Intra-Organizational Networks Conference (ION Conference)*
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The biennial, weekend Intra-Organizational Networks Conference (ION Conference) brings together scholars to present the latest research on social networks and management. The conference aims to encourage the continued development of a vibrant, tighter-knit community among intra-organizational social network researchers. The attendance list is kept intentionally short in order to provide the opportunity for meaningful interaction. In order to provide an opportunity for learning and mentorship a rotating mix of senior, junior and mid-career researchers are participating.
Formats: Research workshops; Early-stage research presentations; Pre-conference methodological workshops
Organizer: LINKS Center for Social Network Analysis, Gatton College of Business and Economics, University of Kentucky (in 2007: Goizueta Business School, Emory University)
Conference History:
ION9 Conference 2023, April 14-16, 2023, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Emotional Energy and Structural Holes
Balance Correlations in Signed Graphs
Hiding and Seeking Knowledge Providing Ties from Rivals: Implications for Advantage in Organizations
The Network Hawthorne Effect
Stepping out of Your Comfort Zone? Need for Cognitive Closure, (In)formal Structures, and Individual Performance
Negative Ties and the Accuracy of Network Perceptions
Trusted Voices: How Employees Generalize Trust to Other
Departments and Transfer Group Trust
To Broker or Not to Broker? A Daily Perspective on Tertius Iungens Brokering and Upshifts in Daily Performance and Alter-Centric Impact
Locally Ensconced and Globally Integrated: How Positions in Network Structure Relate to a Language-Based Model of Group Identification
The ties that nurture: Simmelian expressive ties, instrumental brokerage, and individual performance
Left but Not Forgotten: How Mobility Grants Women License to Broker
Does Turnover Spread through Network Ties? Turnover Contagion as Resource Loss
Bringing your Family to Work: How Parenthood Homophily and Gender Influence the Formation of Network Ties
Some Misunderstandings in Social Network Analysis
Rethinking SNA
Social Capital Academy: Network Theory and Social Impact
Putting Network Research to Practice
Interpersonal differences in networking speed
Escalation of Verbal Aggressiveness in Conference Calls
Political Skill, Gender, and Perceived High-Status Ties
Brokerage, Personality Change, and Performance
Should I Stay or Should I Leave? The Effect of Workflow
Network Change on Employee Turnover
Fading stars: How Leaders Machiavellinism Makes Them Lose Influence
ION8 Conference 2018, April 7-8, 2018, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Pre-conference Workshops:
Exponential Random Graph Models (ERGM) workshop
ION7 Conference 2016, April 23-24, 2016, Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Pre-conference Workshops:
Exponential Random Graph Models (ERGM) workshop
Plenary Presentations:
The paradox of the paradox of friends
Thoughts on the nature of ties and networks
Integrating brokerage and closure as social capital: from bridges, to embedding, to Guanxi
Who is trusted to broker between cliques? The effects of self-monitoring and blirtatiousness on interpersonal trust
Stitching ties: Team familiarity in the connected organization
Not so inaccurate, after all: Gestalt vs. dyadic perceptions of networks
Track Presentations:
Can you do kung fu and also act? New entrants’ cross-border status attainment in the creative industries
Institutional pressure, relational multiplexity and strategic pruning of relationships: J.P. Morgan’s response to the Clayton Antitrust Act.
