#KMedu tweets of week 05/2016
(Status) Critical Success Factors for the Chief Knowledge Officer: Abstract: This article examines attrib… http://bit.ly/1SWvF11 #KMedu #KMers
(Status) Chief Knowledge Officers Add Value!: Abstract: The objective of this study is to provide organiz… http://bit.ly/1W2odB0 #KMedu #KMers
(Status) Satisfied w. @KMWorldMagazine list of academic Knowledge Management programs? Which would u add? http://ow.ly/Y18ho #KMers #KMedu #USA
(Status) #ff Thank you for your work with knowledge management communities @joel_muzard @stangarfield @maryadamsICA @KMeducation @KM4Dev #KM
(Status) Columbia Info and Knowledge Strategy is profiled in KM World. http://www.kmworld.com/Articles/Editorial/Features/Gaining-KM-cred-in-graduate-school–Academic-programs-help-forge-career-paths-108651.aspx … #ikns @Columbia_SPS #kmers
(Status) Call for Papers: 3rd IAEA International Conference on Nuclear #KnowledgeManagement @iaeaorg https://www.iaea.org/newscenter/news/call-papers-3rd-iaea-international-conference-nuclear-knowledge-management … 7-11 Nov 2016, #Vienna
(Status) New 2016 Knowledge Management + Decision Making (employee engagement/involvement) courses http://www.k3cubed.co.uk/#!management-training/hz060 … pic.twitter.com/jdpBA32QiL
(Status) The KMedu Hub Weekly is out! http://paper.li/KMeducation/kmeduhub-daily?edition_id=f1ca53e0-c99f-11e5-8d14-0cc47a0d1609 …
(Status) Q3 YES! #knowledgemanagement has huge scope for IM professionals in a whole slew of fields #corprate #ngo #education #research #auslibchat
(Status) @leatherboundlib @qutisg #auslibchat data was big in my masters as well as knowledge management rather than just lib skills
(Status) Kuwait KE conference focus on education knowledge management pic.twitter.com/X9hadgzaXH
(Status) Information and Knowledge Management Competencies for Information Professionals: Abstract: The p… http://bit.ly/20hJz3N #KMedu #KMers
(Status) Knowledge Management Skills and Competencies of Information Professionals: Abstract: Aim of the … http://bit.ly/20hJz3L #KMedu #KMers

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