions for Knowledge Management in Project Management
IS47: Machine Learning Based Applications
IS49: Neuroscience Techniques and Quantitative Methods in Supporting Decision Making
IS51: Knowledge-Aware eXplainable Artificial Intelligence
IS53: Smart Education: Learning Environment Using Technology
IS56: Machine Learning for Remote Sensing Data Processing
IS57: Physiological and Knowledge-Based Engineering for Education and Learning
25th KES-2021, 8-10 September 2021, Szczecin, Poland / Virtual venue
(Co-organizer: Department of Information Systems Engineering, Faculty of Computer Science and Information Technology, West Pomeranian University of Technology in Szczecin)
- Conference Sessions:
G1: Machine Learning, Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning; G2: Knowledge Based and Expert Systems; G3: Intelligent Information and Engineering Systems; G4: Industry Applications; T1: Knowledge-based Decision Making; IS02: Networks for Innovation, Knowledge Creation and Sharing; IS03: Knowledge Engineering in Large-Scale Systems; IS04: Knowledge-Based Systems for e-Business; IS05: Service-oriented Data Science; IS07: Interdisciplinary Approaches in Data Science and Digital Transformation Practice; IS08: Intelligent Information Processing for Educational Innovations; IS20: Biosignal data acquisition and knowledge-based processing; IS21: Data Cleansing, Selection and Pre-processing for Machine Learning; IS29: Smart Education: Learning environment using technology; IS30: Machine Learning and Knowledge Representation in Epidemic Modeling; IS37: Knowledge and data engineering in medicine and health care; IS38: Challenges and solutions for project knowledge management; IS44: Aspects of intelligent learning systems: e-Learning across various educational contexts
24th KES-2020, 16-18 September 2020, Verona, Italy Virtual venue
(Co-organizer: Department of Computer Science, University of Verona)
- Conference Sessions:
G1: Machine Learning, Artificial Neural Networks and Deep Learning; G2: Knowledge Based and Expert Systems; IS04: Networks for Innovation, Knowledge Creation and Sharing; IS12: Knowledge-Based Systems for e-Business; IS16: Knowledge-management and knowledge-based systems for configuration, self-assessment and training in medical home care; IS22: Knowledge Management and Intelligent Interaction in Autonomous and Embedded Systems; IS25: Smart Education: Learning environment using technology; IS26: Knowledge and data engineering in medicine and health care; IS31: Knowledge Management and Smart Systems; IS32: Knowledge-based Learning and Education Support System: Design and Function
23rd KES-2019, 4-6 September 2019, Budapest, Hungary
(Co-organizer: University Research and Innovation Center, Obuda University)
- Conference Sessions:
T1: Knowledge Technologies; IS05: Knowledge Engineering in Large-Scale Systems; IS07: Knowledge-based Information Systems Engineering in Optimizing Future Enterprise Applications; IS08: Knowledge-Based Systems for e-Business; IS09: Networks for Innovation, Knowledge Creation and Sharing; IS19: Knowledge and data engineering in medicine and health care; IS24: Knowledge-based Learning and Education Support System: Design and Function; IS27: Smart Education: Learning environment using technology; IS28: Active learning using ICT for smart education
22nd KES-2018, 3-5 September 2018, Belgrade, Serbia
(Co-organizer: Society for Society for Electronics, Telecommunications, Computers, Automatic Control and Nuclear Engineering (ETRAN))
- Conference Sessions:
T1: Knowledge Technologies; IS02: Knowledge Engineering in Large-Scale Systems; IS09: Networks for Innovation, Knowledge Creation and Sharing; IS10: Knowledge and data engineering in medicine and health care; IS16: Smart Education: Active Learning using ICT and e-Learning; IS20: Knowledge-Based Systems for e-Business
21st KES-2017, 6-8 September 2017, Aix Marseille Université, Marseille, France
(Co-organizer: Laboratoire des Sciences de l’Information et des Systemes, Aix-Marseille University)
- Conference Sessions:
T1: Knowledge Technologies; T3: Collaborative Agents; IS01: Applications of Knowledge Based and Artificial Intelligence in Electric Power Systems (WITHDRAWN); IS02: Knowledge Engineering in Large-Scale Systems; IS09: Knowledge-Based Systems for e-Business; IS10: Smart Education: Active Learning using ICT and e-Learning; IS11: Networks for Innovation, Knowledge Creation and Sharing; IS19: Knowledge-based Learning and Education Support System: Design and Function; IS26: Knowledge and data engineering in medicine and health care (WITHDRAWN)