A conversation in inter-firm networks
Intra-organizational networks of innovation: Proportion of Simmelian ties and individual innovativeness
From creativity to innovation: The social network drivers of the four phases of the idea journey
Networks and learning entrepreneurial ecosystems: Evidence from a field experiment
Individual differences and the dynamics of friendship formation and dissolution
Civility: How role stressors limit its potential
Relationships under pressure: How job pressures influence workplace network dynamics
Crafting contagion in an organization: A field experiment
Acting like a broker: gender differences in the effects of perceived network brokerage on performance
Harvesting value from brokerage: Individual strategic orientation, structural holes, and performance
Fitting in or standing out? The tradeoffs of structural and cultural embeddedness
The weakness of tie strength
Friend and foe? The psychological and social network effects of ambivalent relationships
The formation of positive and negative relations in crowdsourcing
FEMA’s resource mobilization network
The coevolution of social networks and turnover intentions
Misperceiving workplace relationships: Imagined and overlooked ties in organizational social networks
Reaching for the stars: How third-party ties affect men’s and women’s ability to connect with high-status colleagues
Distinction in space: Organizational status distance, geographical proximity, and formation of coauthorship ties
At the intersection of personal communities and organizations: Lay network culture, professional contacts, and outcomes of services delivery in mental illness
ION6 Conference 2014, April 5-6, 2014, Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Pre-conference Workshops:
Exponential Random Graph Models (ERGM) workshop
Plenary Presentations:
Reputation and status as contingency factors
When do neighbor networks matter? A role-based approach to the impact of executives’ first- and second-order brokerage on performance in creative industries
Do you read me? How perceptions of empathy shape self-monitors’ brokerage in social networks
Gender differences in the activation of social capital in response to a job threat
Panel Discussions:
A Discussion of Network Cognition
Track Presentations:
Blinded by the sun? Celebrity-tie effects on recruitment decisions
It’s not all about networking: the value of “clicking” in job search
The emergent social networks of givers and takers: Evidence from an organizational simulation
All politics is local: A look at global and local concepts in network analysis
Leveraging expertise diversity. A test of “optimal cognitive distance” theory for collaborations between scientists
Friendships in online peer-to-peer lending: Pipes, prisms and relational herding
Pulling closer and moving apart: Interaction, identity, and influence in the U.S. Senate, 1973-2009
Agony of a corporate law firm: A network account of organizational dissolution
The emergence of organization in open productions
From creativity to implementation: The role of supervisory sponsorship in putting employees’ novel ideas into practice
True perceivers: The effects of perceived brokerage on the relationship between actual brokerage and performance
How they think you got there matters: The effect of observers’ attributions about networking behavior on performance
Brokerage, social skill, and firm adaptation: The micro-macro path from combinatorial action to combinatorial capability
Why do equity analysts get it wrong? A (social) structural explanation of forecasting accuracy
The best of both worlds: benefits of specialized-brokered and diverse- closed syndication networks for new venture success
The effects of Guanxi-based corporate social capital on performance measures of Chinese firms
Investing in social capital: Effects of performance feedback on network dynamics
To connect or disconnect: changing workplace networks in response to job demands
Network responsiveness: The coevolution of formal and informal organizational structures
ION5 Conference 2012, April 14-15, 2012, Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Pre-conference Workshops:
Exponential Random Graph Models (ERGM) workshop
Plenary Presentations:
Network volatility and advantage
How do brokers broker? An investigation of the temporality of structural holes
Is genetics responsible for the effect of social networking on entrepreneurship?
Building markets from ethnically fractionalized networks: Recruiting investors into the Nairobi Stock Exchange
Structural inequality in the workplace: Pre-entry contacts and social networks in organizations
Social structure from the bottom up: How relational schemas shape the emergence of leadership structures
Track Presentations:
Coming with baggage: Past rejections and dyadic relationship evolution
A spatial ecology of structural holes: Scientists and communication at a biotechnology firm
Enhancing performance by assisting colleagues: A social network perspective of managerial learning
Homophily, network formation, and performance
The relationship between organizational structure and performance: A network approach
The density-centralization tradeoff: Effects of network structure on potency and performance in multinational teams
Who follows and who leads? The role of networks and homophily
The web of followers: Network churn and leadership dynamics in an emergent organization
Formal power and network accuracy
Post-merger cultural integration from a social network perspective: A computational modeling approach
Microfoundations of interunit ties in MNCs
Leader connections make all the difference: Implications for employees’ radical creativity
Knowledge networks, collaboration networks, and individual absorptive capacity
Lost in transition: How network structure affects knowledge loss in interpersonal knowledge-sharing ties
Social networks and turnover in knowledge-based company
The institutional work of disruption: Distributed agency and relational structures in the U.S. environmental movement
Beneficial and detrimental effects of interpersonal trust: The impact of reciprocated trust, misplaced trust, and team trust variation on employee job performance
Leadership, mentoring, and incivility
Good broker, bad broker
Why does affect matter in organizational networks?