20th KES-2016, 5-7 September 2016, York, United Kingdom
(Co-organizer: —)
- Conference Sessions:
T1: Knowledge Technologies; IS01: Networks for Innovation, Knowledge Creation and Sharing; IS10: Innovations in Knowledge and Intelligence Methodologies; IS15: E-learning and ICT for Active Learning; IS18: Knowledge Engineering in Large-Scale Systems; IS21: Intelligent Network, Services and Knowledge Management; IS22: Machine Learning for Multimedia Data Analysis ;IS26: Knowledge-based Learning and Education Support System: Design and Function
19th KES-2015, 7-9 September 2015, Singapore
(Co-organizer: National University of Singapore, Institute of System SCience (NUS-ISS))
- Conference Sessions:
G03: Knowledge Based and Expert Systems; G05:Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining; G08:Knowledge Management; IS02: E-learning and ICT for active learning; IS05: Networks for Innovation, Knowledge Creation and Sharing; IS18: Knowledge-Based Intelligent System and Application; IS19: Knowledge-Based Systems for e-Business; IS23: Intelligent Network, Services and Knowledge Management; IS24: Knowledge-based Learning and Education Support System: Design and Function
18th KES-2014, 15-17 September 2014, Gdynia, Poland
(Co-organizer: Gdynia Maritime University)
- Conference Sessions:
G03: Knowledge Based and Expert Systems; G05: Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining; G08: Knowledge Management; IS01: Knowledge-based Learning and Education Support System: Design and Function; IS02: Security Engineering for Knowledge-based & Intelligent Systems & Applications; IS05: Knowledge-Based Systems for e-Business; IS08: Recent Advances in Knowledge Engineering and Soft Data Paradigms; IS16: Application of semantic technologies to decision making; IS17: Knowledge-Based Intelligent System and Application; IS33: Knowledge Sharing Network
17th KES-2013, 9-11 September 2013, Kitakyushu, Japan
(Co-organizer: Waseda University)
- Conference Sessions:
G04: Knowledge Based and Expert Systems; G06: Knowledge Management, Ontologies and Data Mining; IS06: Recent Advances in Knowledge Engineering and Soft Data Paradigms; IS15: Knowledge-Based Systems for e-Business; IS18: Knowledge-Based Intelligent System and Application; IS21: Security Engineering for Knowledge-based & Intelligent Systems & Applications; IS22: Human-oriented Learning Technology and Learning Support Environment; IS25: Knowledge Sharing Network; IS28: Systems and Practices for Learner-Centered e-Learning
16th KES-2012, 10-12 September 2012, San Sebastian, Spain
(Co-organizer: the University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU) and Vicomtech – IK4)
- Conference Sessions:
G04: Knowledge Based and Expert Systems; G06: Knowledge Management, Ontologies and Data Mining; IS03: Knowledge-Based Systems for e-Business; IS04: Data Modeling and Analysis for Knowledge-based System; IS09: Social Knowledge Support Infrastructure for Human Activity and Creativity; IS10: Learning Support for Intelligence: Functionality and Environment; IS12: Advanced Knowledge-based Systems; IS16: Knowledge Engineering Solutions for Biomedical Applications; IS17: Recent trends in Knowledge Engineering, Smart Systems and their applications; IS18: Ontologies for decision-making; IS22: Knowledge-Based Intelligent System and Application; IS24: Ontology-based Information Retrieval; IS31: Knowledge engineering and computational intelligence in medical image and medical data processing; IS32: Knowledge Systems in Virtual Reality, Computer Graphics and Multimedia
15th KES-2011, 12-14 September 2011, Kaiserslautern Technical University, Kaiserslautern, Germany
(Co-organizer: the the German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence and the University of Kaiserslautern)
- Conference Sessions:
G04: Knowledge Based and Expert Systems; G06: Knowledge Management, Ontologies and Data Mining; Knowledge – Based Interface Systems; Recent trends in Knowledge Engineering, Smart Systems and their Applications; Human-oriented Learning Technology and Learning Support Environment; Human Activity Support in Knowledge Society; Knowledge Engineering Applications in Process Systems and Plant Operations; Knowledge-Based Systems for e-Business; Advanced Knowledge-based Systems; Document Analysis and Knowledge Science
14th KES-2010, 8-10 September 2010, Cardiff, Wales, UK
(Co-organizer: the School of Engineering at Cardiff University)
- Conference Sessions:
G04: Knowledge Based and Expert Systems; G06: Knowledge Management, Ontologies and Data Mining; IS03: Knowledge Engineering and Smart Systems; IS07: Knowledge Environment for Supporting Creative Learning; IS11: Knowledge-Based Systems for e-Business; IS24: Advanced Knowledge-based Systems; IS25: Knowledge-based Creativity Support Systems; IS34: Semantic Technologies for Knowledge Workers; IS35: Tools and Techniques for Effective Creation and Exploitation of Biodiversity Knowledge
13th KES-2009, 28-30 September 2009, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, Chile
(Co-organizer: University of Chile, Faculty of Science Physics and Mathematics, Department of Industrial Engineering)
- Conference Sessions:
G06: Knowledge Based and Expert Systems; G09: Knowledge Management, Ontologies and Data Mining; (IS02) (Other) Advanced Knowledge-based Systems; (IS07) Knowledge Technology in Learning Support; (IS13) Knowledge-Based Systems for e-Business; (IS18) Knowledge – Based Interface Systems; (IS21) Knowledge-based Multi-criteria Decision Support
12th KES-2008, 3-5 September 2008, Zagreb, Croatia
(Co-organizer: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing)
- Conference Sessions:
G06: Knowledge Based and Expert Systems; G09: Knowledge Management, Ontologies and Data Mining; Innovation-oriented Knowledge Management Platform; Knowledge-based Multi-criteria Decision Support; Knowledge-Based Systems for e-Business; Knowledge-based Creativity Support Systems; Engineered Applications of Semantic Web; Knowledge-Based Interface Systems; Knowledge Interaction for Creative Learning; Advanced Knowledge Based Systems
11th KES-2007, 12-14 September 2007, Vietri sul Mare, Italy
(Co-organizer: International Institute for Advanced Scientific Studies (IIASS))
- Conference Sessions:
G06: Knowledge Based and Expert Systems; G11: Knowledge Management and Ontologies; IE16: Intelligent Mechanism for Knowledge Innovation; IS01: Advanced Cooperative Work; IK03: Knowledge – Based Interface Systems; IK05: Knowledge and Information Management in Social Community; IP04: Learning from uncertain data; IS05: Environment Support in Advanced Learning collaboration; IS04: Engineered Applications of Semantic Web; IK08: Knowledge-Based Creativity Support Systems; IK07: Knowledge Engineering in Multi Robot Systems; IK06: Knowledge and Ontological Engineering for Intelligent Information System Development (KOS); IK09: Knowledge-based Multi-criteria Decision Support; IK10: Knowleged Based Systems for e-business
Co-located Workshops:
WIRN 2007 XVII Italian Workshop on Neural Networks; 1st KES Doctoral School on Artificial Immune Systems, 17-19 Sep
10th KES-2006, 9-11 October 2006, Bournemouth, United Kingdom
(Co-organizer: Universities of Brighton and Bournemouth)
- Conference Sessions:
G06: Knowledge Based and Expert Systems; G11: Knowledge Management and Ontologies; IS01 Knowledge-Based Interface Systems; IS13 Knowledge-based Systems for e-Business; IS30 Knowledge-based Multi-Criteria Decision Support; IS33 Sharing of Learning Knowledge in an Information Age; IS35 Intelligent Information Management in a Knowledge-based Society; IS36 Knowledge/Software Engineering Aspects of Intelligent Systems Applications; IS38 Knowledge-based Interface Systems; IS59 Engineered Applications of Semantic Web; IS68 Knowledge Processing in Intelligent and Cognitive Communicative Systems; IS70 Business Knowledge Modelling and Maintenance ; IS73 Signal Processing Techniques for Knowledge Extraction and Information Fusion
9th KES-2005, 14-16 September 2005, Melbourne, Australia
(Co-organizer: Business Systems and Knowledge Modelling Lab, School of Business, La Trobe University and the University of Melbourne)
- Conference Sessions:
Maintenance and Customisation of Business Knowledge; Knowledge Discovery and Data Mining; Knowledge Based Interface Systems; Experience Management and Knowledge Management; Knowledge based Systems for Practical Society; Ontologies and the Semantic Web; Knowledge Discovery in Data Streams; Experience Management and Information Systems; Intelligent Agent Ontologies and Environments; Semantic Integration and Ontologies; Knowledge Based Intelligent Systems for Health Care; Intelligent Learning Environment; Agent-based Workflows, Knowledge Sharing and Reuse; Knowledge and Engineering Techniques for Spatio-Temporal Application; Data Engineering, Knowledge Engineering and Ontologies; Knowledge Based Systems for for e-Business and e-Learning