ION4 Conference 2010, April 10-11, 2010, Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Pre-conference Workshops:
Siena workshop
Serendipity vs. strategy: A tale of two theories
Plenary Presentations:
Induced centrality: A new class of centrality concepts
Judging borrowers by the company they keep: Social networks and information asymmetry in online peer-to-peer lending
Power, social influence and organizational change: A network perspective
Agency and knowledge problems in network dynamics: Brokers and bridges in innovative interorganizational relationships
Measuring political independence
Track Presentations:
The interplay of formal and informal organizational architecture: Implications for performance
Bridging the knowledge gap: The impact of strong ties, network cohesion and network range
Leader of the pack: The stock coverage network as a source of security analysts’ information leadership
Informal networks & organizational exit: “Unhealthy” support networks as influencers on decisions to leave
Interdependence in networks: Multiplex ties and individual performance
The manager’s external relationships and their effect on subordinates
Individual characteristics and the dissolution of friendship
There’s plenty of room at the bottom: A qualitative and quantitative review of personality and social network ties
The performance implications of partnering with niche firms
Intra-org and inter-org network effects: Using meta-analysis to illuminate distinctive mechanisms
The development of informal control regimes within a social network: A longitudinal investigation of antecedents and consequences
Proximity, task interdependence and career support relationships in a joint venture
Antecedents and impacts of inter-state relationships and network structures among diabetes prevention and control programs
Using network principles to build an interorganizational sustainability network
Membership change: A network perspective
Status inertia and membership replacement in role-differentiated teams
Well-connected leaders: The impact of leaders’ social network ties on LMX and members’ work attitudes
Advice, trust and performance: actor’s position in a network or team level structure?
Seeing networks in networking organizations
Dynamics of network perceptions
Breadth of familial relations and creativity at work
From smart badges to smart networks?
ION3 Conference 2008, September 27-28, 2008, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Pre-conference Workshops:
ION2 Conference 2007, March 31 – April 1, 2007, University of Kentucky, Lexington, Kentucky, USA
Pre-conference Workshops:
Micro-psychological processes’ effects on macro-level social structures
Plenary Presentations:
Structural Holes, Weak Ties, and the Accumulation of Unique Knowledge
Networks and Venture Capital
Network Analysis with Electronic Archival Data: Email and Individual Performance in Executive Recruiting
The Relationship Between Information Systems Centrality in Multimodal Networks and Medical Team Performance
Small World Heuristics
Networks and Bankers: Predicting Bonuses
Panel Discussions:
How will academics looking back twenty years from now characterize the social network research enterprise?
Clash of the Titans: How Team Conflict Mediates the Relationship Between Leadership Network Structures and the Intent to Quit
Social undermining and networks
Interorganizational Network Diffusion
Network Building Behaviors, Social Capital, and Career Outcomes
The Ghosts of Networks Past: Team Social Capital and the Production of Good Ideas
Knowledge Articulation and Tertius Iungens
Early Stage Presentations:
Interpersonal affect, competence, and task interaction: An analysis of causality
Team Selection: Personality, Networks, Social Identity, and Purpose
Field study on network growth and finding innovations
Negative Affect Ties in Networks
Creativity and Networks
Knowledge Creation and Re-Use: The role of social networks and reflexivity in project teams
Emergent Leadership and Influence in Teams
Half-baked Presentations:
A stimulating look at attendees’ fondest half-baked ideas
ION1 Conference, October 15-16, 2005, Emory University, Atlanta, Georgia, USA
Pre-conference Workshops:
Research Workshops:
Cooperation network structure and individual effectiveness in knowledge-intensive organizations
Collective learning and advice networks
The social identity and social networks of ethnic minority groups
Criticisms of organizational network analysis
Geographically dispersed teams and networks
Centrality and network flows
Antecedents and outcomes of negative ties
Computational modeling — Kind not kin: Tags, tolerance and the tides of us
Self-Monitoring Origins of Network Embeddedness
The critical role of Simmelian ties in intraorganizational relationships
Team leader social networks — Testing integrated models of how leader charisma and network centrality affect team performance
Tertius iungens
Early Stage Presentations:
CDC Project: Healthcare workers
Multimodal health care networks
Diffusion models
Networks and team creativity
Competing explanations for emergent influence in task groups
A comparative approach to knowledge exchange in organizations
The evolution of leadership networks: A longitudinal study
Age and networks
Affective networks in organizations