International Workshop On Experience Management; International Workshop on Intelligent Information Hiding and Multimedia Signal Processing; Doctoral Consortium
8th KES-2004, 22-24 September 2004, Wellington Institute of Technology, Wellington, New Zealand
(Co-organizer: Wellington Institute of Technology)
- Workshops and tutorials (Sep 20-21)
Conference Sessions:
Data Mining & Knowledge Discovery; Engineering of Ontology and Multi-agent System Design; Knowledge-Based Systems for e-Business (IS 7a); Intelligent & Knowledge-Based Solutions for Mobile & Ad-Hoc Networks (IS 13); Knowledge Based Intelligent Systems for Health Care (IS 27); Knowledge Management and Communication Model (IS 33a); Knowledge-Based Interface Systems (IS 39 b)
7th KES-2003, 3-5 September 2003, University of Oxford, Oxford, United Kingdom
(Co-organizer: Department of Computer Science, University of Oxford)
- Conference Sessions:
Knowledge Management & Information Systems; Data Mining & Knowledge Discovery; Knowledge Based Systems; Ontology and Multi-Agent Systems Design (IS7); Knowledge Based Computer Assisted Systems for Health Care (IS18); Intelligent Knowledge Based Interface Systems (IS21); Knowledge Based and Cognitive Neuroscience Systems for Future Humanoid Robot Development (IS23); Knowledge Based Methods and Applications for Product Development (IS35); Knowledge Based E-Learning (IS40); Knowledge Engineering at the User Interface for Intelligent Biometric Processing (IS42); Advances on Knowledge Engineering (IS43)
6th KES-2002, 16-18 September 2002, Podere d’Ombriano, Crema, Italy
(Co-organizer: Department of Information Technology, University of Milan at Crema)
- Conference Sessions:
…; S4: Learning in Vision; S5: Knowledge-Based Intelligent Watermarking and Signal Processing; S7: Knowledge-based Neurocomputing Systems; S9: Classification in Knowledge-Based Systems; S15: Data Mining and Knowledge Management for Scientific Data; S21: Self Learning and the Learning Self: Technologies for the Learning Exploitation; S28: Intelligent Knowledge-based Systems; S40: Knowledge-Based Systems; S46: Knowledge Based Signal and Image Processing; Knowledge Management, Knowledge Engineering and Related Systems (IK01); Fuzzy Systems in Knowledge Management (IK02); Knowledge Management Using Connectionist Paradigms and Adaptable Systems (IK03); Evolutionary Computation in Knowledge Discovery (IK04); Ontology, Data Mining and Image Processing (IK05)
Co-located Workshops:
International Workshop on Intelligent Knowledge Management Techniques (I-KOMAT 2002)
5th KES-2001, 6-8 September 2001, Osaka-Kyoiku University, Osaka, Japan
(Co-organizer: Information Science, Osaka-Kyoiku University)
- Conference Sessions:
Knowledge-based systems, knowledge discovery; Knowledge Based Systems; A8: Intelligent Knowledge Acquisition; E7: Knowledge Based Signal and Image Processing
4th KES-2000, 30 August – 1 September 2000, University of Brighton, Brighton, United Kingdom
(Co-organized by the Intelligent Signal Processing Laboratories, University of Brighton in association with the Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems Centre, University of South Australia)
- Conference Sessions:
Knowledge-based systems and engineering; Fusion of knowledge-based and intelligent systems; Knowledge-based intelligent signal and image processing
3rd KES-1999, 31 August – 1 September 1999, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia
(organized by the Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems Centre, University of South Australia)
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2nd KES-1998, 21-23 April 1998, University of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia
(organized by the Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems Centre, University of South Australia)
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1st KES-1997, 21-23 May 1997, Electronics Association of South Australia, Adelaide, Australia
(organized by the Knowledge-Based Intelligent Engineering Systems Centre (KES), University of South Australia)
- Workshops – 21st May